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Everything posted by kraai.7265

  1. This post is so funny, people defending stupid skills that dumbed down the game like IH or EM, skills added in pof, that we didn't even need to be viable, yet while you hang on them anet destroys everything else, dodges, entire specs, damage applications, etc. You should be asking anet to think on more viable and fair ways of using the class, not to please leave the last 2 unfair mechanics we have, i'd prefer to be a mediocre but viable spec, than a 1 trick pony abusing a dumb mechanic.IH: Before pof it wasn't even there, yet even while the pof meta era, people still could use condi core builds and excel... you still think this skill is that relevant? that we can't live with out the condi applications?EM: As much as i love to dodge in the face of some warrior that stuns me with a headbutt or shieldbash, if no other class has the ability to do this, why should we? having distortion for the same use. There is no reason, and it's also not as relevant as you claim, people are using core build right now, because mirage with one dodge sucks, even with EM.My point is, we can hang on to this dumb mechanics created by those geniuses in anet's dev team, but still have one dodge and be handicapped, or we can let them go learn new tricks, demand for buffs in other aspects and go back to beeing relevant.Ofc I would love to get my second dodge back with no trade offs but guess what, if they do that, people will come back to this forums and cry about those skills again, so guess what, eventually some of them will have to leave.... what do you prefer? beeing a handicapped 1 trick pony? or beeing on par with every other spec?And I agree with the ones that told me, it's unfair to nerf those dumb skills but leave the ones other specs have, IMO pof specs ruined this game and they should all be removed, but thats fantasy land, ofc they should be looked at and a lot of dumb shit has to be removed, but we are talking about mesmers here, thats why I don't speak about other specs, but ofc each one has some more dumbs mechanics that make the game unfair.But I can't be like all those idiots who don't even play my class and come here to cry for nerfs.
  2. Well I agree, personally i've never seen a problem with the current design of condi mirage, but tons of other people do, and those people are cry babies, like @ArlAlt.1630 so as I see it right now, if mesmers are willing to be playable again, we should sacrifice some stuff that in their dumb eyes makes us "overpowered", because otherwise they will continue to cry and cry and make noise until anet deletes the class, and as i've read multiple times in this forums the two things that make them cry more than anything else is the ability to deal damage through IH and the dodge while stunned ability. Both things I belive we can live without, yet if people insist enough maybe after this changes they could work on more fair, condi application only coming out of the real mesmer. I actually don't know the state and viability of that fire build i've been talking about. @kraai.7265 said: Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications. Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved. As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley: P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50% @kraai.7265 You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves. kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation... The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds. Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons? Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I hope your class gets Chronoed so you can come off your high horse and tell us how it's all fair. from his post history i assume he is mesmer main, so he already enjoys chrono :D, and since he made post to whine about it he enjoys chrono ALOT. I used to love chrono, the only thing I would rework is the f5 so you can no longer make double bursts, because that was broken as hell, and ofc I agree with any other mesmer around that the removal of IP left the spec completely worthless, and forced every chrono out there to either take mirage, go back core or quit the game. I used power mirage builds a bit but got so bored about combat since pof I later left the game. Now this I couldn't understand even after reading it 20 times, care to explain? I don't know what to tell you, man. You much like A LOT of people responding here have fallen victim to not reading or understanding the thread or its purpose. Lol, leon didn't call me out on anything, he read just a few sentences, took everything out of context, didn't even really took the time to think about my ideas, yet he joined the discussion. I asked him to explain that last sentence because it was so badly written I couldn't understand what he was sayng, now that he clarified and also exposed he just read 2 sentences and not my whole idea, I already explained him what I meant with my ideas of what we can do with chrono and mirage, now if he did read my whole idea and thinks that what keep mesmers relevant is the current abuse of IH or the dodge while stunned effect, then i'm sure it's a l2p issue because mesmers got tons of other resources that could work even with no buffs. The only thing I think I didn't understand is if this is a troll post from a fellow mesmer, if that is the case good job you got me on this one xD, but if this is not a troll post and you are really asking for more nerfs to a already destroyed class then i'm guessing you are one of those players who thinks the only way to be a better player is by nerfing everything you have problems dealing with. By the way I just realized you might think i'm another troll who hates mesmers, boy, i've played mesmer for 4 years straight, non stop, in every game mode, specially wvw, and pvp, I left the game after what they did to chrono, I'm still waiting for anet to do something smart for once, yet no reply from them, with the changes i've presented, my intent is to keep mesmer viable, not to destroy it, it's already destroyed, but the problem is people think mesmer with no IH condi spam or dodge while stunned is not viable, and thats ridiculous, mesmer has many more tools, not so overpowered but still viable, but players stick to what's broken and tend to forget everything else. Guess what, none other class got the ability to dodge while stunned, and they work, and before mesmers got IH they were viable too, even after the release of pof, no one used IH, the reason why people started using it was because of the exhaust effect added.Thats why I think your boy @Leonidrex.5649 should l2p with several builds, styles and skills first and then ask for buffs/nerfs chrono before IP changes wasnt played, it could double burst but it still wasnt played, any half decent thief made the build almost useless and that combined with insane skill ceiling and frustrating gameplay made the build never played, I personally saw maybe 2 power chronos in plat through all my gameplay, much more after nerfs due to people meming with chrono.IH is one of the only good things mesmer has remaining, your idea was to nerf mirage cloak, nerf IH and nerf EM, how can we take you seriously lolSimple, get your head out of that narrowed meta mentality, and stop bandwagoning opinons with everyone else, just think, neither of the other classes have mirage cloak, it's a skill that doesn't make sense, it helps players who made a mistake to not suffer punishment, leading to tedious carebare gaemplay. We don't need it, and it creates tons of forum drama (the same drama anet takes in when thinking how to nerf or destroy "annoying" classes) infinite horizon also it's an unnecessary skill, if you read a bit, you will see I already explained that condi mirage was strong because of fire application before it was nerfed, every other condi skill was used to cover those fire stacks, and make enemies waste cleanses, guess which ambush skill applies fire... none! Now are you really going to tell me, mirages don't have any other source of condi skills to do the same job? So if you remove IH then condi mirage will be completely useless? when did you start playng mesmer? after july 2019? cmon man...Another example of the lack of reading skills you are dealing with, you only mention nerfs, never say anything about giving back the second dodge, or how IH could still be usefull even without the condi applications, I used to run a power build, with healing power, kind of an offtank build, strictly power based, guess which was one of my best resources to engage without beeing spotted, or flee a lost fight... IH, did I use it for condi? nope... also I memed at a certain point a fire burst build, guess which skill killed enemies... ambushes? nope, torch skills... all of this in plat 2, last year, after I came back before I couldn't find a better game. And I used the stunbreak on dodge at that time because it was better for my build. And about chrono, it was a side comment, but since we are on topic, chrono was not as popular thats true, but thats because mirage is insanely easier to use, like every other stupid pof spec, not because chrono was irrelevant, on the contrary, people who kept using chrono found out it was one of the strongest specs to run against pof specs, you want proof from other players than me? Go check lugolix on youtube, chrono main, cake walk player, a freaking beast, had some duels with him/her and it was insane how skilled he was. You won't belive it because you are another meta fanatic, but he used to kill thieves too!! I think the poor guy/girl left the game after IP change. And about the skill cieling, it might surprise you but some players love that, love to have a gigantic skill cieling, specially in a game with horizontal progression. Having high skill cieling on almost every class is a must, because if every class is easy af to use the game becomes boring after a few months, a philosphy the new anet threw out the window when releasing pof, I don't get why you asume every other mesmer shared the problem you have with the "frustrating gameplay" actually I became frustrated for the first time with that spec after they removed IP, never had troubles before, even while learning the insane combos you can make with some skills and f5.Seriously every time you reply with all those airs of superiority, I see more and more evidence of how your complains and demands of not nerfing x or leaving y untouched are actually l2p issues from someone who is scared to lose the last unfair thing their spec got. Me on the contrary I'd give it all away to make the game more fair, and mesmers relevant again. Because I prefer to play a regular class that struggles like anyone else, than playing a boring af completely broken class just to feel the king of the hill, even when it feels as the class goes on auto play as condi mirage felt on release. And before you say something stupid like "oh but you want to nerf those things from mesmer but not change what makes other classes unfair" I'll tell you, we are arguing about mesmers here, thats a discussion for other subforum, and I tend to not talk about other classes, specially asking for nerfs because thats exactly what caused mesmers to be excluded from the game via nerf after nerf. People complaining about shit they didn't fully understand.
  3. Well I agree, personally i've never seen a problem with the current design of condi mirage, but tons of other people do, and those people are cry babies, like @ArlAlt.1630 so as I see it right now, if mesmers are willing to be playable again, we should sacrifice some stuff that in their dumb eyes makes us "overpowered", because otherwise they will continue to cry and cry and make noise until anet deletes the class, and as i've read multiple times in this forums the two things that make them cry more than anything else is the ability to deal damage through IH and the dodge while stunned ability. Both things I belive we can live without, yet if people insist enough maybe after this changes they could work on more fair, condi application only coming out of the real mesmer. I actually don't know the state and viability of that fire build i've been talking about. @kraai.7265 said: Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications. Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved. As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley: P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50% @kraai.7265 You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves. kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation... The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds. Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons? Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I hope your class gets Chronoed so you can come off your high horse and tell us how it's all fair. from his post history i assume he is mesmer main, so he already enjoys chrono :D, and since he made post to whine about it he enjoys chrono ALOT. I used to love chrono, the only thing I would rework is the f5 so you can no longer make double bursts, because that was broken as hell, and ofc I agree with any other mesmer around that the removal of IP left the spec completely worthless, and forced every chrono out there to either take mirage, go back core or quit the game. I used power mirage builds a bit but got so bored about combat since pof I later left the game. Now this I couldn't understand even after reading it 20 times, care to explain? I don't know what to tell you, man. You much like A LOT of people responding here have fallen victim to not reading or understanding the thread or its purpose. Lol, leon didn't call me out on anything, he read just a few sentences, took everything out of context, didn't even really took the time to think about my ideas, yet he joined the discussion. I asked him to explain that last sentence because it was so badly written I couldn't understand what he was sayng, now that he clarified and also exposed he just read 2 sentences and not my whole idea, I already explained him what I meant with my ideas of what we can do with chrono and mirage, now if he did read my whole idea and thinks that what keep mesmers relevant is the current abuse of IH or the dodge while stunned effect, then i'm sure it's a l2p issue because mesmers got tons of other resources that could work even with no buffs. The only thing I think I didn't understand is if this is a troll post from a fellow mesmer, if that is the case good job you got me on this one xD, but if this is not a troll post and you are really asking for more nerfs to a already destroyed class then i'm guessing you are one of those players who thinks the only way to be a better player is by nerfing everything you have problems dealing with. By the way I just realized you might think i'm another troll who hates mesmers, boy, i've played mesmer for 4 years straight, non stop, in every game mode, specially wvw, and pvp, I left the game after what they did to chrono, I'm still waiting for anet to do something smart for once, yet no reply from them, with the changes i've presented, my intent is to keep mesmer viable, not to destroy it, it's already destroyed, but the problem is people think mesmer with no IH condi spam or dodge while stunned is not viable, and thats ridiculous, mesmer has many more tools, not so overpowered but still viable, but players stick to what's broken and tend to forget everything else. Guess what, none other class got the ability to dodge while stunned, and they work, and before mesmers got IH they were viable too, even after the release of pof, no one used IH, the reason why people started using it was because of the exhaust effect added.Thats why I think your boy @Leonidrex.5649 should l2p with several builds, styles and skills first and then ask for buffs/nerfs
  4. Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications. Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved. As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley: P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50% @kraai.7265 You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves. kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation... The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds. Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons? Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I hope your class gets Chronoed so you can come off your high horse and tell us how it's all fair. from his post history i assume he is mesmer main, so he already enjoys chrono :D, and since he made post to whine about it he enjoys chrono ALOT. I used to love chrono, the only thing I would rework is the f5 so you can no longer make double bursts, because that was broken as hell, and ofc I agree with any other mesmer around that the removal of IP left the spec completely worthless, and forced every chrono out there to either take mirage, go back core or quit the game. I used power mirage builds a bit but got so bored about combat since pof I later left the game. Now this I couldn't understand even after reading it 20 times, care to explain? you wanna nerf the last good thing mesmer has lolNo no, I wish to undo the chrono rework, but i'd change that double burst capacity to keep other classes happy, and because it was really op, maybe make it so CS won't refresh f1 and f2 skills cooldowns. This will leave chrono as it was before, with the ability to use double veil, portal, gravity well, and every other skill as it used to, also it will be able to dry shatter as before (shatter with no clones) but they won't be able to burst you twice in a split second from stealth. About mirage I already explained 3 times what I would do cmon man go and read it won't hurt you.I'm shocked about how people reply some posts and comments reading only the last 2 sentences of the last comment without even reading the whole topic or opinions. It cuts everything out of context.
  5. Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications. Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved. As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley: P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50% @kraai.7265 You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves. kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation... The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds. Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons? Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I hope your class gets Chronoed so you can come off your high horse and tell us how it's all fair. from his post history i assume he is mesmer main, so he already enjoys chrono :D, and since he made post to whine about it he enjoys chrono ALOT.I used to love chrono, the only thing I would rework is the f5 so you can no longer make double bursts, because that was broken as hell, and ofc I agree with any other mesmer around that the removal of IP left the spec completely worthless, and forced every chrono out there to either take mirage, go back core or quit the game. I used power mirage builds a bit but got so bored about combat since pof I later left the game. Now this I couldn't understand even after reading it 20 times, care to explain?
  6. Well I agree, personally i've never seen a problem with the current design of condi mirage, but tons of other people do, and those people are cry babies, like @"ArlAlt.1630" so as I see it right now, if mesmers are willing to be playable again, we should sacrifice some stuff that in their dumb eyes makes us "overpowered", because otherwise they will continue to cry and cry and make noise until anet deletes the class, and as i've read multiple times in this forums the two things that make them cry more than anything else is the ability to deal damage through IH and the dodge while stunned ability. Both things I belive we can live without, yet if people insist enough maybe after this changes they could work on more fair, condi application only coming out of the real mesmer. I actually don't know the state and viability of that fire build i've been talking about.
  7. Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications. Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved. As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley: P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50% @kraai.7265 You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves. kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation... The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds. Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons? Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again. You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine. I hope your class gets Chronoed so you can come off your high horse and tell us how it's all fair.So let me get this straight... players like me are the reason this game is inbalanced because we ask for slight buffs to already underperforming classes, yet you not only aren't bringing any sort of usefull addition to the topic, but now you are also demanding this same underperforming spec to be nerfed beyond unplayable? LMAO, I get why you keep crayons around kido...
  8. Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications. Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved. As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley: P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50% @kraai.7265 You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves. kitten are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation... The reason your suggestion is silly, is because if you remove the clone condi, without rebalancing Mirage personal ambush to compensate, you effectively kill all meaningful condi application on the class, since ANET has been nerfing all sources just to avoid nerfing IH itself. So what you're proposing is give back the dodge, while taking out whatever meaningful damage is left, unless power. One look at Mirage balance decisions since PoF launch shows you that ANET envisions the e-spec as a condi spec. However if your suggestion is implemented, the only way Mirage will be playable will be with full on Power builds. Is that a good enough explanation for you, or do I need to go get some crayons?Thats the problem dude, people don't even aknowledge the damage a condi mirage alone can do, remember back when mirages bursted down people in 3 seconds with condi? they were using torch builds, and applying fire, confusion, bleeding, etc were only a cover up, to make people waste cleanses, but people got really used to beeing able to kite all the way into safe spots while clones do all the damage for them, thats lazy and lame. And thats why people defend IH as an offensive mechanic. So don't talk to me about poor state of balance, because thats one of the main reasons, people unwilling to let go what "makes them strong" atm. Remove the offensive application and condi mirages will go back to fire burst builds or condi bunker builds, people will have nothing to complain about, and mesmers will be able to be a bit viable again.
  9. Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications. Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved. As soon as they make all steatlh sources last 2 secs and are not stackable and as soon as they make warr not able to dodge. kk? :smiley: P.S. I forgot, ranger needs to lose 50% dmg to compensate for having a pet. And Necro needs to have half HP while Life Force is above 50% @kraai.7265 You and people like you, are the reason this game's balance is in such poor state. Hope you're proud of yourselves.wtf are you even talking about? have you even read the whole idea? giving back two dodges and exhaustion is how it worked before, and what made people stay away from EM to favor IH, yet IH became way to strong in condi builds. You blame me about poor state yet you only critcize others ppl opinions to add nothing usefel to the conversation... Step 1: Restore the second dodge.Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.Step 3: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.Step 4: Bring exhaustion back.Here, i'll leave this again maybe you can improve your reading skills.Restoring dodges you make mesmers happy, removing the dodge while stunned effect you keep the class balanced and players who hate mesmers happy, or at least silent because thats one of the two main reasons they complain. Removing condi application from clones you kill condi busted builds, who only kite while dealing damage, and condi bursters, and bringing exhaustion back you give a motivation for players to try to use IH as a distraction as I used it in my power builds.And why do we even need that stupid carebare dodge while stunned effect? no other class has that, if you are so dependant of that BS, maybe make it so only f4 works while stunned, or even better, make it a trait and put it next to IH and EM.
  10. Why would anyone pick IH over EM if your suggestion is implemented?I love it when people make "high IQ" suggestions and don't think about ramifications. Good point I forgot about that. Step 4: Bring exhaustion back. Solved.
  11. Hi, IMOStep 1: Restore the second dodge.Step 2: Remove the ability dodge while stunned.Step 2: Remove the ability to apply condis from clones.Removing the most annoying mechanic, then the most broken one, leaving IH only as a good visual distraction.And ofcourse revert the mediocre chrono rework they did a few months ago.Maybe that will make me come back.
  12. Well what could you even expect of this new devs we are stuck with? They didn't design the core game, or understood the mechanics that made it great, they are pushing their own view on the matter since pof release and guess what, it freaking sucks, first they ruined one of the game principles. -NO TRINITY-We used to have no healer class, just utility/dps/bunker roles, and each one had to take care of their own healing rotations, disengaging, etc. Making the game more about tactics, yet they ruined it adding a dedicated healer, but not only that, they were so stupid they broke one of the fundamental laws in every trinity based mmo out there. -ROLES MUST BE DIVIDED-A tank should be a high hp character, with a lot of defences either passive or active, who's primary objective is to sustain damage and protect healers/dps or distract enemies. A healer should heal, but also have low health and be very squishy so it can be focused down by enemies, reinforcing the tank's job to protect them, and dps classes should be as squishy as a healer but with high damage either in bursts or quick cc+dmg+cc+dmg combos and have mobility in order to focus and kill healers and disengage, yet in this stupid era, the ones supposed to tank deal enough dps to outshine dedicated dps classes, with none of the risks, the ONLY dedicated healer happens to be also the best tank in the game, and can sustain a lot of damage, while healing and buffing themselves and allies, and that leaves dedicated dps no place or job left. Making the meta steer into either bunker dps or bunker support builds. AKA the bunker meta we always hated. Adding to this that now power based builds are nerfed to the ground.. welcome to the CONDI BUNKER META. So what does that design philosophy leave us with, a tactical mess with no point, you should focus dps bunk classes (which can also sustain af) meanwhile ignoring bunker healers, making the game frustrating, because you have to outmatch this healers support with raw damage, yes, the type of damage that was heavily nerfed not so long ago, and only after you outmatched their support, and killed every dps then you can focus on healers, who guess what.. they can sustain a lot more than bunker dps classes... enough to reset a mid fight in pvp, enough to wait for reinforcements in wvw thanks to that stupid cat they added. Making the game tedious, characters hard or impossible to kill and basically making combat dull and boring with no risk unless you are outnumbered. Basically they destroyed the system that made this game great and diverse, to copy paste the formula every other mmo uses since wow, and they were so stupid they made all wrong. so instead of having squishy dps chasing squishy healers meanwhile trying to avoid tanks who carry the heavy cc, we have bunker dps classes chasing other bunker dps classes around meanwhile healers just stand there healing and supporting, until one of the sides loses enough dps bunkers and retreats, because ther is no point for a healer to fight against a bunker dps. GREAT JOB ANET SCREWING UP SOMETHING YOU COPIED AND PASTED OVER YOUR GAME. GREAT JOB RUINING WHAT MADE THIS GAME GREAT AND UNIQUE, GREAT JOB RUINING COMBAT, AND MAKING IT SO DUMB IT'S SAD TO EVEN WATCH ON YOUTUBE.
  13. Delete the whole class, both e-specs are dead anyway and core sucks compared to every other class/build in the game already.Great job handeling balance anet!
  14. they dont read the forums anyways :DBDO -> Black Desert Online.Currently 4th year anniversary, free on steam. EDIT since yesterday you can no longer get it free. PepeHands. That game is not only p2w but the grind is litterally endless, no level cap, open pk, and tons and tons of scams with microtransactions, go play something like ESO, FFXIV or even archeage unleashed.
  15. This is my assumption too. The devs have been changing up other classes too. Probabaly don't want to drop every change at once. The issue with mesmer elites was: they covered nearly every aspect in the game outside of healing. Superb power damage: chrono. Superb condi damage: mirage. Superb boonbot: chrono. Etc. The rest is covered by this games player base inability to deal with mesmer mechanics. Makes me nearly wish that any potential 3rd elite ditches clones and phantasms as much as possible. And thats the problem, they could have nerf only the double burst in power chrono, and no problem, boon application too, yet they destroyed the spec with one of the most stupid changes i've seen in my 5 years playing, same with mirage, they could have just nerfed the condi applications, some traits, even removing IH would be ok, but no they had to take another stupid decision and wreck the whole spec. Plus i just want to add, i can't understand why after nerfing boonshare, leaving us only with cc and stealth to add to the group, they gave engis that stupid braindead smoke field, our stealth applications always had lower stealth uptime, and more skill involved, instead of giving us an easier way to apply it or longer stealth times, they gave engi a far easier way to stealth the whole group and created the most stupid braindead meta in wvw ever. It's like they want us to be expelled from every zerg, or just be a portal with legs.
  16. So it seems anet thought, after so many years of giving us broken mechanics, now they have to give us handicap. Chrono was butchered several months ago because of pve reasons, never addressed in pvp/wvw, still to this day unplayable, and considered the weakest e-spec right now. Mirage got one dodge, I can't really understand who could have thought this was a good idea, clearly the problems with mirage weren't there, but instead of touching IH or condi applications they just removed a dodge, nerfed the damage and thats it. Killing power mirages and leaving a crippled condi mirage build, meanwhile daredevils still enjoy their 3 dodges... Thats what I call trying to fix a problem but creating several more in the process. My question to you anet is.. why our e-specs are the only ones that feel like downgrades? why instead of tradeoffs you just rip the class apart over and over again? who is in charge of this class design over the balance team? are you gonna ever considerate addressing this changes? why we got no reply from you after several posts here and in reddit? Do you plan on removing the class from pvp/wvw after every mesmer who plays those modes leaves the game?
  17. Well thats actually one of the biggest problems anet faces right now, they deliver such an easy and braindead content in open world maps and events, most players reach level 80 without even knowing how their entire skillbar works, or how to build a character, then they are dragged to this "difficult" content without knowing the basics of their own class, thats why when they released hot i thought they did a great job, making it way harder than core maps, because it was a slight step up in everyones game, but guess what, casuals cried enough so anet nerfed the entire expansion to make it easier, and now they can't even throw a little bit of challenge because playerbase already knows the best solutionwelcome to cry wars 2.....
  18. Actually i think it's more elitist to pretend every player should enjoy spamming basic attacks and nothing else, with no challenge whatsoever than asking players to step up a bit and learn about the other 9 buttons they have on their skill bar, after all this is supposed to be a "action" combat mmorpg, not a braindead android mmo with autoplayThe problem is gw2 players today prefer the shopping mall experience, and the fashion wars, but care little to nothing about the combat, which at launch was the strongest selling point they had. And it was actually great until they butchered it with hot and pof specs. And now you have to forces clashing, the veterans who supported this game because they loved the combat mechanics, the challenges, and the interesting game modes, and the new or more casual audience who enjoy repetitive dull braindead content over and over agian to farm currency or crap or get money for shinys.
  19. The people devoted to the side content (raids, fractals, PvP, etc...) being the reason no one else wants to play the side content is the tap-dancing elephant in the room. Only problem is pvp and wvw aren't side content, they were actually the main content back in the day, dungeons, fractals and raids weren't intended to be side content neither, actually they were aiming for making them endgame content, the reason you can go around in your braindead open world maps farming stupid generic mobs all day is because when the game launched, with wvw as endgame and a focus on pvp tons of players comitted to this game and supported it, players who had to leave years after because of how anet managed those game modes and their communities. Thats the reason why open world farmers are a majority today, because they don't care about the overall quality of the game, they just want to run around spam basic attacks loot crap, buy cosmetics and look shiny and stylish, meanwhile competitive players do care about combat, balance, challenge, meaningful rpg elements, and when anet failed to deliver that level of quality we experienced at launch, most left to another game that would deliver a better combat experience. IMO they are right, they came here before, they supported anet at the most difficult stage which was launch, anet promised them as much focus and effort on pvp elements as in pve, and then anet failed those players, the thing i hate the most is reading pvers who just started playing after hot or pof, who think gw2 was always a loot farming braindead game trying to push those hardocore vets or competitive players away and never recognizing without those hardocore competitive vets they wouldn't have gw2 on the first place.
  20. Im pretty sure the other guy agrees with you atleast i do. I was here defending Elusive mind 2 years ago against the irrational mesmer hate but it seems to me in my premature exit many of the mesmers on the forums either quit or gave up, Do not worry fellow mesmer i am back and with your help and the help of other mesmers if they should choose to enter the fold we will undo the unbelievably bias changes Anet has made to the class. But we have to cry and fight as much or maybe even harder then the other classes on the forums it will not be easy but we can fix this. Like that could possibly work, look at how much crying we made after this guys butchered chrono with no reason whatsoever, making it umplayable, and one of the most dull and boring specs to play even in pve, and several months after we got nothing but neglection..
  21. Tested... lmao, like if anet tests all the crap they added to the game so far for the past 2 years...
  22. They won't be nerfing camps, like they should before warclaw release, and they will not nerf overall hp too, so imagine the fun times you will have spamming between 3 players basics to a downed player until you can finally finish them off, this devs don't care about this game anymore, they don't even think what they implement.
  23. roaming already died when they introduced warclaws, this is just the last nail on the coffin!
  24. So sad to play in an open world PVP zone just to farm mobs and avoid other players... if only those people had a huge open world full of mobs and no enemy players to endlessly farm their crap....
  25. No it wasn't warclaw brought all of that, it used to be more fair, the only chance you got to be ganked out of nowhere was when you were extremely unlucky or too close to enemies spawn in border maps and they could glide to you, otherwise random fights were fun, you could have a 1v1 and it wasn't because you were in a dueling spot, now with that stupid mount everyone can get any place too kitten quick, anet didn't even think about how it would impact the game mode, maps are way to small, we told them, camps and structures have too much resistance and we told them, what did they do? sell stupid warclaw skins and release it in a ridiculous manner I'm not buying that argument. Warclaw has only affected fights at spawn camps. Everything else is the same. People scouting from towers coming out to help their allies doing a 1v1, 1v2, 2v3 etc. Has always been a thing. only spawns? i'm sorry what? lol ok... if you say sobtw, how long have you been playing? ever heard of havoc squads? or how about chrono veils? portal bombs? any of those? they are things you can't do no more since warclawsyou know what you could do from day one? gank in spawns... you know what else? hide in keep until you have more numbers than the enemy, only difference is now thats the only tactic available...
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