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Sir Vincent III.1286

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Everything posted by Sir Vincent III.1286

  1. There is an advantage focusing on Precision since you can trigger a lot of effects that procs on crit hits. However, both Ranger and Mesmer doesn't have many traits that triggers on crits so there's really no point of focusing on precision. If you are using Engineer, for example, you can proc a burning condition on crits, so precision might make sense for that profession. Otherwise, just stay with power.
  2. Did you get a check mark after adding your API key? You can check this when you login and check your settings.
  3. I use gw2armory (link) to see all my characters.
  4. Yes, Dragonfall. I skipped the Bloodstone Fen for the same reason as yours and completed the other half of my accessories in Dragonfall. If you use a Volatile Harvesting Sickle, you can gather Mistborn Mote and Volatile Magic from the same node. Mistborn Motes and Volatile Magic are everywhere. I'm currently working on gearing up all my alts. Wait Dragonfall have accessories? I farmed it many times I think I have many mats from it. Yes but it’s generally not worth it to get accessories from LS4 maps. generally, yes. But I got so much Motes and Volatile that I spent them for my alts. Nothing else worth while to purchase. You can convert all of the motes to VM and then convert the VM to gold. Yeah I might just do that once my alts are geared up.
  5. I've always been wanting to do this and always come to a conclusion that it's not worth it. But after watching your video, I think I will give it at least a test run.
  6. Yeah don't do that, else you'll find Revenant and how the dual-swords Unrelenting Assault fits perfectly with the Thief and the single-sword Precision Strike and Deathstrike. However, I'm not jealous, I'm peeved.
  7. Yes, Dragonfall. I skipped the Bloodstone Fen for the same reason as yours and completed the other half of my accessories in Dragonfall. If you use a Volatile Harvesting Sickle, you can gather Mistborn Mote and Volatile Magic from the same node. Mistborn Motes and Volatile Magic are everywhere. I'm currently working on gearing up all my alts. Wait Dragonfall have accessories? I farmed it many times I think I have many mats from it. Yes but it’s generally not worth it to get accessories from LS4 maps. generally, yes. But I got so much Motes and Volatile that I spent them for my alts. Nothing else worth while to purchase.
  8. Yes, Dragonfall. I skipped the Bloodstone Fen for the same reason as yours and completed the other half of my accessories in Dragonfall. If you use a Volatile Harvesting Sickle, you can gather Mistborn Mote and Volatile Magic from the same node. Mistborn Motes and Volatile Magic are everywhere. I'm currently working on gearing up all my alts. Wait Dragonfall have accessories? I farmed it many times I think I have many mats from it.Yes, each vendor for each path sells them. (link)
  9. The only thing scary to my Necromancer about that was the reality that he'd never know how to do it himself. I was talking about Jory.
  10. Yes, Dragonfall. I skipped the Bloodstone Fen for the same reason as yours and completed the other half of my accessories in Dragonfall. If you use a Volatile Harvesting Sickle, you can gather Mistborn Mote and Volatile Magic from the same node. Mistborn Motes and Volatile Magic are everywhere. I'm currently working on gearing up all my alts.
  11. Knight and Marauder, huh? That's an impressive combination. I like your build. Very affordable indeed.
  12. The event is ok only because the defense phase is uneven. The north is far easier to defend than the south for instance. The final boss should do more than just walking and we should do more than just DPS. It would be nice if we modify the harpoon/balista and convert it to have a chain just like the one in the Grothmar celebration where we used the harpoon to immobilize the branded devourer. Then you could also have players to fly in their mount and bomb a certain area on the head to temporarily incapacitate the target. As it stands, it fun, but lacking in depth. Also, the reward is rather disappointing.
  13. Definitely. That corpse puppeteering is impressive. It's scary enough to scare a necromancer to almost lose her mind. However, I disagree when it comes to the "best map" since I believe that Dragonfall is the best map in terms of the number of activities and rewards.
  14. He's hiding behind one of the pillars. Just look for a mist.
  15. First, you have to figure out what kind of a support you want to be because, by design, the Thief is a very selfish profession. The things the profession can share are already shared by other professions in a group situation, except of course when it comes to Venom, but that's all there is for the Thief as a support -- venom share. Knowing that, what kind of a support you want to be? Second, the term "support" has a completely different meaning for the Thief. For instance, in PvP, the first support is +1 in terms to getting to a spot where a damage assistance is needed as soon as possible. Of course this in not exclusive to the Thief, but the Thief can definitely offer this kind of a support. Third, the next kind of support is sneaking. Either the Thief sneaks by himself and eliminate the target in an ambush, or grant an AoE stealth where a group of allies can sneak together and ambush. Back in the days, I used to ran with 2 other Thieves where we chain our Shadow Refuge to have an insanely long stealth time, then we will ambush a single target by Backstabbing them at the same time (instagib). This is how we supported the zerg. Imagine if the whole TEEF guild runs around WvW doing this, imagine the rage. Now that the Thief can cycle between Shadow's Refuge and Shadow Portal. Finally, a high evasion build can support a team of Deadeye by being the decoy. So back to my first point, what kind of a support you want to be? Any other kind of support is out of the Thief's reach.
  16. Yeah, I use that with my Scourge. In my Reaper, I use both Plague Signet and Plague Sending. Plague sending is enough most of the time since I go in and out of Reaper Shroud. It's really difficult as a Condi Thief fighting against the similar build as my Necros. Plaque sending, Putrid mark and that signet is exactly why I prefer HIS as my heal. I found if I relied on withdraw with Shadows embrace as the cleanse/heal the amount of damage taken when you drop to stealth to cleanse after a condition bomb landed on you was too much . You get the only one cleanse on a damaging condition but then the others get three seconds of ticks. Shadows rejuv was just not doing enough in that 2-4 second period to stay on top of your health so often you have to use that withdraw while stealthed anyways. I found that after a bomb from a Necro HIS flushes away pretty well every damaging condition and the heal being much fatter meaning you can get right back in battle. This is a valid reason, however, just as how I play my Necro, I interrupt heals with Fear. In my experience, getting loaded with conditions and having my HIS interrupted is a no go. As you said, the conditions will tick for 3s before it cleanses again, that's true but you can mitigate the damage by using Sneak Attack due to Flickering and Siphoning. Instead of taking 100% condition damage while in stealth, you can reduce that by 33% while revealed and a small top-off heal from siphoning. With HIS, I don't have this kind of flexibility. I agree that HIS has fatter heals, but it is more riskier than Withdraw with Embrace. Also, the CD on HIS is not very appealing against a Necro that can apply conditions almost effortlessly. With that kind of CD, HIS should be instant cast. If that happens, I'd take HIS any time of the day. As I mentioned above, you have to utilized the whole combination of traits and skills to make it work. Looking at HIS vs SE will not do since the reason why Withdraw and SE works is because it allows me to be tactical by using Sneak Attack as a counterattack and let Flickering mitigate some of the damage. The idea is, if I am also applying the same amount of pressure to my target, they will stop the pressure in order to cleanse their own conditions, which gives an opportunity for my skills to get out of CD. If you get pressured by the conditions, then it wouldn't really matter what skills or traits you picked...you're dead. My build always have an exit strategy which make me more flexible. HIS is simply unreliable to me. Well I do not have as much a problem with being interrupted on an HIS heal as you seem to. Granted it happens but it not a heck of a lot longer cast time then is the daredevil heal and lots use that. In P/d I tend to be at range as often as I am close up and the number of interrupts that happen at range drop considerably. Some of those fears you mention as example only go out 600 units. Added to that HIS against Condition necro is much more useful against feast of Corruption. As to the cooldown, it 6 seconds longer. I can deal with that. Added to that as it relates to the DE spec directly, a typical thief has so many sources of stealth s/he can easily cast the HIS while stealthed if it imperative that it gets cast. The big kicker though is the nature of poison. It more likely you have poison on you then you do a fear and HIS flushes poison before the heal itself meaning you get full value for the heal PLUS that regen. I suggest over the course of a battle even accounting for those times you are interrupted and that lower cooldown, you draw in way more health via an HIS and I find this important against other condition builds when P/d. You will get tagged hard and if you do have poison on you , the heal on the Withdraw is barely enough to cancle out a single attack or condition bomb tick. I much prefer the HIS in the p/d de build. The problem I have with fear is it forces you to run around for 2-3 seconds which triggers the high damage capability from Torment and as a Necro, I can fear using my staff or shade which is easy to chain. When you recover from fear, you're practically dead. This is why its important to me that my heal or cleanse is not interrupted. I know the potential of HIS, don't get me wrong, but experience forced me to adapt. And MY experience pushed me in the other direction. I used to use withdraw in the p/d DE build and went to HIS instead. I use range and stealth not dodges in this build and find HIS works better. I rarely get feared. There only one class with ready access and it hardly something I am overly concerned about. Immob is much more dangerous to the build then is fear and the reason I was taking withdraw before was for the immobs. Withdraw is much better in my dodge and melee builds (staff/s/d etc)Fair enough. It would depends on the player's experience which path to take. Which is great compared to before when everyone is running the same cookie cutter build. We're finally starting to see viable build diversity.
  17. This will melt having a couple of stacks of conditions. Relying on Escapist for cleanse and Signet for healing while running around on base health and toughness, really? Even if you opted for defensive runes, this build will still melt or break. This is a prime example why you shouldn't go full Viper. Also what's the point of precision if you're not proc'ing anything on crit hits? It would make sense if you're using Sigil of blight or of earth, but you're not. Or at least Sigil or generosity to transfer conditions since you're lacking cleanse. With the skills and traits that you've picked, you're better off running this build;http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PayAoiVlZwOYfMKGJO2WdNPA-zRZYchZGFwbwjRnKIUKofW09TD-e
  18. Yeah, I use that with my Scourge. In my Reaper, I use both Plague Signet and Plague Sending. Plague sending is enough most of the time since I go in and out of Reaper Shroud. It's really difficult as a Condi Thief fighting against the similar build as my Necros. Plaque sending, Putrid mark and that signet is exactly why I prefer HIS as my heal. I found if I relied on withdraw with Shadows embrace as the cleanse/heal the amount of damage taken when you drop to stealth to cleanse after a condition bomb landed on you was too much . You get the only one cleanse on a damaging condition but then the others get three seconds of ticks. Shadows rejuv was just not doing enough in that 2-4 second period to stay on top of your health so often you have to use that withdraw while stealthed anyways. I found that after a bomb from a Necro HIS flushes away pretty well every damaging condition and the heal being much fatter meaning you can get right back in battle. This is a valid reason, however, just as how I play my Necro, I interrupt heals with Fear. In my experience, getting loaded with conditions and having my HIS interrupted is a no go. As you said, the conditions will tick for 3s before it cleanses again, that's true but you can mitigate the damage by using Sneak Attack due to Flickering and Siphoning. Instead of taking 100% condition damage while in stealth, you can reduce that by 33% while revealed and a small top-off heal from siphoning. With HIS, I don't have this kind of flexibility. I agree that HIS has fatter heals, but it is more riskier than Withdraw with Embrace. Also, the CD on HIS is not very appealing against a Necro that can apply conditions almost effortlessly. With that kind of CD, HIS should be instant cast. If that happens, I'd take HIS any time of the day. As I mentioned above, you have to utilized the whole combination of traits and skills to make it work. Looking at HIS vs SE will not do since the reason why Withdraw and SE works is because it allows me to be tactical by using Sneak Attack as a counterattack and let Flickering mitigate some of the damage. The idea is, if I am also applying the same amount of pressure to my target, they will stop the pressure in order to cleanse their own conditions, which gives an opportunity for my skills to get out of CD. If you get pressured by the conditions, then it wouldn't really matter what skills or traits you picked...you're dead. My build always have an exit strategy which make me more flexible. HIS is simply unreliable to me. Well I do not have as much a problem with being interrupted on an HIS heal as you seem to. Granted it happens but it not a heck of a lot longer cast time then is the daredevil heal and lots use that. In P/d I tend to be at range as often as I am close up and the number of interrupts that happen at range drop considerably. Some of those fears you mention as example only go out 600 units. Added to that HIS against Condition necro is much more useful against feast of Corruption. As to the cooldown, it 6 seconds longer. I can deal with that. Added to that as it relates to the DE spec directly, a typical thief has so many sources of stealth s/he can easily cast the HIS while stealthed if it imperative that it gets cast. The big kicker though is the nature of poison. It more likely you have poison on you then you do a fear and HIS flushes poison before the heal itself meaning you get full value for the heal PLUS that regen. I suggest over the course of a battle even accounting for those times you are interrupted and that lower cooldown, you draw in way more health via an HIS and I find this important against other condition builds when P/d. You will get tagged hard and if you do have poison on you , the heal on the Withdraw is barely enough to cancle out a single attack or condition bomb tick. I much prefer the HIS in the p/d de build.The problem I have with fear is it forces you to run around for 2-3 seconds which triggers the high damage capability from Torment and as a Necro, I can fear using my staff or shade which is easy to chain. When you recover from fear, you're practically dead. This is why its important to me that my heal or cleanse is not interrupted. I know the potential of HIS, don't get me wrong, but experience forced me to adapt.
  19. You can't really get "high damage" and "high survivabilty" at the same time with the Thief. It's just not possible. Either you go with high damage build, like what fixit posted; Or go with a high survivability build, like my build;http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaRAYlNw4YTsFGJm6XrNTA-zRhYBJBzQSBCVNcUwBNcMghQbSQUoAqWJQ6KAHeBCClAA-e You can tweak either to find that "high damage, high survivability" you're looking for. I have mulitiple Thief builds and I have not found this holy grail.
  20. That's why you have a glider. You launch yourself from your mount and glide to your target destination. It has nothing to do withe the mount. You just have to learn how to use launch and glide. You can even launch yourself from your Griffon or Skyscale, glide, then remount. I do this to heal their health to full while staying airborne. You do realize that you can double barrel roll (or quadruple barrel roll) on the skyscale, then still launch yourself and remount right? I don;t see how this is in any way an argument against the skyscale. On the contrary, the skyscale allows for an even complexer movement chain with far greater reach.I was responding on the statement, "missing a desirable target to land at by inches" That's an issue of practice and experience. Suffice to say, it becomes almost a non issue once a person is epxerienced enough with the skyscale. Nope. It's neither practice nor experience. There are ledges where the Skyscale lands and there are ledges where it sticks. It is very inconsistent. That's personal preferance but most players who have used the skyscale for a while all come to the same conclusion (at least from what can be read on the forums):the bunny and griffon become obsolete, the raptor and jackal nearly obsolete and the only mounts with niche uses are the skimmer (for on water mounting and potentially immediately mounting the skyscale) and beetle for races and long distance land traversal. Bunny is not obsolete. You can high jump, launch, then mount your Skyscale/Griffon to give you a higher altitude start. Griffon is very good a dive bombing mobs and flying across the map. Raptor is very good at cleaving and pulling mobs. As for the Jackal, I agree, it has limited uses.
  21. Yeah, I use that with my Scourge. In my Reaper, I use both Plague Signet and Plague Sending. Plague sending is enough most of the time since I go in and out of Reaper Shroud. It's really difficult as a Condi Thief fighting against the similar build as my Necros. Plaque sending, Putrid mark and that signet is exactly why I prefer HIS as my heal. I found if I relied on withdraw with Shadows embrace as the cleanse/heal the amount of damage taken when you drop to stealth to cleanse after a condition bomb landed on you was too much . You get the only one cleanse on a damaging condition but then the others get three seconds of ticks. Shadows rejuv was just not doing enough in that 2-4 second period to stay on top of your health so often you have to use that withdraw while stealthed anyways. I found that after a bomb from a Necro HIS flushes away pretty well every damaging condition and the heal being much fatter meaning you can get right back in battle.This is a valid reason, however, just as how I play my Necro, I interrupt heals with Fear. In my experience, getting loaded with conditions and having my HIS interrupted is a no go. As you said, the conditions will tick for 3s before it cleanses again, that's true but you can mitigate the damage by using Sneak Attack due to Flickering and Siphoning. Instead of taking 100% condition damage while in stealth, you can reduce that by 33% while revealed and a small top-off heal from siphoning. With HIS, I don't have this kind of flexibility. I agree that HIS has fatter heals, but it is more riskier than Withdraw with Embrace. Also, the CD on HIS is not very appealing against a Necro that can apply conditions almost effortlessly. With that kind of CD, HIS should be instant cast. If that happens, I'd take HIS any time of the day. As I mentioned above, you have to utilized the whole combination of traits and skills to make it work. Looking at HIS vs SE will not do since the reason why Withdraw and SE works is because it allows me to be tactical by using Sneak Attack as a counterattack and let Flickering mitigate some of the damage. The idea is, if I am also applying the same amount of pressure to my target, they will stop the pressure in order to cleanse their own conditions, which gives an opportunity for my skills to get out of CD. If you get pressured by the conditions, then it wouldn't really matter what skills or traits you picked...you're dead. My build always have an exit strategy which make me more flexible. HIS is simply unreliable to me.
  22. If you don't need assistance, automation sure is not allowed. However, there are players that needs assistance due to physical limitations and some form of automation is allowed. As a player, it's hard to determine if the player is allowed to use botting or not, only ArenaNet can tell, thus you have to report it.
  23. Didn't they just expanded the game to "new places and civilization" in Path of Fire? Rata Novus is a new place in HoT. And what of Tarir, not a new place and civ? Even the Dragon Stand and the Mordred is new place and new civ. So, I'm sorry if you left me confused.
  24. Well this will obviously not going to happen since GW1 is way smaller in terms of scale. Just compare the size of Lion's Arch, GW1 LA is tiny -- it's the size of my Home instance.
  25. The collection is a quest chain you get from Gorrick. The story isn't that bad, it's just that the list of items to collect is rather long and boring.
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