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Sir Vincent III.1286

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Everything posted by Sir Vincent III.1286

  1. It is panic strike. The poison granted by panic strike should only apply if panic strike applied the immobilize. It should function like this;Panic Strike 30s ICDStriking a foe below the health threshold poisons and immobilize them.Threshold: 50% Now, leave Sword #2 alone. EDIT: Leave Deadly Ambition alone too. Does any other sword wielder have a faster chain for autos or any greater way for closing distance than thief on sword? It is sword 2. 100%It seems like you're not familiar with Mesmer Sword #3 -> Sword #2 combo.
  2. Nope nope nope. P/P with DE is never relaxing. The frustration builds up when I have to mark every. single. target. If you want to relaxing trash mob farming, use DD staff with Pitfall. Until ArenaNet redesigned Collateral Damage to automatically Mark a random target that received damage, it will never be a relaxing P/P farming.
  3. It is panic strike. The poison granted by panic strike should only apply if panic strike applied the immobilize. It should function like this;Panic Strike 30s ICD Striking a foe below the health threshold poisons and immobilize them.Threshold: 50%Now, leave Sword #2 alone. EDIT: Leave Deadly Ambition alone too.
  4. Players don't want to bring anti-conditions because it lowers their DPS so they post on the forum to complain about it. If the conditions get nerfed, they don't need to bring any anti-condition, thus preserving their precious DPS. What they failed to realize is that, the high damage output of the condition damage is to balance the high damage output of power builds. Forcing a power build to bring anti-condition effectively balances the situation by naturally lowering their damage output without nerfing the power builds. Just as Thieves has to sacrifice damage for survivability, power builds must now do the same. You can't just look at one or few scenarios and assume that it applies to each and every scenarios. That's absurd and I like the fact that the balance team are shuffling people around so we don't have a single person dictating how the game should be balance based on his own selfish personal enjoyment. The way I see it, the current state of the game is good.
  5. The build that you want is DA/Acro/Trick. The build is built around low Steal CD and Mug spikes. The synergy of Swindler's and Sleight empowers Mug and Thrill. With the evasion from S/D, this will work great for you. Here is the build of one of my Thief:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaEBwiprlNw4YTMNGJOsTrrVA-zRQURYT0jLCwYPHA-e Simple, cheap, and easy to build but very effective. Of course, you can tweak it to match your playstyle.
  6. If Permastealth is so great, then why do I still see people running around?
  7. All the more reason to take Flickering Shadows instead of Leeching. ;) Definitely. That build is very similar to mine. Except I will never take Leeching over Flickering.
  8. If the shortbow is not your active weapon set, the bloodlust will not trigger on kills. However, even if the shortbow is not your active weapon set, any stack of bloodlust you've accumulated remains as long as you stay in the same map or as long you didn't go down. If you want to continue to trigger bloodlust, you'll have to have one sigil per weapon set. In P/P, one of the pistols has to have bloodlust.
  9. Here is the build I'm currently running with my main Thief using the same traitline you've posted, albeit different gears:http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PaxAgqRlNwmYiMNmJWWPuvSA-zRpYBKZDaUIUFrgoGUKASlYQInSTKj2kAFKgqQE4yLQQoECA-e As you can see, the Daredevil rune and and Hidden Killer will trigger on stealth dodge using a Rifle. The Hidden Killer is really just to have max crit after the stealth attack. Eventhough this is not yet an optimized build, you can see right away how this will work out. Is it worth considering? You're the only one who can answer that for yourself. As for me, I'm using it.
  10. i dont have any ascended staff at all, so i can't change stats. just curious how long it take to get Bo I've crafted ascended armors but never weapons. I don't have Bo either. The grind for Bo is real. You are required to grind for your Masteries in order to complete some task if you have not done so already. This will take a long time and it will require that you join every event you can find in the Maguuma if you want it done right away. You also would want to keep all currency you can find when running the events until you have at least 400 each. You will need these to complete the machined staff achievement. If you have some exp boost, use them and have them active at all times. IMO, Bo is not worth it since it's far more convenient to just craft one yourself -- less restrictive too. I'd rather run Dragonfall events than Maguuma's, then use all resources to boost my Artificer to 500 (don't forget to use exp boost). Then just run Dragonfall again to get more resources. This way, I don't have to grind for Masteries that I will not need outside the Maguuma. Bo is nice and all, but the Daredevil's Staff looks good too. If you just want an Ascended weapon, Bo is not worth it, unless of course you want to unlock the skin, then grind away. You can also take your chances on an Ascended weapon drop in Fractals. Not sure what tier it starts to drop, but I would guess it would have to be really high. TL;DR: Choose you grind - Maguuma Grind for Bo, Artificer Grind for crafting, or Fractal Grind for random drop.
  11. Revealed is supposed to be a counter to stealth, however it is poorly implemented. They should really just get rid of Revealed. I once suggested a counterplay to give Thieves, and only Thieves, the ability to detect all things hidden - stealth players, traps, preparations, etc. Since the Thief is proficient in Shadow Arts, they should have the innate ability to detect anything hidden. The stealth player will appear as smokey figure lurking around that can be targeted by the Thief. The range of this ability will be 600, so any stealth player who enters within 600 range of the Thief will appear as a targetable smokey figure. In addition, the Thief will also be able to target traps/preparation and attack it to disarm it. The traps will appears as a targetable smokey camp fire. This will make Thief a good roaming buddy. This is pretty kitten cool. So basically permastealth thieves are countered by less stealth centered thieves, but less stealth centered thieves have a harder time against other classes. I wonder what the result would be from this. Also, the result if this was true for all currently stealthed players thief countering thief will just end with everybody playing thief so not much would changeNot quite. Skills like Sight Beyond Sight will have to function like this, giving the Revenant a short duration to detect hidden within the 600 range. If the Thief tries to reset by stealthing, the Ranger, for example, can use Sic'em to give their pet the ability to detect hidden for a short duration, so the Thief will turn into a smokey figure instead of invisible if they are stealthed within the 600 range. On the Thief's side, it doesn't lock them out from activating traits that triggers on stealth like what Revealed does.
  12. Revealed is supposed to be a counter to stealth, however it is poorly implemented. They should really just get rid of Revealed. I once suggested a counterplay to give Thieves, and only Thieves, the ability to detect all things hidden - stealth players, traps, preparations, etc. Since the Thief is proficient in Shadow Arts, they should have the innate ability to detect anything hidden. The stealth player will appear as smokey figure lurking around that can be targeted by the Thief. The range of this ability will be 600, so any stealth player who enters within 600 range of the Thief will appear as a targetable smokey figure. In addition, the Thief will also be able to target traps/preparation and attack it to disarm it. The traps will appears as a targetable smokey camp fire. This will make Thief a good roaming buddy.
  13. Make sense. Thanks. Yes, the pain, lol. I am hoping that they will make a QoL change where you automatically apply mark on a new random target that got hit by Collateral Damage. The healing power enables my Daredevil to wade into a thick group of trash mob where a single Vault will deal AoE damage and heals me back to full health (Invigorating Precision). Fury and Twin Fangs grants enough crit chance to pop the heals. After healing full health, Keen Observer will grant another 5% to crit chance. If Escapist triggered while Vaulting, more heals. With such a high boon duration and low Swipe CD, I can keep Fury, Swiftness, and Might from Thrill indefinitely. Once the group is thinned out, I swap to P/P to finish off the stragglers. Since I have no access to Collateral Damage, this is the best thing to thinned out the mob. It is better than Collateral Damage since I don't have to annoyingly mark every. single. target. just to deal AoE damage. Aint that the truth. lol
  14. One year later, I think they should just combine Instant Reflex and Burst of Agility and make the following; Instant Agility (Acrobatics) - Increase your reflexes with a burst of agility by gaining evasion and haste while below the health threshold. 60s ICD2s EvadeLesser HasteHealth Threshold: 50%Breaks StunThis will free-up a slot in Trickery for something more useful and at the same time will make the Acrobatic trait very useful as an offensive trait.
  15. Then why would anyone ever "turn off" the Kneeling Stance skill? Regardless of the fact that it would eventually expire as well, it becomes mandatory to take if you want to maximize the profession and weapon's damage. That's already the case. Kneeling is mandatory to maximize the profession. My proposed change will make it not stupid. Heck no. Not even close. Absolutely not. Skirmish Shot has it's uses as well as Spotter's Shot. I won't advocate to any "normalized" version nor to lose either one. This is not all about damage. No thank you. Your suggestion obviously coming from someone who had not played DE otherwise you'll realize that this will break the Elite profession. Again, no thank you.
  16. This is an interesting build. Similar to my Harrier/valk build without the high precision, but healing power instead. Note my build are mostly Exotics, thus the lower numbers. It seems unnecessary to make Ascended for PvE content. Here's my build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAoqZlNw6YLMMGJW2XrNTA-zRhYDJZI4zkCQVxQMsBNcGRIFSXF4wB-e If you look at the CD of Swipe compare to the duration of Swiftness, that's a perma-swiftness without having to mark every time your target dies. I used to ran a similar build as yours, but I got sick and tired of marking trash mobs. So I went back to DD. Standard utility swapping. I'm a Scorp Wire believer, but I rarely use it in PvE. I only use it when there are lots of conditions - cheap low CD condition cleanse. This is a staple in my build also. It's funny that I'm doing the exact thing. I sometimes even drop CS for Acro to give me more survivability and rely solely on raw damage (low crits) to maintain DPS. Dead Thief deals no damage after all. Definitely take 10% boon duration. It makes it easier to manage initiatives. If things are dying from Autos and Bolas, keeping those might stacks longer, the better for your initiatives. Yes all those make sense. What didn't add up to me is your claim of Vigor being permanent. I don't see from your build where that would be possible.Here's what you said; I was genuinely curious on how did you pull this off in DE. In my build (see above), when I switch my CS for Acro for survivability, that's the only time I can manage to get perma-Vigor (vigorous recovery + trickster). That is clear to me from the beginning. So back to your build, how do you manage to get perma-Vigor? Your only source of Vigor is your rune and it only last 9s on a 20s ICD.
  17. You implied a full diviner since you didn't say "diviner/marauder". That's your fault, not mine. :) Ok, I'm curious because something doesn't seems to add up. It might just be me, but I want to see what you have. Can you post your build? I agree. I use Staff + P/P myself. I find DE P/P a pain since mobs dies to fast and marking a new target is a real burden. Yeah, you got my interest pique. Please post your build. I was under the impression that you have full diviner and we have established that was your fault. :)
  18. Use this for 20 matches, and I guarantee you won't complete this skill even 10 times successfully. If you dont play thief ever, I'll even say less than 5. And out of those successful chains, most won't be finishing the target off. The way I'm doing to complete the chain is: impact 1 -> swipe-> impact 2 -> impact 3. Without the swipe before impact 2, it will never connect. The stun is not long enough to finish the casting time on impact 2, which is almost always will miss if you try to use it after impact 1. It's annoying that I'd rather take Dagger Storm. Of course this is assuming that your target is not dodging, breaking stun, or have passive defense that triggers before they die. Not to mention, Impact Strike is not unblockable so an Aegis can pop up to ruin your day. However, with Quickness, you can chain these skills rather smoothly, but you'll have to give up a utility slot for Haste.
  19. P/P damage output has to ramp up in order to get to the same damage level of Rifle. If you compare the damage between Unload and Double Tap, you get better result with Double Tap for a cheaper cost since Rifle didn't need to ramp up. Sure, P/P grants Initiative refunds when all shot hits, but you'll have to spend at least 10 initiatives to get to the same level of damage as one Double Tap. If you kneel, 3RB is even a better source of damage for a cheap cost. Rifle will have access to the same trait. Erm...that's a waste of Initiatives. Not sure if you're serious with your claim. Rifle has a built-in infinite Swiftness, which frees up Rune slot for more damage. Fireworks rune doesn't grant "perma-swiftness". Rifle has access to the same things. These are not exclusive to P/P. The fact that you have to use a movement speed Rune shows that your damage is lacking. You'll be kiting that champion longer than someone using a Rifle. Full Diviner set means you have base vitality and toughness. Without access to Protection, you're relying too much on dodge, which is very limited when using Deadeye. Ad P/P, you are susceptible to damage which makes this build dubious in terms of survivability. This build will only work if you are using Daredevil, which will extend the Swiftness from Dash to 20s, which is the only thing that is close to "perma-swiftness", not to mention you have access to 3 dodges and tons of endurance. Thus, I don't see the advantage of P/P in this regards. Rifle can go full Berserker due to its range and mobility advantage. This P/P build only looks good on paper.
  20. I'm still waiting for the "dodge roll" on Deadeye while kneeling to be a dodge-in-place by default (unless a movement key is held). Who wants to get into a good overlook position on a wall/cliff (where your shots are not obstructed), only to have to roll backwards (away from your firing position) to get access to your big hitting attack??? Why not just gain a Shadow's Cloak instead of dodge rolling in place just like how Mirage's Cloak works? Same effect as dodging, but without the positioning, only when kneeling of course.
  21. I will say it again. Kneeling should be a stance.While on the Kneeling stance, you can move normally but goes on one knee (crouch) when you stop moving.Kneeling Rifle skills are available as long as Kneeling stance is active and as long as you are not moving.You can skirmish with Standing Rifle skills if you're in Kneeling stance as long as you are moving.Toggle off Kneeling stance to use Standing Rifle skills when not moving.Kneeling stance will be no different than the current iteration of DJ where the DE takes a knee (crouch) before taking a shot.Not being able to move while kneeling was the stupidest iteration ever in an action RPG game. It never made sense.
  22. Part of playing any game is to understand mechanics and taking note of animation timing. In an arcade fighting game (i.e. Street Fighter) you have to time your attacks else you'll miss the certain area of your target where you can deal a lot of damage or denying them from blocking your attacks. If you mistimed your attacks, you won't get the expected favorable result. The Thief profession works in the similar way. You have to sometimes wait for the animation to finish before following up with your attacks. Sometimes that delays are there by design, which to be honest have frustrated many Thieves ever since (i.e. Heartseeker's after cast delay). So you have to understand that you have to control the urge to juggle your opponent midair because it won't work in this game. Even though I agree that you should be able to, it's just not how this game is design, thus I won't think they will change that anytime soon. As for weakening charge, you have to literally wait for their feet to touch the ground when pulling and yours to touch the ground when teleporting (due to aftercast delay) before you can do anything to them. This is the flaw of the game engine's inability to process everything so the game is designed to give the engine time to process, thus the delays. In other games with similar interactions and amount of effects that are being processed in real time (i.e. Destiny 2), I have not experience the design flaw that exists in GW2. GW2's engine is just an old design using old technology that is now struggling to keep up with our beastly computers.
  23. Keep Basilisk Venom as is but make the "turn to stone" a status effect called "Petrified". If you are petrified, you will receive no effect from your boons (i.e. Regen will not heal you, Protection will not grant dmg reduction, Aegis will not block, etc.) for the duration of the effect. This will be the opposite of Resistance ignoring effect of conditions, which Petrified will ignore the effects from boons. This will make this skill very appealing and effective without stripping any boon from the target.
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