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Sir Vincent III.1286

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Everything posted by Sir Vincent III.1286

  1. I got lucky a zerg was running the event, so I'm now a proud owner of Bo.
  2. That thief community... 15 ini baseline is a ridiculous idea because picking trickery prevents you from just picking deadly arts, critical strikes, elite spec on any build for completely broken damage numbers without any skill spam tradeoffs. The only meaningful thing you would lose is a bit of steal utility which you don't need when you can burst like crazy. Will that be really the case though? That seems over-simplistic. Although +3 initiative is nice and all, that's not the only reason to take Trickery. Whether +3 Init becomes a baseline, I'll still use Trickery in my other builds due to Klepto, Trickster, and Sleight. I used to support this change, but it doesn't solve the problem of Initiative drought on weapon swap. While other professions can use all skills on weapon swap, Thief cannot once Initiatives are depleted. IMO, the dual cost I've suggested is a good trade off.
  3. You're doing just fine as you are. You only worry about builds when you have unlocked every skills and traits since at your current level, your options are very limited.
  4. You're comparing apples to pineapples. What's the difference between a new weapon and redesigned weapon? Nothing. It's not apple vs pineapple. You're misrepresenting my point. It's a very common reasoning between some development and update decisions, when concerned with existing players' reactions. Granted, not really that relevant here, I'll give you that. Question: How many times have they redesigned weapon skills despite player reaction?Answer: Too many to count. Your argument has no basis. If you want to look at ArenaNet's track record, they don't give a Skritt to player reaction. This isn't about me trying to prove my superiority over you. It's just me trying to envision and explain the reasoning behind the devs' involvement or lack of thereof. It's easier to swap wheels for an existing card, based on a need, than to re-invent a new type of a car. Even if the original design was lacking. Right. So by that logic, your engine is burning fuel at low RPM and you rather change the tires instead of rebuilding the engine. Wow, that's smart! /smh
  5. Wait. I thought the complaints all these time is the Thief stealthing and running away. This is not a good video to support that complaint.
  6. really I run dragon stand twice this week, seem there is always someone doing it. got the machine staff part in the big chest after boss. now I only need exalt gather to get Sharpening Stone. though i'm out of mastery point so I need start LS3 to get insight. I think mystic staff is ok price, 30 mystic coin that's about 39g, 50 shard is worth 10g+, i'm causal player so spirt shard is another valuable currency for me, I have about 200 right now don't want lose 50 for bo. just curious you do have plated staff 1st to unlock the machine staff collection right? Yes I have everything but the Machined Staff Shaft. I've ran DS before and have killed Mord about a dozen times but the Machined Staff Shaft never dropped for me. Probably because I have not unlocked Machined Staff until recently. Yeah, if you value Spirit Shard that much, I guess just paying 50g for the Mystic Staff would be cheaper for you. I have over 1k Spirit Shards and I get more by just running Dragonfall a couple of times since I've already maxed my PoF masteries. Also I use all my Tome of Knowledge whenever I get one. Some people are even complaining of having too much and nothing to use it for (link). My point is, 50 shard is not a lot to pay pay for it, however, 50g, on the other hand, is heavy on my pockets.
  7. It’s guaranteed if you do the DS meta. Well so long as you don’t have any of the other collections unlock that require a component. Try to join the map a few minutes before it resets to ensure you can join a squad that’s doing it. I went there last night and there's only 6 of us trying to complete the Meta. After wiping a few times, I'm done. I hope I can login and find a zerg doing it. Unfortunately, everyone is in Dragonfall and I don't blame them. :/
  8. being marked doesnt make u visible. It just makes u visible after 2-3 seconds or so, which is no problem to always refresh before revealing Does it not force you out of stealth even for a second regardless? What I am reading from what you state, I could technically stand in an SR (that pulses stealth) and not be revealed while it pulses People are making fun of you as you clearly don't understand the marked mechanic. I'll assume you're either new to the game or new to thief and explain it. Fyi, when marked is applied to you, it means you can only stay in stealth for 2s before you're forcibly revealed for 6s. The only way to cleanse this reveal is through shadow meld, and even then it only gives you another 2s of stealth before you're revealed again. Shadow meld has a 5s internal cooldown and a 45s cooldown on charges, max 2 charges. This makes it impossible to stay in stealth for more than 2s, or 4s with a split second of visibility in the middle followed by 3s being visible and not being able to do anything about it. Bottom line; if someone is marked, they cannot permastealth. Claiming they can just makes you look silly, so don't do that. well after all, the sniper can still become invisible after every dodge roll, doesnt matter if marked from keep ,another deadeye or even through a Marker-trap.Its not like having a 6second cooldown of being invisible again. With the right "macro" ,its possible to stay on one spot in an keep for hours without being ever seen I literally just explained the marked mechanic to you. Did you read what I wrote? ye, but seems like u dont know every bit of the thief. It is a broken mechanic of the thief, that only some single players know about. Ofc i can understand that they want to keep it for themselves instead of getting it fixed, so im not getting into it anymore anyway. Well with the reading comprehension skills you've shown here I'm sure you'll do great. Assuming you make it past the door marked "pull". ye whatever , thanks for ur time Tell you what, make a fully stealth equipped thief and try permastealthing while stood next to an enemy sentry. You'll work it out sooner or later. guild members already tried it out, still doesnt want to talk about such. So, ye it already worked outI rather have these "guild members" to speak for themselves.
  9. I tried to do this last night and thanks to the Masteries I've already ranked and for flying mount, I only need one more thing: Machined Staff Shaft -- it's a rare drop from Nox Pods and Mord chest. I ran out of Machetes, probably opened about 12 pods, and still no drop. I have to run some event in Tangled to get more Ley-line crystals to buy more Machete. Nobody's running Dragon's Stand, so no luck there. I'll try again tonight. Note: Don't buy the Mystic Staff from the Trading Post -- it's over priced (50g). Just gather the materials and make one, very cheap. It will save you a lot of gold. Assuming of course you have saved a lot of Mystic Coins since each coin sells for 1.3g each. Either way, making it yourself is still cheaper.
  10. As interesting as this sounds, I don't see it happening because 1) too much work, 2) confusing for veteran players, 3) design philosophies and uniqueness. 1) If they can put CD on the stealth attacks, this should not be any different2) The Initiatives will functions as normal. The only difference is the addition of CD which allows for the use of the skill without Initiatives. Any veteran who knows how to manage their Initiative may not even need to use the skill for CD.3) What do you mean by this? 1) It still requires potential additional re-balancing of a ton of different skills. Any games' devs would be hesitant about this.It's not like they haven't done this before, else we wouldn't even have new weapons and weapon skills. That doesn't explain anything. It seems that you're dismissing the idea for the sake of dismissing it without any valid reason on your part why you're dismissing it. Obviously that design is flawed. It has been flawed from the very beginning and I have given several example where this design have failed. So far, you have not shown any support to your claims.
  11. As interesting as this sounds, I don't see it happening because 1) too much work, 2) confusing for veteran players, 3) design philosophies and uniqueness. 1) If they can put CD on the stealth attacks, this should not be any different2) The Initiatives will functions as normal. The only difference is the addition of CD which allows for the use of the skill without Initiatives. Any veteran who knows how to manage their Initiative may not even need to use the skill for CD.3) What do you mean by this?
  12. /smh way to contradict yourself in the same post.
  13. /smh way to contradict yourself in the same post.
  14. By the way, in case you don't know, you should watch the Event Timer (link) so you can schedule your event runs properly. This helped me a lot. Also add mentors to your friend list since they do the runs most of the time.
  15. Adding 3 more initiative as base line is good, yes, but that will not solve a lot of our problems. For instance, after swapping weapons, the skills are not available if Initiative is depleted. It would take a redesign of the Initiative system to make it better. One suggestion I made in the past is making the Thief skills have 2 costs: initiatives and cooldown. The way this will work is, if you for instance spammed Heartseeker, you can use it 3 times in a row using Initiatives. Once the Initiative is depleted, the 4th use of HS will put it in an 6s CD, for example. Even though your Initiative is depleted, other skills are available at a cost of CD. Which means you can still use Death Blossom paying CD instead of Initiative, so it will put DB in a 10s CD if the 4 Initiative cost is not paid. So at the start of combat, the Thief will be using Initiatives until depleted, then all skills will be put on a CD if used without Initiatives. Initiatives will regen as normal. With this system in place, the Thief will not get locked out of skills to use when they ran out of Initiatives and/or swap to a new weapon set. The skills will always be available albeit they will be put on a CD if you have no Initiatives left.
  16. Panic Strike already have a 30s ICD, then you want to add another ICD? That makes no sense. The way Panic Strike should function is to apply poison and immobilize when the target falls below 50% keeping the 30s ICD. This way, the poison cannot be applied just by applying immobilize. This will remove the Sword #2 "spamming" from the equation.
  17. With that kind of play time, it will take you a month to complete one Mastery rank. Since you have to level 3 of them (gliding, nuhoch, exalted) to at least rank 4, that will take you a month to complete each rank. That's 12 Mastery ranks, 1 Mastery rank per month, so that's a year. With that kind of play time, you'll have a hard time joining events, let along completing it, so it may even take you longer to complete the Mastery ranks. Here's the kicker, you can't do them at the same time -- you have to choose one path at a time and only play in the HoT maps. It gets tedious after a while. I've been trying to level these Masteries ever since HoT came out, but I only managed to complete Exalted and Gliding so far. Just like you, I have limited play time, but I get to play longer on weekends. Once in a while I will find a zerg running around the map doing events, but that doesn't happen all the time. Four years later, I still don't have Bo, and I'm not as casual as you. Just try to finish one Mastery at a time as much as you can and take note on how much time it takes you to complete one rank. That will give you an idea of how much time you need to complete up to rank 4. Also, I found having a flying mount really speed things up rather than using the mushrooms and glider to get around. However, getting the flying mount is also a long process especially the dragon mount. I might try to complete this myself since I don't really like the Halloween event.
  18. Immobilize in Sword #2 was never a problem before any of the Elite Specs were added. Now that there are more tools to counter Immob (i.e. Resistance) suddenly it becomes a problem? This makes no sense.
  19. The build that you want is DA/Acro/Trick. The build is built around low Steal CD and Mug spikes. The synergy of Swindler's and Sleight empowers Mug and Thrill. With the evasion from S/D, this will work great for you. Here is the build of one of my Thief:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaEBwiprlNw4YTMNGJOsTrrVA-zRQURYT0jLCwYPHA-e Simple, cheap, and easy to build but very effective. Of course, you can tweak it to match your playstyle. Your build has low critical, which lower your kill ability and put pressure on your sustain. (correct me if I am wrong). Wouldn't be smarter to go full berserker/assassin?Is acrobatics good enough to replace critical strikes? I also think of the missing Invigorating Precision which is godly in open world Take note that this build only uses Exotics and without food. You can surely boosts your precision with this build by using Ascended, eating food, and taking Signet of Agility. Also you don't need Invigorating Precision when you have Upper Hand, Pain Response, and low CD Mug. As I said, tweak it to match your playstyle. Just swap acro to crit strikes and you have more dmg with better sustain unrestricted by CDs. Healing 900hp over 7 seconds with upper hand is kind of meh in pve if you want to mow through the mobsI mean obviously play what you like, but cs will just give him more in OW.True, but you won't get a low CD Mug. It's really the combination of all three (upper hand, pain respond, mug). In open world, you'll find that relying on crits for healing is not a good thing. Not only poison will reduce your healing but also weakness, blind, block, evade, reflect, etc.
  20. That's unfortunate. It's a knee jerk reaction that doesn't really address the problem. It seems to me that the current iteration of Panic Strike is really what they want. Well, they will still problems with the sd condi daredevil. People will complain, and they will probably go after panic strike. They won't roll back any nerfs either lol.Of course not.
  21. That's unfortunate. It's a knee jerk reaction that doesn't really address the problem. It seems to me that the current iteration of Panic Strike is really what they want.
  22. The build that you want is DA/Acro/Trick. The build is built around low Steal CD and Mug spikes. The synergy of Swindler's and Sleight empowers Mug and Thrill. With the evasion from S/D, this will work great for you. Here is the build of one of my Thief:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PaEBwiprlNw4YTMNGJOsTrrVA-zRQURYT0jLCwYPHA-e Simple, cheap, and easy to build but very effective. Of course, you can tweak it to match your playstyle. Your build has low critical, which lower your kill ability and put pressure on your sustain. (correct me if I am wrong). Wouldn't be smarter to go full berserker/assassin?Is acrobatics good enough to replace critical strikes? I also think of the missing Invigorating Precision which is godly in open worldTake note that this build only uses Exotics and without food. You can surely boosts your precision with this build by using Ascended, eating food, and taking Signet of Agility. Also you don't need Invigorating Precision when you have Upper Hand, Pain Response, and low CD Mug. As I said, tweak it to match your playstyle.
  23. That's because the implementation of poison in Panic Strike is out of whack. It should only apply poison once every 30s when your target fall below 50% health -- not on every application of immob.
  24. S2 doesn't allow to pass through walls. It just looks like it because the engagement range is 900 and the recall range is 1200. So if you move 300 after engaging from behind a wall, you're still in range for the recall. The shadowstep path has to be uninterrupted in order for it to work.
  25. It is panic strike. The poison granted by panic strike should only apply if panic strike applied the immobilize. It should function like this;Panic Strike 30s ICDStriking a foe below the health threshold poisons and immobilize them.Threshold: 50% Now, leave Sword #2 alone. EDIT: Leave Deadly Ambition alone too. Does any other sword wielder have a faster chain for autos or any greater way for closing distance than thief on sword? It is sword 2. 100% It seems like you're not familiar with Mesmer Sword #3 -> Sword #2 combo. Yeah, I guess not. What were the cooldowns on those again? First you ask if another exist, now that it does, you move the goal post talking about CDs. /smh The amount of damage the skill deals is why they have longer CD. The damage of Thief Sword #2 is not even close compare to Mesmer Sword #2 if you're looking at DPS. Heck even Guardian's Sword #2 deals more damage. As fast or greater way, that was the details. goal post was same spot. You didn't present a faster auto chain or greater way. If that's what you're asking, then it's a dumb question. That's like asking if there's any other Thief, of course the answer is there isn't. It is the Thief's mechanic to get in, deal damage, and get out better than other professions. The moment the profession cannot do that is the moment the profession dies. But if you're looking for professions who can port in and burst, then there's plenty. You're just not looking hard enough. EDIT: forgot "deal damage" My question is why does it need the immobilze? If you fail, you can spam try again.That's the nature of having Initiatives and that's already there since day 1. The only reason it's an issue now is because of Panic Strike was updated with poison. If they change Panic Strike as I suggested, there will be no more issue.
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