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Sir Vincent III.1286

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Everything posted by Sir Vincent III.1286

  1. I don't like it when it remembers the last tab I looked at...it should default to Equipment tab every time. Heck if they are willing, I want separate windows for;1) Equipment + builds + masteries2) wardrobe + dyes3) crafting4) mounts + minis5) story + training + achievements6) others (novelties, finisher, etc.) This way I can keybind each window.
  2. Ricochet + Opportunist + Ankle Shots = P/P Beast = nerfed to death
  3. So not true. Why do you think there's even a Path of Fire? That in itself is a spoiler.
  4. Ricochet is stolen by Ranger Axe and Opportunist is stolen by Warrior. They are better Thief than us.
  5. Equivalent of 10 stacks of poison at 1620 condition damage (thorns rune), plus 10 stack of might, and 15 stacks of Vulnerability.M7 - 10 stacks of mightDE Mark - 3 stacks poisonSpotter Shot from stealth (panic + leeching) - 3 stacks poisonBinding Shadows - 4 stacks poison, 15 stacks vulnerability
  6. How long will it take before they start complaining about P/P DE Condition/Hybrid Build spamming Unload? I've been using this build in my PvE alt. The stacking might is great with Deadly Ambition and Unload plus the Initiatives refund. It's not a PvP build, but what's stopping the complainers?
  7. You're better off spending the Volatile Magic and your gold in getting the permanent Home instance Nodes. The return on those "boxes" is minuscule. The return on those home instance nodes take quite awhile to pay for themselfs.It's a long-term investment of course it will take a while, however, after that it's 100% profit.
  8. Well, i love idea of scrapper and i love the hammer and wells, but i don't like rest of the engi too much, core is very clunky, holo while looking great is just quite boring for me, and i realy hate kits, they are very important for any engi build, but I just don't enjoy playing with any of them in other words, you don't really like the following; Your list is a lie then.
  9. You're better off spending the Volatile Magic and your gold in getting the permanent Home instance Nodes. The return on those "boxes" is minuscule.
  10. I know people who detest reading and prefers videos instead. It's a visual v.s. auditory learning. Also, the wiki is overwhelming sometimes. When I was looking for a specific Ascended item, I have to sift through tables and cross reference them. For instance, the table about "Available Armor Prefix" is useless information without a link to the actual item you can get in game. For example, the stats combination is described as Harrier, yet no page that lists all Harrier pieces. Then I found this (link), which is a query method to filter all equipment. I can make a 10m video talking about everything I posted so far. And yes, that's content for people who preferred to be shown than told.
  11. I'd rather have the old Opportunist (+1 init/crit) as basedline. Or reduce the cost of each weapon skills. Adding 3 more initiative may be a popular demand but it's only useful at the beginning of the engagement and does nothing if the fight drags on, which results to the Thief running away or resetting. Most builds don't even need the +3 initiatives which means, this change will do nothing for those builds. Klepto should have the Bountiful Theft trait, then change BT to something else. Then as Minor Master, put Thrill of the Crime here. Burst of Agility should be in Acrobatics as an Adept Minor. Then Expeditious Dodger and Feline Grace should be fused into one trait. This effect needs to be included into the minor adept trait. Then add a new trait "Preparedness: Reduce the CD of Preparations by 20%" I made a similar suggestion before that nullify the effect of the boons instead of outright stripping them called "Petrified" (link). I made this suggestion to be added into Basilisk Venom, but as GM trait, it might be too strong. Besides, how can you lock the boon that you just removed? Also, it seems over complicated and more appropriate for the Mesmer to "lock" anything magic. Why would you want to do this? There is no benefit on holding onto a stolen item. You're over complicating this. They just need to give the Thief a full Initiative bar on weapon swap and make the weapon swap CD to 12s to match the initiative base line. Pressure Striking as GM should apply Torment, Slow, and Cripple. No need to complicate it. Besides, taking this and Potent Poison will only break the poison damage output.
  12. That's fair and I agree. I don't play thief to do support either. I just like rolling around ideas because theorycrafting. That's also fair. I can't really criticise when I have 4 DE builds in regular use saved in templates for specific enemies and circumstances xDOr sometimes you just want to stay at the backline doing lazy damage -- you need a build for that. Nobody said it has to be viable since we're talking about support here.
  13. Do u feel the -3 ini?That's my main concern replacing trickery with DDNon DE build obviously lol No I don't, since I use my skill methodically instead of busting. However, in my Assassin Thief, Preparedness is necessary in order to deliver the burst, but I don't need it for my main Thief. If you use skills divisible by 3, for example Skimisher's Shot, you won't even notice it. As for my DD Thief it's the same for me, I use Weakening Charge instead of Vault since Bound is cheaper, so I don't notice the extra 3 init. Besides, Hidden Thief, Flickering Shadow, and Rending Shade are really hard to pass when using Staff. Stealth on Channeled Vigor, 20s CD Smokescreen (stealth on leap), 40s CD Shadowstep...it's a very active DD build with a lot of boon strip. One time something unexpected happened that Rending Shade actually interrupted a heal...who would have thunk?
  14. The only reason I ever use Trickery is because of Trickster adding cleanse to my Withdraw. Now that I can do the same with Shadow Arts' Shadow Embrace, I've replaced Trickery ever since. However, I do miss the 14s CD Withdraw though.
  15. You have to get the Jackal else you won't be able to complete a map since some areas are only accessible if you have the Jackal. IMO, the Jackal quest line got cut off before POF release to meet the deadline, which is a shame.
  16. GW2 Wiki says; "... after some conversation leave the outpost, jumping over the wall since they won't open the gate for you." (link)
  17. There is an advantage focusing on Precision since you can trigger a lot of effects that procs on crit hits. However, both Ranger and Mesmer doesn't have many traits that triggers on crits so there's really no point of focusing on precision. If you are using Engineer, for example, you can proc a burning condition on crits, so precision might make sense for that profession. Otherwise, just stay with power.
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