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Sir Vincent III.1286

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Everything posted by Sir Vincent III.1286

  1. It is to prevent chaining enhancements. What I mean is -- for instance; using Signet of Agility to enhance precision to enhance power from Sharpening Stone to enhance vitality from Marauder's Resilience to enhance ferocity from Wurm Rune -- that is but a wishful thinking, not going to happen. The Dev have foreseen that nonsense and made sure that wouldn't happen. So think about it as a one-time use enhancement. If the food enhances power, Marauder Resilience can use that one-time to enhance vitality -- since that is already been used, Wurm Rune will not be able to use it to enhance your ferocity. However, if the food enhances vitality directly, Wurn Rune can use that one-time to enhance your ferocity, but your Sharpening stone will not be able to use that to enhance your power. With that said, let's answer your questions; That is because the food states +100 Power while the enhancement (i.e. Sharpening stone) is derived from precision/ferocity or other stats. Remember what I said above about chain enhancement? Since the Sharpening Stone is not a static effect, meaning it changes when other stats change, it will not be used to enhance other stats. The food has a +100 power static effect that will stay +100 no matter what. This is due to the difference between static and active (not activated) effects. Buffs (i.e. Might) are considered active effect thus it's not factored into the calculation for Marauder's Resilience. On the other hand, food is considered a static effect as if equipping a piece of armor with Power in it. Signets are active effect, meaning it only enhances your stats as long a it is active in your skill bar -- just like a Buff enhancing your stats as long as they are active in a given duration. Signet effects are not static since it doesn't have the '+' sign, instead it uses the word "Grants" just like the one from enhancement using the word "Gains", meaning they are active effect. You can easily see the difference by taking Deadly Arts, equip a dagger, then toggle Dagger Training on and off and see how it affects vitality through Marauder's Resilience. Dagger Training affects it because it uses the '+' sign. Now to throw a wrench to the process, Might uses the '+' sign yet it doesn't effect the vitality through Marauder's Resilience. That is because even though that is the case, the enhancement from Might is not a static effect. For instance, there are traits that changes the enhancement of Might to grant more power than condition damage or vice versa, which makes the bonus not static because it can be changed. And to add more to the confusion, passive effects (i.e. Assassin's Signet) technically are effects that are always active, because if it is indeed passive it will not do anything. So technically, Assassin's signet has an active effect that grants 180 Power and an activated effect that grants 540 power for 5s. The real passive effects are the ones you get from your gear a.k.a. static effects. So the root of your problem is the poor choice of words and inconsistencies in their usage. Welcome to GW2.
  2. I think people need to clear up the context, ineffective class ≠ the class sux The context is clear, which profession is most worthless. Not which profession is ineffective. Not which profession sucks. Rather, Most Worthless. So if you tally the Core Professions from Worthy to Worthless, in my list, the Core Necro is dead last. Pun intended. If you're talking about group play in WvW then enemies will have aegis and/or blocks, you're not whacking a stationary golem. Unblockable marks have been useful since vanilla GW2 before HoT. It was spite+soul reaping+blood (for well cooldown)/curses then (now with precision, and basically death magic was not overhauled til recent changes implementing death's carapace). Old pre-HOT builds had variants with vampiric presence before its scaling was changed to be higher (renegades' soulcleave summit didn't exist back then). If you run axe mainhand on power builds (which has boon rip , so once again not useless) then staff is mainly for area denial and soft CC at 1200 range, whereas a condi/hybrid necro with scepter mainhand gets more damage out of staff's conditions.Meanwhile ranger pets not stealthing (while out of combat and in stealth fields) can wipe the rest of the group and pet AI has them dying in AoEs during group play quite often (animal cruelty), so given the choice any commander would rather have a core necro...Do you even realize that Core Eng is even better pre-HoT? It seems that you're not familiar about the worth of Core Rangers. In terms of party buffs, Core Ranger is second to Banner Warrior. Core Necro's well can buff up to 5 party members? Ranger can buff up to 10. Core Necro is the one that contributes less than the Core Ranger. If the Dev's read this thread, my hope is for them to stop designing the game as a one-size-fits-all. Their goal is to allow each profession to do everything while attempting to avoid the "holy trinity" -- IMO, that's foolish. Because doing so effectively makes each profession's identity worthless. Why even bother using Necro or Ranger if other class can do everything? The idea behind the "holy trinity" is to give each profession a purpose, a role, in a party setup. At the same time, it gives each profession their own unique identity instead of trying to mash them up altogether. The reason to bring a Necro shouldn't be about anything other than raising the dead. The game should be designed that bringing a Necro is a boon to the encounter as it gives a different experience than bringing an Elementalist, for example. In the same way, the game should be designed where an Engineer is needed. For instance, instead of bringing an Elementalist and nuke the mobs head on, you can try bringing an Engineer next time to build a bridge for a short cut, which will introduce a completely different experience, especially if many parties are doing the nuke way. As I've mentioned, during sieges, Core Eng is highly valuable. Core Necro, not so much. No profession should be allowed to do everything. The GW1 Necro is far more superior than GW2 Necro in terms of Necromancy. The Devs need to restore that. They need to stop the Reaper and Scourge nonsense and give Necro the full power of Necromancy by allowing the profession to build a minion army. All they need to do is change the Death Shroud, that whenever the Necro goes into Death Shroud, the number of his minions doubles -- when the Necro ends Death Shroud, the temporary minions dies. When this happen, Necro would no longer be worthless. A Core Eng with Healing Turret and Elixir Gun is far more valuable than Core Necro. You're not doing well in making you case.
  3. If you want Pitfall to work, you need Scorpion Wire and Sword main hand. I'm sure you can figure out how to build around these.
  4. I think people need to clear up the context, ineffective class ≠ the class sux The context is clear, which profession is most worthless. Not which profession is ineffective. Not which profession sucks. Rather, Most Worthless. So if you tally the Core Professions from Worthy to Worthless, in my list, the Core Necro is dead last. Pun intended.
  5. Core Engineer is a really good support during sieges, that's why it's not useless. Core Necro on the other hand...yeah. Core necros can keep the chokes / walls hot with marks and wells and the level of player skill required to do so is extremely low unlike open field, which makes it well suited for players completely new to WvW. Not sure why you voted core necro, but you're entitled to your opinion. If that's the best case you can come up with in defense of the Core Necro, then you just proven my point. My Core Guardian can do that job, no need for Core Necro. Not only my Core Guardian can do that job better, it can hold it longer than the Core Necro. A single kit of the Core Eng, specifically Elixir Gun, is more valuable than the Core Necro's wells. All the new Engineer has to do is point the Elixir Gun to an ally and spray away -- the best role for new players.
  6. There are so many useless/broken mechanics that you are free to sacrifice. Start with Revealed.
  7. Core Engineer is a really good support during sieges, that's why it's not useless. Core Necro on the other hand...yeah.
  8. I've used this rune for a long time and yes, your observation is accurate. Underwhelming for AoE, true, but it's real purpose, in my opinion, is to make sure my Stealth Attack is 100% crit. In my Rifle DE, this rune synergies very well with Silent Scope for a 100% crit on my Death's Judgement.
  9. Hahaha, my second pick is Engineer but I had personally worst experience with a Core Necro.
  10. I disagree with this statement since it is not necessarily true. This response from the Devs originates from the issue of the Thief dealing a lot of damage from poison while applying instant cast CC (immob) from Sword #2 traited with Panic Strike. So it's not really difficult to understand what the Dev is talking about even without giving specifics. The problem is, the Devs are the ones who created this problem by adding Poison to Panic Strike that nobody, literally nobody asked for. Sword #2 was never an issue because it deals mediocre damage as a compensation for the instant CC -- which it should be. Now by giving it a way to deal a lot of damage through conditions, we are now facing a problem, that to be honest is really simple to solve. The solution to this, as I've mentioned before, is to change Panic Strike to only apply poison if the target is below 50% health which will also share the 20s ICD with Immob. Problem solved. The current iteration of Panic Strike is causing to much problem since it affects, not only Sword #2, but also kneeling Rifle #2 and Binding Shadowsm which are already too powerful as they are. So if the Devs wants to do the right thing, I believe that my solution is the reasonable one. Then they can roll back the nerf to Deadly Ambition. Their current solutions are moronic at the very least since they are creating more problems to address a simple problem. Prior to that add of poison to Panic strike, s/x was rarely used as a condition build. The reason they started to use it was because the INI spent on #2 could now do damage which was competitive with INI spent on flanking strike for damage (damage is damage and people will always seek to do damage in their builds whether it condition or power) I am not arguing that this add to panic strike was a good thing, I am pointing out that what made the build usable was being able to do more damage per ini spent with that add to panic strike.The problem is not the damage per init, the problem is Panic Strike is granting a large amount of damage when you use a CC and it's not just Sword #2. If the Dev decides to keep the damage, Sword #2 will get nerfed with higher Init cost, which will bring us back to where the damage is not worth the cost. In my opinion, that is not the right course of action. That will further ruin the weapon sets that is already the most expensive weapon sets the Thief could have. If the damage of the Sword #2 without the poison from Panic Strike was not worth the init cost, the solution is to lower the cost, not add damage. Power creep is what's brought us here and the Dev is going to make the biggest mistake yet if they decided to nerf Sword #2, Steal, or the whole Trickery line. There's too many things happening on Steal which reflects the amount of time (very little) they have spent on the Thief. To be honest, I would be ok with Thrill of the Crime, for example, triggering on Stolen Item use. This way, we can benefit from it multiple times when built properly and taking Improv will actually mean something. What's happening with Shadow Shot will not be considered as "too much". I'm pretty sure they are talking about Steal where you can; portgain init,dazetorment on interruptpoisonweaknessvulnerabilitygain mightfuryswiftnesshealand deal damageThat is the definition of too much and that's just one build. Now I agree that it is too much happening in one skill and I would like to see those spread out to other skills. I hate the fact that we have to rely on Steal to get those buff. As I mentioned, they can start by triggering Thrill when using a Stolen item. Mug will stay with steal. Then maybe Serpent Touch can trigger on Stealth Attacks or weapon skills that cost 5 init or more. Applying poison using Cloak and Dagger makes more sense than applying poison while stealing. Some of the traits makes no sense triggering on steal like Daze on Sleight of Hands. Sure the trait should lower the Steal CD, but daze? They should just add the Daze to Mug and remove the damage and increase the heal. Then make Dagger Training to add +120/+240 so if you want damage, you should take DT. If you want control, take Mug. If you want condition damage, take Deadly Ambition. As I've always said here, they need to lower the cost of weapon set proportionate to the amount of initiatives in our bar. S/P for example should not have a total cost of 20 init to use all skills. This leads to spamming the same skill, Pistol Whip, because there's no other skills that is worth using. Pistol Whip should not cost 5 and Black Powder should definitely not cost 6. Initiative, by definition, should only be spent one time to initiative combat. This will allow the Thief to combo skills if the cost are cheaper. Once spent, the weapon skills will costs cooldown. For instance, you can spend all your initiative by spamming HS, but once the Initiatives are spent, HS will now go on a 6s CD. All other skills, whether used or not, will have their own CDs. This method will also solve the issue of swapping weapons since the skills on your off-set will be available even without Initiatives. Whether they are willing to do this or not, it will show if they are really have the conviction to really fix the game, or they will just continue the same lazy approach to everything and pretend that they care. I guess, we'll see. So far, I am not impress with the changes they've made and it affects the time I spend playing this game.
  11. I'm never a big fan of Radeon GPUs. I've wasted enough money to know that it's not a good brand and AMD purchasing it makes no difference. Even though NVidia is pricey, I know for a fact that I'm getting my money's worth. But I'm cheap, I waited until GTX 1070 went on sale before I bought it. :)
  12. I disagree with this statement since it is not necessarily true. This response from the Devs originates from the issue of the Thief dealing a lot of damage from poison while applying instant cast CC (immob) from Sword #2 traited with Panic Strike. So it's not really difficult to understand what the Dev is talking about even without giving specifics. The problem is, the Devs are the ones who created this problem by adding Poison to Panic Strike that nobody, literally nobody asked for. Sword #2 was never an issue because it deals mediocre damage as a compensation for the instant CC -- which it should be. Now by giving it a way to deal a lot of damage through conditions, we are now facing a problem, that to be honest is really simple to solve. The solution to this, as I've mentioned before, is to change Panic Strike to only apply poison if the target is below 50% health which will also share the 20s ICD with Immob. Problem solved. The current iteration of Panic Strike is causing to much problem since it affects, not only Sword #2, but also kneeling Rifle #2 and Binding Shadowsm which are already too powerful as they are. So if the Devs wants to do the right thing, I believe that my solution is the reasonable one. Then they can roll back the nerf to Deadly Ambition. Their current solutions are moronic at the very least since they are creating more problems to address a simple problem.
  13. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93817/big-update-news Highlights:"We can't have instant cast CC..." - Sword #2? "...increasing cast time on CCs is something we're very much looking at" - Sword #2? "...skills that do too many things at once...definitely problematic" - Steal? It seems that we need to brace for a Sword #2 and Steal related traits (i.e. Thrill of the Crime) nerfs coming soon.
  14. Ankle Shots doesn't immobilize. Never said it does. Then how does Opportunist figure into the equation you gave?The Thief's Opportunist (link) grants Initiatives on crits. So if you have Ricochet on Unload, it will crit multiple times and trigger Opportunist and grants a huge amount of initiatives...greater than the amount you get from the current iteration of Unload's initiative refund. Ankle Shots increases the cirt hit damage of unload. So with Ricochet + Opportunist + Ankle Shots, your P/P Unload deals a c@rp tons of damage on crits on crippled targets while refilling your Initiatives.
  15. See that's the problem when they changed Shadow Strike to include Repeater instead of just making a new skill. Obviously, they cannot make it a dual-wield skill otherwise the a single main hand pistol will have access to Deadly Ambition. If they take the easy path, they will leave it as is. If they take the right path, they will create a new skill for Shadow Strike.
  16. Nope. There was a better idea that I've previously read proposed by someone else -- stealth attacks are only available in the first 3-5 seconds of going into stealth. So if the Thief choose to stay in stealth longer than 5s, they will lose the opportunity to use their stealth attack (i.e. Backstab). Basically after 5s, the Thief will Feign Neutrality, unable to use stealth attack, but will get 90% damage reduction while in stealth.
  17. This is not the only offense they made against Asura and Charr -- females of the races are forced to wear the male version of the armors while when they are not being lazy female Asura and female Charr will have the female version of the armor.
  18. Compare to Malicious Intent, they are indeed inferior in terms of general use. However, they are not useless. I don't personally use One in the Chamber but I see here that it has some uses. As for Collateral Damage, I only use it when facing a group of mobs (i.e. pocket raptors) but the re-Marking gets really annoying in this situation. What they can do with Collateral Damage is to automatically mark one of the mob that received damage if your target dies. This way, if done correctly, we can chain the explosion to all the mobs. However, after the introduction of Pitfall, I don't use Collateral Damage anymore to clear trash mobs.
  19. Ankle Shots doesn't immobilize. Never said it does.
  20. I don't get this error. It seems that your game client failed to download all the asset, either the download was interrupted or the data was corrupted. To fix your game client, follow this instruction;https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client Hope that helps.
  21. Why even bother applying poison? Might as well introduce a new condition that do exactly that. Deep Wound from GW1 can easily take that effect. Just remove the max health reduction, but increase the healing reduction to 50%. Deadly Ambition applying Deep Wound.
  22. Sort of. I tried Guardian years ago and found it to be boring. It was the second-to-last profession in my rankings. More experience, new try, different playstyle, and now it's my favorite profession. On top of that, Guardian has probably the most viable different styles/builds of about any profession. Several suggested professions don't have that kind of choice.I don't disagree with you. I love my Guardian, but the OP seems to not know what he really want. If he doesn't like Scrapper and Guardian, he can always go for Revenant. From his description, he can practically do all those with any profession to be honest.
  23. Hooded cloak -- and I don't care if my Asura looks like a hobbit looking for the Prancing Pony.
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