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Everything posted by Antycypator.9874

  1. If AoE means Splitblade. on #2.. then yes. Dual skills looks and works exactly the same, just Axe/Dagger does only condi damage, and Axe/Pistol does only strike damage.
  2. Big condi damage that ramps up really quick. But I'm sad because axe is a ranged weapon with almost zero cleave and it's pretty weak as a power damage weapon.
  3. No, but power/precision or other dmg stats can be useful — especially if you're using enhancement effect, because they convert some of your stats into other stats. for example precision into concentration. And as people usually say, it's better to do 4k dps than 0.
  4. Seems like someone forgot that whole EoD is just retextured mobs, using literally the same old skills. But I'm happy that all those griffon-like Kryptis don't have 13s evade time.
  5. You don't have to spam skills — every skill should be a different tool, like Vault is good for mobility, Dust Strike to blind mobs and avoid damage, Debilitating Arc for evade if you're good at timing. Death's Retreat is for kiting, Skirmisher's Shots to reach your target through other mobs. Death's Blossom for power thief is an extra evade. Be little more creative. It's boring only when you fight a champ in group content.
  6. It's not. You want people to pay for your game all the time and for everything — small amounts of money for little things, like skip content, get better rewards or lootboxes. This is why mobile games can make literal millions of $$$. Current model business is good for PC players, not for mobile market.
  7. So you want Guild Wars 2 to be a game loaded with predatory monetization, that mostly plays itself?
  8. I want to use every type of armor skin on every class — not actual items, only skins. And for god's sake, fix those clipping tails.
  9. Relic of Mabon won't make it better. For every 10 stacks of might generated by yourself you get 1 stack of Mabon Strenght (cooldown: 3 sec). At 10 stacks of Mabon Strenght you get a damage boost. It takes at least 30 seconds (because there's CD between Mabon Strenght stacks). Now — what's better? Perma 5% damage boost, or 187 power for 8 seconds every half a minute?
  10. GoB should return to the vendor for 600 badges of honor, so you have to play WvW, but at least you can get your gift at any moment. I think WvW wouldn't get hurt. Casuals don't participate much, run proper builds or even roam, they're just teleporting back to the main base, because no one likes to be ganked. We are mostly running from camp to camp, avoiding other players, or afking, taking your space, so you have to wait in queue.
  11. Use Death Blossom to evade and stack malice. And also use Invigorating Precision to not die, because you can't do damage if you're dead. No Quarter is only 16% crit damage increase, but in solo scenarios it won't make much difference.
  12. Maybe if we had literally every existing rune bonus in those relics at start it would be fun, but no, all we've got is set of meh relics with mostly meaningless bonuses. Even I — a fan of meme open world build that doesn't care about min-maxing, took straight 5% damage boost because it's better than nothing. I feel like they changed nothing for most of my characters. Maybe some builds can use Chronomacer relic for personal quickness, or Defender for extra survivability (a decent option for power Chrono), but it's not for everyone. I really want my Rebirth bonus for hfb, so I can stay alive as a healer. I want my fury from relic of Fireworks. Or maybe I want to try 10% healing from Vampire runes? 10% Health bonus from Balthazar rune? OK, fine, it's a stat bonus, relics are not supposed to have stats. Regeneration after inflicting torment?
  13. I see literally everyone dying to it simply because no one can see the Shared Destruction mechanic. People are getting randomly one-shot and then bursted with milions of damage from unknown source.
  14. Staff/Rifle Deadeye, Dragon's armor, Marauder's trinkets, Surging runes, Relic of Thief. Can't be one-shot, can run fast in every scenario, always 100% crit chance, still great healing through Invigorating Precision. Rifle for long-range dmg, staff for melee and heavy CC.
  15. Isn't Guild Wars 2 full of meta (most efficient tactic available) and "the best" strategies to deal with stuff? The choice between melee and ranged is also a strategy, you can't punish people for that. Lets be honest, in instanced content you have to stack with other players anyway, so who cares? Here, in this thread, is too many people caring only about stupid numbers in their DPS metters, instead of just focusing on the game. I don't want this game to be balanced around players staring at arcDPS addon and whining about rifles or flying daggers doing more damage than swords in some encounters. Everyone gets the same rewards — if you play with other players, then it's a group effort, not a DPS race. I personally went through all this DPS race thing and I can assure you, it's pathetic. I feel bad for being such a person few years ago, because in 3 minutes after leaving a squad, no one actually remembers you and how many numbers you put out. There's nothing to care about.
  16. I got the relic of Mabon today and tested it. Not worth it. For every 10 might you generate by yourself you get 1 stack of Mabon strenght. At 10 stacks you get a damage boost. I thought it would be 10 stacks of might = boost, but no, you have to generate 100 stacks of might.
  17. Thief — permanent 5% dmg boost. Brawler — 10% dmg boost for 4 seconds after loading up all 7 malice, but probably not worth it. Deadeye — if you use more than one cantrip. There's probably an easy way to keep this boost perm. Speed — you have permanent swiftness in combat, so it could be useful. Leadership — for condi cleanse on elite use (e.g. Shadow Meld). Mabon — idk, but description sounds op for a class that can generate endless might.
  18. I have done some tests and it seems like DJ is hitting much less that before. Who the hell thought that Deadeye need more unreasonable nerfs?
  19. Jade Tech Protocols are easy access to most important boons with literally zero trade-offs. You don't need special gear, traits or interaction with other players — all you need is spend a minute to stack up these protocols up to 2 hours. And you can even abuse this system to cap all boons. Jade Tech Protocols should grant only their unique buff with 150 Power/Condi/Toughness/Vitality, which is in my opinion a decent boost for transferring Jade Battery Charges, which are lying around everywhere in Cantha. Maybe some kind of Magic Find/Experience/Karma boost would do well. I feel like it's against whole balance philosophy. No class should share both Quickness and Alac, but in meantime we can just stack Quick/Alac with Jade. Why?
  20. If you see at least once all the visual clutter caused by gen3 legendary weapons, then you will regret your request. It takes only 1 player and 1 gen3 greatsword to cover up half of your screen.
  21. Like what? Another copy-paste set of e-specs? We don't need more elite specs, we need new ways to play our existing specs. Don't you want a change for Scourge? Instead of being tied to clunky and boring scepter, you can use Greatsword, Pistol, or Sword; it's literally whole new class x3.
  22. I don't want youtubers to decide about game only because they stream this game. They're just average players. Devs should listen to whole community. Just because someone has a camera, doesn't make their opinion worth more.
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