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Everything posted by TheQuickFox.3826

  1. KP are a player problem. I can't blame experienced players who just want to farm and smooth runs to find ways to play with players of their own experience level. At the same time I can't blame new players from being annoyed by being locked out of so many groups. Not everyone has the social/management skills to organize their own groups. I was able to get around these problems by joining a guild that runs this content for new players and trains them, and I was able to find training groups for (emboldened or not emboldened) raids in LFG. But I know not everyone is able to find these (anymore) in LFG.
  2. I play normal mode T4 fractals and recs on a daily basis, usually at reset. The time and difficulty difference between the fractals is too great and I would love if ArenaNet world address this a bit. My opinions, your may be different: Fractals like Sunqua Peak and Silent Surf are very long in duration and are fairly difficult at T4 for average pugs. Players are literally leaving groups when they see these fractals are the dailies. Sunqua could use some dialog skips in the pre-events, shorter pre-events and a better expanation of the Tidal Bargain mechanic which many players still do not understand leading to a failure right at the end of the long fractal. It would also help to move the water phase to the start of the boss battle to allow players to retry this without having to do all other stages over again. Silent Surf could use some shortening, either in the pre-events or by lowering the boss HP. Nightmare is my example of how an ideal T4 NM fractal should be. Not too short, Not too long. Presents a challenge without being overly difficult or with mechanics that players find difficult to learn. IRL I don't like Nightmares, but I with more fractals would be like Nightmare. Twilight Oasis could use a shorter pre-event because the boss battle is fairly long. Boss battle itself is great imo. Molten alliance fractals are fine. Still in a sweet spot imo. Kitty fractals need a bit more challenging bosses to combat power creep. Solid Ocean just has a boring boss mechanic. It is fine with it's duration because it has a short pre. Urban battleground needs a more challenging boss battle. Getting past the ballistas is more challenging here than defeating the final boss. UW fractal suffers from lack of updates to underwater combat in general. For example, some day we had to kick a heal mechanist (HAM) because mechanist gets no mech underwater and the healing is done via the mech.
  3. Sorrow is fine. Players hardly participating is the problem. Auto boot players who are AFK. Disable participation from players who are only sitting on a skyscale and shooting fore balls and the boss will be a lot easier. And on the public runs I play I hardly see any failures lately. Players have learned to feed Zojja the orbs to heal her and most often this saves the instance from a failure. When the mission was new most players were clueless on how to heal her so they just DPS-ed the boss and failed the mission due to Zojja running out of life.
  4. ArenaNet has all the statistics on which content gets the most hours played and what not. They don't need to watch Twitch for that. A raid mission probably makes for a more interesting Twitch stream than another open world meta event. Raids and WvW are very active as well as PvP but perhaps with the time and effort to develop there is just more money to be made with story and open world content. Whether we like that or not. I would not mind to get a new raid wing, an overhaul of Edge of the Mists to make it active and rewarding again, (gliding, warclaw, pips) and some love for Stronghold, (ranked, new SH maps) but perhaps the time to develop these are better spent elsewhere when ArenaNet has to choose.
  5. Looks like we'll be getting a "major AAA game title". I wonder if this is one of the expansions for GW2 or something totally new. But we won't know until ArenaNet is ready to announce what is unannounced. https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/5383287 In the past they have been hiring developers with experience developing for major game consoles and with Unreal Engine experience. This also was for unannounced projects. But these may have been cancelled with the massive layoffs a couple of years ago.
  6. Yes, it's all about convenience and easy switching. Legendary relics will not get any better stats and perhaps no visual effects as well. (Legendary runs have no visual effects as well)
  7. Humans will seek to maximize results with minimal resistance. I can't blame them. It's in our DNA. But for the game it would perhaps be better if participation is removed if a player uses SkyScale fireballs alone and nothing else.
  8. EU always has been in a bad place for GW1/GW2 merch. I hope they will add a hub to ship from the EU to keep the shipping/tax/import costs a bit decent. I would certainly buy more merch if I did not have to pay shipping and import taxes from the USA.
  9. I'm not too keen on these because it requires a third-party account (Twitch) to get your drops. I rather see the rewards to be earnable directly in GW2.
  10. Play at peak times and keep an eye on LFG. Here on EU servers I have no issue finding commanders that advertise their meta run on LFG. Both before and after the official start time at gw2wiki/et. Ofc, you have more chance to find a group when you are there before the start time. At peak times I usually see multiple maps going for the meta at the same time.
  11. If they are just trolling. Just let it go. Usually trolls get bored from it and stop representing after a month or two. Perhaps much sooner. Usually trolls get bored as soon as they stop getting attention. If both guilds are active and accidentally selected a guild name that is too similar (And do not like that), one of the guild leaders may consider contacting support to request a different guild name for their guild. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013021194-Policy-Guild-Ownership-and-Name-Changes
  12. Yes, probably. But also come with the risk of making fights very annoying to the player. So don't implement it everywhere. But some mobs are just way too easy. "You Are A Fool To Challenge The King Of The Jotun" RIP My King.
  13. Tags are short so you will find many guild using the same tags. I am and have been in guilds with [WOLF] [LOVE] [BAD] and these are so generic that there will be many guilds that have picked them. If they also have the same or almost same guild name things are a bit different, but not much you can do against it. I don't expect Support to take actions against guild names because they are too similar.
  14. DPS Checks are a player invented thing. ANet has no DPS meters in game. Third party developers made a DPS meter and some players who installed them are being an kitten over them. Join a friendly group or raiding guild and you don't have to worry about getting offended over DPS meter readings. Yes, some read bosses have timers and deadly events when the entire group is putting out low DPS. But this is far less of an issue now there has been quite some power creep since the release of the raids and now many players know the raid mechanics very well. Stay away from CMs, join a friendly guild or group and you will be fine.
  15. Please add Relic of Divinity, +10% health to the selectable options. It is still missing after it was removed from the Rune of Divinity with the expansion release.
  16. Looks like this is still in Divinity's Reach. Missed chance to move the festival to Cantha where it originated. But I'll happily play it as it it for my annual +50 AP.
  17. GW1: Prophecies was the best story I experienced in any game by far. With all the plot twists but most of all, the entire game felt like a journey. And the truth is, a journey like that is not possible anymore. GW1 was a massive game and because the open world was instanced, you could truly feel alone with just your party or henchmen. Reaching the Shiverpeaks. Taking the Ascalonian refugees over the shiverpeaks. Meeting the dwarves there. Joining the White Mantle and getting betrayed by them. Heading far into the jungle to witness the bloodstone rituals. Learning the secrets of the desert and gaining personal growth there. Journeying to the Far Shiverpeaks to take on the Mursaat and finally the apex on the magnificent Ring of Fire Island chain. It's a journey like the stories of Tolkien, where the adventurer develops along the way. With GW2, there is no journey as we can just conveniently hop on our skyscales and fly anywhere. Don't get me wrong, I love my mounts. But having this convenience has some serious drawbacks. It's like the hobbits flying to mount doom on the Eagles and dropping the ring in the fire.
  18. I like the idea, but the content is not ideal for randoms by far. We have commanders for a reason. Things like making sure every subgroup has a healer, quickness and alacrity provider. Things like keeping an eye on special roles like a tower mesmer (W3), cannon dps (W1), hand kiter (W4) etc, etc. Raids are a bit complicated for uncoordinated hotjoin. In EU, LFG training is still used quite a bit. And that's where my short guide on getting into raids is written about. In NA, it seems that LFG is used less which is a pity so I fully understand the want for hotjoin. But I don't think it will work out as an usable resource.
  19. I play for long-term goals. That is what keeps me playing. My main goals: I'm an AP hunter. I like achievements and I'm striving for a high achievement rank Legendary gear in every slot All masteries unlocked World completion over every map All mounts A nice collection of cosmetic skins to choose from GW2 is my main game, main MMO and the franchise has been a significant part of my life since I found a discounted box of Guild Wars: Special Edition in my local toy shop back in 2006. ❤️
  20. It would be nice for instances. For open world it would just create a lot of lag. GW2 already has technology to hide miniatures when things get crowded. Imagine every player having between 4 to 9 hero followers. But this is not a bug, but a feature request. Thread should be moved.
  21. Unranked is also rated PvP. It's a bit confusing but still. Easy fix: Play unranked, tickbox conquest checked and go camp the capture points.
  22. If you cannot make real money purchases in the gem store because ArenaNet or the payment processor that ArenaNet uses does not trust your payment, you can still buy expansions and gem card codes from third parties. ArenaNet has a list of authorized retailers on their website: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/retailers You can also buy from unauthorized retailers such as eneba and cdkeys. But you will not be able to get ArenaNet support if you have problems with the keys these retailers sell. So the authorized retailers mentioned by ArenaNet are your safest option to still buy expansions or gems. When you have the Steam version of GW2, you need to buy expansions and gems via Steam. You cannot use ArenaNet codes then.
  23. This is not a GW2 issue. GW2 cannot just randomly reboot your PC. GW2 can trigger instabilities in your system, drivers, memory, power supply, OS and security software. You will need to test your system for stability or let a computer technician do that for you. Once the computer is stable, you will be able to play GW2 without random restarts.
  24. I don't think it will be likely that you will be able to get your account back. A theoretical option that would be fair to ArenaNet is that you pay for the gems that were purchased on your account but charged back. Then chance your password and recovery information to make sure you lock out the hacker. And have your hardware and software secured following ICT security best practices. This would make good on the damage that ArenaNet took. Then it is up to you to get the money claimed back from the hacker. (Read: Not likely to ever succeed, but that's not ArenaNet's problem) But I don't think ArenaNet ever does this.
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