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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. Ziplines could be such a cool feature in general, not just Kaineng, if the designer placing them would have a little bit of sense. Right now they seem like trolling. For example in Arborstone. You could have a zip line that connects bank area with crafting area directly. Or port in spot with crafting area, DIRECTLY. But no, lets put a zip line in port in area but lets connect it to an empty balcony away from the crafting area and thus make it intentionally annoying and pretty much useless. 

    The only time I use zip lines now is to charge batteries, which is also just another meaningless, annoying task that adds nothing to the game.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    We got stab on a banner, as well as barrier, so that is not as needed. What we do need is some more AoE defensive boons.

    Well that was purely from wvw squad play perspective where you basically want multiple stack 100% stab uptime during the fight. That measly banner uptime doesnt seem usefull much. 

    But I have been also on wvw pause for some time now and I think fb stab has been nerfed so I am not sure about the current squad meta. 

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  3. You can battle ress with your elite banner (at least I think you can still do it). Banners in general are really strong. 

    Shouts are also nice support. For great justice for some offensive boons and Shake it off for stun break and condi cleanse (shake it off has been changed recently to also work on allies and is generally a great defensive skill). 

    Warrior can also share a ton of might with phalanx strength trait in tactics. Use to be one of the main might generation classes in raids with this trait. The only thing is, the trait competes with vigorous shouts trait which is a decent aoe heal. But between warrior and necro, the necro is much better choice for some healing (well barrier) which you dont need in general open world anyway. 

    You can also  look at warhorn. 


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  4. 11 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

    Well, I wouldn't consider them a cheat personally. They just clean things up making it easier to play the game because it should have been in from the start. Everyone having vanilla ones is kind of meh imo since I am all for customization of personal preference.  As for the cheat claim, a real cheat is something like removing all foliage or giving your character a power boost in PvP. When I think of "cheats", I think of more console command stuff in single player games, or more instant headshots and trackers in shooters. Making yourself take no damage like people do with mods in Red Dead Online. Those are cheats. The stuff the community made is not cheating compared to the stuff listed above. 

    When it comes to competitive online play any advantage over others is a cheat. This could be as little as having a better higher contrast texture for enemy models, a simple stopwatch to time stuff... 

  5. 1 hour ago, Doggie.3184 said:

    It could rescue us from having 0 customization of the UI.

    It definitely could. But the UI mods are also the most controversial in my opinion. Because they give direct advantage to players who use them. Many could easily be considered as a cheat. I prefer we all have the same UI, but yes, Anet please rescue us here. And do a better job than you did with a simple mouse cursor.

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  6. There is one good thing for those going for Vision, the rose quartz significantly dropped in price. I used to do meteor events in between pvp matches as they are (were) an easy and quite good source of gold if you sell everything and disregard the wait (sometimes they align very nicely in between pvp matches and they used to give close to 1g per meteor with some luck). But the price dropped to less than a half of what it was a year ago. 

  7. 1 hour ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

    Not a good idea , people will pretend to train and will go fastclear just for the loot , you can do a lfg wherever you want , even in the training section as you are not really training .

    This would definitely happen but I don't see it as a bad thing. It would just translate to more raid clears per week with more players having to be involved (well or more accounts but that's probably already a thing). If only some of those are true training runs that's still more training runs. I doubt this would lead to some kind of in game inflation or anything.

    1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    What it will open the door to is abuse of the system. We've had raid selling commanders in the past which created PUG groups with 1-2 paying players, without telling the rest of the squad.

    Any such system opens doors for abuse which is just reality and a few extra drops won't really kill anyone. I have no idea how large the customer base for raid selling is and what prices we are talking about but I don't imagine a little bit of extra loot would really change anything. Anyway I am not against raid selling or lets say service selling in games in general (for in game currency). That is completely fine by me but thats just my opinion I understand these services can be controversial especially in a game where you can buy gold with cash.

    I have raided frequently in wow and also lead quite a lot of pug runs including training runs. Leading pugs and training has its rewards but also its frustrations. I wouldn't do it at the time if no loot was involved and I would also not go out of my way to equip extra character or account just to run them. I would just do them for raids that I didnt clear that week with my group.

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  8. So I've just recently completed a couple of raid wings through the LFG training squad and to my surprise we cleared it without much hassle. Mostly first timers, no special requirements or KP with maybe 2 or 3 experienced players (which makes a huge difference for special mechanics). We even one shot some of the bosses and only really needed to progress on the last wing bosses. The squad leader was patient enough to let some of us complete newbies take over some of the special mechanics and it went fine after maybe an attempt or 2 to get a hang of it.

    These were not emboldened, just normal raid encounters in Wing 1 -4. I guess the power creep also did its job. I found harvest temple normal harder or at least more punishing than most encounters. At least for 80 % of the group that is not assigned special mechanics. Voice comm is really not needed at all (I dont mind it though, its more fun, social and easier to communicate).

    Also raids are really really fun and not really such a big time commitment per wing. I have been raiding in wow and other games quite a lot but that was in the past when I had no kids and had the time to do it. But from what I have seen I could maybe squeeze the time even now to complete a wing or 2.

    So now I come to the issue. There are so few training groups. And they fill fast.

    And conditionally removing the weekly raid loot lockouts would I think help with that. Now I get that complete removal of lockouts would not go well with the current loot system and would probably not increase the amount of raid training groups because raiders would just farm raids more with their current groups. 

    But what if they introduced raid mentoring system. If you start a raid as mentor you can complete the raid twice or more times per week but there would be conditions. 8/10 of the squad should not be locked out for the week. This means there could be 2 mentors per squad because hey 2 is better than 1. Maybe additional condition would be that you need to fill the squad through LFG raid training although I am not sure if this is a good idea or not. The loot could be reduced for each additional clear but at least make it worthwhile for the second weekly clear.

    I think such a system would be a good incentive for at least a few experience raid comms to go at it with a bunch of newbies without compromising their weekly clears.   

    The emboldened mode is fine I guess but doesn't do much and I dont like to do "easy mode" encounters anyway, just takes away from the feeling of accomplishment. Only did emboldened once and we didnt really need it. We failed Sabetha a few times because we didnt know what to do not because we had low dmg or we died to stuff.

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  9. Vanilla game just have that attention to details that makes it come alive. And while hot maps are the best as far as pure maps design and jungle feeling goes and pof aint bad at all, vanilla has just so many details and features that are there just for the atmosphere. 

    Eod yeah well. Seitung looks lovely from the starting area. Thats about it. I also still hope they just delete the jade batteries and protocols and we just pretend it never happened. 

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  10. 13 hours ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

     There is no flow in hammer, and I know some claim to find use for it in PvP, there are just better weapons and solutions well over this. 

    Claim to find use for it? Hammer is the best 1200 range spike burst weapon in the game in wvw. Hammer revs are the range spike backbone of a wvw squad even after many nerfs. If 5 revs hit their PS at the same time and on the same enemies they are downed. If you can combo it with Cor even better. You can also combo hammer 5 so all 3 hit at almost the same time. 

    Staff weaver has better dps at 1200 range but its mostly ticking dmg pressure. In pvp its all about front loaded burst. 

    Ok lets say feeling heavy is subjective. But biggest burst range weapon can qualify for that imo. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    The Content Finder tool should be able to point you in the right direction, unless you deactivated it pointing you towards objectives. And you can hover over the names of maps on the world map to see which maps are incomplete.

    I don't know what else one would need to find PoIs.

    In 6 years of playing I never figured out how that thing works. In truth I didnt bother that much. The 2 times I actually tried it for exactly the reason I explained it was telling me to go to the next map. In the end it took me less time to just go through wiki map and figure out on which edge of the map the kitten poi is hiding.

    But if I ever do completion again and come to the same problem Ill try to set it up. 

    The hovering over map names and objectives is clear. 

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  12. I rally really like the hammer animations, auto included. They really feel heavy like throwing a hammer should. So I don't really like any of these auto proposals (boomerang, 3 projectiles). 

    Why not just increase the dmg significantly in pve (its the best 1200 range burst weapon in WvW, constantly nerfed and still best). I just threw a big hammer in your face, it should hurt like hell. 

  13. I dont really do world completion, only if I need gift. But in general I think its fine. There are a few annoying hearths but I can live with that.

    What I would like is to somehow get a hint where that last POI is hidden. You know when you are missing a poi and you think you discovered all of the map and you just have no clue in which corner or edge that last poi is hidden. Maybe if you are missing only the 1 last objective on the map, a scout would give you a hint for direction.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

    One thing I have noticed as a player who really enjoys playing the new strikes and cms is this: I always cross my fingers hoping that LFG will have groups up for CMs for the new strikes

    EU or NA? Because Ive been noticing that strike and raid lfg has been positively exploding lately including plenty of cm squads. 

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  15. Is Doppelganger still bugged though? For quite some time the event was bugged and the target had to be in a specific spot near the entrance of Augury Rock to spawn. 

    Just mentioning so you dont complete the Wild Magic and than fail the doppel event.

    But 7 people should be sufficient to get the magic from my experience. Unless it scales and you had many players on the map. 

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  16. 20 hours ago, nitemsg.4537 said:

    Not really. If you add the tickets shown in the chests it is not the max per week (365). The tickets you get per tick change for example if you are a commander or in a map that has few players or depending on your level etc

    The whole point is to have an indicator of the remaining acquirable tickets for the week.

    You're mixing up pips and skirmish tickets.

    Pips per tick vary (rank, previous week, server score, commanding squad).

    Tickets per pips are static although they don't follow a linear curve from wood to diamond. 

    Here you can see tickets per pip based on the tier/chest. As you can see tickets per pip are always the same in a specific tier and never change regardless of what you do in game. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Skirmish_Claim_Ticket

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  17. 10 hours ago, nitemsg.4537 said:

    - Remove name input verification for achievement items that can be
    safely discarded after acquisition.

    Remove it for half of the items it's required to. Many are just worthless nowadays. 

    10 hours ago, nitemsg.4537 said:

    - Add an option in the settings to be able to disable the auto camera
    zoom in/out when entering boss fights in fractals (or anywhere else really)

    This is like an additional mechanic in some fights. Battling the camera. 

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