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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. There is an unique currency from Dragon End meta, its called Jade Dragon Statuette. And you need it to access Myung-Hee merchant that you require for gen3.

    Based on the price of  Statuettes on TP, the Dragon End meta is completed by more players than Echovald or New Kaineng meta ( twice more often than Echovald and 10 times more often than New Kaineng) .

    But its true that its harder to get a group for it because most groups that list on LFG fill in a matter of seconds. I would recommend you find an organised group on discord to run it. Because even the groups that list on LFG are often already quite full due to pre-organisation.

    Also if you look at the supply on TP you can see there are several hundreds listings each day. 

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  2. You want grinds? GW2 delivers. But all are cosmetics or convenience, your power stays the same.

    You have 2 types of grinds.

    Grinds with guaranteed results. All legendaries fall under that. Most content types have different legendaries so you can pick your preferences, plenty of solo options also. The ultimate prestige is probably Perfected Envoy armour though (animated legendary armour) but for that you need to raid.

    Grinds where you will only have a small chance of reward and it might never come. Mostly here we have infusions. These will make you bright and shiny and after short exposure induce eyesore and ultimately permanent blindness and epilepsy (maybe you could say these increase your power in pvp if opponent gets epileptic seizure). Some are worth a fortune (yes you can sell/buy most of them). There are many infusions but the rare ones are most often a very very (very) rare drop. But since many can be sold you could say there is a guaranteed path to them also.

    There are other prestige items (check out invisible boots for example, who wouldn't want that) but these are the most widespread.

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  3. Welcome to gw2 where every class can be played in a various different ways. It will be confusing at the start but you will get a hang of it with time. 

    Dont worry you cant mess up anything that could limit your options in the future. 

  4. I've played a moba where you were able to queue ranked as any number of players in a party, 1-5.

    What the game did, it attributed the grouped players higher rating that they actually had. 

    Was it perfect? No and players still complained (they always do anyway). It was still better than nothing and imo worked very well, at least at middle to semi high ratings where I played. And at least it alowed frinds and competitive teams to play together. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

    Have you actually crafted any Gen 1 or Gen 2 weapons? Go through the steps of most of them. They made Gen 3 crafting including salvaging for Reseach Notes seem like a walk in the park by comparison.

    Yeah I did, pretty much all lege types. Accumulate materials and  its usually a process that takes like 15 mins.

    Curios are annoying for gen 2 weapons because they require crazy amounts of t5 mats. But usually I just craft those once my mat storage is filled up and repeat until I have enough. I dont like the curio system, its boring and annoying but its an effective and straightforward sink. 1 item, craft all, go get yourself a drink.

    Research notes are a similar sink but not straightforward. You need to craft a full item. For example t5 items are usually the most cost efficient. You need 600 t5 items for 3000 notes for the weapon. This means 1800 crafts if you go with jewellery or 2400 crafts (e.g., lining, insignia, casing, final item) if you go with armour. For some reason some parts take a long time to craft like setting or lining. That is a lot of time just standing behind the bench. 


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  6. I think the direction is not bad. But author you made some excellent points that could improve not just qfb but all kits or kit like abilities. 

    I never really liked the F1 25412 very much. The only thing I like are the animations which feel impact full. You never deviated from that combo unless you wanted F1-3 for the pull. 

    I know players wont like it buy maybe they just make F1 a single dps ability with CD. Maybe split F1-3 into a separate F4 ability which shares CD with F1 so you need to choose DPS or pull. And keep F2 and F3 as they are as those are the true situational utility tomes.


    • Confused 2
  7. Its bad because you need to craft literary thousand of items (depends how cost effective you want to be). Not refined materials. Items! That are made of more items (usualy 2 or 3), that are made of refined materials.  

    Just to make a currency which is used to buy material which is just one small part to craft a legendary. 

    Its like gen 2 curios but with 3 additional steps. 

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  8. Its a bit all over the place. So maybe with celestial gear but it can be an expensive trial. Maybe just focus on condi and ditch those power dmg stuff.

    Corruption skills can be really fun and strong in longer fights. But in open world when fights are short you wont do condi spreading often and if the mob dies before youll be able to spread self-condies youll be just left there in combat with a bunch of condies on you. Dagger 4 is your only reliable spread of self-condies and youll be self inflinting condies alot.

    I think youll end up just using scepter mostly and those condi spreads will not really come into effect much.

  9. This sounds like a really strange idea. I assume you would only scale it up because otherwise this becomes even worse.

    If you scale it linearly it would take any incentive to improve out of all fights as any additional performance beyond minimal viable becomes completely meaningless. This does not make fight easier or harder just time normalised.

    If you scale it quadratic this would actually become strangely funny broken. Now the best performance is a minimal viable dps dot on the curve . So now the requirements for groups would be 250 LI, 8.5 k sustained DPS with max 0.5k DPS deviation. 😄 Oh you went over 9k DPS or below 8k DPS, kick the scrub. 

  10. I havent tried the spec yet, neither did I look at new numbers. But am I the only one that at least on paper sees this as a buff to hfb? Becuase you dont really need the tomes to do the basic job as a hfb. And now you wont be limited to tome CD for that extra utility. This looks good to me.

    As for the qfb. It looks like you will have actually have a trade off in dps for all that utility. Its probably a nerf but is it really fair that a class have so much utility packed without much trade off.

    Oh btw if you didnt see FB as op in fractals I dont know what game are you playing. 

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  11. Icebrood saga Bjora Marches you get a ton of Eternal Iceshards. You can straight buy amulet and accessory. I wouldnt call it a grind because 1 or 2 runs of both metas (Drakkar and Jora's Keep) and some chest run will probably be enough for 1 or even 2 both items. You can also do icebrood saga strikes for more of those shards. 

    With the excess shards you can buy LS4 currencies for which you can buy more ascended trinkets. In Dragonfall you can buy all 3 trinket types on the rest of the maps one or 2.

    All LS3 and LS4 maps offer some ascended accessory so if you dont want to grind one map (I hate that too) you can do a little bit of all. On some LS3 maps you can also get ascended backpack.

    For the armour and weapons crafting is the reliable way. Group PVE like raids, fractals and raids are a good source. Pvp and WvW are feasible but you should enjoy those modes. And you might just wait with spending pvp and wvw currencies because you might just want to get legendaries and those require the same currency as ascended so these could set you back. 

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  12. Well I saw the cat pillows yesterday and those are really atrocious.  Oversized, standing out in a bad way and very low quality. At first I thought they are a low res  2D texture joke anomaly.

    It might sound strange but all the SAB atuff and plush raptors and whatever fit much better the game style as these pillows. They just look so out of place and low quality.Was it done by the same developer as the new cursors?

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  13. 16 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

    That's  a weird question. The Target Indicator will always show what is targeted so it's virtually impossible not to know if you're targeting the correct mob or not. And your target will not change unless it's dead or you change it.

    In the Bubble phase, only Drakkar is present so it's impossible to target anything else. Trash mobs will only spawn after the defiance bar is broken.

    Yeah I know. It seems like he has issue getting off the essence skill. Which seems very weird to me exactly because there is no other mob at that time. I think you cant even proc the wrong essence at that time. So perhaps the problem is that he needs to actually target Drakkar to get the essence skill off. Im not sure though because I always target the paws as far as I remember. 

  14. I think its a design thing. This game wants to keep player active, moving, dodging and the fights fast and impactful. Many other games often allow face tanking and mobs can become big dmg sponges and fights become slow, static and boring and it comes to time to kill vs time to die.

    If you want to have fast and active and meaningful combat, you need low hp but potent enemies. They could up the dmg but that might frustrate players even more because they might get killed in 1 or 2 hits, especially on low hp builds that already come close to it. So instead the potency comes from relatively high dmg of enemies but also from plenty of CC abilities that you need to avoid or break. 

    I think its a good design. I prefer active combat and using all of my arsenal. I can't think of many CC abilities that are unavoidable or over annoying. Maybe Thornhearths in EOD meta. But there the real problem is all the visual mess (well thats often the true issue or at least a big part of the problem because you just can't see anything).

    My rule of thumb is one reliable stun break and one reliable condi cleanse on all OW builds. I dont value stability much in OW because if you can predict an attack you can dodge it instead and not waste utility. I will even take a stun break in some instance fights where I know I might get in trouble. Yeah I might lose dps or hps but breaking a crucial stun is way more important.

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  15. Meta shift is basically new content. So decently fast cadence please. 

    Also balance will never be achieved. Even if objectively the game would be balanced, the players would never see it as balanced. You have quite large set of players in every game that constantly yells for balance and each of them have their own perspective on it. Meta shifts ensure different classes and build get their spotlight.

    besides this game's pve is relatively easy and checks are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below the ceiling. Unless you are playing for some CM speed clears it doesnt really matter, your build, if somewhat coherent, can do the job. And its similar in pvp. Unless youre playing for MATs or really high ranks you should be more focused on having a build that suits you and you can develop good muscle memory for it. This will take you much higher than some meta focus.

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