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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. 1 minute ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    DPS boon supports are kind of specific builds. Usually people providing alac/quick know what those are and are running them. It's true that you can get away with some unoptimized people, but just having those boon supports there guarantees a certain amount of baseline DPS. 

    Your post is general and naturally is correct. But in today's situation no one requires them in DE meta. Distributing what you have efficiently is completely different to requiring something. 

    I do this meta roughly once per week with various groups from organised to completely random. I can't remember the last fail. "Fail" is if the timer goes under 4 mins, success is if 8+ is left on the timer. 

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  2. I have never seen any group in months (and even just after release very rarely) that asked for any specific build. Never.

    Some commanders (not all) ask for boon supports to identify themselves and distribute subgroups because thats just good practice. I also ask in Dragon Stand tower phase for players to distribute in boss and preserver group. 

    But there is 0 requirement for anyone to join DE meta groups. Saying otherwise is just trying to push some strange personal agenda to players and forum users and only does harm. I agree that this meta could be handled better in some aspects and its good these are brought up. But I dont know why some players just blatantly lie about the requirements for this event.

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  3. Dungeons are still done but not as often as other modes. Newer formats were introduced which are more popular like 5 man fractals and 10 man formats.

    I would recommend if you want to explore a dungeon that you create your own LFG group and explain in the description that you are there for the exploring. Players usually put in something like "new player, story mode, watch all cut scenes", because speed runners skip everything they can.

    You dont need to wait for the group to fill to full. You can just enter and start exploring (and die but thats fine) and others will join. Depending on the dungeon you might be surprised, some fill very fast.

    Some info. Dungeons have story mode and explorable modes. Story mode is what you will do while leveling, that is why its good if you put it in lfg description. Explorable modes are for max lvls and usually people will put in something like p1, p2, p3 and speed run it. This means "path 1", "path2", "path 3".

    As for the pvp maps. You have spvp (5v5, 3v3, 2v2) and wvw (server vs server). Both modes are alive and played. I would recommend you are lvl 80 before you enter even though you can enter them before that. Why lvl 80? because you will be more familiar with the game and its systems. Players dont use portals to enter those modes, you can enter directly from the UI (top left buttons). There are some maps (like Edge of the mists) which are rarely played so maybe you entered that map or you entered a lobby map or you just entered a wvw map which was not very active at the time.

    If you are interested in pvp or wvw (both are actually quite good and active, yes veterans might be frustrated, because they are playing them for 10 years but a lot of fun to be had for new players) I would recommend watching a beginner guide on youtube because there are a lot of nuances before you start. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    It's just a guess. How many LFGs do you see for it vs other random events? Or heck, just map populations particpating in events. There's old Living world maps with more people in them than DE in off-peak hours. heck, I think I've seen more Drakkar. 

    Its been shown many times in this threads thats  the second most popular and completed meta in EOD.

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  5. I would just give 25% dmg increase to all players on the platform during the meta and remove all the preparation. That way groups could start on time for the escorts and would be in line with other longer metas. This would also increase efficacy of  groups a little bit as everyone would always be at the same power lvl as with max map buff but only as intended now. I wouldnt nerf the main event.

    You could still stack the buff before the meta but it would only be for extra chests. And you could collect those chests even if meta fails. So a little reward even for fail. 

    This would actually be similar to Hot maps. You can do prep for extra rewards, but the main event is now independent.

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  6. Pvp is a game of finding a window where opponent's defensive abilities and dodges are on cool down. Thats the time frame in which you do dmg . Even better if you manage to stun or daze or CC the opponent because you prolong that window.  All those defensive utilities and traits that you mostly ignore in pve, all of those are crucial in pvp. 

    For example it looks like you got hit by a combination (nothing can really do 24k dmg in one hit) of hard damaging abilities and based on your description it is a good chance these were projectiles. A single projectile block ability would completely negate all dmg, a projectile reflect would actually dmg them instead of you. Dodging and other defensive abilities also universally work.  

    The more you play, the easier will be for you to identify opponent abilities and you will be able to react accordingly. If you become good you will learn to anticipate what the next opponent's move will be (or could be the most devastating to you) and you will be able to protect yourself preemptively. Is that easy? No, and the sky is the limit. And thats the fun part. Even when you think youre good someone will destroy you and you have a new step to climb.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    So much wrong here.


    You got some point there. But...

    Echovald is not far behind in gph to DE.

    The farm trains I know actually do New Kaineng, Echovald, DE. They skip Seitung because it is at the same time as DBS (infusion) and Pala (very profitable). Maybe others do it differently but the ones I know do it like this.

    You need all 4 statuettes to cash in. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

    I don't think there's any way to tell, but I'd be curious to see what player participation numbers are in the various metas in game comparatively. I know (and have seen on forums) many people who finished EoD and just don't return to the maps.

    This I would agree. The problem is not even that EOD metas are bad or anything. I find Seitung and DE one of the best out there. 

    Its this strange map cap of barely over 50 players. This is such a fail on Anet's part. First of all maps just feel empty and are constantly closing. And meta maps fill very fast, maybe there will be a second one but than you're running out of commanders willing to LFG.

    And funnily I think metas are to blame here. Maybe I am completely off but I think they balanced these metas for 1 full squad and dont to have much more players around. On the other hand if we would have more players on the HT platform everyone's comp would fry and everyone would go blind.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

    I see what your saying now.
    I think the word "community" though is highly subjective. From what I saw, the overall GW2 community tore themselves in 2 in the beginning (first couple on months). I think that was terrible for the game.
    What you seem to be referring to as "community" now though, is just the people who stuck around and pushed through and continue to do the meta to this day. Your version of "community" doesn't include the vast number of players who walked away after many, many negative experiences with this meta.
    By that logic, the meta is a success since it doesn't generally fail anymore. But the community in question is by definition a much smaller subset of the overall GW2 community.

    Well you could also say that the only who really tore themselves are the regular forum complainers. Here the sky was falling while in game it was a few angry comments after a fail and that was pretty much it as far as noticed.

    Also the only metric we came up with up to now (price and market of EOD meta statuettes) show that the meta is completed more often than Echovald and Kaineng meta (and by a huge margin compared to the later) so I guess its not such a small and niche subset.


    edit: I would say all these forum doom sayers are doing harm to the meta and player base for whatever personal reason. All this nonsense about high fail rate, low rewards and raid compositions only discourages players. In reality, in game there is 0 gate keeping for this meta, anyone can join, its long but fun event and I havent failed it in months.

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  10. Maybe you should first specify what game mode you are actually talking about. Wvw is generally a team mode, sure solo roaming is fun but its not on Anet's priority to balance. If you want small scale combat spvp is your mode of choice. Some of your complaints might be valid in some specific encounters but you make it seem like all you do is trying to solo a 30 man zerg. 

    So Ill assume you are talking about wvw and mostly roaming.

    Power rules all. Currently many if not most strongest roaming builds run celestial gear which is usually a bit heavier on the condi dmg. Its a completely balanced set stat wise and its the exact opposite to what you are describing. In group play yeah power rules all until your cleanses stop keeping up (which shouldnt happen).

    Pets with ranged dps. You died to ranger. It sucks but LB soul beast have clear weaknesses. Druid can be an annoying kitten yes. There are no pets or rangers in group play.

    CC. Yeah game has a lot of CC and no DR. Game also have lots of stun breaks and a boon called stability. If you get CCed in a Wvw group your composition was bad or you got outplayed.

    Boons. Yeah boons are over the top. But mostly this applies to group play boon stacking. And half of your other complaints go straight out of the window when we talk about group play.

    Super speed. You go all over the place in this paragraph. I agree its too strong and its kinda mandatory fro group play. In solo roaming its not an issue. 

    I think you're just expecting too much from a core necro. Its not a build that you want to find yourself alone in the field against pretty much anything and its just a worse necro variant compared to any elite spec. Celestial harbinger is god tier in roaming and both power scourge and reaper are meta in groups.



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  11. I play all classes and all game modes. In open world I just play what I feel like. But for other modes where performance is more important and you need that muscle memory I usually have 2 or 3 classes that are the current mains for that mode. These change with time.

    In pvp I currently play mostly necro and ranger, sometimes engie.

    In wvw its rev, necro and spellbreaker.

    In instance pve guardian and rev. 

    I would probably quit year a go if I only played one class.

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  12. 21 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    I didn't read much Here because it's to much and i'm Not against but also Not for emojis. And correct me If i missunderstood you.

    But to give the emojis under a Post any importance seems rather naive to me.

    "But I can identify it quite easily through emojis"

    It's crazy how one Threads gets flooded with Angst comments about abusing an system and another Threads gets flooded with comments to Just move on or how helpfull it is for xy, althoug you can often clearly See that the confused and crying Emoji gets Used often from Trolls. Some people even get under EVERY comment an confused Emoji because people are bored and they stalk them.

    Emoji reactions perse are Not a Bad Thing. But to give them any value is in my eyes wrong because you never know what people are behind These emojis.

    There i give OP the Point, actuall comments Show how interested people are in xx. There you can See who has an honest interest in saying yes or No, orwho Just wants to Troll.

    Emojis or Up- and downvotes,in my eyes, will never BE a valid sign If Something is good or Bad. And also, thistorum gets comments from the Same people das in day Out. Forumuser are a minority what makes votes even less meaningfull.

    Just my opinion.

    I never meant emojis show if a post is correct or wrong (mostly we have opinions anyway, there is no correct or wrong). But they do show how popular the opinion is. Good or bad is a vague term but in general I feel that good posts are usually rewarded with positive feedback. Its not a foolproof system though so I wouldnt read to much into it.

    Even if there are trolls, it doesnt matter, you just move the baseline above the troll line. If there actually are users that feel like they do anything meaningful with confuse bombing, I wouldnt call that trolling. Because you can not distinguish any real meaning out of emojis besides sheer volume of interest.

    Again we have 1 emoji per user, this is not twitter with bots. You can not skew opinion unless you actually go out of your way and get multiple paid accounts. And if there actually are user that do that to "troll" or cause malice. Well they are probably in a pretty sorry mental state that they do something like that on a game's forums and are only trolling themselves. 

    If I wanted to troll someone or even insult them, which can be the case sometimes, I will write it down. Thats the only effective way to do it.

    Edit: If I look my post history, I can easily see which of my opinions are in general liked by forum community and which are not. These patterns are quite clear and I think are also correct also based on the content of replying posts. I like to see this data and its not always clear in advance to me.

    • Confused 1
  13. 51 minutes ago, Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267 said:

    It's all about validation. If you post a topic that shows the share sentiment as the rest of the hive mind, of course it's going to get a lot of praise. But the very moment you go against the popular opinion. If you post an unpopular opinion, no matter how valid that's where everyone in this forum is going to pick up pitchforks and torches and start burning someone alive because the hivemind's validation is at risk. You are disturbing their echo chamber that is keeping their delusions in check.

    But thats the point, the added value. Thats the only data you can get out of it. Is it a popular or unpopular opinion. It has nothing to do with correctness or validity. Its an opinion after all.

    Youre making it sound like the popular opinion is something set in stone known to everyone and everyone is just going along. Well I am not in the popular loop, I dont know what is popular or not. But I can identify it quite easily through emojis. Much easier than reading all the posts.

    I dont see how identifying a popular opinion is bad in any way. And this actually gives a reality check to the echo chamber. Echo chambers are dangerous when you remove all outside interruptions and everybody is just liking each other just further promoting one idea without possibility of counters. Its hard to enter such discussions, especially if the promoters are aggressive. Well guess what, a dislike button is perfect. 

    Ill give an example. Right now we have a lot of these left wing, social justice agendas out there. Sane people dont really want to get into these discussions because they probably find them silly but also you can get bullied quite hard over it. Promotors are loud and aggressive. But luckily you have internet dislikes and similar and after all election. And its quite clear that these agendas might not be as popular as some would like to push them. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, mandala.8507 said:

    The reward for organizing better is you'll be on the map for 20-30 minutes less than the groups that don't. Right now, the meta is an all-or-nothing gamble to take on with groups of players you don't know. That isn't fun for anyone. It's why I don't do the meta myself and I'm easily in the top 1% of players in this game when it comes to combat proficiency.

    If you are top 1% you should be able to carry 5 other players if they do nothing at all, just stand there. One or 2 more if you go through the hassle of getting the map buffs. If they do half their job, which is almost impossible not to do unless they truly are afk, you really shouldnt be failing at all by today's meta standards. I dont see meta failing anymore anyway. I do it about once per week, just yesterday did it with a random group that formed ~ 20 min before start (many didnt have the full buff) and we cleared it with 5+ mins to spare.

    21 minutes ago, Hauwlyn.8051 said:

    No, but let's tune it until everyone who deserted it comes back and it would THEN only occasionally fail a bit more than other metas. You know, a point at which you think you can actually carry it with a random group of 50 open world players, unless you get very unlucky on that selection of players.

    I would say the meta is already at that point difficulty wise. If my win rate in the first weeks was about 50 % and it usually meant failure with complete random group and win with organised group. Now I dont remember the last time I failed. It has been months. I do join a well known meta train often but I also do it on a whim with random group about as often. The problem is and always was time commitment if you go for map buffs.

    DPS or CC was never the problem with this meta. Yeah its tighter than usual but its still very relaxed. The problem was always people dying to mechanics and low dps was just a consequence. In the first month people were all over platform, dying left and right, didnt know what to do. Today most people know what to do. And even if the dps is not the best and CC is not there (just had a group like that yesterday, at release that group would fail) meta is cleared with plenty minutes just because people dont die as much.

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  15. 13 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

    This is also my suspicion, that the increase in success rate is more of a result of most people giving up while those who remain overrepresent the type of player able to get this particular piece of content cleared.

    However, I suspect that is the case with many other forms of content, including my beloved DS runs. The real issue for me will be if there's any evidence that DE was abandoned by players at a meaningfully higher rate than other content. I could be surprised, I can imagine an outcome where DE somehow retained a pretty high engagement compared to other expansion metas.

    If you check the statuette prices @Cyninja.2954 posted you can see the meta is very popular. If you check the historical market for DE statue you can actually discern how popular it is over time.

    I've been actually posting these prices on the forums for some time just because a lot of players spew kitten here which is clearly wrong.

    2 of the most common misconceptions are that it is not rewarding. Even though it is one of the most rewarding events in the game and many groups run it in their meta trains. You just port in 5 mins before escorts, ignore all the pre work and its actually one of the best GPH in the game. And no you dont need some raid comp for that. Its everyone welcome.

    Also the second misconception is that it is dying. But based on the statuettes' pricing the meta is holding better than the other metas with exception Seitung.


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  16. DE meta will never be consistently cleared with completely random maps. Its how its designed and it seems to be intentional. And I like it, some might not.

    Yes joining an organised group is by far the most consistent way to clear this. But none of these groups have any requirements. You just need to join them. I've been joining some meta trains without any requirements and the event is being cleared with 8+ min of spare time. 

    I've noticed that people in ow are actually doing a lot more dmg as they did before EOD. Yeah its anecdotal, I could be wrong, its not a huge sample and I dont run arc all the time. But I have a feeling all the effort with educating players, opening up more LI builds and more boon support options and  actually providing OW encounter where performance is somewhat important lead to more players playing better. And this is great. And also strike LFG has never been livelier so maybe their plan to bring OW and instance players closer together actually worked.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    If only everyone would be using it that way. However, there are many who use it simply to troll, be it because they dislike the poster or because they are bored and have nothing better to do with their time then downvote posts for no reason. Reaction emojis should make sense and not be used for trolling.

    From the top of my head, I can think of a good example: About two or three months ago, someone asked for advice in the Technical Support subforum. They couldn't figure out why their monitor wouldn't run above 60 Hz. I suggested that it might be because they were using the wrong cable and gave them adequate information which cable to buy. Several people would "downvote" my post with the "confused" emoji, though my advice was accurate and the person was able to solve the problem by buying the cable I suggested.

    This was a post based on technical knownledge, experience and facts. Only an idiot would downvote it for no valid reason whatsoever.

    You can only get trolled if you care. You helped a guy, he was happy, you were correct. The idiot that clicked the confuse only trolled himself since he obviously cares. 

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  18. If I feel someone is plain wrong, I disagree with him, dislike the post or am just confused by the post and everything I want to write has been already posted by others, I'll click a confused emoji. I really dont see how I could convey insults or mocking through emoji though. If I wanted to do that I would iterate it in words.

    I think emojis are a good addition. I dont mind if my post gets a bunch of confused ones, I dont expect everyone to agree with me and I am not always right or represent ideas majority likes and that is fine. I wouldnt mind if confused emoji would be replaced by dislike or disagree though, it would be clearer.

    There are users that I often disagree with and have probably given them a good amount of confused emojis. But that doesnt mean I don't respect them or their opinions and that I have anything personal against them.. If they write a good post I might even give a thanks trophy even if I disagree with them. 

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