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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. Do you use your mentor, commander tag and advertise on map chat? Because from my experience all ls3 and 4 meta events and larger events still attract a ton of people. 

    Yeah there are a few that might be a problem but those were most likely always like that (noone does Istan caravans outside dailies). I just recently did Aurora and had a feeling I just breezed through collections in a few days (did the draconic mons backpack in advance). 

    • Like 4
  2. 10 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    Has anyone who thinks Steam has made a big difference actually looked at the numbers? https://steamcharts.com/app/1284210 while also keeping in mind that some of those are just existing players who switched over to Steam.

    Its not an insignificant number though. This is logged in players at a given time point, correct? If an average player plays an hour a day (I have no clue what the actual average is, probably even less) that is quite a decent amount of players. 

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  3. 29 minutes ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


    Now I will admit I don't care to play Dragonflight, so I am not sure how easy it is to get flying there. But did WoW for the longest time since Warlords came out have the worst way to get flight in game? If I remember right, you had to wait 6 months or more and do kitten annoying reps just to unlock it making it a bigger grind than GW2 did with the skyscale to get some easy flight. To me, WoWs way was way worse then the Skyscale collection. I heard from people they removed that long grind part before the new expansion, but I don't know how true that is. GW2 still wins though overall because they didn't gatekeep the mount behind a kitten rep wall.

    Edit: (If you can't tell, that kitten change in WoW with flight  is what made me quit it for good. I liked the old pay 2000 gold way better.)

    Rep grinds 🤢 And those are actual true repetitive grinds. Luckily there was not much behind reps that was actually useful. Skyscale is hardly a grind. Its just a long quest line. Yeah some parts are annoying but its nothing compared to true repetitive mmorpg grinds where often you have to compete with other players for kills or loot that already has like 1% drop chance.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Dreams.3128 said:

    Also this is a lie too, just confirmed this with a friend that still plays WoW to this day. He said you have to be in the most tryhard of tryhard guilds to be in mythic raids, and those guilds are not gonna hand them over to a petty little alt. They want to gear up their main raid group first. So, unless you basically don't eat or sleep, you are talking out the side of your mouth to try and prove that the Skyscale is some bone crushing grind. 

    Can't even compare these two grinds that how dumb this argument was.

    As far as I know wow still has weekly raid lockouts (correct me if I'm wrong, its been a while since I quit). So even if you assume anyone will take a fresh alt into the latest raid (haha), good luck with getting full bis in one lockout (or 10 for that matter).

  5. 6 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    So like cold war/forging steel strike? first one get skiped 99% of the time the other get done rarely?

    I actually really like Forging Steel. If prep and some of the repetitive parts would be trimmed and boss would be more interesting and much harder it would be great. Now its just to long to include it in full clear. 

    Cold war is the worst designed strike by far. Quite long. And its still just an arena fight only without a real boss, just generic trash. 

    But hey if players are only interested in super fast content with good income than I guess there is really no point for anet to release new raids and fractals probably also. 

  6. They could release 3 or 4 strikes with a bit of trash, dialogue and continuous story. Not just pure arena fight.  You need to complete the first to get to the second and so on. And once you unlock all of them, you can just play them as strike missions. But you can also play them in one piece like a raid wing, maybe even with some changes to fights and some additional backstory and events. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 14 hours ago, Logan.4796 said:

    Plan A) Attempt to /wiki TOPIC_GOES_HERE

    Plan B) Attempt a full 5 minutes of google searching.

    Plan C) Ask for informational help from local sources like Map or Team chat. As well as friends and acquaintances.

    If you skip A and B and go straight to C.... Then I proceed to do my own problem solving of


    Then lazily find the answer to your problem in 5 seconds with a direct copy paste from the /wiki command.

    I'm gonna be a bit unhappy that you spent 20 seconds typing a message instead of 5 seconds typing a command.

    People who skip straight to Plan C without remotely attempting A or B are the bane of all Tech Support's existence.

    Let me google that for you (Broken outdated website these days)

    Used to exist as a meme for people who skipped straight to Plan C..... Basically you would type in a google search term. Then Let me google that for you would spit out a Let Me Google That For You version for you to share to the person that skipped straight to Plan C.

    When you click the new link. A joke website pops up. Moves a fake cursor on the screen in an animation... Then proceeds to click a fake search bar window.

    Then proceeds to automatically type in the google search bar the exact term the person who created the link gave it.

    Then after it types in your term for you and hits enter to search the term for you.

    It mocks you with a "Hey that wasn't so hard now was it?"

    Its a social game not IT support line.  If you feel annoyed by questions ignore them.

    I on the other hand preffer talking to people if I have the chance instead of browsing web sites. 

    And yeah players that respond to questions with just google/wiki it are annoying. I mean pointing out wiki is fine as maybe some dont know it, but going further on it really comes out anti social. 

    • Confused 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    Regardless, the map instance system sucks, and most newer players have to have it explained to them because right-click/join/error isn't in any other game I've played. Most of them have had a queue, and the few that didn't were entirely open-world (no map boundaries), so didn't need one anyway.

    I haven't played queue games like you mentioned. But for the games that are entirely open-world one, no map boundaries you usually have servers with limited server capacity. They have but one instance and usually you don't have any options to move to another instance/server unless you re-roll. You're stuck with a few thousand players.

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  9. I fully agree. I've been in the old LA exactly twice since I got the key and these changes would make it more interesting. I have the fractal gate portal scroll but if I hadn't, the second point would be great for fractals.

    On the other hand I really wish you could port to pve instances from anywhere in the world. I dont really see the point why this isnt in the game. And if the waypoint gold sink is the problem (which it really shouldnt be because you have scrolls for most of the hubs) just add a little transportation fee if you are outside the hub.

  10. Well I am not nearly as good player as op, mid gold is my ceiling. Maybe I could get a bit higher if I focused on one or two classes, I just can't get over myself and play something different or completely new every day or even match.

    Anyway what works for me to climb out of silver is I take a duelist I am good at and just camp far the whole match. I make sure they never cap it from start on if possible. Let them break their teeth on you whole match long and oh they will try. I've been flamed often from my team over this (while winning lol) but I even had 100% win streak all through silver 3 and even decently into gold with this. It falls off hard at some point.

    • Haha 1
  11. Regardless if these items were intended as KP or not (they weren't), players use them. Players will find something in the game or over API and external sites that will serve them as KP. And that's reasonable to expect if you want to have some kind of group content that is not auto win. 

    So they might as well accommodate some kind of account wide system because shuffling a bunch of items around is not fun. And in the end these are rewards we're hoarding in inventories.

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  12. 16 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    Most of the shipments aren't even bought anymore (just trophies), because the profit margin is negative, as in you lose gold by buying it, even if you intend to use the materials for yourself; its cheaper to buy them from other players. This is a bad design, because it only accounted for the state of the game at the time of development and not future viability, and its a problem many areas of the game are starting to have now that its getting old.

    Reducing price of shipments would only propagate what is going on right now, price freefall for many materials.

    I dont think this is good for the game. Stock of mats on tp is going up, many mats are closing on the minimum price. Soon we'll be vendoring them because why bother with tp for a few coppers.

    For me personally its great because I have thousands of gold in bank. But for the game in general I dont think its good. Content that rewards mostly mats (most of ow) is becoming less rewarding. 

    I think soon anet will have to do an adjustment or some big new sinks. 

    • Like 3
  13. There are plenty events but most just seem to be stand-alone single events or really short chains. The city really needs some big, fun group events that end up with decent bosses and have impact on the map and hubs. Hot has camp upgrade chain events between metas that end up with somewhat unique legendary bosses and change the map landscape and upgrade hubs. Pof has unique bounties and some very decent event chains. Eod has at most generic champion mobs and 2 types of ugly robots.

    Where are shops, merchants, crafting stations... Its a freaking huge city. It's also time to set up a portal to Lion's Arch.

    Tripple the player cap. This is really killing EOD maps.

    • Like 2
  14. UI overhaul is on the top of my wish list for this game. Especially LFG improvements and resizing and moving different parts or UI. Player, enemy boon/condi/effect table included as it is a total mess and can even get hidden behind mini map. At larger resolutions the boon/condi tables become super small even if you enlarge the whole UI. I also like to have all the player and enemy information close together so I dont need to move my eye constantly all over the screen. But the boon/condi table situation is the most dire.

    As for the gear checks. I dont mind them. But I think those are much more useful in gear treadmill games where a certain gear score is mandatory for specific content. Here getting top gear is easy and cheap and not really a tell about someone's performance. 

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  15. 5 hours ago, Atomnium.1532 said:

    Honestly it would be faster to list the classes that cannot be tanky dps, between scrapper or mechanist, renegade herald, spellbreaker, celestial untamed even weaver celestial is basically unkillable.

    The tankiness is more of an opt-in aspect of every spec with celestial, trailblazer or trait swaps.

    I'd pick another criteria to know what to go into 🙂


    As far as I understood he would like inherently tanky class that keeps that tankiness also in competitive Pve. 

    Yeah all classes can be tanky, but not many are on meta raid dps builds. 

    For example someone mentioned Virtuoso or mesmer in general. Yeah can be tanky with right gear. But on dps builds you wont be tanky. You have inherent active defenses which I am not sure if it counts for op. But using those abilities or using at the wrong time is also a big dps loss. 

    Scrapper or Mechanist are inherently tanky though even on competitive builds. 

    And spellbreaker dps right now just casualy walks through stuff that kill an ele in a blink of an eye. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. Dont mix up tanky open world builds (like for example trailblazer mirage) with raid/strike dps builds. Mirage is very strong in raids right now but is probably one of the most complex builds and I would not call it tanky.

    Right now there is a warrior hammer spellbreaker dps build that is super tanky and does very good dps. But just as this build emerged recently it can die in the future. Warrior is not a class that is famous for versatility so I would not make a new warrior just to hope this build would last. But if you already have a warrior or want to try it, its a very fun build (big numbers). It's inherently tanky because spellbreaker warrior and it uses defense trait line as a hammer dps trait line which just makes it more inherently tanky. It also spurts out self stability which is just great for pretty much everything.

    Also power herald revenant. You can build it as a quickness dps or dps and both are doing great right now (revenant is also a class that always does good). And same as warrior, revenant is inherently tanky. Decent hp, heavy armour and inherent survive abilities of a herald.

    • Like 1
  17. Increase map player cap. Maybe not in DE because of meta scaling. On other maps it shouldnt matter that much. Even if they increase by 25 players, its substantial to what we have now. Next time dont make such large maps if you want to cap it so low.

    Bounties. Would fit perfectly in Kaineng.

    Material bags vendor for imperial favours in Arborstone. Similar to Trophy, Leather... shipments for volatile magic. Everyone likes volatile magic because you have a straightforward way to get mats for it. 

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