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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. To be honest warriors are not in a bad spot right now. And that goes for pretty much all modes. Warrior has been floating for a long time in the mediocre land with a few builds that were pretty much mandatory in groups (banners in PVE, Bubble SB in WvW). With unique banners' effects removed and WoD nerfed they might have lost that guaranteed spot (all though no group will ever deny a bubble SB in WvW). But especially in PVE some new builds are either situationaly really strong or at least fine. I actually like the condi quick zerker in PVE, its fine, its just there are better options out there. 

    Warrior lacks versatility. If you look at rev or guardian. Those will always have something at which they excel and many options in reserve. Maybe one build will fade away but something new and great will pop out.

    In sPvP warrior was actually in a top spot recently with BsW after a looong time. Yeah the build was complete abomination but thats kinda how it often is. And its still in a decent spot and much better than it was in a long time on all it's specs.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Wonder what the meritorical value of those posts is though because somehow I expect them to be mostly the equivalent of the recent "GIEF BOOBA" thread which is still on the first page right now. Not sure why you'd try to judge anything just by sheer volume/frequency of posts outside of any other -actually more meaningful- context to pronounce any forum as "dead" (and even when going by that, it still just isn't). I suspect the overal goal is still for the players to play the game instead of spamming the forums.

    Everything doesn't need to be meaningful. It can be also fun or just some chatter discussion. Gief booba is just fine if its fun for enough users.

    High segregation of sub-forums is fine if you have a highly active forum because otherwise threads get buried to fast. If you barely fill  the first page in 24 hours on the most active sub-forum and you have 25 active users in prime time (EU prime time) weekend you probably dont want to have 19 sub-forums (28 if you count profession forums). 

    Right now you can't post a general topic in GW2 discussion if it touches pvp, WvW or instanced content. You might want feedback from general user base on pvp, WvW, raid topics. For example if you have a proposal to get more players into pvp you don't ask players that are already playing, you go and ask players that are not playing it but might do it. Well you can't get feedback on this forum because as soon as a mod comes it will get moved into specialised forums where you will only get niche feedback.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    wat. Whole first page has posts within 17h, majority within 4. I fail to see how not being spammed with new thread (instead of participating in existing ones) every minute or even hour somehow makes any forum "dead". This claim doesn't make sense to me at all.

    I am a member of small private niche forums with more activity than that. This is a game with thousands of active players. Compare it to gw2 reddit or similar games' forums. This forums is dead for an official game forum for a game which boasts such a player base.

    Now I acknowledge that forums are not what they used to be as far as social media are concerned. But its still dead as far as such forums goes. And stalling discussions with over moderation and segregation doesnt help at all.

    I did mean thread with posts as far back as 20h. My bad there.

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  4. 31 minutes ago, Hashberry.4510 said:

    Be very careful with your titles I guess. Forum is kind of a wasteland right after the mods come in, sure doesn’t help discussion. Maybe thats the idea.

    Yeah they are killing the forums.

    Too many sub forums and excessive moderation.

    The last topic on first page of "GW2 discussion" is 20 hours old right now. That pretty much means dead forum. 

    Also it completely splits the discussions so you cant really have a general discussion. Pvp forums is fine if you want to have in depth discussion on spvp, you'll get answers from people that pvp. But if you want to have a more general discussion of pvp in relation to other modes which I guess completely fits the "GW2 general discussion" you dont go to pvp forums because youll pretty much only get pvp crowd point of view.

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  5. Lot's of people just throwing some random information out there that is just confusing.

    GW2 has roles but not as you are used to it.

    First of all you need to distinguish what type of content you want to play; open world, instanced PVE (5 man or 10 man - e.g., raids, strikes), WvW (roaming or group play) or sPVP. You NEED this context to think about a build. There are big differences between modes so the best build for one mode might be really bad for another. Every build should have clearly stated for which content it is meant for. 

    Now if we go to open world (OW) which is what I think you are asking for and should ask yourself as a new player. Open world has a lot of different content packed in it but its not generally demanding unless you are trying to take down monsters meant for groups solo. In general you can build whatever you like in open world. And vitality, toughness, healing power definitely make a difference. Open world is also really good to get to know your class and what it can do.

    If you will play a lot of time solo in OW, you might want to think about having a good mix between able to survive and deal dmg. The better you are, more you can invest in pure dmg. For this reason raid builds often suck in OW because those are highly specialised and fall flat when you dont have support from other players. But if you will play with friends a lot you can think more about having some support synergies between you.

    WHen we move to instanced PVE (fractals, raids, strikes), we start seeing roles more. There are definitely always dps players and healers. There are fights that require tanks but those are only in raids and not all of them. Now gw2 gets a bit complicated here. Boons or buffs are really strong. You want to have all of them in instanced content. So on top of healers and dps and sometimes tanks you have boon supports. These are builds that sacrifice a bit of dps or healing to provide boons. You will often see quickness (quick) or alacrity (alac) boon supports (again either dps/boon support or healing boon/support). Those 2 boons are harder to get but very strong. So a typical group that doesnt need a tank will often look like this: 6 pure dps, 2 healers/boon supports, 2 dps/boon supports with 2 of the boon supports giving quick and 2 alac.

    While GW2 is very flexible with builds and almost requires you to change them between content it also can get very complicated due to its flexibility. 


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  6. 22 hours ago, DeceiverX.8361 said:

    And as for being upset about that:  Yeah, join the club.  ANet lost a very significant number of paying customers/players because of this issue, myself included.  I was gifted PoF, and never bought EoD.

    To be honest they haven't lost paying customers if they haven't paid for the expansion.

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  7. The answer to the initial question: rev. Versatility. 

    But since the latest patches warr got some really fun stuff especially for OW and messing around. What I'm playing right now in OW. Strength, defense, spellbreaker. Hammer / dagger+shield (I just use my pvp setup, shield is overkill in CC and defense for pve). You can easily go full zerker/scholar gear you wont die. Literary more than half of your abilities are CC, not exaggerating. You get stability on CC. Oh and your hammer F1 crits for like 15k AOE and stuns. And I've got 25k crits with hammer 2 on CCed enemies. And hammer is not even your big dmg dealer weapon. And again you have so much CC there is not a break bar in the game that will last against you.

    I've seen similar builds in sPvP more and more lately and some look broken, let's see, I suspect nerfs.

    Bladesworn is so last week.

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  8. I think its fine. I rarely did collections before Skyscale because I though them to be tedious. Then I did Skyscale and found out it was actually quite fun for me. Got to revisit some old places, like the JPs... I dont like the extensive double item pixel hunt (without wiki) in Dragonfall but in the end I think its fine.

    After I did Skyscale I actually did quite a few legendary collections which I didnt feel like tackling before. And those were mostly quite fun also and I ended up with a bunch of legendaries.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Vile.4387 said:

    So when im unloading all my skills and the enemy team just runs over me, it's my teams fault for not doing enough damage, not negating enough damage, not keeping boons up enough?

    I dont think we are talking about the same lvl of team organisation. 

    When we talk wvw meta we mean squads on voice chat with organised parties that move together and unload skills only when they should. 

    And yes in an organised squad if we presume correct composition and you didnt move out of position and dodged properly its on supports to keep you clean, stable and topped off. 

    If we are talking random players following a random tag. It all devolves into cloud after first contact and its everyone for himself and all the meta talk is irrelevant. 

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  10. Conditions in team fights (considering proper team compositions) are in a funny spot. Most of the time they will get almost immediately cleansed, you might get a tick or 2 in. So looking at heal over time effects as a counter is generally useless.

    But you can't ignore conditions, you just need that cleansing power because as soon a team would not be able to out cleanse, it would die. Its not the condi dmg that is the real danger (al lthough all condies serve as cover condies). Power is just generally better, because you want that big front loaded coordinated dmg spikes possibly into a a big spike of boon strips and cc. But the team would crumple under non damaging conditions. Chill, Weakness, Slow, Blind, Immobilise...

    For zergs necros excel in big power aoe dmg and boon strips with (depending on spec) some team utility. 

  11. Based on the prices of Statuettes that drop from EOD meta events, Dragon's End meta is the second most completed/popular EOD meta after Seitung.

    Right now; Jade Empress Statuette at 2.9 silver, Jade Dragon Statuette 6.6 silver, Jade Cathedral Statuette 11 silver and Jade Gate Statuette over 1.2 gold. 

    Thats the only metric I can think of but it seems pretty good comparison to me. 

    I haven't had any issues with it's completion since the nerfs, see plenty of groups doing it. The prep time is annoying but otherwise I think its a nicely balanced meta.  

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  12. 17 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    The arrogance! :classic_rolleyes:

    I'm mostly a clicker (except for movement, dodges, auto-attack, target swapping, and weapon swapping etc) and I am doing endgame content with ease (even CMs, or the Liadri 8-orbs achievement).

    Just because you function differently doesn't mean everyone who clicks skills is a noob.

    Well you should have read my second paragraph where I stated that some players get very proficient with clicking. Someone being very good at the game (clearing hard content) and clicking is actually most likely highly skilled. It is in a way gimping yourself. I would definitely recommend to that player that immediately switches to full binds and enables fast skill release if he is interested in improvement. You would probably get used to it very fast and your potential would increase dramatically. It really just takes a couple of hours of self discipline. 

    Still I wouldnt watch someone playing a game unless he is very good at it. But this is not so much aimed at gw2 which I never watch anyway but at more competitive games.

    Also when I talk about being skilled or good at the game I mean pvp. Pve doesnt matter that much since its scripted, learning patterns. The required response times are much slower and since its scripted your eyes dont need to be on the action all the time and responding. Or better said you can learn, predict what will happen next. Something you can never do in pvp with nearly as much accuracy.

    In the end I dont really care how anyone plays and how skilled he is and its also a casual mmo which is already not a competitive genre. 

    But I would say that getting used to binds is not only about being fast and skilled. Its also more fun and engaging to play. You can keep your eyes much more on the action and less on the bars. You need much less input effort so you can either relax more or invest that extra attention to something else.


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