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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. UI overhaul is on the top of my wish list for this game. Especially LFG improvements and resizing and moving different parts or UI. Player, enemy boon/condi/effect table included as it is a total mess and can even get hidden behind mini map. At larger resolutions the boon/condi tables become super small even if you enlarge the whole UI. I also like to have all the player and enemy information close together so I dont need to move my eye constantly all over the screen. But the boon/condi table situation is the most dire.

    As for the gear checks. I dont mind them. But I think those are much more useful in gear treadmill games where a certain gear score is mandatory for specific content. Here getting top gear is easy and cheap and not really a tell about someone's performance. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, Atomnium.1532 said:

    Honestly it would be faster to list the classes that cannot be tanky dps, between scrapper or mechanist, renegade herald, spellbreaker, celestial untamed even weaver celestial is basically unkillable.

    The tankiness is more of an opt-in aspect of every spec with celestial, trailblazer or trait swaps.

    I'd pick another criteria to know what to go into 🙂


    As far as I understood he would like inherently tanky class that keeps that tankiness also in competitive Pve. 

    Yeah all classes can be tanky, but not many are on meta raid dps builds. 

    For example someone mentioned Virtuoso or mesmer in general. Yeah can be tanky with right gear. But on dps builds you wont be tanky. You have inherent active defenses which I am not sure if it counts for op. But using those abilities or using at the wrong time is also a big dps loss. 

    Scrapper or Mechanist are inherently tanky though even on competitive builds. 

    And spellbreaker dps right now just casualy walks through stuff that kill an ele in a blink of an eye. 

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  3. Dont mix up tanky open world builds (like for example trailblazer mirage) with raid/strike dps builds. Mirage is very strong in raids right now but is probably one of the most complex builds and I would not call it tanky.

    Right now there is a warrior hammer spellbreaker dps build that is super tanky and does very good dps. But just as this build emerged recently it can die in the future. Warrior is not a class that is famous for versatility so I would not make a new warrior just to hope this build would last. But if you already have a warrior or want to try it, its a very fun build (big numbers). It's inherently tanky because spellbreaker warrior and it uses defense trait line as a hammer dps trait line which just makes it more inherently tanky. It also spurts out self stability which is just great for pretty much everything.

    Also power herald revenant. You can build it as a quickness dps or dps and both are doing great right now (revenant is also a class that always does good). And same as warrior, revenant is inherently tanky. Decent hp, heavy armour and inherent survive abilities of a herald.

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  4. Increase map player cap. Maybe not in DE because of meta scaling. On other maps it shouldnt matter that much. Even if they increase by 25 players, its substantial to what we have now. Next time dont make such large maps if you want to cap it so low.

    Bounties. Would fit perfectly in Kaineng.

    Material bags vendor for imperial favours in Arborstone. Similar to Trophy, Leather... shipments for volatile magic. Everyone likes volatile magic because you have a straightforward way to get mats for it. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    Additionally  armor provides two big benefits over trinkets - one being actual armor - you need that to not be squishy. Other being ability to add/remove upgrades (that means runes) without destroying them. Runes are big. You don't want to lose them every time you want to try a different build.

    You can use black lion salvage kit when you upgrade from exotic. It 100% gives back runes and you should get the from daily logins. It destroys the exotic but those are practically free anyway. 

    Otherwise it really depends on what content you like to play and how many alts you have. Trinkets have great value if you have many alts. Yeah ascended trinkets are quite easy to come by but once you have many alts with different gear setups they are probably the best value. If you play pvp, legendary backpack is the fastest. 

    Weapons vary. Something like an axe can be super useful as many classes and build use it while warhorn might not be the most used. Also fashion.

    Armour is the biggest commitment and exotics are very easy to come by.

  6. For most non CM, non raid content a simple healer/dps distinction would be enough for an auto finder. Anyone that prefers a more optimised group can still use lfg.

    But I would prefer that they improve LFG and squad/party frames so that we would have icons for specific roles. These could be tied to build templates. For example I mark my build as a quick dps, I get a qdps icon on my squad frame. Comm can immediately see who is what and has easier time distributing the parties. They could also add that the comm dedicates specific spots in a squad for specific roles and you apply for a role in a squad. These could be completely up to comm, so custom roles, like kiters... The only issue here as I see it, is that healing supports can be both quick or alac and vice versa for dps boon supports.

    • Confused 1
  7. This is the best open world game. 

    All the best equipment (stat wise) can be acquired through open world.

    World bosses are just a small, 10 year old open world vanilla content. All the expansion and living season maps bring the experience to another level with various events and other activities.  


    This wiki page will come handy: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers

    Keep in mind, these are only the biggest events, like full map wide full 50 man or more squad events. There are hundreds of other events and event chains that are just as interesting and fun and some can be just as big as these.

    • Like 4
  8. For what is worth, LS season are really worth its money. And if you like the game youll surely buy some gems in the future and get them through playing, they wont go to waste. 

    Also there is no discount on larger amounts of gems, so youre not missing anything if you buy gems slowly. Maybe wait with buying seasons untill you come to them ingame as they get discounted from time to time. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Iskras Femme.1693 said:


    Looks like, its ok. But it would be nice if they relaxed the price. I don't think there would be too much abuse - maybe it would even solve part of the problem we have in WvW today. 

    Players abuse it already with these prices.

    Price depends on the server. If you try to bandwagon to already stacked server you will pay more. See post from @roederich.2716 above.

    I doubt Anet can really provide info on this topic relevant to completely new players. What information would you propose? 

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  10. Learn to watch your target boons and condies. Also knowledge about other classes and their usual defensive cooldowns. 

    Its a huge difference when you are attacking someone with full boons, available CDs and no condies like vulnerability on them. 

    Depending on your build sometimes your best choice is to just rotate away or stall a node. 

    Focus fire with your team. Call targets, you have a shortcut for that. Probably the largest factor in low rated games, team that focuses opponents wins. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

    some players liked "gambling" with festival bags, and bought them em massive numbers.... 

    now probably the videos like "opening 50k bags" will be rarer or extinct.

    It will be the same. People didnt open 50k presents for food but for rarer items. Now there will be no food from presents but presents will also be cheaper so in the its the same.

    I'm not sure food was removed due to the research notes. They had no problems in the past changing specific items to be able to salvage/research them or not. Its just as possible that it was due to economy, because festival food/utilities basically made every non BIS (and some were even BIS) food useless and thus also materials worthless.

    I dont mind the change. Well I wouldnt mind if I havent sold several tens of stacks of food and utilities at the start of the year while cleaning my inventories. I had a stack of every utility and useful food item on over 10 chars. And before festival season I decided I will consolidate those stacks into 1 stack in my shared inventory slots. I dont even want to know how much gold I threw away by today's prices. 😛

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  12. 1 hour ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    . Anet made me play this game less by making me fail it 10 times in a row. 

    Is this a recent experience or from within the first 2 months?

    21 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    And if winning is fun, most of you are beating it so handily, then what's value of keeping it harder/adding in all that effort? For me, most days, that effort isn't worth the "fun" (and it's obviously the same for most of the community given the initial reactions to the OP). 

    Because some risk increases the fun. But while a step up from other metas (I dont deny that) I think its decently balanced. Its not AB for sure. But do we really want all metas to be like AB; 10 mins waiting, 5 mins of actual stuff happening, 5 mins of looting chests. I guess if the main goal is minimum effort for max loot, the answer is yes.

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  13. 9 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    You're totally right. Story gamers who just want to do their collections and talk to NPCs vital to understanding the narrative and character arcs for the expansion were absolutely not the target audience for this meta. It's a good thing there weren't mountains of collections, voiced dialogue, and lore locked behind completing it multiple times. 🙂 


    Even if it would be true that this meta would be inaccessible to "story" gamers, which is not true. 

    Why shouldnt non story gamers (thats a silly distinction anyway) , competitive gamers get collections, rewards and dialogues in their own content. 

    Raids have all of that. You raid if I read correctly. Was all that non combat trivia and all those fluff rewards from raids completely redundant? Maybe for you (and I get that) but Im sure many enjoyed them. 

  14. Just now, Firebeard.1746 said:

    I'm not advocating that. I'm saying put it in Eye of the North or do something similar. Why make people fail if there doesn't happen to be a common their map? most groups open their own instance anyway, I don't know who we're fooling keeping it OW over organized group content. 

    For me a private event like DS would be great. For the game I think this is bad. Because this would ensure that casual players that avoid instanced content for some reason never do this meta.

    Right now anyone can join this meta without saying a word, caring about the build or fearing any pressure. They dont even need to be in the squad. 

    Players wanted Anet to bring instance content a OW closer together. Here we have DE meta, players complain.

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  15. Just now, Firebeard.1746 said:

    Well I didn't have a ton of groups that tried this, but it didn't go well. At least 2 of the 10 random pugs I tried had a commander that used what was there and they still failed. If that works for you great, I won't argue against 2 different anecdotes. Though this makes me wonder if you're EU because my impression is EU does better at PVE in general. 

    Yes its EU and usually prime time. 

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    Because you're pretty much guaranteeing anyone who doesn't play LFG wars fails, and being set up for failure in a game isn't fun. If it requires more organization, imo, it should be organized group content and obviously so. 

    I literally didn't use the LFG for the first year or two I played this game. I didn't even know what a tag was. And this expansion railroads you straight into that meta. If it didn't do that in the story, I might not be as peeved, but I think this is a TERRIBLE new player experience. I'm glad my first serious open world meta was dragonfall. 

    The meta is popular. Even if the crowd is a bit different than other metas (which I actually doubt based on my experience) it attracts a decent crowd. So why shouldnt the players that like the meta have what they like?

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