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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Good point. Right now the only theorycrafter I know of is Vallun, but I'm sure there are more people out there that enjoy breaking the mold. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that around here. People posting their builds, receiving feedback, iterating based on experience and community input. Perhaps there could be a PvP subforum for that kind of thing. Split things up so that people have a place to vent and a place for constructive discussion. I agree. When I work on a build, I try to make it as "consistently successfull" as I can but I lack the "final touch". This is where the strong mains of that class come in. They are usually pretty reluctant at first but when they see the builds in action they also help choosing a better synergy, a better rune, even a better amulet, since they know how things scale better than me. That's why we need a theorycrafting section. Theorycrafting in GW2 community is very lacking. There is so much to do.
  2. Condi mirage counters power herald, but condi herald counters condi mirage (in 1v1). Thief is equal matchup.
  3. Before I answer, thanks @Dadnir.5038 for contributing! You don't improve an elite spec by making core profession change. All of those impact the profession as a whole and are potential balance hazard.Click the links to go to the traits themselves. They are pretty bad for no reason. Nearly all of my suggestions turn these traits into what they were before. Nope! signet of illusion isn't a chronomancer's specific skill. Along with blurred inscription this is a game breaking change.Continuum Split doesn't reset with the signet, why must it be the same cooldown? From my point of view it's a nerf. Is it necessary? I don't think so.It's a buff, currently 3s alacrity is useless. Right move if you want to bug the skill and make it unusable. So no, I'd rather see no change than this one.It was usable backwards and sideways before, no idea why they nerfed it. I see what you do there, trying to cast a net for wasted shatter, but it doesn't make sense to have shatters produce clones.Illusionary Reversion already produces clones from shatters, just in a very bad and weak way. A nerf again? Is slow OP? Why would you even talk about defiance in a sPvP forum?It procs every 3 seconds in PvP, with this it will proc every time. So you're looking for more burst out of this trait at the cost of longer CD... You realise that ANet crippled damage is sPvP because people could 100-0 in an instant? This is the same as trying to bring back what led ANet to nerf things, what would be the point?Sure, change the 80% to 50%, I don't really care if that's the problem. Core skills are better left alone when you claim to make change for a specific e-spec.It's a pretty bad skill. Too strong, way too strong.Sure, make it 33%. I don't see this as a proper change. It's basically saying that you want a 35 second CD distorsion and you could careless about the purpose of the skill except for that. Just play another spec if what you want is distorsion on F4 it will be easier.Sure, make the base CD 50s and make it get 25% of skills used in it. This way you will have 50s cd 1s distortion and when you use something like moa it will become 95 seconds or something. Honnestly, if it were me, I'd just "remove" the clones from the chronomancer and give him only the ability to self shatter. Skill and traits that create clones would just lit up the clone ressource bar. Then you make chronofantasma transform your F1, F2 and F3 into skills that summon a fanstasm of the mesmer onto the target where it would shatter to allow some range nuke. And chronomancer would be mostly fine from my point of view.They will never rework it to that extent :P
  4. As I said, numbers can change. Maybe CS takes 50% of recharge instead of 33%. Phantasmal Disenchanter is the only phantasm that would be too strong with Chronophantasma. It is already strong without it.
  5. I don't know about fun but I had top kills, top damage, top offense (I forgot what's it called) and 0 deaths in a lot of my losses.I really want premade ranked queue back lol.
  6. I thought it was gonna be 3v3
  7. Those two are really problematic, yeah, but nothing unsolvable. My solution is in the original post if you haven't read it.
  8. Someone posted this in PvP discord: Apparently he is some good player
  9. Maybe just same person and their 4 alts? yes, thats my point. all 5 were legy, all 5 were the same class/race/armour combo and all 5 were same guild. point is, thats 5 acc with leggy badge, not on the leader boreds. ofc this was rigged, 1 or all 5 people are in it but it just seems like thats kinda beating the system, having top teir badge and not really doing anything for it. I added all 5 to my fl to see acc name and none were in the top 250, let alone top 5 where raitings start around 1800I mean, sindrener had 3 accs in leggy, sometimes they weren't in LB.
  10. Maybe just same person and their 4 alts?
  11. Useless traits would still be useless. I don't think IP will be back so I tried to workaround it.
  12. Ranger is good without the pet as well, I killed pets 4 times (yes in 16 seconds, he was perma petless in that 1v1) but I still lost in the end xD
  13. 9 out of 12 classes in metabattle's "meta" and "great" sections are power.5/9 can't go above 10 might without team's help.
  14. I hate having to bump my own thread up, but I want Anet to see this.
  15. Why this thread?These change suggestions are made with the assumption IP and/or distortion won't come back to Chronomancer.The change suggestions also affect a lot of core specializations as well as core utilities. However, they shouldn't have a big affect on Core Mesmer and Mirage and the reason will quickly become clear after seeing the change suggestions.Reminder: Numbers are subjected to change, they are just there for showing the idea. Trait changesEscape Artist: Decoy, Mirror Images, Phantasmal Defender and Phantasmal Disenchanter gain 20% cooldown reduction. Clones gain 6 seconds of protection when shattered. Protected Phantasms: There are two suggestions (choose-one) for this trait.1) (My recommendation) Summoned phantasms have 20% more health and spawn with 6 seconds of Retaliation.2) Summoned phantasms spawn with 5 seconds of Protection. Mental Defense: After summoning a phantasm, 20% of the damage you take is transferred to your youngest phantasm for 3 seconds. Phantasmal Force: Summoned phantasms spawn with 2 stacks of Might for 8 seconds. Phantasms deal 5% (3% in PvE) increased damage for every stack of Might they have. Time Splitter: In addition to previous effects, this trait reduces recharge of Signet of Illusions by 25%. All's Well That Ends Well: Wells heal (0.3) allies when placed and after they end (0.5). Wells gain 20% recharge reduction. Lost Time: Interrupting an enemy slows (1.25 seconds) and damages (0.7) them. This attack cannot critically hit. Seize the Moment: Gain the ability to use Tides of Time sideways and backwards. Shield skills gain 20% recharge reduction. Illusionary Reversion: Split Second and Rewinder generate a clone when used. 3 seconds cooldown. Delayed Reactions: Disabling a foe applies slow for 1 second. This skill affects foes with Defiance Bars once every 3 seconds (no interval in PvP and WvW). Chronophantasma: The first time a phantasm would become a clone, it instead resummons itself and attacks again. Resummoned phantasms are dazed for 0.75 seconds and inflict 80% (in all game modes) of the original's damage. This trait increases all phantasm recharges by 15%. Utility skill changesPhantasmal Defender: 40 seconds cooldown. Taunt nearby enemies and block incoming attacks for 6 seconds. Grant nearby allies 3 seconds of aegis for every blocked attack, 2 seconds of interval per ally. Blocking an attack deals damage to the attacker (0.3 or 0.4 coefficient, basically lowish damage). Well of Precognition: Break stun. Instant cast. 35 seconds cooldown. Create a well that makes allies take 50% reduced damage and condition damage. Shatter changesContinuum Split: Base cooldown is reduced to 35 seconds. This skill's recharge is increased by 33% of original recharges' of skills used during Time Anchored. Time Anchored now reduces Power and Condition Damage by 20%.
  16. Well, jaunt still says 3 charges. Tooltips aren't Anet's strong point.
  17. @"shadowpass.4236" Refer to notes section: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stun_break This also happens with evade stunbreak in mirage and most likely with Roll for Initiative.
  18. If its still an illusions trait, having a trait there that does nothing to core and mirage, makes no sense.if its an chronomancer trait, you gotta sacrifice a trait in chrono to fit the skill and which one will u sacrifice instead? Nah it should be baseline
  19. Did you know Builds in metabattle were homebrews at some point, I even witnessed creation/minmaxing of many meta buildsAnyone can add a build in metabattleYou can play builds that aren't on metabattle if you are good with theorycraftingBuild diversity is pretty high right now, every class except warrior and mesmer has at least 1 viable power and 1 viable condi build. Not even counting bunkers.
  20. Deduction: Nerf condi spellbreaker Jokes aside can you post your wvw build?
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