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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. Oh, it looks like the exact opposite of what I want.Pls delete bunker chrono and buff power/hybrid chrono.
  2. Don't remove IH, make it baseline.
  3. EDIT: It's a 1.5 coefficient skill, so it hits hard. Harder than spellbreaker's axe f1. I would say it should give longer slow but have 1.25 coefficient. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Essence_Sap_(stolen_skill)
  4. Everyone should be forced to play power chrono for 1 day :p
  5. Here: It's too underwhelming/useless. We need a stronger minor.
  6. I mean, I asked about DE grandmasters in game and most people favor maleficent seven. Might just be a preference.
  7. I suggest both. Revert IP and make FoT baseline.
  8. Tayga.3192

    Flow of Time

    Since Chronomancer has its own shatters, Flow of Time should be built into shatters themselves. That way, a new minor trait can be added instead of this mostly useless thing.
  9. Mesmer is kind of a counter to ranger since I think it's the only class that can kill ranger 1v1. However, mesmer is even worse in team fights than ranger except chrono.Currently rangers can run rampant on side nodes because Flavor of the Month™ Condi Mirage doesn't counter ranger as hard as it did before.
  10. Throw Mine + Personal Battering Ram hammer scrapper
  11. Afaik Maleficent Seven is used, reveal trait is not
  12. Like unless you invest in healing power, regen is a normal boon.
  13. I also remember he won Roy's 2v2 last year or so.
  14. I just like writing so here we go. Why I like mesmer: There are two play styles I like: rule breaking and actively counter playing my opponents. When I first started, I wanted to try the trademark class and here we are today. What I want to see maintained: The uniqueness of mesmer. People should take a mesmer to their team when they want the utility mesmer brings. What I wouldn't mind seeing changed: Anet can just delete clones' condi damage. They can also nerf passive defenses and bring more fun and skilled ways to defend myself.
  15. Seems like something extremely hard to balance, since this would hard counter any scourge, well necro, symbol guardian, trap builds etc. We can MAYBE have specific anti aoe skills (ironically they would also be ground targeted aoe) that haves the efficiency (half damage and half conditions) of offensive aoes. Poison, boon rip and cover condis already counter defensive aoes. This is a very interesting idea though. Anti-aoe is needed but I don't know how anet would implement that.
  16. Ranger lives off of damage modifiers anyway. AFAIK the problem is pet coefficients. They have lower power stat already so why are they compensated with higher coefficients? (delete passive cc, rework pets into utility and nerf damage tywm)
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