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Everything posted by Tayga.3192

  1. It's approximately 50% in 2v2.I mostly duo with a necromancer and the enemy team mostly have a necro as well.
  2. Nerf Lich Form damage a lot and reduce the cooldown a bit so that it can be usable in conquest too. We already have a downtime between two conquest seasons, now we won't have any downtime. There is literally no cons of this lol. Also I love how everyone was like "CONQUEST BAD" and then when 2v2 came out everyone instantly started to love conquest.
  3. Moaing lich form :smirk:Interrupting rez signet :smirk:
  4. Sustain and power was nerfed. Everyone cries about condis. Guess what else didn't get nerfed?Yep. Lifesteal. Guess what does bunker necro have a lot of?Yep. Lifesteal. All lifesteal should be nerfed 33%.
  5. Prot holo under protection got more than 10k worldly impact, I got 18k rapid fire (on thief 0 toughness) from sic em soulbeast etc etc ranger has too many dmg modifiers and it doesn't take years to build them up.
  6. Someone explained me why DC would be too strong with all those boonrip so I am dropping that idea. I'm open to any new ideas.
  7. Did you mean DC? It will steal 1 per clone ofc :P
  8. EM might be too strong yes, but I don't think DC would be strong because it only works in melee and clones are mostly ranged.
  9. An attempt to make all GMs worth taking. Infinite Horizon: When you gain Mirage Cloak, your clones also gain it and use their respective ambush skills.Elusive Mind: When you gain Mirage Cloak, your clones also gain it. You remove a condition for every clone you have (player is also counted).Dune Cloak: When you gain Mirage Cloak, your clones also gain it. No idea what its effect would be. With only one dodge, GMs are very underwhelming so I just wanted to make a discussion for this concept.
  10. It might actually be a fire weaver AND a burn guardian, since there is a stance in death log.
  11. Probably full dps build and you ate full rotation.It's not OP but it's annoying.
  12. Top necro played it alongside FB. It's not OP but it's a very good skill and it's better than plaguelands since nobody is forced to stand on a node.
  13. Nah I don't want to be carried by lucky queue or carry a unlucky queue.
  14. It's hilarious seeing some players "suddenly" become way worse after the patch.
  15. Pounce has a coefficient of 4.168 (woah), Tiger has 1524 power baseline. Assuming pvp greatsword uses exotic weapon strength, the midpoint is 1047.5.Pack Alpha gives pet 150 (1674 in total) power and 150 ferocity while Pet's Prowess gives it 300 ferocity (woah). This ferocity totals out at 180% more damage.Assuming 0 might, A tiger with Attack of Opportunity uses Pounce on a light armor 0 toughness target for ((1047.5 4.168 1674)/1920) 1.8 1.5 = 10278 damage.If you are over 90% health, your pet deal 10% more damage from Loud Whistle so the damage is 10278 * 1.1 = 11306.This isn't aligning stars, you just need to be running beastmastery and do maul + pounce (excluding maul damage). Assuming it hits light armor target with 500 toughness: 8154 damage (8970 while ranger is over 90% health). I didn't take any might or other damage modifiers in account. Pet coefficients should be lowered by like 50% AT LEAST, considering most of the pet attacks are like Chilling Slash (2.75 per attack x 2) or Tail Swipe (3.75).
  16. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1149835/#Comment_1149835 This guy noticed it a few days before you xD
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