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Everything posted by snh.7091

  1. A guy on Discord once said it right - I like to believe - about WSR, when he described them as a bunch of scared kids, and that's because they all hide on one server fighting other, smaller or (in the majority of cases) far less organised groups. Imagine each of the guilds sought out challenge by fighting their own peers. But no, they all stack in one place where they don't have to fight each other, and no real challenge comes to them. Makes them feel cozy perhaps, secure. And they seem to like everyone else to think they are awesome, strong, and so on. But are they?
  2. those US folks are on AG, not SFR. SFR died after lots of drama recently. bet if the link changes there's going to be 0 activity and back to medium pop. there's just a couple of useless PvE guilds like A..A who won't stand a chance against anyone, a trash talking, condescending commader who looks down on everyone from an unnamed guild starting with T, and (a) wannabe organizer(s) who thankfully isn't leading the Discord anymore as he's also to blame why SFR's plane crashed. their Discord is a ghost town with 300 on but no one talking and up to 8 joining a random public comm who just gets steamrolled by anything. last time SFR were up against WSR e.g. in a MU they got farmed at EB spawn for 3 days straight. seeing how bad it got their streamer became rather fond of Gandara and others lately, likely. that's where you'd mostly see him. so, if you ever thought about joining SFR...
  3. it feels like being in maintenance mode for years already.
  4. Do you really think they'd tell us? Or what they are telling us is true? I'm surprised people are still so naive as to believe anything they say after everything they did, or didn't.Do you think this company can be trusted ever again?Don't be naive, people. I keep saying this, but seems like it's always falling on deaf ears: keep your money. Once they'll see a decline in revenue they will be forced to care. As long as there's a steady stream of income they won't. I mean, it can't be any more obvious now that they just don't care.
  5. does it look like they are? It's been 2 years and we got nothing. Zero, nada. Apart from their "word", that as by now everyone knows means less than nothing. And all these people who hop every week feeding them money on transfers, what a joke.
  6. So, this was announced around this time 2 years ago. 2 yearsWhere's the promised update? We have seen nothing, tested nothing, only heard "we're working on it" with no proof, just sucking money out of our wallets. Where's the update may I ask?
  7. After all this time, does it look like they care about anything else than making money on this (put into maintenance years ago) mode.
  8. A semblance of hope? Maybe I'll reinstall if this turns out well.
  9. I'm wondering why people still play this game. Why not just quit and play something else? Or will I hear the same "I made friends here" or "no alternative" comments? I quit. From time to time I open this page to check IF something's changed, just curiosity, but after such a long time I'm more certain nothing will. They have proven it on many occasions. Once a game (mode) goes into maintenance mode it's done. WvW has been in, for a long time. In all honesty, do you really believe that they will invest into a 7 years old game after such a long period of blatant neglect and actually turn things around? After a large portion of their revenue has left? This game is finished. Look around - plenty of room to improve at, but they just toss new content out that everyone completes in a few hours and then we're back to square one. ?‍♂️
  10. are they? really? we have no proof but their word, which, might I say, is worth as much as __ (insert what you like here)
  11. Also, I'll never understand the mentality of refusing to buy a single bundle because it contains a skin of a mount you don't plan to get (at this point in time). It's important to consider the fact that one day you may want to. This shortsightedness of people is... typical on these forums, to say the least. No one's forcing anyone to use a particular skin, but it's always a nice to have. Thus, some people complain when they get something extra (can you imagine?) because they want something specific instead, but it never worked this way. A collection is a collection, which is also why it's so upsetting when items from one collection are distributed as part of different collections and one has to spend more than acceptable sums for these pixels.
  12. There's the Branded Mount Skins bundle, which consist of 5 skins, one for each mount, excluding the Skyscale and Warclaw. why?We have the Warclaw pack, that consists of 5... err... 3 cool skins, and the remaining 2 are not even skins. They are the same appearance as the default skin. wth?This is what they cost, respectively, If there are new mount skins from the same collection, like the Branded one, whyare they sold separately (?), and not included to existing bundles?
  13. This must be a complete troll. There's so much cleanse in the game it's ridiculous.
  14. To win.... to win what exactly, be in the highest tier for what? Capture all stuff and then what? You need to wake up.
  15. my guess is, anything they'll introduce as new content will be a ripoff of another game, likely ESO with their alliance system.
  16. Reducing the amount of pvp in a pvp mode portrayed as a good thing. I'd counter the walking safe space was a content reduction, and it takes warped sensibilities to see that as a good thing. I never said it's a good thing per se, I only said it's what it is. There's far too many things that make roaming unfun these days, and it's not just the claw. One positive to the cat that I can think of is that it's a somewhat effective counter to ganking / grieving. Like everything, even the cat has positives next to negatives. If they wanted to counter grieving there would be ways, but again, it is what it is. The mount (sadly) isn't going away, and something tells me they'll want to generate more revenue, which could mean more mounts if they introduced new maps that required them. It's the Mists after all and who knows why Alliances are taking them so long. Maybe it's not just a system, maybe it's also maps. We don't know because they never tell what exactly they are doing and we don't get to publicly test anything. Let's see.
  17. Before making any comments consider other POV, not just yours. Mounts appear to be mainly introduced as a source of revenue, but they also gave people a choice to pick their fights. I understand your being frustrated to get a decent fight, but in all honesty, that will rarely happen, and not just because of the claw. The game is too gimmicky in general and most builds out there are just trolls, like full Minstrel FB + full Trailblazer Scourge that, in a pair, easily pick on groups of 4 - 5 due to outsustaining damage and damaging way much in return. You have to fight cheese with cheese until ANet come to their senses. Sorry, IF...
  18. Not every class is meant for zerg fights. And just because it's in the game it doesn't mean it has to have a spot in large groups. No. Ranger is a duelist class. You can still make yourself useful to groups, once you figure out how.
  19. ANet logic: instead of lowering stealth duration completely neutering thief's ability to hide, but build an entire elite spec around stealth you can't, thus shouldn't use. Just... amazing. Reminds me of one of those brilliant ideas of taking away Scrapper's only reliable defense against hidden enemies - reveal. There was nothing wrong with it, but they completely removed it. We got some masterminds on the design team, folks.
  20. Think it all comes down to what the contents of the email were. If it was smth not for everyone for, say, legal reasons, or whatever ANet does not allow be publicly known, like other people's personal details, sure, makes sense to ban. If it's not something sensitive, than it's unjust and he should be unbanned, obviously. Can someone give context?
  21. Now think about it - most mention the combat system, yet ironically what is best about this game, which is what makes it best of all MMO games, is the most neglected aspect in all game modes. It's also what can be best monetised through events propagated with good marketing, which ANet severely falls behind in. Thought I'd mention it. Aside from that I quit long ago. Disappointed after disappointment after disappointment. Lurking, reading, a part of me hoping they'd come to their senses.
  22. I keep saying this for years. Actually, the first time I saw the NC logo on their page I felt dread. I knew back then already, that nothing good can come from this. The easiest thing anyone who hasn't done so yet can do is a little research on other NCSoft titles and why they ended up as they have. After that, everyone will be certain about what, more specifically who the real issue is.
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