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Everything posted by Teratus.2859

  1. Honestly think we've got enough at this point. Only thing I can think of that isn't covered by existing mounts is a super fast underwater option.. like Underwater+Beetle/Griffon.. which would round us off for a super speed mount for land, sea and air. But is that mount actually necessary?.. No.. not really no. I think future mount ideas should be focused more on expanding the existing ones already in the game, we really don't need any more new creatures. A better focus would be on vehicles now, Skiffs are actually pretty awesome despite us already having the Skimmer and I'd like to see more vehicles implemented into the game with their own flavour. We've had so many vehicles in Gw2 that were never "usable" so it would be nice to have a few we can use like the Skiff. Probably the top of my list is a Submarine that would allow us to go real deep into the ocean. Perhaps a heavily vertical water map gets introduced one day that has a limitation on the depths we can dive and swim too before we take damage from the pressure so the only way to go down there and explore is with the Submarine at first, and once we get down there perhaps we can learn some ability from a Largos or another ocean dwelling species to enhance our armour to minimise the damage we take from the pressure, similarly to how we infused our armour in Gw1 to deal with Spectral Agony. Sub could also have combat capabilities specific to deep sea events such as removing armour stacks from leviathans or being the only thing that can damage a bosses Defiance Bar or something. Think like Tequatl only there are no NPC weapon placements around to use, players have to rely on their Submarine to deal with certain bosses mechanics instead and groups must organise who will be Subbed up and who wont be. Plenty of ways to make something like that work and keep it fun.
  2. Same, and that's been my experience through the entire Guildwars franchise. Only people who know me refer to my OLN and real life gender pronoun. But in game when talking with all the rando's I am always referred to either by my characters name or the pronoun of my characters gender. This is to be expected, and is perfectly normal.
  3. Not to mention they overlooked how commonly words like "dude" and guys" are used gender neutrally. Hell I've seen completely female groups saying things like "what's up guys" And in regards to this segment specifically.. that's because for a long time it WAS!! their domain. Girls have never been excluded from gaming spaces, quite the opposite in fact.. and creepily so in many cases as you yourself even acknowledge. But for a long time gaming was publicly, almost exclusively a male space, and in regards to the "nearly half of all gamers are women" statistic, a big part of that is because many modern studies into that included a lot of games and areas of the market that a big majority of mostly male gamers don't consider part of real gaming. Mobile Games, Social Media games like farming sims and things like that, games that have a heavy female playerbase and are largely ignored and disregarded by mainstream gamers. So no it's not "arrogant" in the slightest for younger boys to still think that gaming is a majority male space because even to this day they rarely ever encounter a known female gamer in many of the mainstream AAA titles they like to play, nor do they know many if any girls in their social circles that have any kind of interest in video games. That doesn't mean there are no young female gamers, there obviously are, nor does it mean that female gamers don't play those kinds of mainstream games, many of them do, but even within the group that do an even smaller portion of them actually care nor feel the need to announce it and the ones who do yes occasionally get some hazing about it or creepy behaviour aimed their way. And frankly there is nothing more amusing in those situations than seeing a female gamer give as good as she gets back to those players, often leaving them dumbfounded and flabbergasted because they didn't expect it. It's hilarious to witness and almost always met with cheers and laughter from other guys in the game because guys love to banter, it's how they bond and build friendships, and they love it when female gamers join in on the banter and keep the fun going. But as far as the genuine creepo white knight types go.. yeah nobody likes those kinds of gamers at all.
  4. I've been gaming more or less my whole life .. and I can honestly say I have never in my life heard of or seen someone criticize someone else for wanting to play a game as the "opposite gender" I have heard it the other way around a couple of times though.. least in more modern days, people wanting to play a game as their own gender and generally being met with comments basically saying "too bad" or occasionally accusing them of some kind of ism but even that isn't all that common. Mostly I seen that with games that have predefined protagonists and no character creation, most often ones with male leads though I have seen it too with games that have female leads such as the Tomb Raider reboots. Personally I don't get why some people get so bent out of shape over such trivial nonsense. You don't have to personally relate to every single fictional character to be able to enjoy their adventures.. and their stories. The game isn't about you!, it's about them!... it's their story not your life lol It's just silly XD
  5. I am very much hoping to see the 2 big attack on LA missions be repurposed into private/public Dragonstorm like instances as well. This is something I specifically stated would be imo the best way to reintroduce this content in one of my many "Bring back LWS1!" posts after the Ice Brood Saga finished up. And I still hope that one day in the future more or less all of Season 1 will be reintroduced in some way as well and the Karka attack on LA will also get this same treatment. Some may not particularly care about the original Karka attack on LA that kicked off LWS1 but there are a lot of us that despite being around for this event were unable to play it due to the horrendous technical issues that happened when the event when live. My and many others experience with this event was as follows. Chilling in LA Cutscene. Horrendous lag slowing the game to borderline stop motion. Screen fills with pink things.. Map full of dead players, including me. Disconnected from the game. Relog.. and missed the event. It really sucks this happened but it's understandable since Anet was very new to this living world idea at the time and nobody really knew what to expect. But personally I would love to see this content get reintroduced as a Dragonstorm like event further down the road as it's probably one of if not the rarest pieces of content in Gw2 that anyone in the playerbase actually got to experience. I can say I was there all those years ago.. but I can't say I was ever able to experience this content 😞
  6. I love the Bot killing element of it but in all honesty that is the only thing about the turtle that actually makes me want one. So far it's the only mount in Gw2 that I feel no motivation to get. And even if I did have it I probably wouldn't use it.
  7. There are 29 pages in this discussion, do you seriously think i'm going to waste my time reading every single one of them? No dude I have much better things to do lol The only post here I was even remotely directing mine at was the original one that started this thread. I've seen plenty of threads like this over time with different ideas on how an overworld set should be implemented. I was only giving my 2 cents on the only one I would actually support. In general I do not support the idea of an open world set, not unless it was done more or less how I described.
  8. If there ever is to be a PvE implemented method outside of raids for Legendary Armour then it should just be craftable like other legendary weapons and involve a long, tedious and expensive journey to make an entire set of it. And yes I am going to go there as well and say that it absolutely SHOULD!!! require you to do something in multiple maps for every single living world and expansion as well. None of this core world only bull.. if you want this armour you are going to need the complete Gw2 game and you are going to have to work for it. The nature of it being open world PvE armour will by default make it the easiest way to obtain legendary armour in the game.. so it needs to be balanced as such and the simplest way to do that will be to also make it the most expensive set of legendary armour in the game to get, and also the most time consuming way to get legendary armour.
  9. It really depends how it's done more than anything and more importantly how much the loss impacts the rest of the game. In Final Fantasy 7's case yea it was just 1 character who was killed off but the impact of that death was felt for the rest of the game. In many ways she was the life of the party, many of the other characters jumping between angry, sad, bitter and trying to remain positive despite them all being tormented and messed up by their pasts etc. So the loss of the one who was always such a stand out for being positive, innocent and full of life was very evident, and even mechanically as well. Most characters in the game have either mostly or completely offensive special abilities, but her abilities were completely support based and extremely useful in all of the game she was present for, and would have been for all of the game she was not around for as well. It's because of that world very much felt like a lesser place after her death.. and even after death she remains such an important part of the story as well. It is a beautifully well written story and to this day still one of the best and most impactful characters deaths ever done in a video game.
  10. Don't agree but also do. I don't think it's the right move for a game like Gw2, or any MMO tbh. But in general I do like the darker concept of a game ending with complete failure. It's rare you see such a thing especially in games. Always gotta follow that trope that the "good guys" win. Honestly it's a lot more interesting when we don't win.. And for Gw2 specifically that's part of the reason I loved Season 4 so much too. And why it was so disappointing when Aurene was just revived the following episode.. should have dragged that out longer, made us actually believe she'd been killed off for good. Would be nice if more games told darker stories, especially if they ended in failure and the player had to watch all their efforts amount to nothing in the end.. watch all the characters they bonded with get cut down like they were nothing. You want to make a truly bad*** villain then that's how you do it imo. There's good reasons why characters like Sephiroth, and games like Shadow of the Colossus are so beloved and timeless. It's because their developers were not afraid to do things that most games wouldn't dare to. Permanently killing off severely important and integral main characters.. Ending their game with your reward being to get utterly screwed over.. It's narrative gold if you ask me.
  11. True, although less time spent there the better. We don't want another "Krytan Politics" mission lol I don't know how many people like that one but I recall a lot of people didn't, too long, too boring. Even me who is all about the story does not enjoy having to replay that mission at all.
  12. You are probably right about that, players being unhappy about it being skipped. I think the pleasing everyone route is the pop in and get called away to do something else tactic. That way we were there and had to leave without forcing everyone to sit through a long and boring story event that most people don't really care about and many would be annoyed at not being able to skip. And it would also allow for the event to proceed peacefully which is something we can all agree is how it should go. As much as I really don't want to have to sit though a boring wedding instance with nothing to do, I also don't want the devs to just throw in a "uh ohh!! someone's crashing the wedding and making a mess" scenario either.
  13. Pretty much how I got my only strike here as well, when all I did was point out another user's comments were pretty intolerant of my culture and by extent neighbouring countries as well due to common cultural norms we share.. specifically our fondness for banter. It's very annoying when people, especially those who talk big about tolerance and diversity end up having the most intolerant and close minded attitudes towards foreign cultures and social norms they don't approve of.
  14. Definitely agree with this. Aye, although in an online game the idea of moderated language is a but dumb to me. Sure you can control what NPC's say but you can never control what players say and even punishing players for "bad words" doesn't change the fact that everyone who saw the word can't un-see it. Imo there shouldn't be any requirements on this other than the game must have a built in profanity filter, which pretty much every MMO does these days. Let the individual decide whether they want to see "bad words" or not, and let them take all the responsibility for deciding to turn the filter off. Mostly same here. Never cared for hyper sexualized armour, and i'm glad Gw2 has almost none of them. Likewise the lack of graphic adult content makes me very happy, I am honestly sick of the amount of nudity and graphic stuff that worms it's way in to most entertainment these days, TC shows.. movies and games. Personally I find that sort of thing very distasteful and it only makes me question the morals of the people who felt the need to go so far out of their way to include such unnecessary graphic content in their games/shows etc.. it's basically the 4 letter P word half the time.. If I wanted to see stuff like that I'd go to the places that exist for it, so it's bloody annoying when you don't want to see it and people are going out of their way to shove it into everything else.. On the gore though I would prefer if the game had more. It adds a level of realism that is always noticeably absent when you see a perfectly clean blade being pulled out of a recently stabbed character XD
  15. I can't say i've ever met a younger generation parent who has done this If anything the vast majority of parents these days will buy their kids whatever games they nag for regardless of age ratings just to shut them up and keep them occupied. Back in my day there may have been some truth to your statement, my parents certainly wouldn't buy me games like Grant Theft Auto and Resident Evil.. But every other 10-15 year old kid on my block had them thus I got to play them long before I was old enough to. If anything it is even worse today, Call of Duty lobbies full of Kids, GTA online full of kids and on and on it goes for basically any and every popular online 18+ game. At this point age ratings on any medium of entertainment are there purely for legal reasons and nothing else. Almost nobody actually cares about them nor do they listen to them, especially when they have a screaming child nagging for that specific game. Even the amount of parents coming back to stores complaining about a 18+ violent video game that they stupidly bought for their 8 year old kid has diminished significantly in recent years as parents just stopped caring about it.
  16. Must be full accounts then, either way it's a bit ridiculous but each to their own.
  17. Grat's on your first solo 😄 You have now developed a taste for it and will get the urge to 1v1 everything that's big and scary in Gw2 haha It happened to me too many years ago😄 It is possible to solo all the dungeon stories, the last one Arah has been balanced for it specifically. The Ascalon Catacombs is one of the easier ones if you know what your doing but some of them can get pretty hard to solo. From my experience Honour of the Waves is the hardest by far to solo, but it can be done with the right build and know how.
  18. My thoughts exactly! If it could be gifted like that people would abuse the hell out of it. There are already people with like 50+ free accounts abusing the daily log in reward system to mass produce things like mystic coins and laurels to exchange for materials and stuff. I don't like stuff like that even if it doesn't technically break any rules, doesn't feel right.
  19. Probably not a bug, more a technical limitation.. either of the game or your PC hardware.
  20. Aye that's true ^^ Ele can't use normal GS though, so I still have to state that condi damage on Greatsword stats is borderline useless XD Would say completely useless but Reaper be over there like "hello" so not entirely just mostly useless haha
  21. Yea i've used condi reaper before, or more accurately hybrid reaper. It was one of the first builds I made when HoT came out. What I mean though is there are no greatsword skills in the game that are condition based. Only condis on them are things like Vulnerability and control skills, no actual damaging conditions with the exception to Reaper which does have the ability to bleed on chill. I hope Anet remedies this with the next expansion if they decide to add more Elite Specs with it.. which is something i'm not entirely sure they will do next time. Hope so, but won't be surprised if they don't and instead do something different than elite specs.
  22. The Age of Aurene is apparently going to be the theme of upcoming content whatever that entails. Perhaps the Canthans are going to try and stuff her in a reactor as well to save their way of life.. try to turn her into a battery.. Batterene!! 😄 I dunno really, main thing i'm expecting to see is the Jory/Kas wedding.. I highly doubt that would happen off screen although personally I hope it is. And no it has nothing to do with the gay thing, before anyone tries to jump on that, I don't care about that at all. I just think weddings are one of the most mind numbingly boring things to be forced to attend in real life and I hate doing so lol, so I'll gladly pass on fictional ones too thanks. My main story interests for the future in Gw2 are addressing this Horror in the Depths situation which I am really hoping is demonic in nature. And finding out the fate of Menzies and the Fissure of Woe since Balthazars death.
  23. Some of those weapons have just recently had upgrades on some classes.. one of which spawned easily one of the most OP AFK spammy builds ever seen in Gw2.. Rifle Mechanist. I'd hardly say these weapons have been neglected.. perhaps some classes that use them have been overlooked in that area but not the weapons themselves. I'd certainly like to see big improvements to the existing weapon skills such as the ability to choose between multiple skills per weapon. For example each weapon having 2 skill sets that focus on a different purpose, Condi Damage, Power Damage, Support, Survival or Control. If I want to play a Warrior with a Greatsword that does condition damage instead of power then why shouldn't I be able to. Fun fact there still isn't a class or elite spec in the game that utilizes condi greatsword.. closest thing is Reaper but even that is designed mainly as a power spec.
  24. My favourite festival, every year I am hoping for improvements to it. Bigger Labyrinth with more events and stuff is something I have wanted for years. As is the continuation to the Halloween storyline. I don't see it happening though, not really. But I will continue to hope ^^
  25. Ahh!! That explains a lot then, thanks.
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