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Everything posted by Teratus.2859

  1. They're mostly complaining about the free mount skin as far as I know.
  2. I believe so, it is earned via permanent new achievements added to the base game I think.
  3. Yeah I understand. I'm not sure if there was a technical reason as well though. When looking through the options I saw no turtles in there, only the other mounts. Maybe that's because I don't have (nor particularly want) the turtle.. or perhaps it's because the give away licence only includes the PoF mounts. If it's just the PoF mounts then it makes sense why PoF would be required for this freebie, despite the inclusion of Raptor and Springer with EoD.
  4. It is, any players with PoF will get that though. It's very rare we get given a free mount skin. Marketing Wise Anet already provides enough of a hook with mounts. There's the Rental services, the 10 hour free trail for free accounts, and the perma unlock at level 10 now for raptor if you have the expansions, most of that being very new to the game. Not to mention simply seeing other players using them and the skin/dye jobs they have.. some good fashion wars players around. What new players do need to remember is that basically all the mounts are a perk of owning PoF. That includes later added ones, Skyscale, Rollar Beetle and Warclaw, you also needed PoF to unlock those living world episodes so they too are part of PoF in an extended capacity so to speak.
  5. That's because mounts do = PoF. Except the turtle. Giving Raptor and Springer with EoD was basically an added perk for players without PoF.. Something Anet didn't have to do but choose to anyway despite these players skipping over the expansion they were made for, which by all rights should come with the consequence of not being able to get them. Anet is always doing things like this for new players to heighten the appeal of the game and honestly that's fine with me, I want more people playing this game, and staying with it. If that means giving them more perks than I had when I started then fine, I don't care. Hell I payed out for a collectors edition of this game at launch despite my financial situation at the time and new players don't have to pay a dime for any of that in game content anymore. I never complained, in fact I argued against those who did when the F2P model was first released. So when Anet does something small like this just for long time players and then we see a bunch of newer players moaning and accusing Anet being biased and unfair, it's insulting and very annoying to see such comments trashing this game and the company that made it after everything said company has done in their favour when they never had to.. and more importantly when we know most other companies would never be so generous in the first place.
  6. For you? I never played 11 because of the subfee 😛 I don't support mandatory subfee games and online services, I consider them a monumental rip off. Nothing but a scam to sell people something without actually giving them anything at all. And when you stop paying them.. you're quite literally left with nothing to show for all the money you spent on it. A big part of why I have supported Anet for all these years is because they also oppose that business model.
  7. I used to be a massive Final Fantasy fan and I still am for the old games. But I hate what that series turned into after FF10, they butchered it hard.. and everything that made the series great and what made me a fan in the first place was pretty much gutted out, including the appeal of the story, worlds and characters etc. Suffice to say I completely agree that Gw2 is better in all aspects than what Final Fantasy in the modern day tries to be.
  8. Honestly i'm just hoping for something Demonic in nature, this Horror in the Depths I really want to be some kind of high level Demon creature. The other big bad I want to see in Gw2 is Menzies. I do not believe he is dead nor even defeated in the eternal war and with Balthazar gone and his realm diminished of soldiers because of the Forged, Menzies will eventually take over the Fissure of Woe and likely set his sights on other places to conquer.
  9. It doesn't have to be all of them, each class only really needs a couple at most to be usable underwarer. And yeah finding a way to mix the weapons will allow for some water weapons to be used on land, Spear and Trident being the main two I know a lot of people would love to see, especially spear. Imo extending the weapon pool for underwater content is one big part of doing that. Anet have made improvements to water content over the years such as rebalancing and adding the Skimmer's underwater ability, giving us that underwater mount many, myself included long asked for. The other part that needs work is the currently locked skills which is also contributing to the main problem with underwater content, the lacking build diversity. If Anet can fix these two specific problems, Underwater content wont just be much better, it will be significantly better! and more than ready at that point to get a bigger focus in future content, which is what quite a lot of us want to see. I also feel like that is a big part of why so many players have disliked the content all these years. If they improved the way we can experience the content then I expect a lot of people's opinions on it will change.. not everyone's but at good amount I would bet. And it's not like this hasn't happened in the past either.. remember mounts? There were a lot of us against the inclusion of mounts back in the day, I was one of them and feared Gw2 was just caving to all the nagging and was going to ruin the game with some pointless status quo generic mounts like you see in every other mmo.. But boy were we wrong about that one lol Gw2 didn't just do mounts good, it did mounts better than anyone in the industry.. and even to this day there is no MMO with better mounts than Gw2. The completely blew expectations and fears out of the water and I fully believe they can do that again with underwater content. Underwater content again already being better in Gw2 than any other MMO.. that foundation already has so much potential to build on.. and much of the work is already done. That's exactly why we need it. There is story brewing for underwater, the biggest of which being this "Horror in the Depths" which has a quite a lot of story driven players interested and curious about what's going on down there. It will be very disappointing if we don't get to explore that in it's native territory, underwater content. It's all good to have big underwater threats in the game but if they all come up to land to be dealt with then what's the point, might as well just have constant land threats. We've had 10 years of content based on land.. Lets have a change and do a story underwater.. or in the sky or in depths of the world which is no longer inhabited by a massive subterranean elder dragon. There is so much more to Tyria than just the surface land, I want see what's in the oceans and deep underground and even above the clouds, all those other places have potential.. the mists too.
  10. Very old argument that many of us still complain about. While there are some players against it, there are plenty of us who still love underwater content in Gw2 and want more of it. Gw2 still has one of the best underwater systems in any MMO, and I for one continue to hope it's potential will one day be utilized. Adding more weapon's, skills and build diversity to underwater content is a very basic way to fix many of the bigger problems with it. Probably won't be easy to mix the weapon pools, and new skills will need to be made naturally which costs time. But if Anet did do this it would drastically improve the underwater content in Gw2, and make it ready for expansion with more water focused content. There are many of us who still want to visit the Quaggan and Largos homelands some day and any story that focuses on this "Horror in the Deep" is going to be majorly disappointing if we do not get a decent amount of underwater content when dealing with it.
  11. Taking 2 weeks to unlock something you want is a goal to look forward too and work towards. Capes have only been in the game for a few years too, the vast majority of us played Gw2 for many years without any capes at all.
  12. I agree it's too fast right now, but I also know that it's useful for new players to get to grips with their characters fairly quickly. The sooner they gain access to their Utility skills and full weapon skills etc the more fun they're going to have actually playing and experimenting with their characters. I have also seen complaints in the past about how people dislike the story being locked at level 10 and wish they could get into it quicker. So a little boost at the start of the game isn't entirely a bad thing.. but again I admit it's way too much right now. No achievement should be giving you like 5 levels worth of experience in one go.. that's just silly.
  13. Steam is the only big game launcher I care about, use and support and I have nothing but negative things to say about EGS and most other launchers. But aside from my own bias and resentfulness towards those other launchers I can't think of any good reason to oppose GW2 being on them. As long as that doesn't negatively impact the game and the playerbase on the other launchers i'm fine with it. If we end up seeing things like exclusive freebies or what not being thrown around just for players using Epic then yes I would have a very big problem with that. Not that I believe Anet would allow something like that to happen anyway, but in that theoretical "what if" scenario I would have a problem with it.
  14. Perhaps the EXP should be static so that it can help boost new players to higher levels quicker but at higher levels these achievements just doesn't contribute that much.
  15. Tbh I'd have preferred Amber over Jade.. the abundance of green is a bit of an eyesore if i'm honest. Amber probably would have been the same though if it was everywhere.
  16. They're not spamming.. They're playing modern pop music 😄
  17. Pretty much exactly what I was thinking for the golem themes as well. The Norn most of all give me some creative block though, totemic golems definitely works though. Or perhaps a Golem of stone, that is animated by magical runes on it's body or something. Both would fit with the more Nordic theme of the Norn. Considering at this point we have Unicorn Griffons, Kirin Sand Jackels, Bull Sand Jackels, Humming Bird Skimmers, Chocobo Raptors and so many other drastic mount skins that don't reflect the animal the mount is based on, not to mention anime cat Jade Bots now.. I really don't think it's a big deal to have Jade Golems that look nothing like Jade tech lol Anet yeeted itself down that road a long time ago so why bother stopping now lol
  18. HoT was the way it was to counter the heavy glass canon faceroll DPS melee metas of the time. People still run HoT with pure damage focused glass canons and get wrecked by all the mobs that are just too spongey to face roll with pure damage. It forces players to play a bit more defensively, and makes avoiding damage far more important to survival than the old whack it till it dies meta. The problem is the that the base game never really prepared you for that and that's why the difficulty spike of HoT remains a subject of complaint event after all these years. Personally I love that HoT was built that way. I only wish that the core game did a better job at preparing people for the spike.
  19. The problem is size and variety, you don't really see people complaining about Ranger the same way do you? That's because Ranger pets are much smaller and less obnoxiously in your face all the time. And also because there are many different Ranger pets so you don't see tons of the same one constantly in every fight. The Jade Mech really needs some alternate skins if you ask me, much like they are doing with the new Jade bots. I know a lot of people have already asked for racially themed mech skins like an Asuran Golem or a Charr steampunk kinda of golem which would be pretty great to see. But I also think the Golem could do with a bit of a size reduction as well to make it less of a constant in your face thing.
  20. Some of the new updates are much appreciated for sure but there is a lot that the core world could be improved on. I'll give a couple of big ones from my personal list of please fix this Anet regarding the core game. Living World Season 1. Finally Anet has been bringing this back after many years of complaining and moaning by me and plenty of others lol However some people are noting that there are parts of this reintroduced living world which are quite messy and confusing. Personally I feel that this reintroduced LW1 is a great start!! but not a final solution to the LWS1 problem. Over time I would like to see Anet revisit living world 1 again and just add a little bit more back in to give it that extra bit it needs to be a lot more complete and less confusing. Core World Dungeons. This area of the game needs a lot of work, aside from general polish and improvements. Wat I would recommend for the explorable paths is to give them a higher difficulty challenge modes much like all other end game group content has. Adding some new rewards to be earned by playing dungeons would also help bring some people back to them. The original Guildwars embraced the idea of Elite Armour sets you could earn by playing certain content and I think Gw2 should revisit this concept with dungeon rewards. Keep your existing dungeon weapon and armour sets but add in Elite variants that not only look better and more prestigious than the originals but come at a higher quality such as Ascended and cost a lot more to obtain. And then we come to the Dungeon story modes.. For one thing, putting story behind group based dungeon content was a mistake and not one Anet learned with dungeons, they repeated it to a lesser degree with raids a few years later much to the complaints of many casual players. I firmly believe that Anet should do for all the dungeon story's what it did with Arah and make them more solo friendly. The only people who care about and want to play dungeon story modes are those who care about the story of Gw2.. and most of them play the game's story solo. This is really just a no brainer, just make them solo instances like Arah and allow them to scale for groups. And the last thing regarding dungeon story modes.. they are part of the main game storyline, this is a fact. But the time in which you get the mail telling you to go and do them is completely out of sync for when in the story these dungeons take place. For a new player it's going to be confusing that you get mail to do Ascalon Catacombs at level 30, and then 10 levels later you do a main story mission that sets that dungeon up. Even worse when you get mail at level 40 telling you to do the second dungeon which starts off celebrating a peace treaty between human and charr that if you joined the vigil and have not done their level 40 story missions yet then you haven't even seen it get signed yet nor helped ensure that it did. These dungeon mail letters should not be delivered to players upon reaching a certain level. They should be delivered after the player has progressed to the the appropriate point in the story for when they take place. I know this is a small thing but it infuriating to me as someone who cares about the story and it is very confusing to new players who simply don't know any better and unintentionally play the story out of order because the game told them to do so. Please fix this Anet.. it's so long overdue. World Bosses. I love that Anet went back and improved the 4 starter zone bosses.. really I do and I believe this was absolutely needed. But they are not the only bosses in the core game that could really use the same TLC attention. A good deal more core world bosses could use the same kind of attention and I hope that Anet goes back and improves a whole bunch more of them in the coming years. Personal Story. This one is more of a polishing thing to make the game more consistent with the vast majority of newer content added post LWS2. But I for one would love to do away with all those old character dialogue cutscenes and have the voiced dialogue of those cutscenes play out in the open game like it does in pretty much all content since Heart of Thorns. This is probably a big ask and a very minor change overall but I want it regardless. I hate how inconsistent the dialogue was treated in the earlier game going from voiced cutscenes to mostly non voiced dialogue to what they finally settled on with open world dialogue and interactions. This is very much a simple pick one and stick with it kinda thing and while it won't have any drastic impact on the game overall it will make the game feel a lot more consistent and polished in this area. Mechanics training and tutors. End of Dragons introduced a bunch of training areas in Cantha that were a big help to get people learning how to use mechanics like dodging and combo fields etc which the game has always done a pretty terrible job at teaching people. I very much share this same opinion with many Gw2 players and content creators but these training areas absolutely need to be brought into the core Gw2 game to teach players how Gw2 works when they are first starting their adventures. This is just a no brainer.. please introduce better training areas into the early game areas where it is most needed and most useful.
  21. I can understand the annoyance of it for sure but look at the benefits of it. Aside from all that extra EXP which is just free shards for every existing lvl 80 character. These achievements are character based.. not account based!! That is something we have not really seen in Gw2 before and it opens some interesting doors for future achievements. Some people have wanted character based achievements for a long time, I can't say I was ever one of them but I also can't say I dislike this either. It's going to be interesting to see what they do with character based achievements and potentially repeatably earnable rewards as well. I think there's definitely something here to work on and expand in the coming years, but we'll see what Anet does.
  22. I don't really like Twitch as a platform anymore but I still got my freebies 😄
  23. How exactly are they ruining the game? You'll have to explain that to me because when I look at the changes they make I only see Anet trying to fix the problem of elitism and gatekeeping in certain content by making it more appealing and inclusive to the significantly larger casual playerbase. As someone who's long argued in those kinds of discussions in favour of this kind of thing I just can't see where the "ruining" element your talking about is..
  24. Oh no!! I really like these achievements, shame they're no longer around. I'm glad I did them all when I had the chance but still, these were good achievements with some nice little rewards, boosters etc.
  25. The only way this will matter to me is if Gw2 gets trading cards and achievements on steam.. I hope Anet does not add those and if they do then I will absolutely want the ability to log into my existing Gw2 account through Steam.
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