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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. Selling LI and the whole OW armor is not the same, as LI are only one part of the raid armor and so players still need to do the collection, gather the materials and also respect the timegates. In case of the new SotO legy armor, the counterpart of LIs are the essences from the rifts. And an easier way to get the rift materials can actually be sold too in form of motivations
  2. The difference is that ascended items can drop from many sources and the legendaries currently only can be crafted and so all the tradeable ones still worked as material- and timesinks. If you want to compare it with lengendaries, look at the precursor crafting, it will end much worse than that.
  3. You won't be able to profit from crafting with this change, because all the dropped ascended items will beat the price down to levels were it's highly unprofitable to craft them. It may even ruin some of the still profitable crafting recipes like the daily ascended mats.
  4. You can find the list here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Secrets_of_the_Obscure_Launch_Supply_Drop_Requisition
  5. Guess the wiki just hasn't been updated yet, because gliding is unlocked during the first story-step, so this shouldn't be a problem.
  6. In addition to that, I'm not sure , if it was ever called a strike by anet, I think they always called it a vision (of the past).
  7. It's also 1g, it's mentioned in the name of the items - Bag of Coins (1 Gold) The diffenrece is, that the version for 6A is limited, the other isn't.
  8. Are you sure, about that? Three of my accounts have exactly the same dailies and weeklies (PvE), on the 4th they are different, but i tried PvE and WvW on that one.
  9. The WvW-rank daily can also be done without WvW by opening Boxes of WvW Supplies bought for Guild Commendations.
  10. In addition, two players on efficiency have already unlocked the skin, so yes, it can't be just from one daily kill, otherwise this shouldn't be possible yet.
  11. If you can't log in, you can contact the support per mail - support@arena.net See https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201862918-Trouble-Logging-In
  12. There is a cogwheel over the favor-bar, where you can switch between "no preference", PvE, PvP and WvW. When you switch the mission-type, it will change next week (so if you change it today, you will get the new ones tomorrow).
  13. You don't need PvP to get favor, you can switch to PvE-missions in the mission tab of the guild menu. Some of the PvE-missions can even be done alone (e.g. easy /mid track, hard track if you are fast, easy bounty), some can be done with other guils together (races and puzzles), for the rest about 3-6 people are enough, the highest requirement are 6 people for some puzzles. One of my personal guilds is lvl 46, all missions done without additional guild members, so it definitly works.
  14. You can see the answer when you move your cursor over the symbol, it's a new forum-user.
  15. If the spring studio update is still up to date, it should be part of next weeks patch: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/studio-update-spring-2023/
  16. Afaik it was turned of to fix an exploit, as the glyph couldn't differ between ascended and normal plants of the garden plot and so people planted one normal so all visitors with the glyph could then harvest the ascended plants without the need to replant them.
  17. The achievment description means that YOU have to defend each side once during the fight, from your post I'm not sure , if you did this, or if you meant, that it's for all players together?
  18. There are also cultural armors, home instances, voice acting, the later story, racial skills, etc. As far as I remember the Dev respronse, the race is rooted somewhere deep inside the old spaghetti code and it was even possible to completely destroy chars when they tested changes.
  19. A question like this is problematic, as it's very unlikely that you will get an official response from anet, and players can't help, as it's not allowed to talk about unofficial sources that may exist.
  20. Since it's release it only works for junk that is looted from enemies and chests, but not from opening containers from your inventory. The wiki lists it as a bug, but as I have never seen a comment from anet about this, it may also be working like intended?
  21. The deluxe edition even contains a raptor skin, so not offering access to the raptor with SotO would be a really strange decision?
  22. The ultimate editions were never available at any retailer, so steam isn't special here. Because of the gems, this version has a different refund-policy and also an extra payment fraud protection. So outside of promoting their own store, i guess that the refund policy might be one of the problems why it's not offered at retailers, as they can't / won't check, if the gems have already been used. I don't know , if steam would even allow a different refund policy for the different game versions, because I just found, that the policy is the same for all games bought on steam?
  23. For the last expansions it was usually mentioned somewhere during the buy process, that it can need up to 72h to get the gems (which was afaik a protection against creditcard fraud).
  24. If you never needed more than 25 keys untill now to get the exclusive drops, you were lucky, yes. But as you have used 75+ keys, you should have at least enough statuettes to buy the bot from the vendor, as soon as it isn't available from the chests anymore.
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