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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. You can also look at the trading discords or the gw2exchange subreddit for someone who sells them to your guild, sometimes you will also find sellers in the lfg (the price is around 20s per shovel atm i think).
  2. It is currently available for Black Lion Statuettes, don't know, if anet will put it into the shop the same time.But you can try this thread for your request:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again-merged/p97
  3. I just see my "experience" bar at the bottom of my screen go just past zero again, with yet another spirit shard showing as the reward to the right of the "experience" bar. That's only the case, when there is no mastery-bar at the front. With a full mastery-bar at the front, you will only see the level-up animation and a spirit shard at the right side of the screen where the loot is shown.
  4. That's not the case anymore, the issue with wasted XP was fixed about a year ago. As soon as XP can't go into a mastry track, they go into the normal XP-bar. This bar is just hidden in the background, till all unhidden maystery-tracks of the region are finished. Patchnotes: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2020-01-14#General_2 Wait so, if i don't have enough Mastery points to unlock a master and the XP bar is full, any additional experience is going to be converted into spirit shards (once enough XP accumulates)?Yes, after all unlocked mastery-bars of the region are filled (doesn't matter if selected or not), the XP goes into the normal 254k XP-bar. It's just hidden as long as there are missing visible masteries (doesn't matter, if it's because of missing mastery-points or other locks like the current LS have).
  5. That's not the case anymore, the issue with wasted XP was fixed about a year ago. As soon as XP can't go into a mastry track, they go into the normal XP-bar. This bar is just hidden in the background, till all unhidden maystery-tracks of the region are finished. Patchnotes: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2020-01-14#General_2
  6. Nice! Even playing the instruments could get me banned for cheating, if I bind the whole song to a specific key, another song to another key... sounds fair. ?Thanks for the info! Knowing that it's possible and also permitted made me really glad. It's not permitted, using macros for music is an exception from the "1 key = one action"-rule:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65554/policy-macros-and-macro-use#latest
  7. As far as I can remember a dev once said, that they also check pet- and guild-names, if a player is reported for an inappropriate name.Don't know, if that's still true. You can also try to report it via a support-ticket, maybe they can tell you the right way to handle it.
  8. Nope, see you missed my point and speculated your own. I did not, and never did, suggested the training to be as realistic as possible. Just one golem that can be pushed/cc and no more, no less. If anyone else want to experience buggy floor, annoying npcs, they can attempt the actual encounter itself. However, i do agree with your suggestion on practicing pushing skills in OW. Will definitely give that a try. No, I see your point, but I think, that just a clean room with only a golem to push is too far away from a realistic setting, to be usefull for training.
  9. Yes they are shared between all servers. Have you set any filters on the left side or the gearwheel on the top right side?
  10. You can also train by using your push skills at OW-events like many good bearbow-rangers do. A feedback system is already included, the more hate in chat, the better your push-skills are. (Sorry, but that was the first thing that came to my mind ;) ) But serious now, in my opinion the biggest problem with pushing are the up to 9 other players and bugs. So to make the training realistic, you would also need npcs who cast random skills (including CC) on your target and a bugged floor for the KC-training.
  11. Sadly it's an old bug that hasn't been fixed till now, it happens mostly on crowded maps or maps with performance-problems. There is a "solution", but it's an expensive one, because it normally doesn't happen, if you use gem-shop mountskins, as they load the default one asap before they completely load.
  12. You can already choose in the options between your Local Time, the Server Time (= UTC) and the Tyrian Time (ingame 2h day-night cycle).So if people want to use UTC, they already have this option, no need to force everyone to use it.
  13. No, but you should have unlocked the skin with the collection anyway. Exotic swords aren't hard to get, if you need it, because its stats are selectable, you can e.g. look at the Vision of the Past achievments (Cinder Steeltemper's Footsteps).
  14. The well can't be crafted, it's sold by Sigurlina Jonsdottir. It's a RNG-item in the 3rd Tab (you will need "Guild Trader 4" to unlock it).It's RNG, so it may need some days (or more) till you get the right offer. If you switch the halls you will keep all decorations and can also use them in your new hall.
  15. Have you already got it last year, or is this your first Wintersday?
  16. Hi, I don't know about any crafting restrictions for the different Guild Halls. Can you tell me the exact name of the decorations you are missing at Windswept Haven, so I can try it myself.If you mean the fountains, does your decoration merchant have the right level (3) to buy the basic decoration?
  17. The instances get filled till they are closed. It would be a good change to deactivate joining old instances, but I don't know, if they will ever fix this system. Till then, better wait and don't rejoin, you should get a new map after it's finished.
  18. It seems they just called the Minimap "Compass" in the Dynamic HUD-Setting, so that's the toggle for it and not a bug.,
  19. The item also clearly states: Anniversary gifts and Black Lion exclusives not included.
  20. If you own the warclaw and reset the points, you just can't use it or its abilities till you add the points again.
  21. I've seen that escorting dolyaks in WvW. This was nothing like that. I couldn't get one hit from the moment I opened the chest. I believe the skritt won't drop any lost loot unless it gets hit. I wasn't experiencing any lag before or after on the same map. I have never seen this bug before, but yes, if you can't hit the, they won't drop anything, because they only drop the bags, if their hp reach a given value (three small bags and one large when they are defeated).
  22. No, it won't reset, it's 15k for daylie and the former monthly combined. You can see your numbers, if you hover over the number at the top left at your achievment-panel in the hero-menu.
  23. Do you really need full ascended for training? At least the training-groups/-communities I know are okay, if only weapons and trinkets are asc or don't care at all, as long as the performance isn't bad.As there is no gear-check in this game, guess even most LI-/KP-groups won't see the difference as long as your performance isn't too far behind other group-members.
  24. I'm not sure how it works, because I only used one and that was too long ago. But I think the skyscale runs towards you, and you still have to interact with it.Which puzzle do you want to complete? Normally it should work over the whole map, only if there are two on the same, you should need to be closer.
  25. Afaik this are not their real keys, but a bug that happend some time, especially when gw1 accounts moved to gw2.You cant even enter a key like this as acc-name, because "-" is forbidden.You can find people with such names on the forum too sometimes.
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