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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. The infusions are just hidden, because the JP and also other festival instances are PvP-instances and PvP-gear doesn't use infusions. Winter's Presence is hard to see in the white and snowy environment, but it is shown in the JP. I just tried it and it worked in the JP and other PvP-maps.
  2. Thanks, seems I never moved the cursor there long enough
  3. Didn't saw that your post was from the time-window where the festivals wasn't active, sorry (the post timer which only shows "hours ago" isn't helpful). You can get the Tiger backpacks already, because the envelopes were updated too.
  4. I don't think it was a mistake, they added the other content of New Year with this patch too (Envelopes, etc.)
  5. Both festivals were added with this patch, the tiger backpack is in the game already too. The decorations (at least the ones I found) are: New Year: Lounging Tiger Statue, Tiger Statue Wintersday: Infinarium Deck, Toymaker's Machine, WWintersday Music Platform
  6. It is only right for Conflux, not for Coalescence. The armory only shows one place for Coalescence (same as the API), guess it's limited to one because you can't craft more, the only other way would have been a Legendary Reliquary.
  7. You can find it on gw2efficiency - "Account" - "Characters" - choose a char - "Story Journal" on the left side. But it seems the API has problems with replayed story parts.
  8. Have you tried it only as kiter or with a nother role too? You have to hit deimos for the achievment and as far as I remember I have heard about this probklem from other kiters too, so there may be a minimum damage requirement?
  9. Sadly the TP doesn't offer this feature. But you can try this site: https://immortius.xyz/wardrobe-unlock-analyser/ If you enter your API-key you can see all your missing unlocks and you can also filter for Unlocker only, sort by price etc.
  10. Salvaging runes and sigils into lucent motes, symbols and charms was implemented about 3 years ago, and they were the only upgrade components considered in this change. Other upgrades like seals, medallions, jewels, gemstones, etc. still work the same way as before the change and can't be salvaged into anything. So instead of salvaging, they are returned with the %-chance stated in the description of the kit.
  11. I don't see it as a bug, because it's the same description the other kits have, but that's only my opinion. It's also not the first time I see, that someone is misled by the description, so a more precise wording may really help. Good to hear that the support helped you with the refund.
  12. Haven't had much time for some runs to test it - currently at 0 / 81 chests. May be bad luck, so I will do more runs, but I think the dropchance was better back when I did drytop regularly (as far as I remeber it was 1 about every one or two runs).
  13. The kit doesn't salvage gemstone, because gemstones can't be salvaged, that's the difference. The description may not be the best, but it's not a bug. It is the same description the other salavage-o-matics and kits have too (excl. BL- & asc. Kit). So, if you want a refund, ask the support and tell them you were misled by the description, maybe you will get one. Waiting for a dev response won't help much, as it's unlikely you will get one, especially for a bug that isn't one.
  14. As soon as it's unlocked in the armory, you can equip the legendary on every char you have and in every equipment template at the same time (you can also use different stats, skins and upgrades in every template). But you can use every unlocked legendary only once per template. So, if you e.g. need a sword in the main and offhand for a build, you have to add two legendary swords into the armory.
  15. It's not a bug, it has a 100% chance of salvaging upgrades, not recovering upgrade. All salvaging kits except the Black Lion and the ascended kit work like this, they salvage the rune or sigill automatically (with the chance statet in the description) too. If you bought it recently, you can still open a support ticket and ask for a refund. If you tell them you undestood the description wrong, maybe they will help.
  16. You don't have to wait, it's available at different vendors all-year-round: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krait_Obelisk_Shard_(item)
  17. The mini is not buyalke in the gem-store, you have to buy one of the "Extra Life"-items or bundles (the cheapest ist the 75 gems booster), then you will get the mini as achievment-reward. You can just search for extra, they may not be on the top of the list of the promotion-tab.
  18. The Frostsaw is the ascended one, yes. Don't know, if the RNG has changed, my alt acc got it on the first day, my main still hasn't got it despite doing it for weeks.
  19. Maybe you mean the Flamesaws (exotic), which are from the "Ryland Steelcatcher's Footsteps"-Achievment. The Frostsaw (ascended) is a RNG-drop from Dragonstorm.
  20. As far as I remember from previous betas, the chars may not be deleted instantly after the beta ends, it may take some time (don't know how long, as I have never needed one of my beta-names). You can enter the name in your friendlist, then you should see, if it's taken by someone else.
  21. The race-scrafs and the helmet weren't bound at release because of a bug, which was fixed a day later. So those offers are from the first day and can't be bought anymore because such items just show the loading symbol.
  22. This year there was a 20% discount in August and in the last years there were discounts up to 50%. You can find the history of discounts in the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unbreakable_Gathering_Tools#Gem_Store_history
  23. This is something you can see for all items which were once tradeable and switched to account bound later, like the recipe you mentioned or the racing scarf etc. So it's not really a bug that you can't buy it, but I agree that such items should either be hidden from buyers or there should be at least a message that tells you that the item can't be bought.
  24. Have you only declined the pop up on your screen, or have you also declined the invitation in the guild menu? If it was only the first, it's just the same invitation every time and not a new one.
  25. The ones where the desription say they are affected and also the ones which simulate Mob-drops (Name is e.g. NPC-type + cache), you can find more details in the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_Find
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