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Everything posted by Schimmi.6872

  1. Thx, then i remembered it wrong, maybe I should have checked the old patch-notes, I only looked through the wiki-history of the achievment
  2. It's definitely doable with the rented beetle too. I do the race on core accounts regularly and can get the gold chest in most of the tries. In my opinion the most important part is to know where/when to use the boost, so you are able to drift at the right places and aren't stuck in the boost. As far as I remember the time was never 1:30, afaik it was even lower than now (55sec) back when the achievment was released.
  3. It's not needed to do the meta 3 times. Yes, it's bugged, because not all champions count, but at least some do, I got e.g. 2/3 from the 3 champs at the end of the waypoint-escort events.
  4. Just keep in mind, that the numbers there also include removed offers and orders, and not only items that were really bought/sold.
  5. Some skins are hidden in the wardrobe till they are unlocked, see: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_hidden_skins The luminous armor skins are some of them.
  6. No, that only means "team vs team" or "all vs all" is possible and not that a real 1vs1 would work. There was a dev post some time ago where where it was statet that all maps are built with a limited number of teams for PCs and NPCs, and as all members of a team share the same rules, 1vs1 won't work without a large rework of the whole system.
  7. The exchange rate is determined by supply and demand, like most real currency exchange rates. So, if less gems enter the pool, because less people are selling gems for gold, or/and more people buy gems for gold, the price will rise.
  8. I can't see any relation between the addition of the armory and back items that can't be dyed. The decision which parts can be dyed, is part of the skin design, so to make them dyeable, all the skins have to be reworked, not just the slot.
  9. Guess you have activated the Feline Dispersing Resonator by mistake, you have to deactivate it, then the cats will be back - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Feline_Dispersing_Resonator The second picture shows that it's active, because the crystall is floating.
  10. If you are okay with 3rd-party addons too, arcdps already offers class keybinds and you don't have to pay gems for it.
  11. gw2efficiency has a nice feature to see what happened: https://gw2efficiency.com/account/time-machine As I had the a large drop too on this date, I agree with Danikat, the main reason may be the Black Lion Exclusives Chests in your case too.
  12. No, you won't, only a Eternity crafted with unbound Sunrise and Twilight can be sold: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eternity#Notes
  13. As there are many different vendors, I will just add the link to the wiki-page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_armor If you are looking for information, the wiki is a good place to find them, you can also access it via ingame chat. Chat-commad: /wiki .... (add what you are looking for her, e.g.: /wiki ascender armor) Also you can find a lot of guide how you can aquire ascended gear e.g.: https://guildjen.com/2020/08/20/ascended-gear-the-complete-guide/ For the second question, it depends on your preffered playstyle and for some endgame content (raids, highlevel fractals, PvP, WvW) also on the role you want to play. As you have some free char-slots I recommend to creat different chars and move them to the PvP-lobby after the tutorial (crossed-swords-symbold at the top), there you can try the different classes including the elite specs already with level 2. So you can try the different skills, elite-specs, see how the classes behave, their movement, the animations etc. PvP uses a different form of balancing and different gear (stats are defined by one amulet and one rune), so damage-numbers, some cooldowns and some skills may be different, but I think it gives an good overview without the need to level all the classes.
  14. Good, I just mentioned it, because often enough I've read that returning players deleted their old chars for a fresh start. Which is even worse now, because the support doesn't restore deleted chars anymore. Which trades are you looking for?
  15. Another tip, better don't delete your old char(s), because the account- and char-birthday-presents are bound to the age of your chars.
  16. As far as I remember the previous ultimate editions were only sold in anets shop and not by retailers, because of the included gems. Because of them, it's also excluded from discounts in anets shop.
  17. Good that you got the first one back. If it was compromised, I recommend to also check the security of your accounts and the things that are connected to them (like email etc.). Because, if three of your accounts were compromised there may be some issues.
  18. If she can't log in on the support site, she can choose the option "submit your ticket anonymously" when creating a ticket.
  19. And the same would happen for the real players too, because the win/loose-rate of most bots is about the same (around 50%) as the one of the average player, because of the way the mmr works. The bots sometimes even reach higher ratings than average players. So you won't only punish the bots with this change.
  20. I never said that the current system doesn't already put players who can't play every week at a disadvantage, the disadvantage will just grow , the higher the commitment-pips get. And the higher the disadvantage, the more player will feel forced to reach diamond every week. Which may also lead to more frustration, when player return after an absence.
  21. I don't think that's a good solution for the problem, because it will be a rather huge disadvantage for players who can't play every week, who have to take some weeks off or who can't invest the same amount of time every week. For new players this would be a even bigger problem, because +7 would be a very large buff, they would loose by not playing for a week. If new bonus-pips are added, I think they should encourage people to actively play WvW, because the current pip- and reward-track-system rewards you mostly for just being there. Not that this is bad, because there are times when you can't do much, but more rewards for active players would be a good thing, i think.
  22. You haven't missed the announcement, it will come later:
  23. Do you use any add-ons (like arcdps, etc), if yes, have you removed/updated them?
  24. I don't think it's the only reason to be against a change of the naming system. A system that allows duplicated names will also introduce new problems, because all systems that currently allow char-names or display-names (like the chat.system, PM, /(sq)join, guildinvites etc.) suddenly won't work that way anymore after 9 years. So, if you only know the char-name, don't know the unique number, have a much longer display-name than char-names, have one of the display-name-bugs,... you would be out of luck now. It would also make it much easier to impersonate someone, because how many people would realice the difference fast enough, if the imposter uses the same char- and display-name, but only e.g. with two switched digits? In the end, there may be even the same complaints, because John.1234 wants to be John.0001, or (more unlikely) someone can't use John because there are already 10000 Johns. Also we don't know, how many problems such a change would cause with anets account- / char-database. It may have worked, if that system was there from the start, but in my opinion changing an established after all that time will only cause a lot of troubles.
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