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Power reaper for PVE, yea or neh?


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Necro was my first toon and enjoyed it but then went Revenant and left the poor guy in the dust. Thinking of wiping that dust off until EoD drops (Harbinger looks promising) but I see Condi Scourge is in a good spot but always favour power builds, except Renegade, condi just to sweet.

So question is how is Power Reaper? Was always fun back in the day so am hoping I dont get laughed out of content. 

The build sites seem to say its decent? But what say the player base?  😉


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Depends tbh. what you want to do.


Open World? It is just awesome for it!


As for fractals and raids, it depends...

It is great as a pDPS, especially since you don't really need any support.

So great for less experienced groups.

But your damage is not as great as it can be on some other builds (though still goood and as I said: If your group fails boons, you don't care).

Biggest "downside" to power reaper:
It is not a scourge plaque doc.... you can't insta rez 9 ppl every 10 seconds and give you a bazillion barrier every second.

But in all honesty, that is more of a "scourge problem", than a reaper one.


I say: Go for it!

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Well, I love my Power(ish) Reaper in PVE. I run Marauders with Scholar Runes - but I use Death Magic (with Shrouded Removal which gives me 3 stacks of Carapace when I remove a condition and removed conditions every second in shroud, Deadly Strength which gives me power for each stack of carapace, and UnHoly Sanctuary which heals me while in Shroud). So, as the Carapace stacks, so does power - +10 per stack, up to 25 stacks. Nice boost. Plus the healing in shroud is good. 


Do I lose some power - sure - but Reaper in PVE has power to spare :)

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13 minutes ago, misterman.1530 said:

Well, I love my Power(ish) Reaper in PVE. I run Marauders with Scholar Runes - but I use Death Magic (with Shrouded Removal which gives me 3 stacks of Carapace when I remove a condition and removed conditions every second in shroud, Deadly Strength which gives me power for each stack of carapace, and UnHoly Sanctuary which heals me while in Shroud). So, as the Carapace stacks, so does power - +10 per stack, up to 25 stacks. Nice boost. Plus the healing in shroud is good. 


Do I lose some power - sure - but Reaper in PVE has power to spare 🙂

got a build to share? sounds awesome!  😉

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2 hours ago, Joxer.6024 said:

got a build to share? sounds awesome!  😉

 This is what I use. Not sure if it passes the highly critical benchmark testing, but it works for me :classic_smile:


Skill 9 is changeable - depending on the situation. And sometimes I swap out a weapon - either the Staff or GS for an Axe/Dagger maybe or Axe/Warhorn. And I noticed I have Bloodlust on my staff. I thought I had Cleansing on both GS and Staff for the condi cleanses.

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marauder or zerk reaper is fine in both fractals and raids, it just isn't top dps. Just stick to soul reaping/spite/reaper and keep soul barbs always up. The moment you equip any other gear though it starts losing a lot of dps, and since it's not stellar to begin with, you may want to avoid it. 

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