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HOT TAKE: If anet wants to attract new players with alliances they have to remove Scourge from WvW


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Not just tweak it a bit. Not just shave it a bit. Scourge is visually and mechanicly kitten to the game mode.


Making necro shades into minions that can be killed would solve the wvw issue while still keeping their PvE funstionallity the same.

But thats just one idea.

Edited by Pride.1734
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  • Pride.1734 changed the title to HOT TAKE: If anet wants to attract new players with alliances they have to remove Scourge from WvW
30 minutes ago, Pride.1734 said:

Not just tweak it a bit. Not just shave it a bit. Scrapper is visually and mechanicly kitten to the game mode.


Making scrapper gyros into minions that can be killed would solve the wvw issue while still keeping their PvE funstionallity the same.

But thats just one idea.


Fixed that for you.


Jokes aside, scourge was already nerfed to the ground, and their boon strip can be outdone by other specs, there's probably more core and reapers running around these days, and soon harbinger will replace it fully. Although I guess at this point down the road might as well give it the same mirage treatment.

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While I do hope Scourge continues to be nerfed, especially the revive mechanics, like please Anet, please nerf that. 


Outright removal is a bit much haha. Beating a Scourge is like a rite of passage, they are easily the most broken class in the game and should be nerfed much harder into the ground though. 

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Scourge is low threat right now because scrappers are dominant both as DPS and as heals. We're in a superspeed meta with quickness on top of that, meaning CoR hits from revs will be quite fast as well as any coordinated power spikes.

The majority of scourges' damage relies on stationary shades (manifest sand shade has 0.1 power coefficient now and only hits 2 targets) or weapons that don't have much power cleave outside key skills. Grasping dead on scepter only has 0.8 power coefficient, devouring darkness is 1.16 power coefficient and isn't focused on a spot, axe's unholy feast is 1.0 power coefficient PBAOE , well of suffering is 5.4 coefficient over 6 seconds. All these are more or less negated with high healing and superspeed scrappers.

Something like sword of justice has 2.16 power coefficient ; symbol of swiftness is 1.5 across 5 hits; phase smash is 1.2 with a higher weapon strength ; CoR is 1.15 ; Inspiring Reinforcement is 1.0.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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5 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

they are easily the most broken class in the game and should be nerfed much harder into the ground though. 


Heh if you think they're broken, you really haven't played wvw much. There are specs heads and shoulders more broken than they are. The game is such a cc fest and they're one of the weakest class to get locked into that. If you want to call for nerfs start with the "meta" classes. Talk about nerfing them whenever anet decides to clean up combat and get rid of the cc fest or boon balling kitten.

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I completely agree! Also remove firebrands with their unlimited support. Also remove dragonhunters and their annoying traps. Also remove thieves because everyone hates thieves in WvW. Also remove spellbreakers because the dome is too OP. Also remove rangers because they are too ranged and too many traps/condis. Also remove core necros and reapers because they have two health bars.

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hot take, learn to play


cannot give another answer there, as it's clearly not broken. and it's not a lot of players who can pull scourge off in a really strong way these days. most scourges u see around either die somewhere off tag bc they're too slow or have weirdly bad corruptcounts

(can be part of bad sustain. FB and scrapper played correctly isn't also that easy against strong enemy groups)


so stop with these horrific "nerf meta" posts. the feb2020 messed things up badly enough yet.


Arenanet better should keep their eyes open to not make classes even less fun to play. u messed up too much yet with your cursed balance, which only did hit the fast paced gameplay, benefitted only sheer big overnumbers and single players on gankbuilds. pretty much the worst u could do.


i'm nearly sure that some people quitted even because of this. it's annoying how hard u gotta grind down  things always again. how slow everything dies.


like, scourge only does work if it corrupts good. if it hits its wells etc. its only big bombs can be wasted easily.



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I'd actually like Scourge to be somewhat buffed. I think its overall damage is quite bad, and as people have said, it no longer is the best boon ripper. What I do hate is how much area scourge can cover. I also think in its current balance, Scourge is significantly better on the bigger team, and when outnumbering smaller groups.

Speaking from a smallscale point of view, Scourge's target cap is awful for taking on bigger groups (unless stacked scourges), that alongside very low pressure is just not good, but from a bigger group vs. much smaller group PoV, necro in general is always what causes the most issues in an outnumbered fight. Wells, shades, Ghastly, its general aoe, constant CC condis are really game changing against smaller groups, yet for the smaller group scourge can't be used because its garbage at doing the same against bigger groups. I think the best iteration of scourge was when the shades no longer cast around the caster and the target cap on small shade was still 5, since it took general thought in playing well rather than spam f skills and suddenly make yourself tanky, cleanse and cc. I do think big shade atm is in its best state, however Feed from Corruption also needs a nerf/cooldown.

I'd also like the damage moved around on scourge and necro in general. Ghastly Breach should not be as strong as it is imo especially when outnumbering as its so easy to just hug small groups punished by target cap, drop ghastly and basically melt them. Definitely needs nerfs in both its power and condi damage. Axe 2 also should not take half your hp. Spinal shivers should not be even close to 10k for how simple of a skill it is. Spectral Grasp is also very unhealthy I feel. Removing the pull from it would still make it an awesome skill for the life-force gain alone. I'd also like to see Path of Corruption reverted to two corrupts on scourge again, possibly longer torment on the shade skills, and a buff to dhuumfire on scourge also. Unless scourge is in general going to get reworked to be more of a support when Harbinger happens. Oh and stability should not corrupt into fear 🙂

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