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Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels??

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1 minute ago, Imba.9451 said:

Honsetly, that only increases my interest in this feature. Kinda like dark souls invasions. I see myself participating in this 🙂

Or do duels far away from mobs. Or accept mobs as an additional threat. Since I suck at 1v1, luring someone into a pocket raptor spawn and stunning him seems like alot of fun to me.

You might, but id doubt most players who want this want mobs to be involved at all, and in fact from past threads they wanted a safe zone that materialized around them. They wouldnt want to have a vet/champion pulled into the fight with another player.

Regardless, most of the requests who ask for this dont just want to beat up other players, they want to do it anywhere, at anytime, without regards to the players around them.

And then you would have complaints about balance, unfair classes, players wanting rewards added to it, etc etc.

Ive also said i would be fine with dueling in pve, as long as it was in arenas in the major cities(Think the citadels arena, but in every city), that way it in no way affects events, nor does it run a risk of some of the complaints above.


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2 minutes ago, Zephire.8049 said:

Yep. My experience in other MMOs (and video games in general) has soured me to PvP because even if you're minding your own business and auto-decline duels, there's always at least one person who starts whispering you demanding you drop everything for them and/or this person you've never interacted with starts insulting you out of the blue.

The only way to prevent that is to either play offline (which cuts you off of social features in GW2 so not an option here) or not play at all.

It's definitely a small minority of people who do that but it's vile enough many of us remember the instances for a decade or more.

Thank you. This has been my experience also.

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2 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

You might, but id doubt most players who want this want mobs to be involved at all, and in fact from past threads they wanted a safe zone that materialized around them. They wouldnt want to have a vet/champion pulled into the fight with another player.

Then fight somewhere with not many mobs around?

Also, you are again making assumptions about players requesting this. Hardly any argument against the feature, wich you are against anyway.

2 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Regardless, most of the requests who ask for this dont just want to beat up other players, they want to do it anywhere, at anytime, without regards to the players around them.

Stop. Making. Up. Assumptions.

You are strawmanning so hard, the international unions of crop-security is about to sue you for damaging the reputation of hard-working strawmen- and women around the world.


Seriously though. Please stop making up things.

2 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

And then you would have complaints about balance, unfair classes, players wanting rewards added to it, etc etc.

Open world dueling is kinda casual, the way it is asked for so far. And if implemented that way, everyone know what they are getting into. Stop making up problems for a mode you do not even want that won't even concern you.

2 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Ive also said i would be fine with dueling in pve, as long as it was in arenas in the major cities(Think the citadels arena, but in every city), that way it in no way affects events, nor does it run a risk of some of the complaints above.

Complaints you made up entirely.


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Just now, Imba.9451 said:

Then fight somewhere with not many mobs around?

Also, you are again making assumptions about players requesting this. Hardly any argument against the feature, wich you are against anyway.

Stop. Making. Up. Assumptions.

You are strawmanning so hard, the international unions of crop-security is about to sue you for damaging the reputation of hard-working strawmen- and women around the world.


Seriously though. Please stop making up things.

Open world dueling is kinda casual, the way it is asked for so far. And if implemented that way, everyone know what they are getting into. Stop making up problems for a mode you do not even want that won't even concern you.

Complaints you made up entirely.


Im not making up anything. The points im raising are from threads in the past on this exact topic.

My complaints are also not made up. You just do not like them.

It will concern me, if added. Due to what ive experienced in the past, even with the invites turned off. Dont like that opinion? Thats fine. You dont have to.

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12 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Im not making up anything. The points im raising are from threads in the past on this exact topic.

My complaints are also not made up. You just do not like them.

It will concern me, if added. Due to what ive experienced in the past, even with the invites turned off. Dont like that opinion? Thats fine. You dont have to.

Yes, because thats what it is: An opinion. Base on something people wish for, but overblown by your imagination.


4 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I kinda thought society had gotten away from responding to "I've experienced these abuses" with "I haven't, so I doubt they happen".

Hardwired into the human heart, I guess.

And I hoped society moved away from "Oh, it happened on a few rare occasions, therefore it must be a problem deeply rooted in society itself!"

One of the drawbacks of the internet: Everyone expressing his or her experiences leaves no real room to get a grasp on the real scope of things.

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18 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I kinda thought society had gotten away from responding to "I've experienced these abuses" with "I haven't, so I doubt they happen".

Hardwired into the human heart, I guess.

They havent, no.

I work in an environment thats heavily like that, and its depressing to watch people go down the dark roads they do because they are avoiding talking about their issues.

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So we all agree on the following:

  • Duels would be automatically disabled near dynamic events so as not to disturb those enjoying the dynamic events.
  • Duels could not be done near vistas so as not to disturb those who are enjoying a vista.
  • Duels could not be done near merchants so as not to disturb those who are using their services.
  • Duels could not be done in cities as they are places with a large influx of players, in order to avoid disturbing a large number of players.
  • Duels could only be done after acceptance by both players.
  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.
  • The request for duels could be completely disabled from the options panel and it would be disabled by default.

And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.

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3 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:

So we all agree on the following:

  • Duels would be automatically disabled near dynamic events so as not to disturb those enjoying the dynamic events.
  • Duels could not be done near vistas so as not to disturb those who are enjoying a vista.
  • Duels could not be done near merchants so as not to disturb those who are using their services.
  • Duels could not be done in cities as they are places with a large influx of players, in order to avoid disturbing a large number of players.
  • Duels could only be done after acceptance by both players.
  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.
  • The request for duels could be completely disabled from the options panel and it would be disabled by default.

And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.

Thank you. Finally a voice of reason.

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4 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:


And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.

Now who's engaging in straw man arguments?

No, no one is against duels because of a remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion. They're against duels because of experience that pestering was fairly constant in games that had it. Stop distorting other people's arguments to try and score a point.

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1 minute ago, Naxian.9823 said:

So we all agree on the following:

  • Duels would be automatically disabled near dynamic events so as not to disturb those enjoying the dynamic events.
  • Duels could not be done near vistas so as not to disturb those who are enjoying a vista.
  • Duels could not be done near merchants so as not to disturb those who are using their services.
  • Duels could not be done in cities as they are places with a large influx of players, in order to avoid disturbing a large number of players.
  • Duels could only be done after acceptance by both players.
  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.
  • The request for duels could be completely disabled from the options panel and it would be disabled by default.

And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.


Question. Would it disable duels in event zones also? IE an event hasnt spawned yet, but there is an event in the area that can spawn, thus no duels? And for events that migrate around the map would the entire event path be a no duel zone?

Since not all events are on strict timers it would pose a major problem for anything like that.


A friend suggested a novelty,  which would be a neat concept  similar restrictions where in place also. This however would need to come with a novelty overhaul. No dropping it near waypoints, merchants(This applies to all novelties that cause interaction), Chests(This applies to all novelties that cause interaction).


neither idea prevents being pestered by players to take part in the "feature", and until a solution is offered for that, the biggest issue i have with this "Feature" from past experiences, i wont ever agree to adding this to the game as a good idea.


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12 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:

So we all agree on the following:

  • Duels would be automatically disabled near dynamic events so as not to disturb those enjoying the dynamic events.
  • Duels could not be done near vistas so as not to disturb those who are enjoying a vista.
  • Duels could not be done near merchants so as not to disturb those who are using their services.
  • Duels could not be done in cities as they are places with a large influx of players, in order to avoid disturbing a large number of players.
  • Duels could only be done after acceptance by both players.
  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.
  • The request for duels could be completely disabled from the options panel and it would be disabled by default.

And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.


And how exactly should Anet put this specific requests in the game?


I mean its all nice and clear, but did you just 1sec think about, how the kitten should someone programm such specific stuff? How ANET should programm this? In this beautiful mess of a game x)?


Also -

  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.

This point seems useless(or i don't understand it), because you can follow everyone, even when the folloed person dosn't like this

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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11 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.


Some people care. It’s okay if those people care. I would even say it’s normal. In fact, the internet is one of the few places I have been where the onus is on the offended person to “get over it”. Despite people on forums talking about “thin skin” or “real life”, I challenge you to be repeatedly verbally abusive in a public space without consequence. To be clear: I’m not presenting this as an argument for/against duelling merely saying it’s okay if people don’t want to have people message them hurtful stuff. Even in a video game.

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17 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:

So we all agree on the following:

  • Duels would be automatically disabled near dynamic events so as not to disturb those enjoying the dynamic events.
  • Duels could not be done near vistas so as not to disturb those who are enjoying a vista.
  • Duels could not be done near merchants so as not to disturb those who are using their services.
  • Duels could not be done in cities as they are places with a large influx of players, in order to avoid disturbing a large number of players.
  • Duels could only be done after acceptance by both players.
  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.
  • The request for duels could be completely disabled from the options panel and it would be disabled by default.

And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.


This seems like so much development overhead for something that already basically exists in game. To be clear, I have no idea how hard this would be to implement, but I assume it wouldn’t be a line or two of code.

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2 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Now who's engaging in straw man arguments?

No, no one is against duels because of a remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion. They're against duels because of experience that pestering was fairly constant in games that had it. Stop distorting other people's arguments to try and score a point.

I've played:

Guild Wars 1, WoW, Lineage 2, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, LOTRO, D&D Online, Aion, Albion, Darkfall, Mortal Online, Everquest, Tabula Rasa; and more that I just can't remember. I can't remember the "fairly constant pestering". Yes, I had a couple of bad experiences over the course of 20 years, but I got through them, and I'm sure you can too.


7 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Question. Would it disable duels in event zones also? IE an event hasnt spawned yet, but there is an event in the area that can spawn, thus no duels? And for events that migrate around the map would the entire event path be a no duel zone?

Since not all events are on strict timers it would pose a major problem for anything like that.


A friend suggested a novelty,  which would be a neat concept  similar restrictions where in place also. This however would need to come with a novelty overhaul. No dropping it near waypoints, merchants(This applies to all novelties that cause interaction), Chests(This applies to all novelties that cause interaction).


neither idea prevents being pestered by players to take part in the "feature", and until a solution is offered for that, the biggest issue i have with this "Feature" from past experiences, i wont ever agree to adding this to the game as a good idea.


I would disable duels in event zones, yes. If there is a duel going on and sudently an event starts there, I would make it so the duel gets cancelled inmediatly. Waypoints, chest, events, vistas, merchants, all of those are no duels zones. There's enought map to find a spot to duel and have fun and let the other players enjoy the game.

10 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:


And how exactly should Anet put this specific requests in the game?


I mean its all nice and clear, but did you just 1sec think about, how the kitten should someone programm such specific stuff? How ANET should programm this? In this beautiful mess of a game x)?

They have programmed way harder things. I'm sure they have enought variables to control where events are and their area of influence (you can see it on the map ingame, so they have the intel). I'm confident of their skills to implement duels with the conditions I've written. I know a bit of C# and I'm pretty sure is not the hardest thing they've written so far.

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5 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:


Some people care. It’s okay if those people care. I would even say it’s normal. In fact, the internet is one of the few places I have been where the onus is on the offended person to “get over it”. Despite people on forums talking about “thin skin” or “real life”, I challenge you to be repeatedly verbally abusive in a public space without consequence. To be clear: I’m not presenting this as an argument for/against duelling merely saying it’s okay if people don’t want to have people message them hurtful stuff. Even in a video game.

Well said, truly.

1 minute ago, shrew.3059 said:


This seems like so much development overhead for something that already basically exists in game. To be clear, I have no idea how hard this would be to implement, but I assume it wouldn’t be a line or two of code.

I doubt with anets game code it would be easy at all to do those suggestions, and even ANET has hinted that its not a simple feat(a dev response was linked earlier in this thread on this topic.), i doubt that much has changed. For an example of what i mean by their code being awful, i give you dungeons, who are kept together by eldritch magic ANET didnt want to fiddle with, and they still dont, unless a game breaking bug appears.

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2 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:


I would disable duels in event zones, yes. If there is a duel going on and sudently an event starts there, I would make it so the duel gets cancelled inmediatly. Waypoints, chest, events, vistas, merchants, all of those are no duels zones. There's enought map to find a spot to duel and have fun and let the other players enjoy the game.


Just needs a heavy handed way to discourage pestering folks about dueling, and it sounds fine to me, disregarding the fact that yes i would rather have them spend dev time adding more maps/story instead of this.

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19 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:

So we all agree on the following:

  • Duels would be automatically disabled near dynamic events so as not to disturb those enjoying the dynamic events.
  • Duels could not be done near vistas so as not to disturb those who are enjoying a vista.
  • Duels could not be done near merchants so as not to disturb those who are using their services.
  • Duels could not be done in cities as they are places with a large influx of players, in order to avoid disturbing a large number of players.
  • Duels could only be done after acceptance by both players.
  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.
  • The request for duels could be completely disabled from the options panel and it would be disabled by default.

And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.


Thing is, you don't know what their mental health state is. Hearing the negative comments from people who refuse to take no for answer may be the straw that could push someone into a worse mental state than they were previously.


Those who got burnt badly enough in the past may have enough anxiety or fear of it happening in this game that it would ruin the fun of the game. Even if they never receive a single message from anyone about it. It's like the person who got bit by a dog as a child developing a fear of dogs. Most dogs won't harm you if you don't threaten them. But to a person with an actual fear of dogs, hearing that is not going to suddenly make them ok around dogs.


You and I might have a skin thick enough to deal with it. But not everyone does for a variety of logical reasons. It's not something that can be changed on demand.


I'm opposed because of the following (in no particular order of importance):


1. Respect for those who have chosen this game because they fit one of the above and chose this game because of the lack of dueling in PvE.


2. Options already exist for dueling other players. And arguably in conditions that remove as many variables besides player skill as possible.


3. The game has been noted as not being balanced around 1v1. Allowing 1v1 duels in an official capacity would either open the flood gates for players to demand balance for 1v1 that will never come or the game constantly having wild balance changes to now accommodate for 1v1 battles instead of 5x5 or larger content.


4. PvE maps were not designed with open world PvE in mind - which duels would fall under. This makes creating this content easier said than done to create and not break the game. The deeper the necessary code is the less likely it is to be possible without breaking other systems.


5. The limited funds the game has I feel are better spent towards areas of the game that more players play.


6. PvP and WvW modes are already very rarely updated and if any PvP slated funds are to be used, they should first go to those two modes in order to update and improve those modes before adding in a new mode. And by PvP, I mean PvP in PvP or WvW areas.

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4 minutes ago, Naxian.9823 said:


Guild Wars 1, WoW, Lineage 2, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, LOTRO, D&D Online, Aion, Albion, Darkfall, Mortal Online, Everquest, Tabula Rasa; and more that I just can't remember. I can't remember the "fairly constant pestering". Yes, I had a couple of bad experiences over the course of 20 years, but I got through them, and I'm sure you can too.


Oh, sure, I could "get through it". I got through changing two kids' diapers and wearing their spit-up on my shirts. Doesn't mean I want to keep "getting through it" now that they are teenagers.

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8 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Just needs a heavy handed way to discourage pestering folks about dueling, and it sounds fine to me, disregarding the fact that yes i would rather have them spend dev time adding more maps/story instead of this.

We could make it so that if a player duels another with the duel option disabled, it would cause two shining blade assassins to appear and kill him. And if this player decides to whisper to the player who tried to duel, the assassins npcs chase him around the game for a week.

I'm just kidding, but hey, at least I'm glad we've finally come to understand each other.

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Engaging with other peple will ALWAYS involve the risk of gettung upset.

You eitehr accept this risk or ask anet to turn of any player interaction completely. Including emotes.


A game can't and should not be tailored around the special social needs of very few people, sorry to say that.

Edited by Imba.9451
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16 minutes ago, Imba.9451 said:

Engaging with other peple will ALWAYS involve the risk of gettung upset.

You eitehr accept this risk or ask anet to turn of any player interaction completely. Including emotes.


A game can't and should not be tailored around the special social needs of very few people, sorry to say that.


I reject the idea that discouraging toxicity is “tailoring to special social needs”. The truth is, if we don’t try to promote good behaviour, we’re just tailoring to the special anti-social needs of those who feel that they can act out and never have the community reject their behaviour. The idea that people “always engage in social risk” is an empty platitude; societies have norms precisely to mitigate those risk because of their potential harms. The solution isn’t to curtail social interaction but to create norms and systems that respect community members rather than making them feel weak for wanting to live, work, and play without random abuse.


N.B., Still not making a direct argument against duelling, just replying to this specific point!

Edited by shrew.3059
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1 hour ago, Naxian.9823 said:

So we all agree on the following:

  • Duels would be automatically disabled near dynamic events so as not to disturb those enjoying the dynamic events.
  • Duels could not be done near vistas so as not to disturb those who are enjoying a vista.
  • Duels could not be done near merchants so as not to disturb those who are using their services.
  • Duels could not be done in cities as they are places with a large influx of players, in order to avoid disturbing a large number of players.
  • Duels could only be done after acceptance by both players.
  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.
  • The request for duels could be completely disabled from the options panel and it would be disabled by default.

And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.

See, you're even arguing for such a complex rule system to try to please everyone that you could just simplify it to a single line:

Duels can not be done in PvE.

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4 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

See, you're even arguing for such a complex rule system to try to please everyone that you could just simplify it to a single line:

Duels can not be done in PvE.

You forgot the part where "Duels can not be done in PVE" doesn't please everyone.


And c'mon, it is not that complex. Everything has is rules to work properly. You just don't want it and also don't care about others people interest.

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1 minute ago, Naxian.9823 said:

You forgot the part where "Duels can not be done in PVE" doesn't please everyone.


And c'mon, it is not that complex. Everything has is rules to work properly. You just don't want it and also don't care about others people interest.

Your list of rules dont please everyone either.

We had this with legendary pvp and wvw armors people said we just want it no fancy skins anet just do it.

Some time later why dont spvp and wvw armor got special skin anet it deserves it.


Same would happen with dueling aswell.


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