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Dear ANET, do something about Necro. It's intolerable .


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 So i played tournament the other day and guess what?

The enemy team had 5 necros every Match. 

Be it minionmancer, reaper or scourge.

I don't know how to post images in the forums but i took a picture of every Match just to have evidence of the absurdity that is this Necro meta. 


I have been playing gw2 since the First betas in 2012 and never, absolutly never have i seen a class broken like this. 


Necromancer is destroying PVP and the PVP community. There is so much hate and it feels really unfair. 


We, as the playerbase should not tolerate something like this, we should be posting every day or spam the forums until something is done about it. 






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3 minutes ago, Diswan.8156 said:

 So i played tournament the other day and guess what?

The enemy team had 5 necros every Match. 

Be it minionmancer, reaper or scourge.

I don't know how to post images in the forums but i took a picture of every Match just to have evidence of the absurdity that is this Necro meta. 


I have been playing gw2 since the First betas in 2012 and never, absolutly never have i seen a class broken like this. 


Necromancer is destroying PVP and the PVP community. There is so much hate and it feels really unfair. 


We, as the playerbase should not tolerate something like this, we should be posting every day or spam the forums until something is done about it. 






i agree about core necro (condi only) and scourge .   i think reaper is on a good place.. its a good class but far from being op..  or "too strong".. .        but yeah definitely condi core is tanky and has good damage and lots of cc..  and scourge.. oh well.. as someone who used to be main scourge and stopped playing it becuase of how toxic it is..  i agree.. core condi necro and scourge must be nerfed.
about minions..  idk... i dont think minions are op..  but i do agree that they can be very annoying especially for classes without aoe to cleave them..  and i dont really think minions should be a thing in pvp so i think they should really nerf the hell out of all summoning in PVP not because they are op but just as making it that summons has no place in pvp. 

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8 minutes ago, Diswan.8156 said:

Imagine playing vs 5 minionmancers at the same time. You can't Even see what's happening. And it's not like necros are powerless once Minions are gone. 

at this point you just ignore then and play sides, and when 1 of them tries to defend you 4man gang-bang instagib him, otherwise its insta-loss. or fight fire with fire and play 3x scourge and wipe all the zoo with random aoe while making each-other immortal.

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19 minutes ago, noiwk.2760 said:

i agree about core necro (condi only) and scourge .   i think reaper is on a good place.. its a good class but far from being op..  or "too strong".. .        but yeah definitely condi core is tanky and has good damage and lots of cc..  and scourge.. oh well.. as someone who used to be main scourge and stopped playing it becuase of how toxic it is..  i agree.. core condi necro and scourge must be nerfed.
about minions..  idk... i dont think minions are op..  but i do agree that they can be very annoying especially for classes without aoe to cleave them..  and i dont really think minions should be a thing in pvp so i think they should really nerf the hell out of all summoning in PVP not because they are op but just as making it that summons has no place in pvp. 

reaper still has issues, focus 5 needs an animation and lich... something needs to be done with lich.
and life-force gen should be looked at too, for that matter

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30 minutes ago, Diswan.8156 said:

 So i played tournament the other day and guess what?

The enemy team had 5 necros every Match. 

Be it minionmancer, reaper or scourge.

I don't know how to post images in the forums but i took a picture of every Match just to have evidence of the absurdity that is this Necro meta. 


I have been playing gw2 since the First betas in 2012 and never, absolutly never have i seen a class broken like this. 


Necromancer is destroying PVP and the PVP community. There is so much hate and it feels really unfair. 


We, as the playerbase should not tolerate something like this, we should be posting every day or spam the forums until something is done about it. 







No screenshot it didn't happen, if you were rolled by 5 necromancers prove it also we have no idea the quality of player or team you have that's a huge accusation a 5 stack of one class generally never works unless they are just better players.

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19 minutes ago, Diswan.8156 said:

Imagine playing vs 5 minionmancers at the same time. You can't Even see what's happening. And it's not like necros are powerless once Minions are gone. 

i honestly think minions are  not op because you can either use aoe to wipe them then necro is free kill or you can focus the necro.. however !!    i do think that minions/summons has no place in PVP and they are not healthy for PVP for many reasons. 
1: performance ..  game engine already struggle for some players..  why make it worse with screen full of minions? 
2: new players and targeting.. . i mean GW2 targeting and combat can take time to get into and place a new player in low elo and let it fight a class with so many bs around hes more likely to screw up and have bad impression of combat.. 
3: 0 effort ..  i dont get what is the point of summoning AI to fight for you in PVP..  summoning should be PVE.. 
and it can go on and on and bots and what not.. overall not op but better be removed from pvp.

8 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

reaper still has issues, focus 5 needs an animation and lich... something needs to be done with lich.
and life-force gen should be looked at too, for that matter

focus 5 isnt as strong as it used to be anymore.. in pvp not sure about wvw..    
lich form meh this should be reworked to make it a more fun skill rather than stupid low elow stump like old warrior rampage.. 
i think lich form is bad design should be changed entirely take the damage away and its not worth using leave as it is and people getting 1 shot and its not fun..  just better rework it in my opinion..

but i think reaper is really fine as it is. 
its better not even touch the life force on reaper as on reaper its hardest to maintain life force and build life force..  far harder than on other necros..  

Edited by noiwk.2760
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A nerf to the damage reduction while in shroud (currently 50% reduction to both direct and condi) would probably be the simplest way to deal with the issue.  There are doubtless more nuanced ways you could approach it, but simply making necros more killable would be a good start.


The fact that necros have loads of damage, condi application, great fear/CC, and AOE isn't the issue per se...it's the fact that they have all that AND that they are insanely durable.  Keep their power/skills but take the durability down a few notches.

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12 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

A nerf to the damage reduction while in shroud (currently 50% reduction to both direct and condi) would probably be the simplest way to deal with the issue.  There are doubtless more nuanced ways you could approach it, but simply making necros more killable would be a good start.


The fact that necros have loads of damage, condi application, great fear/CC, and AOE isn't the issue per se...it's the fact that they have all that AND that they are insanely durable.  Keep their power/skills but take the durability down a few notches.

that is probably the worst way to deal with it..    first you dont solve a thing about Scourge.. 
second..  you further kill power core necro which is underpeforming already.. 
third...   you would make reaper trash and yet not even address what people dont like about reaper which is lich form.. 
you literally achiv nothing by simply reducing the reduction ..  let me remind you that necros has no block no evade and bad mobility..   thats most of their defence ... now i do agree that condi core necro is stupid tanky.   but isnt it due to some traits and build?  it uses carrion which has 900 vit.. and also it uses ethernal life which recover life force ...  and the fear ring with protection and it has alot of fear that also does high damage which makes them super strong in 1v1.     and theres blood magic .. 
and also by this nerf you wouldnt even address the minions..  

so you do a nerf that kill the underperforming or decent / good classes but wouldnt really hurt much the over performing classes like scourge and condi necro because condi necro would still be good 

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13 minutes ago, noiwk.2760 said:

i honestly think minions are  not op because you can either use aoe to wipe them then necro is free kill or you can focus the necro.. however !!    i do think that minions/summons has no place in PVP and they are not healthy for PVP for many reasons. 
1: performance ..  game engine already struggle for some players..  why make it worse with screen full of minions? 
2: new players and targeting.. . i mean GW2 targeting and combat can take time to get into and place a new player in low elo and let it fight a class with so many bs around hes more likely to screw up and have bad impression of combat.. 
3: 0 effort ..  i dont get what is the point of summoning AI to fight for you in PVP..  summoning should be PVE.. 
and it can go on and on and bots and what not.. overall not op but better be removed from pvp.

focus 5 isnt as strong as it used to be anymore.. in pvp not sure about wvw..    
lich form meh this should be reworked to make it a more fun skill rather than stupid low elow stump like old warrior rampage.. 
i think lich form is bad design should be changed entirely take the damage away and its not worth using leave as it is and people getting 1 shot and its not fun..  just better rework it in my opinion..

but i think reaper is really fine as it is. 
its better not even touch the life force on reaper as on reaper its hardest to maintain life force and build life force..  far harder than on other necros..  

Lol yes cuz the necro will just stand there while u destroy his minions, the whole time ur focusing the minions the necro is focusing u and a lot of classes won't have much left to focus the necro once the minions are dealt with. Minionmancer in pvp isn't so much a problem because the build is straight up op but because it's a ridiculous design to allow in pvp, both scourge and minionmancer should be changed mechanically for pvp. It's stupid that 2 minionmancers can literally have 12 characters on a node causing that much visual clutter, secondly the effort to pay off is also ridiculous. These devs should have known better to allow the 2 as they are in pvp, as well as scourge in wvw, that one class literally single handedly changed the dynamics of large scale fights.  These are only a few of the bad designs that the devs should picked up on.

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1 minute ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Lol yes cuz the necro will just stand there while u destroy his minions, the whole time ur focusing the minions the necro is focusing u and a lot of classes won't have much left to focus the necro once the minions are dealt with. Minionmancer in pvp isn't so much a problem because the build is straight up op but because it's a ridiculous design to allow in pvp, both scourge and minionmancer should be changed mechanically for pvp. It's stupid that 2 minionmancers can literally have 12 characters on a node causing that much visual clutter, secondly the effort to pay off is also ridiculous. These devs should have known better to allow the 2 as they are in pvp, as well as scourge in wvw, that one class literally single handedly changed the dynamics of large scale fights.  These are only a few of the bad designs that the devs should picked up on.

i did agree that minions has no place in pvp and that scourge need to be reworked didnt i? if you try convince me that its hard to wipe the minions ..  it can be but only on builds that lack aoe..  DH will wipe the minions quite instnatly.. but sure if your a class with mostly single targt its gonna be annoying.  

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Its almost as if everything has been nerfed to the point that no well balanced build can burn through all the passive weakness, chill, blind, fear, and 2 health pools of necro in a reasonable time.


Imagine if warrior could passively apply aoe blind, chill, weakness and transfer condis every few seconds. Or if core staff ele could sit around with 30k hp and have all its animations reduced to half a second or less. Imagine if the game was actually balanced to make active play stronger than passive mitigation.

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24 minutes ago, noiwk.2760 said:

that is probably the worst way to deal with it..    first you dont solve a thing about Scourge.. 
second..  you further kill power core necro which is underpeforming already.. 
third...   you would make reaper trash and yet not even address what people dont like about reaper which is lich form.. 
you literally achiv nothing by simply reducing the reduction ..  let me remind you that necros has no block no evade and bad mobility..   thats most of their defence ... now i do agree that condi core necro is stupid tanky.   but isnt it due to some traits and build?  it uses carrion which has 900 vit.. and also it uses ethernal life which recover life force ...  and the fear ring with protection and it has alot of fear that also does high damage which makes them super strong in 1v1.     and theres blood magic .. 
and also by this nerf you wouldnt even address the minions..  

so you do a nerf that kill the underperforming or decent / good classes but wouldnt really hurt much the over performing classes like scourge and condi necro because condi necro would still be good 

So....what are you recommending?

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13 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Its almost as if everything has been nerfed to the point that no well balanced build can burn through all the passive weakness, chill, blind, fear, and 2 health pools of necro in a reasonable time.


Imagine if warrior could passively apply aoe blind, chill, weakness and transfer condis every few seconds. Or if core staff ele could sit around with 30k hp and have all its animations reduced to half a second or less. Imagine if the game was actually balanced to make active play stronger than passive mitigation.

firstly ill say sad for warriors..  really i think warrior situation is sad and it show clearly how Anet dont play...  warrior is just bad right now..  

as for necro..  again while i dont disagree you have to be more specific..  because its a very specific necro you talk about..  reaper life force is being drained way faster than core..    reaper dont have much defensive to be honest..  its not bad by all means but it doesnt have much fear..  just 1 very short super short fear on shroud 3  and 1 more on staff 4 if you use staff (when i play reaper i personally dont use staff ) not really much blind either and no 30k life this is really only condition core necro becuase it uses carrior ., condi allow you to build alot more defensive .   
so yeah be more specific .. . core condi.. must be nerfed no question about that..  scourge must be completely reworked..  reaper i think is kinda fine.. yes rework lich form but aside from that i dont spot issues on reaper 

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3 minutes ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

So....what are you recommending?

for a start nerf the fear traits that core condi necro is using..  50% more duration of fear along with 7% life force when you apply fear..   and quite abit of condition damage from fear which you cant even clean.. or do anything cause you are underfear..   
this to me is the most broken thing about core necro.  
second.. nerf/rework ethernal life trait that recover 3% life force per second up to 20%  or reduce it to 1% for core necro.. 
or lastly nerf the condition damage and fear on core shroud..  lets be honest shroud condition is crazy and base fear of 2 seconds is far too much .   so these nerfs along with already mentioned rework to scourge and lich form.. should 100% fix necro issues 

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Just now, noiwk.2760 said:

firstly ill say sad for warriors..  really i think warrior situation is sad and it show clearly how Anet dont play...  warrior is just bad right now..  

as for necro..  again while i dont disagree you have to be more specific..  because its a very specific necro you talk about..  reaper life force is being drained way faster than core..    reaper dont have much defensive to be honest..  its not bad by all means but it doesnt have much fear..  just 1 very short super short fear on shroud 3  and 1 more on staff 4 if you use staff (when i play reaper i personally dont use staff ) not really much blind either and no 30k life this is really only condition core necro becuase it uses carrior ., condi allow you to build alot more defensive .   
so yeah be more specific .. . core condi.. must be nerfed no question about that..  scourge must be completely reworked..  reaper i think is kinda fine.. yes rework lich form but aside from that i dont spot issues on reaper 

Of all the necro specs reaper is the most balanced. Its still very strong, but there are counterplay options to their shroud so i wouldnt call it broken.

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15 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Of all the necro specs reaper is the most balanced. Its still very strong, but there are counterplay options to their shroud so i wouldnt call it broken.

i never ever even once said reaper isnt strong.    core power isnt "strong" 
reaper is definitely strong.. but is a class being strong is bad?  i think just that reaper is at good place.. and touching it too much would result in alot of issues that currently dont exist..  so why?  i think its a very balanced class in pvp now..   unlike core condi and scourge who are certainly broken and in need of a nerf..  so better focus the nerfs on these two and minions that you guys dont like 

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I have been suggesting that lf could be adjusted just a few months ago because it was obvious that as soon as scourge would get some nerfs other necro specs would show up. Every spec was played before the final phases of mAT and only then would they swap to scourge. At some point reaper was meta with tempest and barely changed since then, core necro was seeing a decent amount of play to counter the boons and be tanky.

I think they do not need much because they are doing what they are supposed to do fine. They just need a small cut in their survivability.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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14 minutes ago, aymnad.9023 said:

I have been suggesting that lf could be adjusted just a few months ago because it was obvious that as soon as scourge would get some nerfs other necro specs would show up. Every spec was played before the final phases of mAT and only then would they swap to scourge. At some point reaper was meta with tempest and barely changed since then, core necro was seeing a decent amount of play to counter the boons and be tanky.

I think they do not need much because they are doing what they are supposed to do fine. They just need a small cut in their survivability.

trust me nerfing their fear drasticly hurt their survivability !  and so is nerfing ethernal life which recover their life force..  

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3 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Of all the necro specs reaper is the most balanced. Its still very strong, but there are counterplay options to their shroud so i wouldnt call it broken.

Reaper was one of the bigger winners of Feb 2020 patch, even if it didn't show outright. Now it is showing, since the other necro specs aren't quite as super-busted anymore.

Edited by NorthernRedStar.3054
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13 minutes ago, Touchme.1097 said:

Necro is strong and with Harbinger it will also be a very mobile roamer. So for the moment, beat them from a distance.

Soulbeasts and Deadeyes in the hands of a trained player can eat Necromancers for breakfast.

Is this assuming the necromancer in question is sitting in the middle of the point like a duck / bestest gold rank player?

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19 minutes ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

Is this assuming the necromancer in question is sitting in the middle of the point like a duck / bestest gold rank player?

What I mean is it's going to be worse once the Harbinger goes live. I actually agree with the Necro nerf

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6 hours ago, noiwk.2760 said:

i honestly think minions are  not op because you can either use aoe to wipe them then necro is free kill or you can focus the necro.. however !!    i do think that minions/summons has no place in PVP and they are not healthy for PVP for many reasons. 
1: performance ..  game engine already struggle for some players..  why make it worse with screen full of minions? 
2: new players and targeting.. . i mean GW2 targeting and combat can take time to get into and place a new player in low elo and let it fight a class with so many bs around hes more likely to screw up and have bad impression of combat.. 
3: 0 effort ..  i dont get what is the point of summoning AI to fight for you in PVP..  summoning should be PVE.. 
and it can go on and on and bots and what not.. overall not op but better be removed from pvp.

focus 5 isnt as strong as it used to be anymore.. in pvp not sure about wvw..    
lich form meh this should be reworked to make it a more fun skill rather than stupid low elow stump like old warrior rampage.. 
i think lich form is bad design should be changed entirely take the damage away and its not worth using leave as it is and people getting 1 shot and its not fun..  just better rework it in my opinion..

but i think reaper is really fine as it is. 
its better not even touch the life force on reaper as on reaper its hardest to maintain life force and build life force..  far harder than on other necros..  

We need more pet-based builds not less. Almost all pet/minion-master builds useless most of the time. 
New players have much more problems with mesmers or reaper burst in shroud - delete them from PvP too, because it’s too hard for some people (not all of them newbies)? 

I’d like to see more turret builds, minion-masters (normal, not boon-abuse from Harbringer) and beast-master rangers. 
PvP already have problems with fun builds/content - just 5 characters with solo meta-builds. Guild Wars isn’t just a shooter-like game.

I (and many others) want to see more fantasy-like elements - and destroying another fun and unique element in gameplay will soon wipe PvP all-together… because you will have 0.3 builds for PvP and all of them will be plain boring, boring as hell.


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