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Male Norn need some love!

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I am usually into critiquing stuff and being negative but I really think male norns look great (they are my favorite male model followed by char)..They look like male teddy bears. I'd be mad if they look like roided skip leg day males (aka big human males). Also the voice acting is top notch.

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@"aetemes.2603" said:I am usually into critiquing stuff and being negative but I really think male norns look great

I don't judge you for that. Some people don't have an eye for such detail. If you read my posts carefully, you'll notice that it's not about them being "beasty/teddy-beary" but about certain aspects that look awfully off and downright repulsive to people like me who do notice those details. I'm glad not everyone is seeing them, though, or else no one would play male norn. ;)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"aetemes.2603" said:I am usually into critiquing stuff and being negative but I really think male norns look great

I don't judge you for that. Some people don't have an eye for such detail. If you read my posts carefully, you'll notice that it's not about them being "beasty/teddy-beary" but about certain aspects that look awfully off and downright repulsive to people like me who do notice those details. I'm glad not everyone is seeing them, though, or else no one would play male norn. ;)Its not only the Norn everything has really off features, the other guys that look square are the char, they look like they have sharp edges.The models need some upressing and changes in textures also some new body types,beards, hairstyles,tattoos, piercings. Maybe even animation changes.It is strange cause they already sell that stuff but don't put anything new there.

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I made a Norn on release and eventually deleted him and it's the only race I don't have a character for. I don't play female characters.I didn't like how deformed and weak they looked. They didn't have a strong, muscular, proportionally accurate form.Apparently the models never reached their artistic vision and impression of how they were supposed to look like cuz Braham looks awesome in loading screens.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/9/90/Into_the_Labyrinth_loading_screen.jpg/800px-Into_the_Labyrinth_loading_screen.jpg

It's one of the reasons I get annoyed when people ask for new race. There're things that still need polished and improved with current ones.(other major one being the huge armor scaling problem on male Sylvari and some unique animations for Sylvari in general)

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  • 1 year later...

Norn is my favorite race in concept, but I just hate that male model, it's just so bad made. They deserve an improve in the animations mostly, and to the physical appearance mostly in the muscles, symmetry in the stance and longer legs, those legs are super small for any race, like really. Male norn look ridiculous, not intimidating as they're supposed to be.

The race that I like the more in the lore and the only one that I never play as a male because of the badly made model. If both Norn and Charr (that hunchback meh haha but that one is more a personal opinion, I get why people likes them) get and improve in their model, I'd never have another race and even start all over my main (currently human).

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Norn aren't human. They share no genetic markers with humans, as they are native to Tyria, and humans are not. There's no reason why they should look like humans. The fact they look human as children is pure coincidence. They may even be related to the Kodan, which have a similar posture. Some Kodan have mentioned this.They were designed that way for a reason.

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completely agreed with OP.

for those who did not understand the point: female norms look like Elf Goddesses, while male norms are deformed, not only that, their run animations is awkwardly, which is incompatible with a race that define itself "hunters".

the only reason to play male norm to me, is because is the most close to balthazar model/size, thanks the outfit hide most of the stuff.

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@Gryphon.2875 said:Norn aren't human. They share no genetic markers with humans

They still don't look deformed neither in any of the artwork nor in GW1 (okay, the small heads and triangular shoulders are there, too, in the latter, but they still don't look nearly as bad as the GW2 version).

So the human comparison isn't a valid point when arguing about the male norn deformed body.

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"norns aren't human"yeah we KNOW. but female norns are pretty much taller female humans, and look like underwear models. now do male norn look like underwear models? NO, they look like a deformed gorilla shaped human. this is not okay, and never was IMO.a bt late to change it now though. i don't see them changing every single piece of armor for it.we can only hope for a better model if there is ever a gw3.

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