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Balance patch "review"


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After playing this season a while I definitely see way less scourges in my games, the amount of rangers, dh's and power heralds did increase a lot (at least it feels like that) 


When I met scourge it still is able to consume a lot of dmg but they don't feel immortal anymore. 


I would keep an eye on dh, tho in general it feels way better to play atm, than it was before the patch, and I can see at also at the playerbase, way more good people are online and I get solid matches at almost every daytime (EU) 


Compared to the past 19 month this feels like a solid playable meta but pls do not stop here 

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6 minutes ago, Filip.7463 said:

Sup guard heal should heal him less to put him in more equal level to tempest. Also core nec needs some sustain rework and we ended braindead easy to play bunker meta.

Its nice because we have multiple sidenoders, teamfighters and roamers on similar performance level.

I agree on guard but necro I don't know, I would now fix first traits that are not working properly and than slightly lower cooldowns or higher some dmg output. 


Guard necro are in wierd spots, while guard has indeed big bunker potential, it gets shuttled down quite fast when 2 people attack him, solo its kinda messy. Necro on the other hand scales to good with guard, necros without guard, can escape but not bunker and facetank 24/7.


I bet less healing on guard could fix necro too, since it doesn't feel that strong with other supporter 

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11 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

I agree on guard but necro I don't know, I would now fix first traits that are not working properly and than slightly lower cooldowns or higher some dmg output. 


Guard necro are in wierd spots, while guard has indeed big bunker potential, it gets shuttled down quite fast when 2 people attack him, solo its kinda messy. Necro on the other hand scales to good with guard, necros without guard, can escape but not bunker and facetank 24/7.


I bet less healing on guard could fix necro too, since it doesn't feel that strong with other supporter 

It slows down roamers too much (core nec)


and sup guard is unbeatable to most sidenoders while even contesting

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12 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

I agree on guard but necro I don't know, I would now fix first traits that are not working properly and than slightly lower cooldowns or higher some dmg output. 


Guard necro are in wierd spots, while guard has indeed big bunker potential, it gets shuttled down quite fast when 2 people attack him, solo its kinda messy. Necro on the other hand scales to good with guard, necros without guard, can escape but not bunker and facetank 24/7.


I bet less healing on guard could fix necro too, since it doesn't feel that strong with other supporter 

Not a good idea to nerf one class (guard) because of another (nec). Specially when necs has all specs viable meta builds while guards only have the supp as a meta build.

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On 9/7/2021 at 10:06 AM, Filip.7463 said:

Sup guard heal should heal him less to put him in more equal level to tempest. Also core nec needs some sustain rework and we ended braindead easy to play bunker meta.

Its nice because we have multiple sidenoders, teamfighters and roamers on similar performance level.

I'd shave off more of its stability, making it run for its life harder, that would also bring down the healing out put, while addressing the overall tankness as well


10 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

What if we actually got balance patches that changed the way overperforming skills worked, instead of repeatedly nerfing coefficients and never actually solving anything?


From what i know cmc needs the skill team to do that, and apparently they willing to work with him like 2 hours every 6 month. Cmc seems to have another tasks as well, that have higher priorities than being a pvp dev, it seems to me he has to rush this tasks to even being able to touch pvp stuff

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1 minute ago, Filip.7463 said:

U cant push it off node either, it has stab and it walks around aoe… he can also push u off node!

you mistake push off node with knock him off node, you pressure him with dmg untill he runs out of heals/blocks/dodges and he has to leave, every sec he stays too long he risks getting +1 and insta-gibbed ( as he has less and less resources ) while you dont have to use any dodges/blocks/heals and have everything ready

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30 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you mistake push off node with knock him off node, you pressure him with dmg untill he runs out of heals/blocks/dodges and he has to leave, every sec he stays too long he risks getting +1 and insta-gibbed ( as he has less and less resources ) while you dont have to use any dodges/blocks/heals and have everything ready

With what does valk ranger or fire weaver knock of point? He has also stab btw, a lot of it. And to run out of all sustain takes minutes


and u need some of ur utilities since avatar amu also does dmg

Edited by Filip.7463
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10 minutes ago, Filip.7463 said:

With what does valk ranger or fire weaver knock of point? He has also stab btw, a lot of it. And to run out of all sustain takes minutes


and u need some of ur utilities since avatar amu also does dmg


Even better, if a guard is wasting a 1v1 on you that means your teams has a waayyyyyy better chance of wining the figths at the other points and if you get 1+ would even better because that 2 people you are holding on 1 point and 1 of them doesnt even do dmg. 


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1 hour ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you mistake push off node with knock him off node, you pressure him with dmg untill he runs out of heals/blocks/dodges and he has to leave, every sec he stays too long he risks getting +1 and insta-gibbed ( as he has less and less resources ) while you dont have to use any dodges/blocks/heals and have everything ready

lol they never run out of heals/blocks/dodges/stab thats the problem. You also forget that they can steath, teleport, go invuln, while still dealing good damage. 

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2 hours ago, Exile.8160 said:


Even better, if a guard is wasting a 1v1 on you that means your teams has a waayyyyyy better chance of wining the figths at the other points and if you get 1+ would even better because that 2 people you are holding on 1 point and 1 of them doesnt even do dmg. 


Thats true its good if its out of teamfight, but its not acceptable that sidenoders cant kill it.

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On 9/7/2021 at 9:06 AM, Filip.7463 said:

Sup guard heal should heal him less to put him in more equal level to tempest. Also core nec needs some sustain rework and we ended braindead easy to play bunker meta.

Its nice because we have multiple sidenoders, teamfighters and roamers on similar performance level.


No, tempest should be buff.


If you are bringing a character that deals no dmg it should compansate with good support and ways to stay alive, it doesnt bring anything else to the table.


The only nerf/rework should go to rez skills and traits of all classes.

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On 9/7/2021 at 3:06 PM, Filip.7463 said:

Sup guard heal should heal him less to put him in more equal level to tempest. Also core nec needs some sustain rework and we ended braindead easy to play bunker meta.

Its nice because we have multiple sidenoders, teamfighters and roamers on similar performance level.

Tempest has more CC, it's a different support but ye guard supp is just better 

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6 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

since when can core support guard stealth or teleport during 1v1 ?

I don't know if they confuse DH with Core guard, unless if they may mean team stealth from a thief, which again doesn't apply-but some guards do run MH sword for the port blind to increase mobility no? 


I mean, I think Mace is just as viable but sword seems to be a good option as well. 

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