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Anyone else got Performance uplift even without Dx11 enabled?

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If you get performance gains on DX9, maybe you have not exactly the same scenery like before - esp. in lions arch it is impossible to reproduce an identical scenery as the player count in this map is extremely dynamic and the amount of players around you determines your performance.


The performance gain isn't that significant (but I can confirm one), but what definitely is, is the 100% gone shader compiling stuttering when turning your character. WvW is a completely new experience now. Still drops to 30 fps in blob fights even on modern CPUs, but feels a lot better to play as it doesn't stutter like before.

I am greatly pleased by the DX11 update so far.

There is not reason to run D912PXY anymore to fix these stutters.


Edited by KrHome.1920
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1 hour ago, KrHome.1920 said:

If you get performance gains on DX9, maybe you have not exactly the same scenery like before - esp. in lions arch it is impossible to reproduce an identical scenery as the player count in this map is extremely dynamic and the amount of players around you determines your performance.



Could be, but i checked it multiple times. The Spot doesn't have that many players, plus Charakter Model Limit and Quality were set to low.

Screenshot 57 FPS

Screenshot 68 FPS


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1 hour ago, vinterberg.2783 said:

Maybe a better test would be to enter your home instance, or fractal lobby (maybe enter a fractal solo also) or something where there's no other players around 😊


Ya, but i don't have Screenshots of that and i can't go back to the older build to take them.

I was expecting around 15% more fps after reading the Dev Dx 11 Blog-post. My Fps went up by 15 - 19% in my limited testing.

Maybe they removed some bottlenecks in Dx 9 Rendering too.








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Performance seem the same... i dream something like a 100+% boost but no.. this with a 3080.. without words.. But he problem is: porting to DX11 mean nothing if the engine don't use well your GPU for processing graphics.. IMO a game with low poly assets (and shaders) like GW2 with a proper engine can do 500fps on modern HW.. but what i obtain is a miserable 40 fps in lion arch like before..  They need to switch to UE4 instead of porting to DX11 only.. Like someone port his game from an old Unity to a most recent one.

Edited by WeeCapo.7402
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Got a performance gain of 50 to 60 to even 70fps on max settings (I even could enable reflections and model quality to highest which was usually the ones advised to turn down for obvious reasons) and thus I have between 60 (in very dense crowded meta events) to 144 fps of which 270 was the highest (230 is the moderate highest) in a certain spot that gave me 170 fps before. 
However the game looks very bright (gamma has no effect) and the colors are too vibrant as well as textures being still the same washed out style and I miss the DoF effect I had before which comes from an addon. I usually used Hook for the visual tweaking but it doesn't run well with the DX11 beta since it forces the game into windowed fullscreen and causes an incompability as Hook is advised to run in fullscreen. However that may be worked out by the author of the addon. Also the DX11 is still in beta and there's some base issues with it that will in the end be resolved like the forced windowed mode or the graphical glitches that many report. 
But overall I'd say the implementation of DX11 gives the game a better experience on newer machines. I also noticed that the CPU usage has become better than before. It only needs some more work to be implemented fully but so far it's a step in the right direction. 

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6 hours ago, WeeCapo.7402 said:

Performance seem the same... i dream something like a 100+% boost but no.. this with a 3080.. without words.. But he problem is: porting to DX11 mean nothing if the engine don't use well your GPU for processing graphics.. IMO a game with low poly assets (and shaders) like GW2 with a proper engine can do 500fps on modern HW.. but what i obtain is a miserable 40 fps in lion arch like before..  They need to switch to UE4 instead of porting to DX11 only.. Like someone port his game from an old Unity to a most recent one.

It's been well established, 16 billion times that the game is heavily reliant on CPU and not the GPU. An ancient video card can max GW2 visuals but the CPU will struggle. You're coming up with nonsense... 500fps lol. Switch to UE4? 😕 Troll?

I hope for your sake you didn't buy a 3080 just to play GW2. This game has never been on the Unity Engine.

And to answer OP: I do have a slight performance improvement of anywhere between 5-10fps (perhaps a touch more in some areas). Some small group fights like bounties also gives higher FPS. Frame times appear to be more consistent offering a smoother experience. No crashes yet (using the latest Nvidia drivers RTX 2060 mobile and a Ryzen 4800H).

Edited by Holgarf.6581
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On 9/22/2021 at 3:29 PM, Holgarf.6581 said:

It's been well established, 16 billion times that the game is heavily reliant on CPU and not the GPU. An ancient video card can max GW2 visuals but the CPU will struggle. You're coming up with nonsense... 500fps lol. Switch to UE4? 😕 Troll?


U are a troll... u can READ what i write? The game is poor in poly and effect, so if they switch to an engine that use modern GPU the game can fly.. no 500 fps? 250 for sure... 

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38 minutes ago, WeeCapo.7402 said:


U are a troll... u can READ what i write? The game is poor in poly and effect, so if they switch to an engine that use modern GPU the game can fly.. no 500 fps? 250 for sure... 

You are talking about stuff you have no idea. Have you even read the dev post regarding the dx11 update? You didn't, else you would not be making baseless and wrong assumptions in forums. 

Let me still tell you the real reason: main thread is slow in gw2 as it was already slow in the past. The thing they fixed is the small delay render thread causing on main thread by switching to dx11 and bgfx. More benefits in doing that too but off topic.

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On 9/21/2021 at 6:59 PM, KrHome.1920 said:

If you get performance gains on DX9, maybe you have not exactly the same scenery like before - esp. in lions arch it is impossible to reproduce an identical scenery as the player count in this map is extremely dynamic and the amount of players around you determines your performance.


The performance gain isn't that significant (but I can confirm one), but what definitely is, is the 100% gone shader compiling stuttering when turning your character. WvW is a completely new experience now. Still drops to 30 fps in blob fights even on modern CPUs, but feels a lot better to play as it doesn't stutter like before.

I am greatly pleased by the DX11 update so far.

There is not reason to run D912PXY anymore to fix these stutters.



One reason to still run it, DX11 still crashes from time to time for me.. d912 doesnt..  And it is mostly during metas or big fights, so that doesnt help either.

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While I'm hear reading notifications, thought I'd drop by and let it be known:

Two crashes. Both of Start-up (character selection screen), infrequent. In Thunderhead Peaks two Order of Whispers agents (or whoever is dressed similarly to them) in the keep glow bright orange, and Olmakhan glow bright yellow. In Lily of The Elon today the floor turned black as if by shadow, not pure black. Aside from these the vast majority of my gameplay on DX11 has been bug free.

I would trade in DX11 and keep DX9 for a button to reduce existing particle effects by 75% (behind the not-so-great one we have now) because no matter what map, no matter what meta, the particles and skill effects have gone too far. I can very rarely see anything on screen besides an explosion of what looks like neon paint cans.

Also @WeeCapo.7402, I'm not a troll, I just understand that it is not as simple as; low poly MUST EQUAL HIGH FPS! It's never that simple and it is not as simple as changing from one engine to another. Polys aren't the issue anyway, the main thing are people on screen, shadows and the absolutely absurd amount of particle effects.

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8 hours ago, Holgarf.6581 said:

Also @WeeCapo.7402, I'm not a troll, I just understand that it is not as simple as; low poly MUST EQUAL HIGH FPS! It's never that simple and it is not as simple as changing from one engine to another. Polys aren't the issue anyway, the main thing are people on screen, shadows and the absolutely absurd amount of particle effects.


I play videogames since 1988.. i know something about them.. and as i write, if u can port every assets, game logic to another engine, coded for take advantage of modern GPU, this game, with this poor, "retro" asset, can FLY. Unreal Engine 3 is ANCIENT, is from another geological era. Changing only the DirectX do nearly nothing (as i see) aside for some new feature that they can add and that take advantage of using DX11. The same stuff happen to iRacing, years ago. They change only for be able to add some new effects.. but iRacing engine is heavily based on CPU like any other pre DX11/DX12. U can't render, today, scene with milions of polygon on screen without a modern engine based on DX11+/OGL/Vulkan since start. U see what UE5 can do?

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Yes, got slight average fps boost even without dx11 enabled, bigger with it on. Not as high as with d912pxy tho. The camera rotation and skill effects are also smoother.

@WeeCapo.7402 Did you read the latest release notes? Here's the important part about the dx11 beta: "The goals for the initial implementation of DirectX 11 are stability, visual, and performance parity with DirectX 9. Most players will likely see negligible performance improvements at this time."


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