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This type of behaviour, is so anti sportmanship


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Been there before. Deal is that its 3 servers against each other which means that by nature of the setup this is going to happen. Usually its specific to a time zone. Considering that the T1 matchup is pretty darn close it sure as heck isn't a 2v1 across all of the time zones. Honestly some servers are really good at watching the maps and will absolutely capitalize on when you are being hit. It is extremely difficult to plan anything like this anymore that would be a coordinated week long event. 9 times out of 10 groups will do their own things anyway. lol.

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I am from TC and I like it when we are double teamed. Zerglings from both SoS and Blackgate are super easy to pick off from their zergs to give you free bags.


Besides, saves me the trouble to run around to try to find the few roamers the respective servers have.


Oh, and it is a nice change from fighting the 10+ bots Blackgate has running around on their servers, and no, that does not mean bad players, actual bots, that I have encountered several times.

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Let's be honest the TC and SoS are both very low skill servers that rarely win a fight.  This stuff actually is their only option. 


You will not see good fights in that matchup.  Ever since the failed alliances weeks ago the WvW enthusiasm is gone and worse than ever.  No one of consequence is logging in and we're actually waiting around just for a blog post about something that will happen sometime... sigh rip

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3 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:

Let's be honest the TC and SoS are both very low skill servers that rarely win a fight.  This stuff actually is their only option. 


You will not see good fights in that matchup.  Ever since the failed alliances weeks ago the WvW enthusiasm is gone and worse than ever.  No one of consequence is logging in and we're actually waiting around just for a blog post about something that will happen sometime... sigh rip


Totally disagree with everything in this post.   In fact, the only people of consequence are logging in.   Who you consider consequential and who I consider consequential are probably quit different.  

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This is just part of the immutable laws of WvW that hold true for every server. I am sure you have heard them mentioned in map/team chat on your own server:

  1. Your server is always being double-teamed. (When you sneak off to cap red's towers while blue is busy pushing red keep, that's not double-teaming, it's just being strategic)
  2. The other servers always have alt accounts on your server to spy on you. (When the response to you hitting one of their towers is just too quick, it is clearly a spy and in no way the result of scouting or the zerg happening to be nearby. kitten, where are all OUR spies with alt accounts for every server in NA?)
  3. Everyone else is hacking, especially when we can't kill them. (If you die, and don't understand why, it's haxxx. If you can't kill them despite trying your best, it's haxxx. "Imagine if Indo didn't use boon ball and haxxx. We would beat them easily." <- a real map chat quote from a pug)
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