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2 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:


Pretty much! And you notice it's ALWAYS the person who gets venom who needs to develop a "thick skin", it's NEVER the perpetrator of said venom that's to be held accountable!

How would you like for me and others to protect you and the OP from the venomous bad words of pvp.

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4 minutes ago, Genesis.5169 said:

How would you like for me and others to protect you and the OP from the venomous bad words of pvp.

It's not so much protecting others as much at it is for people to you know, become decent human beings, 


Are you personally abusing people ? No ? Good.

Are you abusing people ? Yes ? Then stop it, same goes if your friend goes to spew vile bile onto someone else. Don't just sit there and say "Yeah", but tell him to knock it off.

Stuff like that goes a long way.

Edited by GoldenPants.1870
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4 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

It's not so much protecting others as much at it is for people to you know, become decent human beings, 


Are you personally abusing people ? No ? Good.

Are you abusing people ? Yes ? Then stop it, same goes if your friend goes to spew vile bile onto someone else. Don't just sit there and say "Yeah", but tell him to knock it off.

You're missing a huge part of the equation... it's the internet.  There's an inherent anonymity here and it allows people to act however they want to act.  They have as much as a right to act like an kitten and you nor anyone else can't tell them otherwise (other than the game provider).

To say they're not decent humans is a far stretch.  You and others need to see the internet for what it is and how people behave.  You're not going to change that, nor is anyone else.  So suck it up, put on your big boy pants, and worry about yourself and not others on how they act. 

Edited by phokus.8934
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1 hour ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Becoming a decent human being seems to be very hard for some reason idk why.

Good manners should be taught by parents, unfortunately toxicity in the gaming community is a growing problem and the gaming companies have to address toxicity seriously because it damages their incomes. If toxic players keep being awful they only force the gaming companies hands to address their bad behavior with harsher measures. Toxicity is a time bomb, every company should take this problem seriously.

Edited by Touchme.1097
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2 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

They have as much as a right to act like an kitten and you nor anyone else can't tell them otherwise (other than the game provider).

  1. In connection with our Services, you may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive language.



They have absolutley no rights to act like that.


4 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

To say they're not decent humans is a far stretch.

A decent human person does not generally say hateful things to others, they solve it by settling it in mature ways, not raging.


6 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

So suck it up, put on your big boy pants, and worry about yourself and not others on how they act. 

Yeah, I did, I used to be a toxic douchebag, but I grew up and realized that did nothing for anyone except spread bad vibes and misery.

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1 hour ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

you can mute me in 2 clicks of a button, guys like OP is the reason why you cant even talk with people in games like DbD because half the kittening dictionary is blocked
Then again we are talking about 2 different things, offensive banter and insulting are 2 very different things.
There is a difference in saying I hope X dies in a fire
And saying something along the lines of " thief you dimwit, hold the steal for the glyph/signet "


I’ve seen first hand the kind of BS the OP is talking about, and you’re talking about completely different things.  You’re talking about guys razzing each other.  You might call out a mistake in an insulting way, but the intent can still fairly good-natured.  You do it with your friends.  You might try it with someone you don’t know, and if they don’t respond, I’m guessing you let it drop at that point.  I think most people are thick-skinned enough to handle that, even if they don’t want to participate and trade insults or make fun of their own mistake.


I’m pretty sure the OP is talking about those people that will completely stop playing 5 minutes and 150 points before the match is even decided, sit in spawn, and go on and on berating one person continuously in the team chat until the other team wins because it’s 3 or 4v5.  It’s more than part of the game or spirited rivalry at that point, it’s just poison.  There are people like that out there.  I suspect they’re at least part of the reason the PvP population is so low.



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3 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

its our gaming culture. its like in football you wont see a player go cry to a ref that someone from your or enemy team called you a name. Its legit part of the game, my football friends look forward for that part almost as much as they look forward to actually playing the game.


"It's our gaming culture" -- yeah, I see that. It's garbage. The comparison to football is also completely wrong. In football, there are actually social consequences involved for anti-social behavior. Happens often. Yeah...even in what you just said in "crying" to the ref. Because professional sports demand a baseline of good behavior from players since there is actual money involved. Though pro-sports are not great by any means, they have more accountability than gaming culture does. In gaming there is none of that, mostly because gaming culture rejects any sort of criticism whatsoever out of immaturity and spite.


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1 hour ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:
  1. In connection with our Services, you may not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive language.



They have absolutley no rights to act like that.


A decent human person does not generally say hateful things to others, they solve it by settling it in mature ways, not raging.


Yeah, I did, I used to be a toxic douchebag, but I grew up and realized that did nothing for anyone except spread bad vibes and misery.


Yeah...I was the same way. Then I got older lmao...

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8 hours ago, TheDarkness.6947 said:


I’ve seen first hand the kind of BS the OP is talking about, and you’re talking about completely different things.  You’re talking about guys razzing each other.  You might call out a mistake in an insulting way, but the intent can still fairly good-natured.  You do it with your friends.  You might try it with someone you don’t know, and if they don’t respond, I’m guessing you let it drop at that point.  I think most people are thick-skinned enough to handle that, even if they don’t want to participate and trade insults or make fun of their own mistake.


I’m pretty sure the OP is talking about those people that will completely stop playing 5 minutes and 150 points before the match is even decided, sit in spawn, and go on and on berating one person continuously in the team chat until the other team wins because it’s 3 or 4v5.  It’s more than part of the game or spirited rivalry at that point, it’s just poison.  There are people like that out there.  I suspect they’re at least part of the reason the PvP population is so low.



more or less this, but if you try to ban the other group, both groups will suffer, trust me, I have played through every single banning system imaginable, and the stricter it gets, the worse it is.
From ban-words like (this forum for example ), to player judgment system ( league of legends, and CS:GO ), to automated system detecting insulting phrases that learns as it goes ( dead by deadlight ) to automated ban systems when you reach minimum reports ( league at a time, hots at a time ) to manual bans ( loads of games )
ALL of the systems introduce LOADS of downsides the more strict it gets.
And no matter what you do, at the end of the day, if someone wants to be a prick they will be. And no system will stop them.

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3 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

ALL of the systems introduce LOADS of downsides the more strict it gets.

For who ? The players who keeps harrasing other people, or the normal players who just want to play the game ? Let me tell you, it’s not getting worse for the latter.



3 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

And no matter what you do, at the end of the day, if someone wants to be a prick they will be. And no system will stop them.

That is why there are rules that say they CAN’T behave that way. Getting a stricter report and ban system would clean a lot of these guys out, which is needed.

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1 hour ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

For who ? The players who keeps harrasing other people, or the normal players who just want to play the game ? Let me tell you, it’s not getting worse for the latter.



That is why there are rules that say they CAN’T behave that way. Getting a stricter report and ban system would clean a lot of these guys out, which is needed.

You can behave anyway you’d like but there are consequences like everything else in life.

What you people are talking about and wanting is a dystopian utopia and suppressing emotions.

Come back to reality and stop trying to police others. Block, report, and move on.  It’s really quite simple.

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33 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

You can behave anyway you’d like but there are consequences like everything else in life.

What you people are talking about and wanting is a dystopian utopia and suppressing emotions.

Come back to reality and stop trying to police others. Block, report, and move on.  It’s really quite simple.

Ah, I see the Pvpers are now putting out strawman argument to justify their garbage behavior. Now I don't know what you will do beyond that little internet mask of yours, but I for one don't go out of my way to be toxic in a match of basketball whenever My team screws up. Because there is such a thing called human decently and good sportsmanship. Your solution? Is sweeping something under the rug. A "Dystopian utopia? Suppressing emotions?" What are these nonsense? Lmao. Apparently asking to have, you know? human decency? Is apparent so much to ask that you would rather see a world of toxic morons going at each other's throat then to actually be nice. No one asking anyone to live in a world of dictators.

No it isn't as "Simple" As Block, report, move on. If it was, Win trading wouldn't have exist, or have people feeding the opponent, and sitting at the spawn point because they didn't get their way. These type of toxic behavior are the many, MANY Reason why the pvp mode in this game are an absolute state of Despair, because especially now? It happens more often than not. More reason than anything to convince more people to not play pvp and to demonize the pvp community, Because again. They deserve to be demonize. They have done nothing but defend their behavior, shun and laugh at someone who beginning to question themselves, and push away any sensible players who have any interest in pvp in this game.

Edited by Thevaultdwellinggamer.4267
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This was after I defeated him in a 1v1. Seriously, what's wrong with the PvP Community? And how can anyone who is clear in his mind actually defend such behavior? 

For everyone who says: "Muh, it's just like in real live."

No, its not. In real live you can go to jail for some things I read almost daily in the PvP chat. Threats, homophobia, racism - you name it.


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13 minutes ago, GhandiBot.6257 said:

Welcome to the internet homie. Have you ever played any other player vs player game? Ever? Because it's everywhere. CoD, League, DOTA, OW, you can't avoid it. Just open up a new chat tab in pvp so you essentially mute your team. 


Yes, been in online pvp games since Everquest2. But GW2 is the first one where someone gave me or someone in my family a death wish. It definitely wasn't that bad back at release, but reading some of the comments in this threat just shows how far the pvp community in this game has fallen.

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53 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me”

Guessing some people never learned that? 😂

I quitted League of Legends after receiving threats and all sorts of insults, including players wishing me kitten, playing non competitive modes and ranked games. I have quitted that game because I don't tolerate this kind of toxic behavior. Would you be happier if GW2 players did the same?

I don't think ArenaNet would be happy about that...

Edited by Touchme.1097
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40 minutes ago, Tshask.1057 said:


Yes, been in online pvp games since Everquest2. But GW2 is the first one where someone gave me or someone in my family a death wish. It definitely wasn't that bad back at release, but reading some of the comments in this threat just shows how far the pvp community in this game has fallen.

Well in that case report it to ArenaNET. Sorry to hear about death threats, I wouldn't take those lightly as well. Typically speaking ANet will ban and in some cases perma ban accounts for such threats. My friend did a death threat to someone on this game (stupid of him) and his account got perma banned. 

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1 minute ago, GhandiBot.6257 said:

Well in that case report it to ArenaNET. Sorry to hear about death threats, I wouldn't take those lightly as well. Typically speaking ANet will ban and in some cases perma ban accounts for such threats. My friend did a death threat to someone on this game (stupid of him) and his account got perma banned. 

Your friend is lucky he didn't get sued because it's a criminal offense to send death threats online despite how unlikely it could be to happen.

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8 hours ago, Tshask.1057 said:

Seriously, what's wrong with the PvP Community? And how can anyone who is clear in his mind actually defend such behavior? 

For everyone who says: "Muh, it's just like in real live."

No, its not.

I haven't seen a single post in this thread defending this behavior. But I have seen a lot of people confusing two things:

1. The fact that insults don't have to be tolerated by anyone (so block and report these people!).

2. The fact that you can not change certain things in life and you have to adapt to stay sane and healthy (grow a thick skin!).

Nr. 1 and 2 are not mutually exclusive! People that tell you to do number 2 are simply realists. They know that focusing just on number 1 won't protect you from getting into toxic situations.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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58 minutes ago, KrHome.1920 said:

2. The fact that you can not change certain things in life and you have to adapt to stay sane and healthy (grow a thick skin!).

It's not a matter of growing a thick skin. You don't tell people to man up, end of story. Instead of feeling entitled and pretend from other people to tolerate being insulted you should learn to respect them and show good manners which are a must have in order to guarantee yourself a peaceful place in society. Antisocial behavior and verbal abuse don't belong here, I don't think gamers understand the TOS so I will link them for you to read: NCSOFT West

You can also read the forum's Code of Conduct which it doesn't hurt: Guild Wars 2 Official Forums: Code of Conduct (“Forums Code of Conduct”) | GuildWars2.com

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5 minutes ago, Touchme.1097 said:

You don't tell people to man up

Lol. So if someone needs help but doesn't directly ask for it then I shouldn't help him? Aknowlegding your weakness and improving them is what makes the difference between strong and weak people. Imagine if a coach don't his athlete when he is doing wrong because he don't want to hurt his feelings. Heck even your parents did this for you when you were a child. Now it's up to you to do this for yourself.

I will say it again: Hiding behind your feelings will not get you anywhere. Facing your weaknesses will.

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10 minutes ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

I will say it again: Hiding behind your feelings will not get you anywhere. Facing your weaknesses will.

Being caring and supportive doesn't mean being verbally abusive, the best way to support someone in need is to show empathy and give good advices. Feeding the entitlement of a toxic person doesn't make you strong, you are just allowing the abusive person to feel empowered. Strong people stand up for themselves and not tolerating toxicity and verbal abuse is one step further towards being strong.

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