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Isn't this a Golemancer?


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Arguably, Golems are emblematic of Asura. And this construct look different enough that it doesn't qualify as a golem. It's equally possible that they dont have the same personality or awareness of Golems (which Asura players who've done the storyline can attest is a thing).

More practically, I think the goal was to avoid the Racial name and make it more neutral.

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Nah, golemancer is the spec engineer gets in the next expansion with a focus on piloting a gigantic battle suit.

2 hours ago, Naxos.2503 said:

More practically, I think the goal was to avoid the Racial name and make it more neutral.

The Golem in general fiction is not a concept which is tied to a specific race so that shouldn't be much of an issue. Also the e-specs are already linked to various races e.g. the Holosmith wich is "human based".

Edited by Tails.9372
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1 hour ago, Aedil.1296 said:

Hey hi fellow engis! 

I was thinking about the name Mechanist. 

According to GW1 lore Golemancers were very well known. Why is this spec called Mechanist? 

What is the difference between a Mecha and a Golemancer? 


Excited to try this spec!! 

I'll toss aside the "Mecha" term, that's another debate.


Golems are a common concept across many lores of many universes, and it's also common in GW. But while the likes of Necromancers and Dwarves make golems, Asurans make G.O.L.E.M. units: Genius-Operated Living Enchanted Manifestations, and Golemancy was born of the first few iterations and normalized, it's a magical practice that is proper to their culture alone, you learn it, and master it independantly of your class/profession and they're rarely engineering feats.

The Jade Mechs may somewhat mimic that aspect with the new found jade tech, but they're born of engineering work, not Golemancy. It's by all means a construct, an artificial sentinel, a golem, but not a G.O.L.E.M. if that makes any sense.

The way Asuran golems function and "live" may explain why Snaff, a master magical theorist aand psionic extraordinaire, had the most complete grasp on the profession, and why it was made possible for Blish to become... what he was.

Edited by MrForz.1953
I can't write.
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The leaked name was "Mechamancer", not sure why they settled for Machinist in the English version. Anyway the name refers to the Engineer profession upgrade, not to the golem they field, in the same way as a Scrapper isn't a Gyromancer. Similarly, it'd be like calling the Warrior a Weaponsmaster.


Remember that these mechanics are always optional, and the class always has a secondary mechanic thats available even if you don't take the primary mechanic or the new weapon type.

Example: Renegades without Shortbow or Renegade Legend can still generate Alacrity.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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There doesn't seem to be any real thought into what is tech and what is magic in this game. It's all magico-techno-babble to justify some ability for story purposes.

Golemancy, by the name, leans magical. Mechanist implies devices founded more on what we'd recognize as Newtonian physics.

But there just isn't support for that distinction in the game. Asura reference "science" about whatever random magical thing they are tinkering with at the time, and Jade Tech looks more like Asuran and Exalted "tech", which doesn't look like anything resembling mechanics at all, unlike Charr tech which looks very recognizably mechanical.

In the end, it doesn't look like ArenaNet saw any need to be rigorous about what technology and magic are in Tyria. The words they use are really just flavor sprinkled liberally over the sauce.


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32 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

The leaked name was "Mechamancer", not sure why they settled for Machinist in the English version. Anyway the name refers to the Engineer profession upgrade, not to the golem they field, in the same way as a Scrapper isn't a Gyromancer. Similarly, it'd be like calling the Warrior a Weaponsmaster.

The leaked name was Méchamancien, it was french, and the translators trapped themselves between the Jade Mech and the existence of Scrapper as Mécatronicien so they couldn't name it Mécanicien from Mechanist (Also, archaic meaning), it also had to add that mechanism doctrine flavor. The cost is that much like Fracasseur (which means Smasher) for Daredevil, it forces a bit of nonsense.

Edited by MrForz.1953
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2 hours ago, Tails.9372 said:

The Golem in general fiction is not a concept which is tied to a specific race so that shouldn't be much of an issue. Also the e-specs are already linked to various races e.g. the Holosmith wich is "human based".

While I agree that Golem in -general Fantasy- is indeed not attributed to specific races, that is simply not the case in Guild wars 2 lore though as far as I know.

As for Holosmith being Human technology, that is debatable. The only NPC user we see of it is human, but so is Firebrand, Mirage, and all the other Path of Fire specs. If anything it is an experimental technology, whereas Golems are tried and tested and culturally cemented as being Asura, as the Old golems from Rata Novus and Newer golems from Rata Primus will attest.

Charrs use elemental like constructs, either made of Molten metal and fire with the Flame Effigy, or sand and bone with Olmakhans. Neither of these deploy any sense of intelligence or understanding of their situation (as none have thus far been talked to). Humans have Watchknights, and Sylvari and Norn have thus not displayed something similar as they are less technology minded. 

That's why I prefer the term Construct rather than Golem as technically a Construct carries no racial denomination.

Edited by Naxos.2503
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9 hours ago, Naxos.2503 said:

While I agree that Golem in -general Fantasy- is indeed not attributed to specific races, that is simply not the case in Guild wars 2 lore though as far as I know.

As for Holosmith being Human technology, that is debatable. The only NPC user we see of it is human, but so is Firebrand, Mirage, and all the other Path of Fire specs. If anything it is an experimental technology, whereas Golems are tried and tested and culturally cemented as being Asura, as the Old golems from Rata Novus and Newer golems from Rata Primus will attest.

Charrs use elemental like constructs, either made of Molten metal and fire with the Flame Effigy, or sand and bone with Olmakhans. Neither of these deploy any sense of intelligence or understanding of their situation (as none have thus far been talked to). Humans have Watchknights, and Sylvari and Norn have thus not displayed something similar as they are less technology minded. 

That's why I prefer the term Construct rather than Golem as technically a Construct carries no racial denomination.


Are you looking at my photon forge? Nice, isn't it? You've got an eye for quality technology. Ever met a holosmith before?
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/47/Talk_more_option_tango.png A what?
A holosmith! Our boundary-pushing feats of invention and engineering have allowed us to harness the power of the sun as a weapon. Impressive, right?
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/47/Talk_more_option_tango.png How did you manage to do that?
Elonians have always had a strong relationship with the sun. Then we met the Zephyrites, and everything just clicked.
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/47/Talk_more_option_tango.png The Zephyrites?
Those magic crystals of theirs are a key component in our photon forge. It's a good thing they've been so willing to trade with us!
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/e2/Talk_back_option_tango.png I have another quest


The holosmith tech is confirmed to be something developed by the zephyrites and elonians. This is why it's described as human technology.


It looks like mechanist may be to golemancers as holosmiths are to holomancers. The details of the mech suggest asuran influence, my guess is that we may get some flavor text of "Asuran golemancy and Canthan dragonjade tech gave birth to the mech." Asura were in Canthan in gw1 and it's not beyond the pale to think they may have reverse engineered and then further developed the technology.

Edited by Laughing Bat.1570
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