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"New" Kaineng


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2 hours ago, Faridah.8431 said:



Well we don't know what Kaineng looks like yet at this point.

Well my best guess from the arts and character clothing design, it is going to be a mix of ancient china and high tech. 

Clothing wise, it does appear they kept a lot of GW1 style ancient china theme clothing but with GW2 development of Cantha certain people may have added some small jade tech to carry around. That unknown character in the EoD main page is probably a example of what we may expect to see when we enter Cantha. 

It is a design style I just call Ancient Tech China design which has the designs of buildings, locations, and clothing based around Ancient China designs but mixed tech into it. A theme design choice I see once in a while in certain Chinese Fantasy manhwa.

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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22 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

None of what we see really shows any indication of Aetherblade technology. It's all jade tech, absolutely zero air/lightning magic being utilized.

Besides, it's very, very unlikely that ArenaNet well apply a barely fleshed out side story that doesn't even have achievements tied to it into the main plot.

But we know where those steam creatures come from. The asura PC from the future. In other words, they're fully Tyrian, not Canthan.

And then ArenaNet went and retconned it so that Scarlet invented them and sent them to Lornar's.

So unless they're retconning the steam creature origins again, the steam creatures have nothing to do with Cantha.

By that argument, then all necromancy is tied to jade magic. Dhuum is Jade magic. Mordremoth is jade magic.

Green is just an archetypal color for plant magic, and ties it to Scarlet. Similar to how Kralkatorrik/Branded and Abaddon/Margonites are both purple but hold zero relation.


We have known fact, firstly the trailer:


It shows aetherblade flag and mai trin.  But, well it is a trailer right? So how to be sure about aetherblade tech in cantha?

I will start correcting you on an important point, Aetherblade IS NOT air and lighting magic. It is ASURA MAGITECH more precisely INQUEST. Those pirates/corsairs keep their steampunk uniform to reflect their identity, they are called since the first release "Pirate of the skies" but notice that when they attacked Lion's arch for first time they used asura arcano pulse or lightning cannon /modules to shoot in addition of cannon ball and destroy building and using a spark teleport device to go on ground for some of them, same as used in personal story by teyo with her teleportation turret.

Those sky pirates uses asura tech everywhere: As holo dancers projectors, for consoles, to sterilize and build golem (see frizz lab), to put red holo panes on airships, to teleport around, to create static shield, force field and so on: Their light arcs and strikes aren't magic, they use gadgets and devices to make them.


Well, if you doubt that they use asura aethero modulesor lighting cannons as cannon in adddition of regular cannons, I send you to captain mai trin boss fractal , her airship is equiped by one:

On that picture, look at the right, an asura lightning cannon, just like the ones defending rata primus.

But to return to subject of aetherblade in new kainerg and cantha:


This image is an art/screenshot of Cantha areas shown during EOD first look stream. At the right I've put aetherblade fractal.

SURPRISE! It is the same!!! So aetherblade in cnatha, you can even see some inquest tech on the eod stream screenshots/arts.


Well, still skeptical, thinking anyone, can by itself, make pipes and pump purified liquid jade within them? Here you go:


What is in common in this four pictures? I tell you, PIPES and NEONS LINES. What else in common? Those FOUR PLACES feature more or less INQUEST TECH.  Yeah you can tell me "Gandara, Joko could surely make those plague beakers and pipes itself?", well then tell me, why joko waited to turn into zombie half of the personnel of rata primus and brought several with him in gandara?

All the aetherblade related locations we saw so far share that austere brown/green teints with pipes everywhere.


For steam creatures, after re reading the wiki, yes it does states that scarlet made them with scrap metal so i'm wrong on that speculation, but I attire you attention to the fact "She didn't need them anymore after being affected by mordremoth whispers". So why making them before? But well, as you said maybe anet already forgotten about that.

"By that argument, then all necromancy is tied to jade magic. Dhuum is Jade magic. Mordremoth is jade magic."

I am in no way saying so. Jade is "confirmed " here with the trailer. It is jade, like the mech of mechanist has jade. Scarlet twisted minions emanate green energy, see the marionette, it was NEVER STATED what energy they use. Can be anything, even jade. Or it is to reinforce the fact it is an unknown powerful energy source? Who knows. But again, maybe far fetched?


But I tell you with 100% confidence that cantha Aetherblades are AS MUCH, IF MORE advanced than LS1 Aetherblades.

No doubt Joon can be a great inventor/engineer, but aetherblade have something to do with that story. I put my hand to cut.

At this point, wouldn't even surprised to see airships in kainerg like that person shown on reddit:


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14 minutes ago, hugo.4705 said:


We have known fact, firstly the trailer:


It shows aetherblade flag and mai trin.  But, well it is a trailer right? So how to be sure about aetherblade tech in cantha?

To clarify, I am not saying Aetherblades aren't in Cantha. I was saying that none of the shown jadetech is resembling aetherblade tech.

Indicating the two are separate, parallel even, and not one derived from the other.

14 minutes ago, hugo.4705 said:

I will start correcting you on an important point, Aetherblade IS NOT air and lighting magic. It is ASURA MAGITECH more precisely INQUEST.

It's both. Look at all their tech, all their spells, and it is all air magic - specifically lightning stuff. When they teleport in, they do so via flash of lightning.

They got the start of their tech from the Inquest, but their focus is, and always has been, lightning. That was their theme, just as Molten Alliance = fire and sound, and Toxic Alliance = plant and mind.

Scarlet created these alliances with specific purposes, and those purposes formed in the magic they use. Aetherblade tech is lightning-focused derived from Inquest tech starting point.

14 minutes ago, hugo.4705 said:

But to return to subject of aetherblade in new kainerg and cantha:


This image is an art/screenshot of Cantha areas shown during EOD first look stream. At the right I've put aetherblade fractal.

SURPRISE! It is the same!!! So aetherblade in cnatha, you can even see some inquest tech on the eod stream screenshots/arts.

That is from before the stream began, in which they were showcasing old work before the preshow started up. The preshow itself being a recap of the game prior to EoD. That is not "Aetherblades in Cantha" (which I did not even deny; I denied Aetherblades in Cantha's past).

14 minutes ago, hugo.4705 said:

Well, still skeptical, thinking anyone, can by itself, make pipes and pump purified liquid jade within them? Here you go:


What is in common in this four pictures? I tell you, PIPES and NEONS LINES. What else in common? Those FOUR PLACES feature more or less INQUEST TECH.  Yeah you can tell me "Gandara, Joko could surely make those plague beakers and pipes itself?", well then tell me, why joko waited to turn into zombie half of the personnel of rata primus and brought several with him in gandara?

There are also pipes in ascalon's charr territory. Is charr tech suddenly asura tech too? And neon lights aren't unique to Inquest or asura magitech either - all magic glows, so all magitech would glow too. Even in GW1, the more magical unrefined jade sometimes had a glow to it.

You're creating a Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy where you're focusing on similarities that support your argument while ignoring the differences or other similarities that counter your argument.

But again: I never said "there aren't Aetherblades in Cantha". I disagreed with the notion that Mai Trin traveled to Cantha's past to develop jadetech technology.

And there's a pretty strong counter for that belief - we see Mai Trin in the trailer, and she's of perfectly same age. So unless she went to the past, established Jadetech derived from stolen Inquest tech, and then returned to the past, your theory of time traveling Aetherblades is thoroughly debunked.

14 minutes ago, hugo.4705 said:

For steam creatures, after re reading the wiki, yes it does states that scarlet made them with scrap metal so i'm wrong on that speculation, but I attire you attention to the fact "She didn't need them anymore after being affected by mordremoth whispers". So why making them before? But well, as you said maybe anet already forgotten about that.

To clarify, the "didn't need them anymore after being affected by Mordremoth" is correlation, not causation. She was building them as a means of testing and expanding her knowledge, was experimenting with them for some time, went into Omadd's Machine, and after some later time decided she no longer needed them and released them into Lornar's Pass.

Which really just feels like ANet feeling the need to fill the gaps for why Scarlet was able to control the Watchknights and why there were Steam creatures included in her forces during Scarlet's Minions Invade events.

14 minutes ago, hugo.4705 said:

"By that argument, then all necromancy is tied to jade magic. Dhuum is Jade magic. Mordremoth is jade magic."

I am in no way saying so. Jade is "confirmed " here with the trailer. It is jade, like the mech of mechanist has jade. Scarlet twisted minions emanate green energy, see the marionette, it was NEVER STATED what energy they use. Can be anything, even jade. Or it is to reinforce the fact it is an unknown powerful energy source? Who knows. But again, maybe far fetched?

Twisted Watchwork are just the Watchknights' tech, which was powered and controlled by mesmers while being reversed engineered steam creatures. The steam creatures' energy source was "strange" alchemical symbols, a biomechanical core, and steam magic.

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Im willing to bet that new kaineng is gonna be a high tech city built upon the old slums


One thing im predicting is for there to possibly be some "sealed off" parts of the old slums and sewer syatems of gw1 kaineng that will actually have afflicted still living in them all this time that we at some point interact with.


I could imagine a "revitalization" effort having taken place at some point where they basically abandon the old city in parts that are really bad (perfect place for unculled afflicted to be hiding out in) and build on top of it and just forget about the ruins of the old city.



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5 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Im willing to bet that new kaineng is gonna be a high tech city built upon the old slums


One thing im predicting is for there to possibly be some "sealed off" parts of the old slums and sewer syatems of gw1 kaineng that will actually have afflicted still living in them all this time that we at some point interact with.


I could imagine a "revitalization" effort having taken place at some point where they basically abandon the old city in parts that are really bad (perfect place for unculled afflicted to be hiding out in) and build on top of it and just forget about the ruins of the old city.



Afflicted were completely wiped out during Guild Wars Winds Of Change, there were none left.

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27 minutes ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Afflicted were completely wiped out during Guild Wars Winds Of Change, there were none left.

That we know of


Its kinda unrealistic to believe that they had tabs on EVERY single afflicted in a place as large as cantha to be able to definitively say that every single one was killed

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1 hour ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

That we know of


Its kinda unrealistic to believe that they had tabs on EVERY single afflicted in a place as large as cantha to be able to definitively say that every single one was killed

It was an extensive campaign and the entire purpose was to fully eliminate the Afflicted by scouring every corner of the city. We players only saw a tiny fraction of the tail end of a 9 year campaign to wipe out the Afflicted. It would utterly harm the narrative purpose of Winds of Change to retcon that notion, even if the Afflicted weren't wiped out when we were told they were, the Ministry of Purity wouldn't have stopped and wiped out any tiny pocket that gets rumored to appear - they were that zealous and focused on eliminating the Affliction.


And keep in mind that the Afflicted is not an actual plague - it was viewed as such before the reason for Affliction was discovered. It was a magical mutation caused by the presence of Shiro Tagachi or similar magic, and with Shiro gone, then like the Risen, Mordrem, or Branded it would be a slow dwindle for the Affliction to be wiped out.


Of course that doesn't prevent the Afflicted to return in a different form: during the second act of Winds of Change, the Ministry of Purity had retrieved the blueprints for the Chalice of Corruption from the Am Fah, as the Chalice of Corruption was one of aforementioned "similar magics" which created Afflicted. The xenophobic Usoku and Minsitry of Purity could use the blueprints to create their own Chalice of Corruption to then artificially spread the Affliction to keep tyrannical dominance by spreading a pocket of Affliction in areas they want to wipe out for xyz reasons (rumored to house rebels, where foreigners live, to establish a consistent state of fear, etc.), which I think is actually hinted at in the Sunqua Peak Fractal.

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27 minutes ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

It was an extensive campaign and the entire purpose was to fully eliminate the Afflicted by scouring every corner of the city. We players only saw a tiny fraction of the tail end of a 9 year campaign to wipe out the Afflicted. It would utterly harm the narrative purpose of Winds of Change to retcon that notion, even if the Afflicted weren't wiped out when we were told they were, the Ministry of Purity wouldn't have stopped and wiped out any tiny pocket that gets rumored to appear - they were that zealous and focused on eliminating the Affliction.


And keep in mind that the Afflicted is not an actual plague - it was viewed as such before the reason for Affliction was discovered. It was a magical mutation caused by the presence of Shiro Tagachi or similar magic, and with Shiro gone, then like the Risen, Mordrem, or Branded it would be a slow dwindle for the Affliction to be wiped out.


Of course that doesn't prevent the Afflicted to return in a different form: during the second act of Winds of Change, the Ministry of Purity had retrieved the blueprints for the Chalice of Corruption from the Am Fah, as the Chalice of Corruption was one of aforementioned "similar magics" which created Afflicted. The xenophobic Usoku and Minsitry of Purity could use the blueprints to create their own Chalice of Corruption to then artificially spread the Affliction to keep tyrannical dominance by spreading a pocket of Affliction in areas they want to wipe out for xyz reasons (rumored to house rebels, where foreigners live, to establish a consistent state of fear, etc.), which I think is actually hinted at in the Sunqua Peak Fractal.

I honestly won't be surprised if the Ministry of Purity pulled that kind of stunt to keep the fear of foreigners and other species fresh in the minds of the people.

Considering the Commander and whoever will join him/her into Cantha maybe entering Cantha illegally by a certain sky pirate group, it stand to a certain point of view the Ministry of Purity may use such strategy to make Canthans want to maintain the isolation policy until the commander can prove the new Affliction is not brought into Cantha nor created by foreigners. 

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On 12/18/2021 at 3:15 AM, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Worse than I'd like, better than I'd feared.


Worse than I'd like, as much as I'd feared, personally.

They won't be able to manage that in-game. GW2's graphics can't create such quality, even with upgrading to dx11.

Canthans in only a decade have managed to surpass asura completely.

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1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Canthans in only a decade have managed to surpass asura completely.

In what way exactly?

  • Golems? Asuran have them
  • Holograms/holographic signs? Asura have them
  • TV like screens? Asura have them
  • Actual lights instead of torches and such? Asura have them
  • Attachments on mounts? Asura built the hoverbike for the Roller beetle.

Honestly, the Kaineng city image they show just looks like they took Rata Sum's tech, and just slapped it on Asian buildings. Nothing looks "surpassing" about it.

Not to mention we known nothing about how much of their tech was influenced by the Atherblades, who were using stolen Pact/Asuran tech in the first place.

Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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45 minutes ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Not to mention we known nothing about how much of their tech was influenced by the Atherblades, who were using stolen Pact/Asuran tech in the first place.

It seems to be entirely based on the scraps Mai picked up from Scarlet with "dragon jade" as a makeshift energy source.

Also, you're absolutely right, it's inferior to asuran technology in about every area and TBH it's not even on core game pact level let alone the current one.

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4 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

It seems to be entirely based on the scapes Mail picked up from Scarlet with "dragon jade" as a makeshift energy scouse.

And you're absolutely right, it's inferior to asuran technology in about every area and TBH it's not even on core game pact level.

I could totally see a scene where like Taimi just presses a button, and shuts down an area's dragonjade tech and is like "The Asura built the underlying tech for all of this, you really think we couldn't just hack it and turn it off?"

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On 11/3/2021 at 7:45 PM, EdwinLi.1284 said:

Well my best guess from the arts and character clothing design, it is going to be a mix of ancient china and high tech. 

Clothing wise, it does appear they kept a lot of GW1 style ancient china theme clothing but with GW2 development of Cantha certain people may have added some small jade tech to carry around. That unknown character in the EoD main page is probably a example of what we may expect to see when we enter Cantha. 

It is a design style I just call Ancient Tech China design which has the designs of buildings, locations, and clothing based around Ancient China designs but mixed tech into it. A theme design choice I see once in a while in certain Chinese Fantasy manhwa.

Yes, they are obviously catering to a younger, Asian action anime loving audience now, not to old-fashioned vets like me.

To each their own, I guess.

P.S. If this was a different game, one of the cyberpunk genre, I would totally be in awe over this. Just for the record. 😉

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:
  • TV like screens? Asura have them

Do they? I don't think I've seen a single television in Rata Sum. Holographic keyboards and notepads, yes.

But "in what way":
Continent-wide live-feed holo-network is the key thing that got mentioned (though not in such words, that is what they described). Whereas asura are stuck with pre-recorded single-terminal holographic messages.

And microwaves, apparently.

We'll no doubt see more, too.

And what see that the asura are known to match, we see so little of - whereas it's all over the place in Cantha, by the sounds of it.


And even then, there's the fact that Canthans are leaping to matching-or-surpassing asura with far, far less time to develop, and with no indication of it being based off of any pre-existing tech.

4 hours ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Not to mention we known nothing about how much of their tech was influenced by the Atherblades, who were using stolen Pact/Asuran tech in the first place.

Assuming that any of it actually was influenced by the Aetherblades. So far, there's no indication this is true, or even of the Aetherblades having gone to Cantha prior to EoD.

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1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Do they? I don't think I've seen a single television in Rata Sum. Holographic keyboards and notepads, yes.

But "in what way":
Continent-wide live-feed holo-network is the key thing that got mentioned (though not in such words, that is what they described). Whereas asura are stuck with pre-recorded single-terminal holographic messages.

And microwaves, apparently.

We'll no doubt see more, too.

And what see that the asura are known to match, we see so little of - whereas it's all over the place in Cantha, by the sounds of it.


And even then, there's the fact that Canthans are leaping to matching-or-surpassing asura with far, far less time to develop, and with no indication of it being based off of any pre-existing tech.

Yawn... call me when the Canthas have built multiple anti-gravity mega-cities like Rata Sum/Rata Primus, a continent wide gateway network of Asura Gates linking all major cities, communications devices that can reach across multiple continents, magical mega super devices on the scale of the Infinite Coil Reactor, and magical golem constructs on the scale of the Mark II Suppressor Golem.

Literally microwaves are the lest impressive, and lowest tech, thing out of anything shown. And the holographic messages are, from what was shown, a one way communication device. Taimi developed what is essentially mobile phones in GW2. Whose range can reach as far as from Vabbi to Rata Novus. The Cantha's holo messages are literally a lesser communication device, with a smaller range. The only reason the Asura don't have such a wide scope use is because they don't control a large enough area to install such a system in central Tyria.

1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Assuming that any of it actually was influenced by the Aetherblades. So far, there's no indication this is true, or even of the Aetherblades having gone to Cantha prior to EoD.

Yeah man, that Mai Trin and the Aetherblades vanished like 8 years ago, around the same time Cantha started getting technology thats exactly similar to the Asura, who the Aetherblades had members of, is just pure coincidence. And the Aetherblades JUST showed up in Cantha... which is why their banners are hanging over Kaineng city in the EoD trailer. Because they just instantly took over this super mega empire city by themselves somehow... yep.

I know you know that argument is a load of bologna.

Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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11 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Do they? I don't think I've seen a single television in Rata Sum. Holographic keyboards and notepads, yes.

Calling a holographic touch-screen a "Holographic keyboard" is quite the understatement.

11 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Whereas asura are stuck with pre-recorded single-terminal holographic messages.

We've seen asura talking through holographic projections of themselves, commenting in real time on what's happening on screen. Also, asuran holograms are more than mear "visuals". They can be used in combat and one of the big festivals in Tyria is essentially the player entering a virtual world. No matter how you look at it, from what has been shown thus far, Canthas "holo technology" is nowhere near as advanced the one the asura have and I seriously have to question whether or not anyone who claims the opposite has even played the game.

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I’d say the holodeck in S3 and portals to other lands and the mists and the waypoint tech would all be considered far more advanced than holographic billboards and screens.

I do think we need to temper frustrations and comments though. This is concept art which prob squeezes a lot of ideas into one place making it seem more advanced than perhaps it will feel. On top of that, we don’t have a full picture of context for all this tech - just bits and pieces. Maybe in the Jan stream, we will understand it better.

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On 12/20/2021 at 11:18 AM, Tails.9372 said:

We've seen asura talking through holographic projections of themselves, commenting in real time on what's happening on screen.

I do not recall this. Pre-recorded messages for intruders who get to certain locations we see in TA Aetherpath. But other than Taimi's communicator, there's no long distance real time communication, holographic or otherwise.

The closest I can think of is Joko's magical statues, an utterly different subject and lacking any kind of "tech" to its "magi".

On 12/20/2021 at 11:18 AM, Tails.9372 said:

Also, asuran holograms are more than mear "visuals". They can be used in combat and one of the big festivals in Tyria is essentially the player entering a virtual world.

Hard light holograms is a very recent development (literally part of the PS), and also parallel, not continuous, of hologram technology advancement, as it has nothing to do with long range communication. Especially instant lossless data communication, as implied. Only situation we see of that is the one-time instant hologram transfer Taimi sends us of her simulation of The All, which is above and beyond anything seen before and after, to the point I feel ANet didn't really consider its implications of tech level.

23 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I’d say the holodeck in S3 and portals to other lands and the mists and the waypoint tech would all be considered far more advanced than holographic billboards and screens.

It's not the billboards and screens so much as the long-range network, which asura lack outside of that one situation. They basically have satellite TV without the satellite, and could easily be closing in to internet levels of tech out of nowhere.

The jump in asura magitech from pre-HoT to post-HoT is also similarly jarring to me, all because of the "discovery of Rata Novus", an isolated foundation who's primary focus was studying Elder Dragons and ley-lines, not developing technology.

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But, if they can do long range networks with comms devices, waypoints, dimensional portals and other tech, it doesn’t seem unlikely that new networking tech can be devised. It may not be used in the same way elsewhere and you absolutely expect that, but it doesn’t feel out of place either. At least not so far and a better judgement can be made when it goes live and we can get a feel for it in context.

Technology advances at different rates.  In our world, We put people on the Moon before we even had mobile phones and internet. The situation in Cantha is very different than elsewhere and they will have developed different tech and newer foundations for that tech depending on the needs or motivations of their Nation. If Pact technology rose because different races and organisations pooled together to build what is needed for Tyria, I don’t really see why Cantha couldn’t have built different tech utilising the new Dragonjade and the skills of different peoples and groups for their own ends.

The basic idea of the technology isn’t out of place which is the important point. 

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On 12/19/2021 at 8:39 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Yes, they are obviously catering to a younger, Asian action anime loving audience now, not to old-fashioned vets like me.

To each their own, I guess.

P.S. If this was a different game, one of the cyberpunk genre, I would totally be in awe over this. Just for the record. 😉

Cantha existed since GW1 so even if you are a "vet" player, its not catering to a new audience simply because its Asian themed. As for the cyberpunk vibe, the Asura, Pact, and Aetherblades already perpetrate that to some degree or another, with the Aetherblades being the greatest offender. The Atherblades have also long been hinted to a connection to Cantha, which has been further confirmed in the XPact trailer. 

Edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679
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On 12/19/2021 at 10:34 PM, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

Yeah man, that Mai Trin and the Aetherblades vanished like 8 years ago, around the same time Cantha started getting technology thats exactly similar to the Asura, who the Aetherblades had members of, is just pure coincidence. And the Aetherblades JUST showed up in Cantha... which is why their banners are hanging over Kaineng city in the EoD trailer. Because they just instantly took over this super mega empire city by themselves somehow... yep.

I know you know that argument is a load of bologna.


1. Mai Trin is of Canthan descent.

2. The Aetherblades are a multiracial organization, and amongst their ranks are Asura.

3. Pact technology is built from the combination of the five major races' and three major orders' technology(Asura, Human, Charr, Norn, Sylvari, Vigil, Priory, Order of Whispers).

4. Under Scarlet's guidance, the Atherblades stole Pact tech and then combined it with Dredge, Flame Legion, Inquest, and Nightmare Court tech to create Aetherblade Tech.

5. Then the Atherblades went to Cantha and combined their tech with Dragon Jade to create Jade Tech.

Thus we have Modern Cantha, the pinnacle of technology. Honestly this feels very true to real life for me. To name just one example, the western world gave Asia trains, and they gave the world Bullet Trains, and later Maglev Trains.

Edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679
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