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Are there any other Personal Story characters who have much presence in the rest of the games story?

De Dominator.9834

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Been replaying the story and it struck me that Faren, who in the Human Noble Personal Story is introduced as your characters best friend and this guy goes on to appear everywhere throughout the rest of the game, but there no other characters from other Personal Stories who have as much of a presence after it, obviously theres characters like Rytlock, Logan, Caithe etc. and other side characters who will appear and you get introduced to in your Personal Story, but I am thinking about ones who the Player Character is supposed to have some personal relationship with, like the aforementioned Faren or Quinn from the Street Rat story or any of your Warband members from the Charr stories.


This isnt a complaint or anything, just curious if there are other familiar faces who pop up often that I might never have noticed.

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Many of them return in Heart of Thorns, but after that we don't really see them again. There are some exceptions like how the Grawl, Hylek and Skritt leaders doesn't return, but the Ogre and Quaggan leaders do.


Post-HoT the game's no longer about being the Pact Commander so the Personal Story line pretty much ends there.


Some Charr and Norn do return in Icebrood Saga, like Snarl & Galina. I think only one member of your Charr Warband returns, as (spoilers?) the rest have either died or defected.


Keep in mind that its been nearly a decade and you've left these people behind a long time ago.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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There are lots of characters that show up throughout the story.


Some of my favorites are Tegwen and Carys who first turn up in one of the early Sylvari stories, later on in a lvl 60 priory storyline, and ultimately during the advance into Orr, where Tegwen leads the Pale Reavers.


Then there's the gear warband of course, that first shows up in the early Norn storyline, and ultimately ends up in Orr, too.


Professor Gorr plays a prominent role in the asura racial storyline, but turns up again in later chapters, too, and Traherne himself is introduced in the Sylvari storyline long before the other races get to meet him on Claw Island.


There's also lots of other characters that turn up multiple times throughout the story. One of my favorites is Shashoo, who first turns up in the personal story quaggan chapter and goes on to leading a pact camp in the northwestern parts of Verdant Brink.


If you are interested in that kind of thing, create new characters and play through the different archs of the personal story. Once you know what you are looking for, you'll be surprised at how the familiar faces are woven all through the game 🙂 .

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Faren is only really a frequent character in a human noble's level 10-30 storyline, and other races and backgrounds have equivalent characters (Petra fills the same role for human commoners), charr probably have the most reoccurring characters in the early story because everyone you pick to join your warband will be seen later on. After that Faren has occasional appearances but it's usually 1 episode or a couple of scenes in different episodes per expansion/season. Probably his biggest role is as part of an event chain in HoT.

On that basis there are several reoccurring characters with similar roles, quite a few early personal story characters end up joining the Pact so they appear throughout the personal story. If an asuran character chooses the College of Statics at the start and to appeal directly to Grenth at the end of Against the Corruption their first krewe and their invention will be back.

After the personal story the main reoccurring characters are the ones who become Dragon's Watch, and members of Destiny's Edge, but others include Councillor Phlunt from the asuran personal story, Minister Caudecus from the human story, Laranthir of the Wild from the Vigil, and of course the leaders of the different races and nations.

I've been meaning for a while to work out the paths through the personal story which give you the most reoccurring characters, but I've never actually gotten around to it.

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Faren, Caithe and Rytlock likely are the ones with the most presence, as far as NPCs from the personal story are concerned.

Rytlock might even the NPC with the most presence overall.

Quinn appearing is problematic, as you can let him die in one scenario, if memory serves correctly.

I also read that the cache keepers at the end of the first Drizzlewood Coast meta are characters from the Charr player warbands.


Edited by Fueki.4753
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21 hours ago, De Dominator.9834 said:

Been replaying the story and it struck me that Faren, who in the Human Noble Personal Story is introduced as your characters best friend and this guy goes on to appear everywhere throughout the rest of the game, but there no other characters from other Personal Stories who have as much of a presence after it, obviously theres characters like Rytlock, Logan, Caithe etc. and other side characters who will appear and you get introduced to in your Personal Story, but I am thinking about ones who the Player Character is supposed to have some personal relationship with, like the aforementioned Faren or Quinn from the Street Rat story or any of your Warband members from the Charr stories.


This isnt a complaint or anything, just curious if there are other familiar faces who pop up often that I might never have noticed.

Rule #1 about PS characters: Any character who's fate is questionable, will 95% never return.

The sole exception is the charr warband members, who return in Drizzlewood very briefly, but the sparring partner only shows up if you're charr, and only stands around to chat in the main base - no actual story involvement.

But this means no Tiachren, no Quinn, half of the asura NPCs are MIA, etc.


Lord Faren is the most re-occurring side character, having roles in S1, S2, HoT, S3, PoF, and S4.


The Orr story has the most returns, followed by S2/HoT. After that, returns are very sparse and only when directly relevant to the plot. Even then, they're pretty much just cameos and hold no true pull in the story most of the time. To pull out some specifics...


Riot Alice showed up in S2E1, but in open world Prosperity which means she went MIA after S2E2 came out - said she was gonna head north (so to Silverwastes) but no sign of her after, not even in S3 that focused on the bandits/White Mantle plot, sadly.

The Exemplars Mehid and Salia from Unknown Parents show up briefly in S3E6.

Dead Sister Deborah shows up in Orr, along with the guy who waves to you in the human tutorial.

You have Cin Fusarai who returns in HoT and S3, and Baroness Jasmina (aka Faren's on-and-off girlfriend) and Baron Corone (aka side noble no one cares about and I didn't even remember) who also returns for HoT.

Jennah and Logan are obvious and mentioned Faren; that's the end of human PS characters returning (well aside from the OoW recruiter showing up in Chapter 6 PS briefly). But all six C1/C2 plots get mentioned in S3.

Lastly, there's the norn bodyguard of Julius, Eitel, who dies in that trial but inexplicably returns to life for Verdant Brink open world.


For charr, as mentioned the sparring partner will show up if you're charr, and the first recruit of each C1 plot shows up as Cache enemies - as does Cerosi Breaksteel from Blood storyline, and Castor Crushpaw from Ash storyline. From C2 charr storylines, the only characters to have a reoccurring role would be Rytlock (involved in every plot so far), Smodur (S1, S2, and IBS), and Seneca (S1).


For norn, the only returning characters off the top of my head are obviously Eir but also Havroun Weibe who shows up for Bjora Marches. And Biegarth (later PS, S1, S2, and HoT). Knut returned in S1, and Sigfast returned in both CM dungeon and IBS briefly.


Sylvari have the most returns after humans: Sariel (White Stag) and Morrigu (Shield of the Knight + open world) returns in TA story dungeon; and then Carys and Tegwen who show up for C6 and C8 of the PS. Riannoc makes a "return" in the Knight of the Thorn side-story content, and of course, Caithe and Trahearne and the Pale Tree.


For asura, you have the Statics krewe show up in Orr; Gorr shows up in Orr and S2 (briefly); Zojja is obvious; Kudu returns for dungeons; and then there's Haia - the councillor who was supposed to be dead but comes back in S3 alive and well somehow.


From the Orders storyline, the only returning cast I can think of is Demmi Beetlestone who returns briefly in S3E4.

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Well lore general direction dont create much oportunity  for recurring PS characters., since 1 - most of them are expansions on new areas 2-  anet clearly intends to decrease the Pact participation in everything.


POF was like a "big reset", because is on entire new continent, and we come here with few friends.


They missed some oportunities too, like bring back Priestess Rhie ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Priestess_Rhie ) on Dhumm raid development.


Another one i find fun(and interesting) to bring back ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gertrude_(Heart_of_Maguuma) )


The list is really big, if one day Anet become interested , they could start with lore NPC "stuck" in our home instance.

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Wait are we talking only about characters that the Commander may have known before the personal story. I might not understand the original posts questions. Like, the sylvari, only knows people newly introduces by the games story, well because Sylvari don't know anyone in the world at all at the beginning. In fact for sylvari, Caithe is the most personally known character because Caithe is the very first person the sylvari Commander ever knows and works with.


On 10/29/2021 at 12:23 PM, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

From the Orders storyline, the only returning cast I can think of is Demmi Beetlestone who returns briefly in S3E4.


General Almorra Soulkeeper from the Vigil and Ogden Stonehealer from the Durmand Priori, for which the Commander who joins one of those will have attained a rank near them and worked with (Priori commanders actually achieve the same rank as Ogden), are seen out and about the front and back lines of pact operations throughout post Zhaitan content. But if you only play the Order of Shadows, I can forgive your lapse in memory. My problem, however, is I don't even remember who leads the Order of Shadows (And actually I forgot who Gixx in the Priori is)...

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40 minutes ago, PseudoNewb.5468 said:

Wait are we talking only about characters that the Commander may have known before the personal story. I might not understand the original posts questions. Like, the sylvari, only knows people newly introduces by the games story, well because Sylvari don't know anyone in the world at all at the beginning. In fact for sylvari, Caithe is the most personally known character because Caithe is the very first person the sylvari Commander ever knows and works with.



General Almorra Soulkeeper from the Vigil and Ogden Stonehealer from the Durmand Priori, for which the Commander who joins one of those will have attained a rank near them and worked with (Priori commanders actually achieve the same rank as Ogden), are seen out and about the front and back lines of pact operations throughout post Zhaitan content. But if you only play the Order of Shadows, I can forgive your lapse in memory. My problem, however, is I don't even remember who leads the Order of Shadows (And actually I forgot who Gixx in the Priori is)...

Not knowing who is the Master of Whispers is, is one of the points of the organization in GW2. Even during the initial meeting before retaking Claw Island, the Order is represented by other high-ranking members.

As for the order of Shadows in Elona, we never met their leader as the commander. The only ones the commander interacts with are Agent Kito and Redeemer Kossan. I think it's important to distinguish between the commander in the story and the player adventurer outside of the story in this case, as the adventurer potentially met the Master of Shadows in the Desolation.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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It would be hard to bring some into the story, specially those who's fates depend on a choice you make in the personal story.

Quinn im most familiar with thanks to keyfarming.
Normally I would save him on actual character runs but on keyfarms I don't to save time.

If I remember right you can overhear dialogue somewhere in game saying that Quinn's body was found in pieces.. which is seriously dark for Gw2.
He was murdered and dismembered by Two Blade Pete, if I remember right that is.

Yeah here's the dialogue.

Citizen (1): You hear about a guy called Quinn? A bit of a rascal.
Citizen (2): Never met him.
Citizen (1): Well, now you never will. He ratted out Two-Blade Pete. They found half of him in the fountain and half of him in the lake.
Edited by Teratus.2859
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7 hours ago, PseudoNewb.5468 said:

General Almorra Soulkeeper from the Vigil and Ogden Stonehealer from the Durmand Priori, for which the Commander who joins one of those will have attained a rank near them and worked with (Priori commanders actually achieve the same rank as Ogden), are seen out and about the front and back lines of pact operations throughout post Zhaitan content. But if you only play the Order of Shadows, I can forgive your lapse in memory. My problem, however, is I don't even remember who leads the Order of Shadows (And actually I forgot who Gixx in the Priori is)...

I was mostly specifying minor characters, but yes I forgot about Priory and Vigil characters entirely and was mostly thinking OoW.

Almorra and Ogden I wouldn't consider minor, though I guess they could be considered such. Almorra briefly showing up in the epilogue of PS, then again in S3, S4, and IBS; Ogden showing up in post-epilogue PS (aka Arah dungeon), then in S2 and S4.

In addition, Laranthir returns in late PS, S1 (very briefly), and HoT. Similarly, Doern shows up momentarily in S2, as does Gixx from Priory. Kekt (also Priory) shows up in late PS.

And sadly, we cannot play as Order of Shadows, but Order of Whispers. 😉

As to who leads the Order of Shadows - that's the Master of Shadows we only meet in open world Desolation. Who leads the Order of Whispers, however, is Riel Darkwater, who shows up in PS' epilogue after Claw Island; publicly, its led by the three preceptors, of which Doern is one of (the other two are even less important, and all I remember is that they're a female charr and female sylvari).

6 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I think it's important to distinguish between the commander in the story and the player adventurer outside of the story in this case, as the adventurer potentially met the Master of Shadows in the Desolation.

As of Heart of Thorns, there isn't a distinction between the Commander and adventurer in the open world. All dialogue in open world from HoT onward treats your character as the Pact Commander, and the story even takes account the Commander galavanting around in the world during and after every LW episode.

6 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

If I remember right you can overhear dialogue somewhere in game saying that Quinn's body was found in pieces.. which is seriously dark for Gw2.
He was murdered and dismembered by Two Blade Pete, if I remember right that is.

Dismemberment is actually pretty tame for the "told not shown" lore side of Guild Wars.

I mean, just look at GW1's depiction of the Scarab Plague, that's some real dark stuff. Or how the mursaat treat their prisoners in Bastion of the Penitent.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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