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15 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

Soooo, Tolkien books were written in the 1940's, Ranger is circa 14th century or 500 years earlier.  Tolkien actually developed his world in his books by basing them upon the stories, fables and lore of European countries.  Grimm's Fairy Tales, published about 100 years before Tolkien (in 1810), is one of the first collected works of these stories that Tolkien would use. 


No justification, but rather, pointing out that Ranger has a different definition than what you were presenting, and it thereby doesn't associate with an exclusively 'ranged' playstyle.  


Show me one true example when does a Forest or Army ranger ever uses a hammer as a main weapon?


The first medieval rangers used mainly bows.

Then crossbows.

Then rifles, and up to current times have been using rifles, shotguns, and pistols.


You're trying to portrait something that just does not exist.

It isn't fact.

15 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

But you know who does have the most ranged playstyle options?  Mesmer and highlighted by it's new eSpec Vitruoso!!!  Maybe this is the prof you should consider playing in EoD over Ranger.


Well, this is a debate that you need to continue having with @Salt Mode.3780


Mesmer is a very complex business I just don't have the desire to get involved.


I apologise for that, but my issues with mesmer come from way way back.


If you'll excuse me; I'll sink into the background now.

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If Virtuoso wasn’t this bad, I would have bought the new XPac just for bunny thumper, that’s for sure. It was long due, that this company shows some respect for the oldest veterans. To bad they came up with such a low over all result and in generell left a very bad taste after all these years. Out of self respect I will wait, till this xpac is available in a third party reseller store. 


It’s sad to see the newer generation of this game not even knowing the basics and beginnings. Feels like the spirit finally died completely. Remarkable, what this company accomplished with gw1 and how the new devs ruined this franchise completely. 

For the nostalgic reasons I wanted also to mention: did you know that bunny thumper died in gw1 because ANet, typical as we know them, nerfed a key skill so that the damage output of it was only mediocre and not viable anymore? Now think about it. The devs that killed the complete franchise brought a build back which they killed 14 years ago lol



Toucher Ranger (Ranger / Necro) was played with scepter and focus

Later bunny thumper (Ranger / Warrior) was changed to Ranger / Paragon with spear and shield instead of hammer

Spirit Ranger with EoE was payed with staff and changed to bow or spear shield for mana regeneration or poke

Full beast master was often played with scepter shield

Dagger spammer was obviously played with daggers

Trapper was played with staff

Etc. etc. etc.


Ranger was one of the most versatile classes in gw1 due to expertise (reduced the mana costs of every skill) which allowed ranger to equip high mana skills of other classes. One of the many things that died with the introduction of gw2.

 And as I am writing this I have to say once more, gw1 was beyond its time and ANet made a kitten perfect job in defining classes back then.

Edited by Senqu.8054
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On 12/27/2021 at 9:49 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

A "Ranger" is a ranged class in my PoV.



On 12/27/2021 at 9:49 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

In My own personal choice and preference

well, you see

the best part is

game development doesn't care what you personally like or dislike

that's how all games work


and, more specifically, due to this topic, this is EXACTLY how e-specs were designed (or, supposed to, but ignoring current balance problems)


they were additions to change how classes can approach encounters by weaving in new concepts they lacked elsewhere; basically sublcassing in other games, which is what gw1 did, but that had a more blanket and generalized idea of how they went about doing it, where as in this game, it's going for more direct changes with a specific finesse in each tailored to what the devs wanted to add in (again, ignoring balance issues and how our own opinions affect it, and mirage being an absolute butt of a joke being "haha kaleidoscope goes brrrr" that the devs actually said out loud with their mouths because they're a mess)

On 12/27/2021 at 9:49 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

This thing of trying to feed you with a one-size-fits-all dynamic bologni... 


what in the absolute butts are you even getting at 

there is no "one size fits all" dynamic that anyone is trying to do or talk about

this is basic subclassing or umbrella classing in any game that ever existed 


the untamed what ever balance problems it has aside, is a huge melee CC beast, which ranger absolutely 100% does not have from sword or dagger or whatever you tried to bring up 

druid has immobilizes and some stuns but that's about it 

the way the hammer works with both soft and hard CC accents it in a way you never could have with existing ranger weapons and traits

(now, again, balances aside, because all of the e-specs we've seen have just..... so many... so many issues....) 


did rangers need it?
maybe not

but what's the other option?

your idea? of a freaking rifle or a pistol?

what, so that it could bring even more projectiles to the table????

that offers nothing new of value at all other than "but muh rifle skin", like you trying to bring up "scrappers different just because a wrench skin fits it" like w.a.t.d.o.e.s.t.h.a.t.h.a.v.e.t.o.d.o.w.i.t.h.a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.


your argument is all over the place 



e-specs were designed to bring something new to the table

your idea of rifle/pistol would do nothing but more of the same that already exists 10 times over, especially due to it being the exact same application: projectiles 

hammer can actually bring something ranger didn't have much of; disruption 

core ranger was damage, druid was healing/immob, and soulbeast was even more damage with some brawler-esque additions, and now untamed should add heavy melee CC and more brawly opportunities
(again, for the 50th time; balance design decisions aside) 

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18 hours ago, Alpha.1308 said:


well, you see

the best part is

game development doesn't care what you personally like or dislike

that's how all games work

Yes. Thank you einstein, for pointing out the obvious... and that's why a lot of people here are unhappy. 

But don't take my word for it.

Just visit mesmer section and see for yourself.

The majority of people will disagree with you.

They see it as they are paying costumers and demand to be heard.

I'm not even that fussed about it.

As I said, I will simply just not use it.

But there are a ton of people here that will give you a lot of flak in reply to what you are saying to me.

I dare you to try. If you have the guts.




and, more specifically, due to this topic, this is EXACTLY how e-specs were designed (or, supposed to, but ignoring current balance problems)

Ok. I'm not even sure I understand what you're trying to explain here. Just makes no sense to me. 



they were additions to change how classes can approach encounters by weaving in new concepts they lacked elsewhere; basically sublcassing in other games, which is what gw1 did, but that had a more blanket and generalized idea of how they went about doing it, where as in this game, it's going for more direct changes with a specific finesse in each tailored to what the devs wanted to add in (again, ignoring balance issues and how our own opinions affect it, and mirage being an absolute butt of a joke being "haha kaleidoscope goes brrrr" that the devs actually said out loud with their mouths because they're a mess)

what in the absolute butts are you even getting at 

there is no "one size fits all" dynamic that anyone is trying to do or talk about

this is basic subclassing or umbrella classing in any game that ever existed 


Not every game.

Not like this system they are using.

What this is... grabbing a med armour class that specialises mostly in ranged weapons and give it a hammer.

How can you not see the failure in this?


What else is there? You ask...

Was it too hard to make new weapons?

It requires just about the same amount of work...


Warrior is getting a second GS. Does that sound new and diverse to you?




the untamed what ever balance problems it has aside, is a huge melee CC beast, which ranger absolutely 100% does not have from sword or dagger or whatever you tried to bring up 

druid has immobilizes and some stuns but that's about it 

the way the hammer works with both soft and hard CC accents it in a way you never could have with existing ranger weapons and traits

(now, again, balances aside, because all of the e-specs we've seen have just..... so many... so many issues....) 


You seem to be particularly concerned about balance issues.

Then, how do you think a hammer is going to work for ranger?

It may be fine in pve.

But in wvw and pvp will get murdered mate.

Mark my works.

Do you think a Untamed will turn up in a wvw match with a hammer, against a blob and all enemies will just flee?

It's going to keep knocking all opponents down untill they are koed?

Untamed will be just another pve only class and that's reality.

It will be complete and utter useless in competitive modes.

It's a selfish class and offers nothing to a team.

A Guardian/Dragonhunter, a Reaper, a Weaver, a Thief, just to name a few, will make short work of it... even another ranger/soulbeast with a bow will have no problem with a warrior-wannabe such as untamed.


The Only decent hammer user is the Scrapper. 




did rangers need it?
maybe not

Not maybe, they defo didn't need it.

It's just unfortunate that ANet is trying to please that kind of costumer.

That is one thing that should have been left in the past.


but what's the other option?

your idea? of a freaking rifle or a pistol?


It would make a lot more sense.


what, so that it could bring even more projectiles to the table????


Why not? 

Don't you have enough melee weapons too?

Or is it that you hate rangers and are thinking that finally you can get up close and personal with them?

Because people are not seeing the real disaster this is going to be, and is that no one ever uses hammers for a good reason.

They are slow and useless, and ranger is going to be even worse with it.

So you really think that Bunnythumper thing is going to work in gw2?

It did in gw1 because the mechanics were totally different. 




that offers nothing new of value at all other than "but muh rifle skin", like you trying to bring up "scrappers different just because a wrench skin fits it" like w.a.t.d.o.e.s.t.h.a.t.h.a.v.e.t.o.d.o.w.i.t.h.a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.

Rather boring but sensible than trying to revive something that's never going to work.

What's with the sarcasm?

Are you trying to be funny?

Scrapper is the only class that has decent hammer skills.



your argument is all over the place 

I think you'll find that's you who's all over the place.

Talking about irrelevant issues, and trying to justify the use of hammer on ranger without any real or plausible facts.

That coming from a mesmer main trying to argue with a Ranger as one of my mains.




e-specs were designed to bring something new to the table

your idea of rifle/pistol would do nothing but more of the same that already exists 10 times over, especially due to it being the exact same application: projectiles 

hammer can actually bring something ranger didn't have much of; disruption 

core ranger was damage, druid was healing/immob, and soulbeast was even more damage with some brawler-esque additions, and now untamed should add heavy melee CC and more brawly opportunities
(again, for the 50th time; balance design decisions aside) 

...and here you are just repeating the same thing all over again.

So what argument did you offer so far other than balance, balance, and balance?


The only balance this Untamed is going to do, is that all other classes are going to be nerfed yet again so not to damage and hurt untamed too much... and try to accommodate it.

Is that what you want?


It's really sad that you instead of realising this, have focused more on trying to be funny, and failed anyways.


When you next decide to reply, can you at least make a little more effort rather than just typing a long essay and offer nothing but your own personal oppinion and sarcasm?

I'd really appreciate that; thank you very much.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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On 12/7/2021 at 1:33 PM, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:

Before they even do anything I'd like an explanation on why Mirage is the alac role for mesmer instead of chrono. You know, the espec that introduced alac in the first place?

Because Chronomancer still has alacrity built into it and has exclusive access to an alacrity enhancing trait. 


They just aren't the best at sharing alacrity (though they can still do it), which is perfectly fine.

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11 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

So what argument did you offer so far other than balance, balance, and balance?



11 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

When you next decide to reply, can you at least make a little more effort rather than just typing a long essay and offer nothing but your own personal oppinion and sarcasm?


did you just say

i offered




as an argument 

in a topic


the games



i mean

are you serious

like actually serious 

this has to be a prank or a wannabe "troll" type of thing you pull on people multiple times in random sub forums to bring up rangers in every topic, right?

no, it's not just "my personal opinion" that game balance is important to a game 

it's an "objective fact" that game balance is important to a game 

i'll give you the exact same thing you just said:

when you next decide to reply, can you at least make a little more effort rather than just typing a long essay and offer nothing but your own personal opinion?


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7 minutes ago, Alpha.1308 said:



did you just say

i offered




as an argument 

in a topic


the games



i mean

are you serious

like actually serious 

this has to be a prank or a wannabe "troll" type of thing you pull on people multiple times in random sub forums to bring up rangers in every topic, right?

no, it's not just "my personal opinion" that game balance is important to a game 

it's an "objective fact" that game balance is important to a game 

i'll give you the exact same thing you just said:

when you next decide to reply, can you at least make a little more effort rather than just typing a long essay and offer nothing but your own personal opinion?


This is really going nowhere fast, is it?

I presented you with many facts about Untamed. 

You obviously didn't read my last post, so there's not really any point in continuing this discussion. 

As you said, ANet doesn't really care about our oppinion, so why should it matter to you anyways?

It's not like it's going to change anything, is it?


By the way, you're the one who replied to my post, not the other way around.

...and it's not the first time.

You seem to be drawned in contradicting everything I post on this forum for some strange reason.


My post was a direct agreement to OPs.


Anyways, enjoy Untamed when it is released.

You and all the Bunnythumpers out there; so stay cool, be well, but please refrain from replying to me directly in the future.

Thank you very much.



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Alot of negative comments on here about Chrono, but I love it. Who doesn't like pressing every single skill on their bar, weaponswapping and casting the rest then shattering all their clones and using their elite skill, putting literally everything on cooldown to do what another class does with one keypress?


I think damage-wise, class balance in this game is pretty good. But as far as support goes, its way out of whack.

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On 12/27/2021 at 12:36 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

If you'll excuse me; I'll sink into the background now.


14 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You obviously didn't read my last post, so there's not really any point in continuing this discussion. 


14 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You and all the Bunnythumpers out there; so stay cool, be well, but please refrain from replying to me directly in the future.

Thank you very much.

uh huh

14 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

My post was a direct agreement to OPs.

Yes, the first thing you said, and since then you have "hammered' on the Ranger. 

You want Ranger to be something specific and are gonna shout down everyone until they either agree with you or stop replying?  As others have said, go cry in the Ranger forums rather than derailing a thread in the Mesmer forums.   Untamed sucks, who cares, move on with your life.

Edited by Mungo Zen.9364
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On 12/27/2021 at 5:15 PM, Senqu.8054 said:

 I would have bought the new XPac just for bunny thumper

Well boy are you in for a disappointment. You'd have to find another reason to buy EoD, because if you bought it for just the Untamed spec, I'd say you should get a refund.

I agree that alac should be given to chrono, but I'm not sure what mirage should get. I'm thinking a bit of stab+aegis - sure, FB can still do more of it more easily, but at least this way perhaps mirage can bring some very sought-after utility in the event that you're short on FBs.

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54 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Well boy are you in for a disappointment. You'd have to find another reason to buy EoD, because if you bought it for just the Untamed spec, I'd say you should get a refund.

I agree that alac should be given to chrono, but I'm not sure what mirage should get. I'm thinking a bit of stab+aegis - sure, FB can still do more of it more easily, but at least this way perhaps mirage can bring some very sought-after utility in the event that you're short on FBs.

As for what to give Mirage it could use its dodge back and some actual balance WITH two dodges in consideration, that said, if we are talking about what to give alacmirage it just needs either fill in the same gaps in 5 and 10 man comp that alacren does (100% alac, loads of CC & utility[50% reduced condi damage to party, etc], group might, stability, etc) or it needs to have better dps and still give 10 man alac to give it a reason to be wanted in place of alacren/rr/condalacren that makes them both so good that either is able to work into most 10 or 5 man raid and fractal comps. Otherwise giving it alac is pretty pointless and just gives it enough that it doesnt get totally maligned in TL, math and SH by a full vipers renegade running RR. As it stands the go to is STILL renegade for alac for good reason. People need equally strong, if not better, reasons to run Mirage as an alternative or Mirage will just remain in the kitten niche place it is at present.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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4 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:



uh huh

Yes, the first thing you said, and since then you have "hammered' on the Ranger. 

You want Ranger to be something specific and are gonna shout down everyone until they either agree with you or stop replying?  As others have said, go cry in the Ranger forums rather than derailing a thread in the Mesmer forums.   Untamed sucks, who cares, move on with your life.


...and you are giving out very constructive comments about either Virtuoso or otherwise.


Enough said.

Follow your own advice.

Get on with your life and stop spamming.


Apologies to forum moderators, but you know it had to be said.

Some people cannot see their own actions.


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7 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Well boy are you in for a disappointment. You'd have to find another reason to buy EoD, because if you bought it for just the Untamed spec, I'd say you should get a refund.

I agree that alac should be given to chrono, but I'm not sure what mirage should get. I'm thinking a bit of stab+aegis - sure, FB can still do more of it more easily, but at least this way perhaps mirage can bring some very sought-after utility in the event that you're short on FBs.

The problem here is, believe it or not, Chrono can actually Aegis spam as good as Firebrand. When you take the Chaos Storm trait, the Staff CD trait, and have permanent Alac, that's 3x Aegis field spams every 20sec or so combined with the Well, and the occasional Continnum Split or signet Distortion giving Aegis too.


They also have Stability output with the Mantra on Core Mesmer already, which is also quite spammable with perma Alac. (Remember, Chrono has a very strong Alacrity from the trait that boosts it).


So I'm not sure giving these two boons to Mirage would help their identity at all. In fact I'm not sure what Mirage's identity even is, beyond "damage". Sure, they bring in quite a bit of support from Core Mesmer, but in most cases its just that--Core support Mesmer with some extra fluff.

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20 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Well boy are you in for a disappointment. You'd have to find another reason to buy EoD, because if you bought it for just the Untamed spec, I'd say you should get a refund.

I stated that the overall results are an disappointment you just cut that part out of your reply. And, no I haven’t bought it because i don’t see the justification for it. But to be honest: for PvP- and WvW-only players, ESpecs are the only content the expansions offers beside some armor stats. So yes, I will buy expansions just for the ESpecs they offer and since I’m mesmer main and played gw1 since basically day 1, I would buy an expansion, and even the special edition, if a) the Mesmer spec is good and interesting enough and b) other specs consist of builds from gw1. But again, it’s a huge disappointment that the results are just not good enough to justify an purchase. 


20 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

I agree that alac should be given to chrono, but I'm not sure what mirage should get. I'm thinking a bit of stab+aegis - sure, FB can still do more of it more easily, but at least this way perhaps mirage can bring some very sought-after utility in the event that you're short on FBs.


Personally, I don’t see the need to overthrow mirage with group boon support tbh. From a PvP view mirage had its place being the thief/daredevil equivalent and chrono was perfect being support. And in my point of view, even the thematical designs have fitted for the roles they should fulfill. (I don't want to say, however, that the skills and everything else from mirage is not more like mesmer 2.0). Why not stay with these roles: vigor ferocity and might for mirage, alacrity quickness and utility for chrono? Maybe I’m just in the opinion that mirage shouldn’t be a support in the first place. 

Edited by Senqu.8054
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5 minutes ago, Senqu.8054 said:

Personally, I don’t see the need to overthrow mirage with group boon support tbh. From a PvP view mirage had its perfect place being the thief/daredevil equivalent and chrono was perfect being support. And in my point of view, even the thematical designs have fitted perfectly for the roles they should fulfill. Why not stay with these roles: vigor ferocity and might for mirage, alacrity quickness and utility for chrono? Maybe I’m just in the opinion that mirage shouldn’t be a support in the first place.

I really don't want to see mirage in a support role, either. I just dislike the chokehold FB has on the general "let your group ignore mechanics" support, plus the factors that ANet seems unwilling to really revisit chrono (at least in a positive way) and that many mirage players aren't happy with where their spec is at... yeah, it isn't a good picture. It's really just slapping important boons on random classes just because, which doesn't seem far from what ANet is doing anyways. 

But I agree, fundamentally - I'd much rather see mirage as a dps spec, that perhaps gets some offensive boon share, while chrono leans even further into the time-bending group support class. I think a lot of the poor direction in the pve mesmer department came from the dominance of pre-nerf quickness to the point where chronojail was (and still is, to an extent) a thing.

As for my bunny thumper comment, I was aware of your GW1 experience in the rest of your post. In fact, you explicitly mention the one thing that should have made it obvious to you that bunny thumper simply cannot exist in GW2 - the expertise line reducing mana costs; as you note, that resource system and rangers' ability to cheat it are both gone in GW2. Which makes it all the more confusing why you'd ever say something like you'd buy EoD just for the return of the thumper. GW2 ranger in general suffers from a long history of poor treatment, with Untamed looking like just the most recent slap in the face to ranger mains. It's certainly not a selling point of EoD, that's for sure.

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1 hour ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

As for my bunny thumper comment, I was aware of your GW1 experience in the rest of your post. In fact, you explicitly mention the one thing that should have made it obvious to you that bunny thumper simply cannot exist in GW2 - the expertise line reducing mana costs; as you note, that resource system and rangers' ability to cheat it are both gone in GW2.

Hmm i find the expertise statement not quite true. There is a lot of things you try to mix up now. As you stated the two systems are not comparable which makes any discussion about whether mana costs would influence the viability of gw2 bunny thumper obsolete.

But for the notes: gw1 ranger used a lot of high mana skills of other classes, but bunny thumper in fact not so much. The high mana skill bunny thumper uses is „rampage as one“, which is a ranger skill and costs 25 mana (I don’t have to look it up btw I still know it). 

In generell I find in quite annoying why it’s always a discussion about the game system of gw1 and gw2 rather then the concept in generell. I mean no one is fantasizing that a mana system or the dual class system will be introduced in gw2 in the first place. It’s more like: 

GW1 Bunny thumper was build around melee-attack speed to get hammer skills up as fast as possible to snare, knock back, knock down and dps with pet on ccd enemy's. I don’t see why this concept wouldn’t fit in a game like gw2 in special from a PvP point of view. In the end it was a typical beast master with a freakin hammer (The hammer just made it iconic and special and btw made guild wars in generell so much more interesting)

Same happened to chrono and the concept of fast casting: part of Mesmers identity was to cast and recharge skills faster. Quickness and alacrity brought this back in gw2-style. Or backfire and confusion. It’s the same concept of a mechanic but implemented in another system. Kitten, Overwatch did the same with Dota2 and league of legends characters and this is a top down vs a fps. But somehow here in gw2 it can’t be imagined getting a hammer wielding beast master „because it’s not the same system“. No wonders that the concept of mesmer got lost in transition and ended up as mage.

Mesmer is about deception, mind games and control. But somehow if you say you want more of this concept like we had it in gw1 it’s impossible because No MaNaSyStEm. ??? Yes sure, better complaining that every new espec is a copy of already implemented mechanics. How paradox.

1 hour ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Which makes it all the more confusing why you'd ever say something like you'd buy EoD just for the return of the thumper. GW2 ranger in general suffers from a long history of poor treatment, with Untamed looking like just the most recent slap in the face to ranger mains. It's certainly not a selling point of EoD, that's for sure.

Why? It doesn’t cancel my statement out. I would buy an expansion if the especs are made well, where is the problem with it? I don’t know if I misunderstand you but right now I feel like you try to get me saying I’m satisfied with the outcome of the especs, which I’m not. I clearly stated it now 3 times. My point is: I would buy the expansions, if just 1 single espec would be interesting enough, which is clearly not the case. Bunny thumper was a nice attempt but the overall outcome is still very disappointing to me and to Basic for gw2. (Now for the 4 time).

Edited by Senqu.8054
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