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Am I alone in having guild issues?

Sir Arigius.6294

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I think I have a major issue regarding guilds. The longest commitment I made was several years after 2013. It wasn't a big guild. It was fairly small and I left due to it being inactive. 


Since then I've floated from guild to guild. I have come to the conclusion that I'm that member who doesn't stick around long. 


I haven't been able to find a guild that does a a lot of group stuff or around the clock activity. The ones I joined were active certain times of the week or were for late night players. So as soon as the guild went dormant after a few days.  I'd check out and go guildless & see if there was one that had more activity.


There was one. But the guild leader was condescending and I didn't like her attitude towards me. I didn't argue, I left.  She made a lot of claims about her guild being the best at this and that. I'm sure it was true. But it wasn't very social. Just a lot of rude people including her. 


Maybe what I'm wanting is unobtainable or perhaps I have imaginary high standards of what I want in a guild. Maybe I'm lacking an understanding of what normal guild behavior is. 


I'm just wondering if I'm the only one. I really want to find a guild where I fit in. Maybe there isn't. 


I get along fine with random players in PVE and WvW. I just cant seem to find that in a guild.


What does everyone else think?

Edited by Sir Arigius.6294
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I am since the start of the game I'm in a small guild that is sometimes more active and sometimes less active.
Besides this guild, I have often tried to find guilds that meet my needs. But mostly it came down to the fact that the guild was too big and I simply perished because I'm not the type who is super loud and constantly asks for things. Or medium-sized guilds, which in the end were also just mass guilds or had strange people with whom I did not get along. Because it is surprising how many men in GW2 correspond to the typical gamer type, if you join as a woman.

That's why I stayed in the end effect with my small guild, with which I do here and there things. Through this I also came into a raid guild, where I have met some nice people with whom I do now and then what.

So mostly I play with friends that I met in GW2. Especially with one very good friend which i know, since i started GW2.
That's what I get along best with. Since I also often have phases in which I do not play and that alone is a reason for exclusion for many guilds.

Therefore my tip. Guilds can be great, but it is more important to have fun ^^. Personally, I'm just not the type for larger groups. I always liked it better to have a small group of friends, with whom you get along but really really good also RL.

Even though it's called Guild Wars 2, I think GW2 is an MMO that you can play without a guild. I often found it even more relaxed to pug, because I have long worked in shifts and am generally rather a night owl. And I personally think that there are not so many things in GW2 that you can really do with more people. Unless of course you're the super patient type who can do world exploration, story, ect. with friends ^^.

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Since a lot has been said already, I have only one last advice for you: we get five guild slots, so make use of them. 🙂 Each guild has its pros and cons, so see that all aspects that are important to you are covered.

This! During my very active phase in GW2 I had occupied all of them, where each guild represented a part of the game for me. Which at that time were WVW, guild missions and raids/fracs(and my own storage guild+my permanent guild that I told about).

There are many guilds that do not have a representation requirement. And often you get to know nice people in the guild or in a detour with whom you end up playing more than with the guild itself. At least that was always the case for me. So you can build a small circle for your needs.

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3 hours ago, Sir Arigius.6294 said:

I'm just wondering if I'm the only one. I really want to find a guild where I fit in. Maybe there isn't. 


I get along fine with random players in PVE and WvW. I just cant seem to find that in a guild.

Guilds aren't really that much different from making friends in real life. If you join a group somewhere, no matter if it's a football team, a bridge club, or a group of regulars at the local pub, you are bound to encounter people that you get along with, those that you are indifferent to, and those you can't stand. Having the same hobby doesn't automatically mean you get along and are good friends with people.


You need to give people time, to get to know them and let them get to know you. If you join a guild of people that have known each other for a while, it's natural that it takes a while for you to really belong. Also, just because they all have the same hobby doesn't mean they are all online and interested in group content at the same time. Give it time, ask others to join you for activities, but don't despair if people don't jump right away. They're here for their own entertainment, too 😉 .


Lastly, as others already said, use the different guild slots to find guilds for different needs. Sometimes interests overlap, sometimes they don't. One guild may have people that like to play dungeons/fractals/raids, the next one is big on open world events, and the third has people that like to pvp together. Guilds in this game often are not an exclusive community doing everything together, but rather an open community focussing on specific parts of the game. It's really not much different to being a member of several clubs for different offline hobbies 🙂 .

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If you're looking for groups to play with around the clock then you're probably going to need to join more than 1 guild. I don't think there's that many people who can be online all day, every day and the ones that can aren't likely to all be in the same guild.

So I think you'll have a better chance if you work out the times when you're most active and look for guilds which between them cover all that time. Then when one guild starts going offline you can switch to playing with another.

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I've been in many guilds in the past and still am in few. I have spend a lot of time in organising stuff, but these efforts where not always appreciated as much as I expected. Now I'm in a few farming guilds and a guild for some very close friends who are not playing very often.

My advice is:
1: look at what you want to from playing a game like this and what you seek in it?
2: What kind of guild can have an extended value for this?

Keep in mind that being in a guild means you are part of a community. So it will never go fully your way.
I have seen too many times people who expect guildmembers to be active and available when they want to do game mode X or Y, but who are never available when someone needs them.

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Haha I think I can relate to this post.  I recognize it's a problem on my end, to old for the same guild crap, too burnt from past guild drama cycles in other MMOs.  My patience for it has become very thin for some reason.

Weird because I can go through hours of sPVP toxicity with random bullies and be totally fine, but the smallest slight bothers me in a guild interaction and I'm just outta there, french exit style.

Edited by CaffeeCup.5742
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My experience with running a guild (never too big, we maxed out around 110 players) is that the vast majority of players who join up when they see recruitment mapmsgs only do so to see what they can get from that guild. Some expect specific activities in specific timeslots, others expect help with achievements/story/fractals/raids/whatever, others expect help with their legendary crafting... but very few actually want to be part of a community and collaborate. A quick tell for this is asking new recruits to join Discord. If they care about meeting people there's no issue with that, but most will avoid or delay it as much as possible.


The result is that very few people (sometimes only the guild leader) are willing to organize activities, donate to guild hall, help others, and when said person gets tired of the entitled genpop expecting them to do everything without help, the guild begins dying off.

Finding a good core group of players who actually enjoy playing together, who want to help out other players, coordinate activities, help develop the guild hall, or even just chat on Discord while doing their own things, is hard, takes a lot of time and quite a bit of luck.


If you find such people, value them and cultivate the friendship because it's a rare thing.

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Well I have been in the same guild for 6 years. I have seen good times and bad, lots of activity to hardly any. I have never been in any guild that is busy 24/7. Yet in this one guild... I have made some amazing friends. So far what I see is you are not interested in friendships which is going to give you many issues in find stability in a guild. If you just want to play and dont care about relationships then join an active/big guild. You can sign up for events and just play... dont join Medium to small ones because they will lean more casual and the connections are more than just GW2. We have several allied guilds we play with for the past 5 years, I am friends with many vet players and even commanders (I WvW 95% of the time). 

I am not sure you will find a guild with everything, but find one that best fits it and get involved. 

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I ran guilds and been in guilds. I have met people I liked and disliked. 
Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. If you have standards for people or things you enjoy. Dont lower them. Life and this includes games(which are a hobby) has a funny way of surprising you sometimes. Just keep an open mind. I hope you find a kind and loving guild to connect with whom you cherish. Happy holidays.

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