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Teammate targeting.


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Please ANet, consider disabling the option of targeting your own teammates during ranked matches.

It has absolutely no positive function, it can't help a team in any way, it's only damaging. 


1 It's only used by toxic trash to insult other players on their team - and they really don't need help doing that, they do it just great with chat alone;

2 It removes the target from the opponent team should be prioritising.


I mostly say this for the sake of others, as when I'll be done with the Ascension I will probably never set foot in ranked PvP again. 

It's already a psychological torture as it is, maybe for once ANet could try to do something to protect their players' health from bullies who should be focusing on playing, rather than causing harm to others. 


Also, pro tip: if you guys explain others what they are doing wrong, instead of insulting them, they could learn and improve, instead of keeping to make the same mistakes, but with their mind blurred by bitterness and discouragement. My two cents.

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Its actually really funny, I have my team chat disabled due to team chat being what it is in wvw. The first time someone targeted me from my own team in spvp (well maybe the 2nd or 3rd), it actually occurred to me that my team chat is disabled. I enabled it to read what was going on, and yeah, I'll keep team chat disabled 🙂

I just ignore the targeting (and map chat honestly), its usually p2+ players salty that they are on the losing team (weirdly they arent salty when they are on the winning one and stomped the other team 100 to 500).

No reason to disable it, pvp players like that will find a way to let you know how much you suck and bla bla.

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16 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Its actually really funny, I have my team chat disabled due to team chat being what it is in wvw. The first time someone targeted me from my own team in spvp (well maybe the 2nd or 3rd), it actually occurred to me that my team chat is disabled. I enabled it to read what was going on, and yeah, I'll keep team chat disabled 🙂

I just ignore the targeting (and map chat honestly), its usually p2+ players salty that they are on the losing team (weirdly they arent salty when they are on the winning one and stomped the other team 100 to 500).

No reason to disable it, pvp players like that will find a way to let you know how much you suck and bla bla.

When you get target by a player it's a lot of reasons, main reason you are sitting in the wrong location, it happens me quite a lot of times that I have far secured but people are still running to me because they don't look at the minimal. Same happens in a 2vs1 where a + to Mr is stupid instead of using the possibility to outnumber somewhere else on the map. Next reason might be, to tell the people to peel you, because you are on many cooldowns and low life. Rez we already have and a target by mistake also happens, lastley because of toxicness but before I would check out the other possibilities. 

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2 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

When you get target by a player it's a lot of reasons, main reason you are sitting in the wrong location, it happens me quite a lot of times that I have far secured but people are still running to me because they don't look at the minimal. Same happens in a 2vs1 where a + to Mr is stupid instead of using the possibility to outnumber somewhere else on the map. Next reason might be, to tell the people to peel you, because you are on many cooldowns and low life. Rez we already have and a target by mistake also happens, lastley because of toxicness but before I would check out the other possibilities. 

I'd like to point out; it's the person doing the marking that thinks the mark is at fault.

I have definatly myself been too quick to call out what think is the correct move. That does not mean it is correct.

Now I'm sure you aren't such a person. But even in an example of someone overrotating into you, they might be doing it to swap matchup, wich could be the correct move.


I don't think the feature should be disabled, but If a Monkey decides to throw their Gunk at me I'd like to be able to wash it off, or ignore future monkeycalls.

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19 hours ago, Silvia.9130 said:

Please ANet, consider disabling the option of targeting your own teammates during ranked matches.

It has absolutely no positive function, it can't help a team in any way, it's only damaging. 

You are wrong, Friendly targeting helps to marks something who needs to be helped keep in eye on. In PVP is less common but in WvW it is used to mark the party leader.
With future specs in EoD like Scpecter (and i hope Anet gives the same treatment to Druid)  the feature will be even part of their mechanic. 

19 hours ago, Silvia.9130 said:

Also, pro tip: if you guys explain others what they are doing wrong, instead of insulting them, they could learn and improve, instead of keeping to make the same mistakes, but with their mind blurred by bitterness and discouragement. My two cents.

That is correct and that should have been you main point. But that has nothing to do with limiting the tools the players have at their disposal. 

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On 1/15/2022 at 6:12 PM, Silvia.9130 said:

Please ANet, consider disabling the option of targeting your own teammates during ranked matches.

It has absolutely no positive function, it can't help a team in any way, it's only damaging. 

I'm going to shatter your wordview, hold onto something! Targeting can be used to direct your teammates attention. If that attention need to go to one of your teammates, you target them. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

2 of you at close, you can hold the enemy pushing in 1v1? You target your teammate to signal them to leave. Your guardian has Mercyful Intervention, taking heavy damage? You target your teammate who's most advantageous to teleport to. Your teammate is downed on an obscure location? Make them more visible by... I could write an entire book just by listing these possible situations.

You can use most tools in a way it's not intended. If someone wants to grief, they will find a way. If you remove players ability to target their own, they will just do something else. Life is full of minor annoyances, if some -REDACTED- in your team is throwing a fit and tries to annoy you, though. The match will end, you'll lose and Q up for another one in 5 minutes.

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On 1/15/2022 at 5:12 PM, Silvia.9130 said:

Please ANet, consider disabling the option of targeting your own teammates during ranked matches.

It has absolutely no positive function, it can't help a team in any way, it's only damaging. 


1 It's only used by toxic trash to insult other players on their team - and they really don't need help doing that, they do it just great with chat alone;

2 It removes the target from the opponent team should be prioritising.


I mostly say this for the sake of others, as when I'll be done with the Ascension I will probably never set foot in ranked PvP again. 

It's already a psychological torture as it is, maybe for once ANet could try to do something to protect their players' health from bullies who should be focusing on playing, rather than causing harm to others. 


Also, pro tip: if you guys explain others what they are doing wrong, instead of insulting them, they could learn and improve, instead of keeping to make the same mistakes, but with their mind blurred by bitterness and discouragement. My two cents.


I tag my team mates everytine I want their attention.. for peel rez or to be one to cap or movie. It's instant communication and 99% of time u tagged by team mate it will be for them reasons.

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Depends on the chemistry between teammates. If friendly and the match is close or us leading, targeting often means assist/rez/spread-out/


It's also easier to tag teammate sitting on a node to leave node for a sec and help the team fight not far away coz losing it will yield a far worse outcome than gaining the few points from capping then losing it shortly after.


For tagging the teammate to get off the treb, 



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