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Legendary Trinket


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They really want you to win 125 games in one season to get this thing? I thought this game wasn't grindy? That's like hours upon hours of playing. Is the audience for this item people that don't have jobs? I win like under 50% of the games I play. Where else can I go that I can get these trinkets? 

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2 minutes ago, Ragnarvor.2351 said:

They really want you to win 125 games in one season to get this thing? I thought this game wasn't grindy? That's like hours upon hours of playing. Is the audience for this item people that don't have jobs? I win like under 50% of the games I play. Where else can I go that I can get these trinkets? 

If you did flying mount achievement line where they put a scavenger hunt in a scavenger hunt in the elon desertlands to find that ladies equipment you should've known what you where getting into.

To this day i do not have a flying mount and i never will. Game isn't grindy to get started but its definitely grindy for glory items that aren't needed but nice.

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I did get skyscale, it had a lot of activities true, but they were all different. Playing the pvp matches against guard/ranger/necro is honestly more than I can handle solo. I just wanted the cool bubbles floating around with the town in it. Maybe this is the reason why people use bots in the game so they don't have to actually grind it out.

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19 minutes ago, Ragnarvor.2351 said:

They really want you to win 125 games in one season to get this thing? I thought this game wasn't grindy? That's like hours upon hours of playing. Is the audience for this item people that don't have jobs? I win like under 50% of the games I play. Where else can I go that I can get these trinkets? 

You don't have to win 120 games within 1 season. You can progress the achievement over the course of multiple seasons.

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1 minute ago, Aelio.6390 said:

And let's not talk about how this legendary is now useless as you can get one for free without having to pay a kitten mystic tribute ... I feel totally stupid for having done the PvP one when it came out as I mainly PvE and PvP on the sides ...

   Nah, I started Trascendence a bit before the PvE storyline leg amulet was announced and kept focused in PvP; was way easier than doing things that I dislike in PvE. Is all matter of tastes.

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I'm just disappointed that there isn't a PvP ring to go alongside Conflux, despite it being a popular request.


Think about it, they gave you an amulet. In a game mode where amulets are  replaced, and the cosmetic Enrichment doesn't even show up because of that. Terrible lack of foresight.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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15 hours ago, Ragnarvor.2351 said:

They really want you to win 125 games in one season to get this thing? I thought this game wasn't grindy? That's like hours upon hours of playing. Is the audience for this item people that don't have jobs? I win like under 50% of the games I play. Where else can I go that I can get these trinkets? 

some people are different.
you think 125 wins in a season is too much and then there is me spending over 40 hours making a massive hole and making a painting inside of my friends house in terraria.
what takes "long" is relative from person to person

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16 hours ago, Aelio.6390 said:

And let's not talk about how this legendary is now useless as you can get one for free without having to pay a kitten mystic tribute ... I feel totally stupid for having done the PvP one when it came out as I mainly PvE and PvP on the sides ...

Can ANET refund some of the kitten costs for players who made this useless pvp trinket?

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22 hours ago, Ragnarvor.2351 said:

They really want you to win 125 games in one season to get this thing? I thought this game wasn't grindy? That's like hours upon hours of playing. Is the audience for this item people that don't have jobs? I win like under 50% of the games I play. Where else can I go that I can get these trinkets? 

there is a pve trinket now, i think the achievment is "season of the dragons" or something like that


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On 1/27/2022 at 3:39 PM, Crozame.4098 said:

Can ANET refund some of the kitten costs for players who made this useless pvp trinket?


Apparently, from what I have read, we can go fly to the moon and back for all they care...

We can dream it will happen... Their rule seems to be "we reimburse when you did TWICE the SAME legendary". So twice Bolt for instance, but if you made the Legend and Nevermore, then get a scredriwer to use on yourself basically 🙂


So unless someone in Anet develop a sharper sense of compassion and foresight, it will not happen ...


Love the point you made - it is so obvious I didn't think of how ludicrous it is !

On 1/27/2022 at 12:57 AM, Hannelore.8153 said:

Think about it, they gave you an amulet. In a game mode where amulets are  replaced, and the cosmetic Enrichment doesn't even show up because of that. Terrible lack of foresight.


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