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GTX 730 vs GTX 1030

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1 hour ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Will an overclocked 1030 be a significant upgrade to framerate from a 730 in Guild Wars 2? Right now I'm on the lowest settings with a 730, and it STILL doesn't run well. Also, streaming and recording take away some fps, and I want to do those things.

The way I hear it is most of the frame rate issues are server side. You might see some improvements, but they have engine issues I think. Hopefully someone that pays attention more than 10% of the time will get in here, though.

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193% better effective speed according to gpu userbenchmark.

But 1030 is expensive compared to what you get.

I would just buy a used GPU and get better performance for 1/3 or 1/4th of the price (or so) of the gt 1030

A good tip when looking at used GPU's and figuring out what's best value for your money

Search in google: GT 730 vs (insert GPU), results from benchmarks sites will show up, and see how well the GPU you're looking at compares.

Though do keep in mind to not buy way to old GPU's.

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There are two versions of the 1030 - the DDR4 version which is absolute horsekitten and a disgrace of a card that should never have been produced because its not worth the silikon ots made of and the DDR5 version which in super budget garbage range is at least tolerable. The DDR5 version is 2-3x faster than the DDR4 version. Not sure how good it would be at streaming and recording though. I'm guessing extremely poor.

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Honestly just get a Ryzen APU with Vega 11 if you are looking at weak GPUs lower than GTX 950/GTX 1050...
GTX 1050 is basically double the performance of a GT 1030 and even GTX 950 is about 80% faster than GT 1030.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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The game is cpu bound not gpu bound, from what it looks like you have a very poor cpu. I am just low balling it here but I could be wrong, is it an fx series then that is your problem not the gpu.

Also 1030 is pretty bad to be honest, you're better off getting a 970 or a 9080ti or even a 1060 if you want to go pascal.

From reading your post what you really want is both a cpu and gpu upgrade rather then just one.

I have ran so many test on the rings i own and I can you tell that going from  a 970, 1080ti, 2080, and even the 3080 i own, you won't see much of a difference. There is but is subtle even running at 1440p or 4k where the gpus get pushed harder and the cpu has to work less.

An i3 6100 with a 970 build just having a 6700k you see a massive fps increase even just going to an 8700k, you see notice the differences between the cpus compare to gpus on this title compare to something like God of War on PC or any other gpu heavy game.

The main rig I use is an 8700k @5.1ghz. 32gb of ram @3200mhz with a 3080.
I play on max settings at 1440p and I see like 1% increase going from the 2080 to the 3080 in gw2

Also the engine is actually really amazing to be honest but because people left the company people got stuck with an engine that didn't understand and as well as gw2 doing things you don't normally see like not having skyboxes for the maps or building every map on top of water and other things.

i have no idea what your rig is but if you're struggling at low settings with fps, I can only assume is a really old intel or a fx series cpu which is pretty bad in todays age and it really doesn't help it didn't age well like a lot of intel cpus like the haswell architecture.

Edited by YamiNoNeko.8739
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My partner runs a GT 1030 DDR5. Here are some numbers to give you something practical to compare your current performance against. I would suggest duplicating these settings and seeing how you compare. My suspicion is that unless you are already constantly getting under 35 FPS, this upgrade might not help your quality of life that much. I have indicated settings below.


In the more populated player areas (Lion's Arch and Divinity's Reach in festival area), it's getting from 30 to 40 FPS, but never much above that. In open world, it hits a 60 FPS cap most of the time. For ley-line event, this drops to a stuttering 12 to 17 FPS.


I will add that this is on a potato PC in general (i5-3550), so the bottleneck could be elsewhere, but I monitored CPU and GPU load while getting these numbers and neither seemed to be capping out - GPU was loaded around 70% to 80%, and CPU to 50%. This may support the theory that the bottleneck is engine side rather than hardware side.



Settings used:

1600 x 900 resolution

60 FPS limit


Animations: High

Anti-aliasing: FXAA

Environment: Medium

LOD: High

Reflections: None

Textures: High

Render sampling: Native

Shadows: None

Shaders: Low

Postprocessing: None

Model limit: Medium

Model quality: High

All other settings deselected except V-sync and Light Adaptation.


Note that this was with the DX11 beta off. With it turned on, there seems to be a consistent 5 FPS boost, and it's run extremely stable on both our PCs since October, so I would recommend testing it out.

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Is not the engine fault, i wish you people would stop trying to blame the engine when is not even the engine fault to begin with but is the best thing people do for a cop out, just blame the engine when is not even engine fault.


My rig only gets to 30% cpu usage and 40% gpu usage which just says that the game can't use the resources I have to it's fullest and I still get 200+ fps if there isn't anything going on compare to a big event that the cpu has to calculate a lot of stuff while the gpu is there waiting not doing nothing because it has nothing to render at all.

In a big event like Octo I drop to 70fps because the cpu has to calculate so many things and gw2 is not great at utilizing all of the cores even with the dx11.

It utilizes your cpu more than the dx9 but there is still improvement to be made.


Also with that setup, you shouldn't be running model limit and quality that high,  it should be model limit low and model quality at medium. Those two settings are the biggest impact to the fps follow by shadows, Effect LOD, and Reflections.

Animations, AA, Environement, LOD,  Textures, Shaders, Shadows,  Postprocessing, Ambient Occlusion, best texture filter, High Res characters and Light Adaption have like 0.1% and at most 1% impact when it comes to the frame rate.

You drop the 12 fps because you have model limits so high when you clearly shouldn't, even I that i run this game at 1440p max settings have those settings at medium/medium because otherwise I would be stressing the cpu so much that it will need to do more calculations then what's already doing.

Even shadows that i run them on ultra don't impact the cpu as much as trying to render every single npc at super high details and every other player with all of the effects of those npcs and players

The best thing to do when it comes to knowing how your cpu is being utilize is by going to an open field like Gendarran Fields and looking up the sky and then checking something like task manage or using a program like msi afterburner to have the overlay ingame to know how the cores  are being use and which of the cores is being use the most .

Edited by YamiNoNeko.8739
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The game should run full speed (30+ FPS on high) already on a GTX 730, the problem is likely your CPU.


Older CPUs are bad about hitting their thermal limit really quickly without getting full performance; make sure its cooled well, and always stays at max clock. If the CPU has turbo feature make sure it runs cool enough to always stay in turbo when running games. (You may have to completely rethink case ventilation entirely.)


One thing to note, if you don't have at least 12GB of RAM and 4GB of VRAM, the game will always chug. The most common configuration on older computers is 8GB of RAM and 2GB of VRAM, which isn't enough to run the game these days since they switched entirely to 64-bit and started using higher resolution textures years ago.


The game itself uses around 6GB RAM and 2GB VRAM, respectively (3GB+ VRAM for DX11 beta or dx12pxy or DXVK addons), but needs leftover memory for the OS, background tasks (especially if web browsers are running), and the disk cache even on an SSD (its a 50GB game, afterall).

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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On 2/16/2022 at 9:48 PM, Hannelore.8153 said:

The game should run full speed (30+ FPS on high) already on a GTX 730, the problem is likely your CPU.


Older CPUs are bad about hitting their thermal limit really quickly without getting full performance; make sure its cooled well, and always stays at max clock. If the CPU has turbo feature make sure it runs cool enough to always stay in turbo when running games. (You may have to completely rethink case ventilation entirely.)


One thing to note, if you don't have at least 12GB of RAM and 4GB of VRAM, the game will always chug. The most common configuration on older computers is 8GB of RAM and 2GB of VRAM, which isn't enough to run the game these days since they switched entirely to 64-bit and started using higher resolution textures years ago.


The game itself uses around 6GB RAM and 2GB VRAM, respectively (3GB+ VRAM for DX11 beta or dx12pxy or DXVK addons), but needs leftover memory for the OS, background tasks (especially if web browsers are running), and the disk cache even on an SSD (its a 50GB game, afterall).

My CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F with 16gb RAM. I get 30 fps on medium settings, but less on newer maps, and like 8 fps during events.


Edited by lezbefriends.7516
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30 cards are basically some of the lowest power things you can get. So while this is an upgrade you're upgrading from a super low end card to another, ever so slightly more modern card and your PC will still be on the low end and you'll be probably still need to be all on low. That being said this game is super cpu bound so even if you got the best graphics card in the world you'd be bottlenecked by your cpu. But then also even if you upgrade that the GW2 engine doesn't really utilize powerful cpus well anyways.


Basically tldr even if you bought the best PC physically possible I'm pretty sure you would still lag in large groups due to the GW2 engine being very dated.

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