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Time to retire every longbow spec?


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On 2/19/2022 at 6:24 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Never thought I'd see this day....the Longbow was the main reason to play ranger, the best way to actually feel like a ranger in a fantasy MMO but now...kitten, the amount of reflect/projectile block/destroy is simply over the top. Not too long ago I was a lenient advocate of reflect, in good measure they were essential for the game balance but now.....it's perma reflect/block 24/7 to a point where not even Signet of HunT makes any difference, yes you can still pewpew the occasional baddie but 8 times out of 10, he will get ressed in a matter of seconds.

You can still play longbow but given the amount of scrappers/FB, it's simply no worth it, waited years for a decent Legendary longbow and finally I had Pharus ....sad to see myself now forced to retire one of the most enjoyable weapons for this class, killing the occasional baddie is no worth it anymore


Longbow still beats bad players, so it can still beat many people playing gw2. Its just not good against good players which there is less of. 
Really though, the projectile hate came in with Path of Fire. What we needed was Untamed to have some intense unblockable abilities but alas, it does not. 

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6 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

I keep reading this "platx" thing but i am still asking myself if this "platx" thing is in NA. 

In EU LB is not a good weapon to use in your ranger. And pewpew meme not that great either. 

LB ranger works just fine for ranked PvP and WvW on EU too (afaik @Avatar.3568 does play on EU btw).

I think it is overall a pretty balanced weapons with clear advantages (the reason for all those "mimimi lb op" comments) but also with reasonable counter play (that's where the "mimimi i just mindlessly pew pewed into reflects and lost half of my hp, that weapon is useless" complaints come from). Just gotta know when and how to use the weapon effectively.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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4 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

LB ranger works just fine for ranked PvP and WvW on EU too (afaik @Avatar.3568 does play on EU btw).

I think it is overall a pretty balanced weapons with clear advantages (the reason for all those "mimimi lb op" comments) but also with reasonable counter play (that's where the "mimimi i just mindlessly pew pewed into reflects and lost half of my hp, that weapon is useless" complaints come from). Just gotta know when and how to use the weapon effectively.


For me atleast long bow is usless, over nerfed and underpreforming esp when you campare it to axe/ dagger or short bow

i actualy think it is THE weakest weapon ranger have.

And true shot is so mutch better its kinda sad ( eaven if it is only 1 abilety )


yes you can kill bad ppl with it but that you can do on all classes with all weapons.

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I cant understand why ppl think long bow is op, the auto is attack is the best part of the weapon and eaven that is not that strong or good , skill nr 2 is totaly negated by one doge nr 3 is a weak attack that gives stealth ( witch dont help mutch apart from agro managment in pve ) skill 4 is a cc so no dmg there and last skill  is a death trapp to use ( ok ish dmg but being a channel skill makes it unusable )


and to those that say the range is so op , most you can get is 2 free shots before the slowest class get you in melle range ( necro )


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2 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

I cant understand why ppl think long bow is op, the auto is attack is the best part of the weapon and eaven that is not that strong or good , skill nr 2 is totaly negated by one doge nr 3 is a weak attack that gives stealth ( witch dont help mutch apart from agro managment in pve ) skill 4 is a cc so no dmg there and last skill  is a death trapp to use ( ok ish dmg but being a channel skill makes it unusable )


and to those that say the range is so op , most you can get is 2 free shots before the slowest class get you in melle range ( necro )


And in wvw, they have 2 extra dodges with warclaw to begin combat in melee range which negates the range completely. #balance 🤦‍♂️

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On 2/20/2022 at 12:32 PM, Levetty.1279 said:

I call it passive because there is so many reflects now that in big groups reflects are guaranteed to be up all of the time.

if ur figthing a group with lots of scrappers they have lots of domes and stabilities poping up, but scrapper is very overtuned atm bneing one of the class that can do everything so other classes are not needed(besided FB). 


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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