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Nerfing supports + removal of target limits.


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3 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Damage target caps of 5 have been in the game since like 2012, a few were still 10, but they weren't the reason the first 5-6 years of the game small organized groups of 20 use to be able to take on groups of 40-50, think about what has changed so that is not quite possible anymore, it wasn't target caps. Look at the root of the problem instead of suggestion something that will just stack on another set of problems.

What changed was people learned to play and how to not exist in masterwork gear that was an amalgamation of stuff you got for free from leveling up after locking in traits that cost gold to change.

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1 hour ago, God.2708 said:

What changed was people learned to play and how to not exist in masterwork gear that was an amalgamation of stuff you got for free from leveling up after locking in traits that cost gold to change.

Also (or perhaps rather), there are fewer guilds out there in general. That (along with some other reasons) means that there are fewer guilds playing maps today. What has been lost over time or in the diversity is also quite alot of the middle ground, not necessarily the groups most apt at fighting outmanned but rather groups of the variety that could maybe start inching into that.

Crudely put, the "Red Guards" and "Cake Walks" (who still play) of today are just as likely to bully larger groups as they were then. There are just fewer groups in the segments surrounding them that also had that capacity to some degree. Looking around the complacency in pickups I wouldn't necessarily say that we have come leaps and bounds away from the "masterwork gear" times.

It's more so that groups with the potential to punish larger groups of more casual and loosely composed players are few and far apart as a result of groups in general being fewer, more compounded on specific servers and less prone to play maps because the target pool is smaller with all those surrounding segments dwindling. However, just as there are players able to take on multiple weaker players there are still groups able to take on multiple other groups or groups a typical set scale above (eg., 15 [GvG] vs. 25 [raid] vs. ~35 [zerg]).

If you take a look at a stack, like FoW, today there are probably 5 groups capable of 15 v raid/zerg or 25 v blob. The difference is that such a server is an exception today but used to be somewhat normative in vanilla. The 15vX type of groups may be a bit fewer but it's still relatively lively. The 25vX groups that are a bit more ambitious are considerably fewer though. On the upside, somewhat more casual 25vX groups also still seem somewhat lively. They may be fewer but there is still quite a lively content pool for them.

However, they do not have as large envelope (ie., they are not able to take on as broad amounts of odds) as those rarer 25vX groups. There are also alot less ~5vX groups but those are small enough to still be present on most servers, they just live rather seclusive lives and their envelope do not tend to extent all the way up publics whether they are zergs or blobs, with few exceptions.

It's also these slightly more casual 15-man and 25-man groups that tend to draw the ire of solos, clouders or smaller casual groups, leading to alot of the weaker threads on this forum. Like this thread. The context of threads like this is pretty interesting though since it says something about target pools, lively content, norms and behaviours.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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21 hours ago, RisenHowl.2419 said:

1. Hopefully this satisfies your 'i'm good and you're not so your facts aren't relevent' attitude.


2. Removing target caps is a terrible idea. As Infusion pointed out above you have no idea what kind of damage people are capable of putting out because you don't use the tracking tools available. From what I can gather in your posts you think removing the target cap will allow you to fight massively outnumbered.


3. Here's the thing, if targets caps are removed there's no incentive for people to group up in the first place while fighting. They'll spread out. You'll still be outnumbered 50 to 1, only now your skills will just hit 1-3 of them at a time because they're not going to stack up like morons. All 50 of them will still be able to focus on you though np.


4. If people were to continue stacking all it would take is 1s for any guardian to wipe an entire map queue via permeating wrath (with 1 button press you could apply max stacks, 1500 burning, >200k damage per target with 0 condition damage investment). 1 Berserker could engage with their LB burst followed by 2 arc dividers and boom 50 bags. You think necros summoning 6 minons is bad, wait until they can each summon 50. It'd take all of a week for the meta to shift entirely away from stacking to ranged damage + pulls only.


5. 'Fights' wouldn't even be a thing, you'll have groups of 35 spawn camping in a cloud. You won't be able to leave the spawn as a single player with 30 people targeting each individual as they try to get out. If you try to group up, see above. Anyone who manages to stealth through will get hunted down by 10 people, good luck even taking a camp in those conditions. The single biggest advantage a solo player has against a blob is that the blob can't be everywhere on a map at any given time. A cloud can though.

1. yes, yes it does.:classic_love:


2.  well yes? thats the whole point. if a few players wanna jihadi across the plains to drop a bomb on a zerg (half the maps pop on some occasions) they shouldn't be punished by being unable to do very little of anything especially when the zergs already stacked together booning and healing.

nothing prevents that same zerg from retaliating with little thought to target caps. both groups of differing size should take equal risk. the deciding factor is who uses their skills more effectively.

whereas right now the bigger group has a hard-coded advantage over the smaller group. people still focusing on the 1v50.. please take the time to consider what this mechanics actually there to do. I could be wrong but i'm 70% sure that i read the nerf to power coefficients were placed to extend the length of zerg fights more. and i believe target caps are designed to do exact same. perpetuate zergs. zergs is what wvw is about... if thats the case, don't force it in the codes too.. let people decide how they choose to play, and don't give them a safety net when they choose to stick together.


3. think about that for a second.. thats exactly how it should be...  the trade/off between stacking vs clouds should be part of the decision making in zerging. as it is already when you decide on using your skills or not facing said zerg.

and really ask yourself as a solo player if you'd better deal with that than a boon ball stacked on 1 another.


if all 50 cloud around (which takes organisational skills) to attack me and i go down as a result, thats completely fine. but on the off chance i managed to get one down. that player should then not be safe on virtue of being above the target cap when players swarm to ressurect. its unfair. take the L


4. well thats why you have supports around you dumping cleanse right? if you are seriously that inept in a game to not be able to shift your index finger an inch over to cleanse it off for yourself or any group members, then you all deserve to get clapped m8.

builds/stats/conditions is a separate topic.. i've said this already in like 2-3 separate responses.


5. wait what? your argument sort of falls in on itself because all of that already happens when 1 servers actively dominant over the other.

the advantage that a solo player has over a blob is that they are all on 1 part of the map? therefore what? maps empty for you to roam around in? surely thats a disadvantage for solo players. you playing a tourism simulator?:classic_huh: is that really a good thing?

how could that be something you want? an mostly empty bl cause everyones stacked instead of clouding.. theres 3 separate exits from a waypoints spawn, use another.


But you mean that it allows you to maneuver around those who are stacked.. well it doesn't change the fact that those who do, equates to 1/3 perhaps 1/2 of the maps pop. if not all at times. i would much rather clouds around a map than large stacks of boon ball any day of the week.. least then if 1 goes down.. the zergs have to make the decision of running over to swarm and ressurect. and if they do they should therefore be open to receiving any kind of damage aoe placed on that spot. UP TO YOU to take the risk. every single player would be under those same conditions including me if i choose to join a zerg.


its unlikely that any one person has the necessary damage stats to ever be able to take down a zerg in any given situations given that those players have brains too and could just as readily utilise their defensive skills. so why is the removal of target limit suddenly a big fuss? could just give it to us for 1 week. see how it goes.. ANY CHANGE would be nice compared to what it is now.

Edited by Jarwan.8263
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On 2/21/2022 at 2:05 AM, Jarwan.8263 said:

if they maxed the squad to 10 players like they do for raids, thats a good solution too.. anything to avoid those 50 man trains.

You know this is one of the major appeals of WvW right? The concept of zerg busting and playing this style of tactical, world versus world gameplay is unique to this game and the only reason WvW exists. If you want a more scaled down approach to WvW literally just avoid the zergs. Team up with your mates in a squad and go and fight the smaller groups who are running around.


Whinging that you can't solo zergs in a game mode where long term groups of dedicated players spend thousands of hours trying to perfect their abilities and team comps indicates that the game mode aint the problem.


I really didn't expect this post to go this way tbh. I thought you were going to provide some valuable input around the strength of boon uptime not advocate for the complete removal of target caps. As someone mentioned above, removing target caps means also removing target caps from support abilities (like healing and stability etc). Your meteor storm will do nothing to constant aegis, healing, protection and regen.

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1 minute ago, Floz.8904 said:

You know this is one of the major appeals of WvW right? The concept of zerg busting and playing this style of tactical, world versus world gameplay is unique to this game and the only reason WvW exists. If you want a more scaled down approach to WvW literally just avoid the zergs. Team up with your mates in a squad and go and fight the smaller groups who are running around.


Whinging that you can't solo zergs in a game mode where long term groups of dedicated players spend thousands of hours trying to perfect their abilities and team comps indicates that the game mode aint the problem.


I really didn't expect this post to go this way tbh. I thought you were going to provide some valuable input around the strength of boon uptime not advocate for the complete removal of target caps. As someone mentioned above, removing target caps means also removing target caps from support abilities (like healing and stability etc). Your meteor storm will do nothing to constant aegis, healing, protection and regen.

oh dear god.. why are we going around in circles kitten. go read everything.

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Just now, Jarwan.8263 said:

oh dear god.. why are we going around in circles kitten. go read everything.

Lol, it feels as if your arguments are based on very limited experience and an intrinsic misunderstanding of how the game functions with regards to targetting. Almost all of your counter-arguments are wrong. If you don't like the meta of the game-mode, leave the game mode?

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39 minutes ago, Floz.8904 said:

Lol, it feels as if your arguments are based on very limited experience and an intrinsic misunderstanding of how the game functions with regards to targetting. Almost all of your counter-arguments are wrong. If you don't like the meta of the game-mode, leave the game mode?


Whinging that you can't solo zergs in a game mode where long term groups of dedicated players spend thousands of hours trying to perfect their abilities and team comps indicates that the game mode aint the problem. 

^^^ i've literally addressed this several times.. you're not the only one to have brought it up but yet refuse to acknowledge the responses i gave.


and i've stated numerous times along with other players that the target caps favour the bigger group.. do you agree or disagree? if you disagree, read the arguments made in prior posts as to why it would seem to be that way. cause i've literally laid it out several times along with other players giving several examples on hypothetical situations but you tools can't seem to grasp it.


1v1 against a necro with 5 minions. 1 aoe thrown hits all minions and none lands on a player who has his own functioning braincells.. fair or not fair?

its a very very simple question.. nothing to do with me solo'ing a zerg or anything cause the odds of me succeeding in that scenario should be close to 0.. not hard coded to be 0

Edited by Jarwan.8263
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2 minutes ago, Jarwan.8263 said:

1v1 against 5 minions + necro... 1 aoe thrown hits all minions and none of the players.. fair or not fair. its a very very simple question.. nothing to do with me solo'ing a zerg or anything.. the odds of me doing it should be close to 0.. not hard coded to be 0

AoE is proximity based ie will prioritize closest to centerpoint. Unless you're throwing AoE on random you should always hit the player.

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If your argument was - "increase the target cap to 10 on damage skills to give smaller groups the chance to zerg bust" you'd probably have alot of support. But you've taken the absolute extreme of the argument and it's just innane at that point. I'd say i'd agree with increasing it to 10 to facilitate zerg busting. You'd see more 15 - 25 man guilds running around which would be good for the game state. But removing it entirely breaks the fundamentals and completely negates the enjoyment that the majority of the community get from the game mode - which isn't 50v50v50 - which literally happens on reset only. It's the 3 way fights between 15-20 player cohesive guilds that respect eachother and just want a biff.

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1 minute ago, Floz.8904 said:

If your argument was - "increase the target cap to 10 on damage skills to give smaller groups the chance to zerg bust" you'd probably have alot of support. But you've taken the absolute extreme of the argument and it's just innane at that point. I'd say i'd agree with increasing it to 10 to facilitate zerg busting. You'd see more 15 - 25 man guilds running around which would be good for the game state. But removing it entirely breaks the fundamentals and completely negates the enjoyment that the majority of the community get from the game mode - which isn't 50v50v50 - which literally happens on reset only. It's the 3 way fights between 15-20 player cohesive guilds that respect eachother and just want a biff.

that is literally my first post on this thread.. did you even read it lad? it says if not for the removal, than an increase in the cap.

or atleast an event such as no-downstates to see how the dynamic changes.. cause frankly we haven't had this particular topic be brought up enough.


24 minutes ago, Floz.8904 said:

Lol, it feels as if your arguments are based on very limited experience and an intrinsic misunderstanding of how the game functions with regards to targetting. Almost all of your counter-arguments are wrong. If you don't like the meta of the game-mode, leave the game mode?

if you have the time.. please counter the previous points cause you haven't yet.

i'm pointing out how this sole mechanic is what allows zergs to be as sturdy at they are and rule bl's with impunity when their against a small number of adversaries whether skilled or not..


whereas if i'm correct, you are saying thats part of the game and players have been playing it as such for years and years therefore its unfair if such mechanical changes are placed for them to adapt to when they've spent years finding the right comps to play with? (i'm surmising)

and you also agree they should increase the limit to increase likelihoods of zerg busting but refuse to acknowledge that very lack of change is what makes them stronger?


weren't condi revs were way more prominent until they had torment inverted requiring players to stand still to take damage. isn't that a major change to a mechanic that alot of players have had to adapt to? players will adapt.


4 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

AoE is proximity based ie will prioritize closest to centerpoint. Unless you're throwing AoE on random you should always hit the player.

oh daaaaaaamn, didn't even think of that...  i'll ask the necro nicely to move his minions away from the center next time i guess, thank you lad :classic_blush: i didn't know that all i had to do was ask... all these years..

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21 minutes ago, Floz.8904 said:

I'd say i'd agree with increasing it to 10 to facilitate zerg busting. You'd see more 15 - 25 man guilds running around which would be good for the game state.

A 50-man zerg could then one-shot a 10-man squad with 10-target caps. In your 25 vs 50 scenario, the opening volley of instant-cast wells, grenades, or whatever will instantly down 40% of the 25-player group, and 20% of the 50-player group. And that is assuming that literally half the 50-player group is asleep, and not clicking their skills. And the netralizing effect doubles if you account for resurrections (downed player with a kneeling player massaging them back is 2 players out of the fight).


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43 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

AoE is proximity based ie will prioritize closest to centerpoint. Unless you're throwing AoE on random you should always hit the player.

it disperses the damage. If you have 20 players and use a 5 target ability that pulses 4 times it will hit each player probabilistically once.


Therefor, if you had an infinite number of players and you use an ability, the probability of your attack hitting a single player once asymptotically approaches 0.

In other words, simply stacking bodies mitigates damage. You can actually exploit this and it’s been exploited before

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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16 minutes ago, Jarwan.8263 said:

oh daaaaaaamn, didn't even think of that...  i'll ask the necro nicely to move his minions away from the center next time i guess, thank you lad :classic_blush: i didn't know that all i had to do was ask... all these years..

I question whether you've ever fought a minion necro.

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11 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I question whether you've ever fought a minion necro.

example: air overload hits 3 targets, there can be about 6-7 minions in any given spot.. the overload prioritises minions instead of player most times.. yes.. i've fought them many times choking on my bag of thai sweet chilli chips cackling at how ridiculous it is that its even possible.


if necros want to play with minions sure.. play whatever you want, play the tankiest condi spitter or support i really don't care.


blobs can attack anyone and anything.. but not everyone can attack a blob unless you're running equal numbers..

thats a HARD fact. cause even if you did, the damage mitigation from stacking is too large for you to even see any results. 

give the underdogs a chance to take on bigger groups.. thats it.. that is literally what the mode discourages.. 

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29 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I question whether you've ever fought a minion necro.


I question whether you are a minion necro, because the only people defending those also play them.

Anyway, I'm in agreement with increasing target caps; only because removing them entirely probably would cause the game to crash as it isn't coded for all that.  

It is indeed very hard to attack a blob but not impossible, because most blobs are seemingly unaware of how to target focus, so you can watch them and pull them down in sections.  Of course, a huge blob this won't work with, but you can be outnumbered probably 15 to 1 and have it work.  The good groups will just have players run over and rez downs, which brings up another problem--downstate.

There are simply too many safety measures in WvW.  You have target caps and claim buffs and mass rez speed ability, so half the zerg is just pressing '1' and collecting bags.  This leaves out boons entirely, which are also problematic but actually probably less so than the target cap or especially the downstate.

Nerfing these safeties will never happen though, as all of the 'fight guilds' enjoy spawn camping in EBG or fighting clouds in one of the borderlands.  The reason they can do this is once you have a 'ball of impunity' there is no stopping it, which means constant rewards in the form of bags from most players who try to fight it.  


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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


I question whether you are a minion necro, because the only people defending those also play them.

Oh I play it sometimes. A nasty cele reaper that tops out at about 16 minions. 

But here's the kicker - minions pretty much instantly die to AoE. Just like people in zergs. Funny coincidence that.

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53 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Oh I play it sometimes. A nasty cele reaper that tops out at about 16 minions. 

But here's the kicker - minions pretty much instantly die to AoE. Just like people in zergs. Funny coincidence that.

yes, they die to aoe and so do people in zergs... no one is going to disagree on that. can i ask why you run 16 minions? oh perhaps its to use the damage mitigations from aoe target cap.... funny coincidence that.

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2 minutes ago, The Boz.2038 said:

It overwhelms tab and click targeting, blocks projectiles, grants toughness and lifesteal, and tags like mad.

But sure, feel free to hyperfocus on the one think that chafes you. 

cool, but don't deny that damage mitigation isn't a part of it.. 

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6 minutes ago, Jarwan.8263 said:

cool, but don't deny that damage mitigation isn't a big part of it.

Lol its not. The mitigation doesnt come the minions taking AoE damage - as mentioned they melt to AoE. the mitigation comes from the blood and reaper traitline.

The fun part is watching enemies turn 180 as soon as they see your mini zerg.

As I said, a stupid build for playing WvW stupidly.

At best, the minions on their own just blocks projectiles, which isnt AoE.

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15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Again, the main reason those numbers are so high, is that a lot of it is "ineffective" dmg that gets facetanked and outhealed . If players would actually die as fast as those numbers might suggest, total dmg done would be much lower. I've been there, farming easy top dmg with staff weaver while still relying on the mass of the zerg to actually confirm kills. Doesn't really mean anything.

It means you're functioning as part of a unit, you might be playing a class with spike damage while others are playing classes that are good at finishing downs. Together you're more effective. This is kinda the basis of a team oriented game?

15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

I haven't zerged much yes, but occasionally i did. Mostly as a new player, because it was the easiest way to feel useful despite being trash at the game. Later on i tried to join squads on some occasions, but always found it incredibly boring and unsatisfying.

So you have little experience but a ton of opinions, valuable insight for sure. You've heard of dunning-kruger?

15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Being able to consistently get top dmg and surviving just fine (downstate carry ftw!) on a class i had less than 1 hour of gameplay experience, while at the same time having basically no impact on the outcome of the fight myself, no matter what i would do or play is not what i enjoy.

Were you fighting an organized group? After 1h on staff ele about the only thing you're capable of doing well is dropping meteor shower. It's a high value skill sure, but used poorly or timed poorly it's worthless. It's very strong if you're fighting in a cloud while defending structures though if that's your idea of zerg fighting.

15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Also a lot of the things that make gw2 combat interesting and skillful such as reading and reacting in different ways to skill animations (a lot of them are impossible to see in zerg fights due to ridiculous visual clutter), keeping track of your own as well as enemy cooldowns and all the little things that can differentiate an average player from a decent one and a top tier players from the good ones. Yes you can and should keep track of your enemies "main" bomb and maybe your own grps stab sources in a zerg, and probably not tank too many red circles if there is a lot of them, but many things just fall by the wayside. I mean, how often do you coun't enemy dodges, interrupt heal skills or any skill for that matter (deliberately, not accidentially!), cancel your burst because your enemy just used an defensive skill or to bait cds, intentionally used a certain combo finisher that wasn't pre fight smoke blasting, all while having to juggle between offense and defense every single second. And that's just a few examples. I feel like so many combat mechanics are either irrelevant or impossible to take advantage of in larger fights.

This a great showcase for your lack of experience in big fights. You feel like the combat mechanics are impossible to take advantage of because you don't know how to do it. There's different metrics, like you're not going to try and interrupt a single player's heal skill during a zerg fight, but if you don't get stab up at the right time 4 of your teammates are going to explode on push. You don't drop your bomb at the right time in a coordinated spike, your group doesn't generate downs.

15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Nope, once again, incoming dmg is not the main issue and it would be even less of a problem if zergs wouldn't be able to focus entirely on offense just because their numbers protect them.

What zerg is focused entirely on offense? At a minimum 40% of every squad is made up of support characters, generally in minstrels lol


Do you dedicate 40% of your roaming builds to defensive choices?

15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

We already mostly fight "clouds", at least when outnumbered more than 1:2, because trying to take on a somewhat coordinated boon ball with such a numbers disadvantage is pretty pointless. We already get boon stripped and pulled and focused down with single target skills. All those things happen already and they will continue to happen, yes. But they won't get harder to deal with, because aoe caps have no relevance in this regard. Also even clouds tend to stack for ressing or in choke points. Taking advantage of terrain is key when fighting larger numbers. We aren't sitting there open field, trying to win "poke wars" (or at least try to, ofc things don't always go as planned).

They will absolutely get harder to deal with. Zergs are optimized to carpet bomb areas right now because that's the meta. Remove target caps and the meta changes, those zergs will optimize themselves to rip apart any elite solo roamers while they spread out more. Instead of ranged aoe skills having the highest priority in builds, it'd be pulls and single target spike damage that are favored.


I don't know why so many people in this thread believe 'oh remove the target caps and i'll farm the big groups of bad players'. No, they'll just bring builds that are better at blowing your kitten up and they'll still outnumber you 30 to 1 lol

15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

I also don't think players would stop entirely to grp up and coordinated guild grps would cease to exist.

They wouldn't stack in one spot, but they'd still group up and coordinate sure. I don't see how this is something that's favorable to you or any other small groups of players though

15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

I have played a game with no aoe caps and certain aoe skills that would increase in dmg the more players were hit - without limit.

Is that game named gw2? If not you're comparing apples to oranges. gw2 isn't designed to function without target caps

15 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

I'm pretty sure 9 year old data is pretty useless at that point anyway. Also data needs correct interpretation in order to be useful and that's something that requires getting into the fray here and now, not looking at some numbers from years ago.

I'm not saying it would be easy, but i also don't think it would be impossible. Huge outliers can be identified and addressed quickly and then there needs to be frequent follow up adjustments with maybe some occasional  bigger shake up to prevent the meta from getting stale.

My point is that balance decisions take years to stabilize. The game would be dead in the water before it could stabilize from a change as monumental as removing target caps.

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