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The price of getting to Cantha is absurd

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44 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:


Nothing you ever do is truly how YOU want it to be unless YOU do it yourself. So sick of this entitled and privileged way of thought. You expect ANet to just modify their vision based on YOU not being able to play how YOU want. 


Yall act like that just because this game can be played solo and you do play it solo that somehow you deserve to be magically catered to. I play solo too - heck, I'm not even in a guild, but these changes dont bother me, but rather help me become a better player - challenge me to find new ways. 


You complain because you're wanting and you're not getting what you want. 


9 silver to port across the entire map? Poop. As soon as you port and fight a couple mobs you make that back in trophies or salvage. 9 silver is ridiculously unnoticeable the way it comes and goes in this game and I only play 2 days a week.


When I see such a large group of people complaining about not being able to get their way in a virtual world that has explicit boundaries and limits - it makes me rather sad and feel sorry for all of you. This is your life, this is how you're spending it. I hope you can see how silly this complaining is and find a way to heal yourself of these self imposed burdens.


What is your point? You are right, obviously, no I am not entitled to dictate the vision of the game, I am but one individual in a system. But this isnt a staple, this isnt broccoli or clean drinking water, I dont NEED anything from Anet I cant find somewhere else, I just happened to enjoy Anets FLAVOUR of game, and if the recipe changes, and effects the flavour, I only have a few options, try Pepsi, or tell Coke the New Coke aint working out for me.


As much as I have no entitlement to dictate what Anet does with the game, Anet has no entitlement to dictate what I do with my time , and my money.


So an expansion releases, I make a few posts explaining my take on it, and I move on, Im not spamming, Ive got what? 10, 12 total posts? 


So again, what is your point? Are you saying the customer should not be able to express their dissatisfaction with a new direction? How would that ever possibly be a good thing.


Im a small business owner, critique is EVERYTHING to growing a business successfully, and at the end of the day I WANT things to go well for Anet, and for the hobby I was enjoying. 


Heres the thing, this is all very very familiar to me. Rumours about NCsoft coming down and dictating directional changes in content delivery, hardcore and casual players fighting constantly about who mommy and daddy love more, a big content release with a TON riding on it releasing to no real fanfare at all, an upcoming steam release, lower and lower engagement on social media presences, twitch streamers diversifying away from exclusive content. 


If there was a Chua with orange text this is the exact path Wildstar took minus the F2P switch Gw2 doesn't have a sub.


So when you sit there, thinking "these guys are all so entitled, Im going to tell them how entitled they are and if they dont listen they can GTFO,"


Ask yourself what if everyone posting these thoughts incongruous with yours simply did as you wished, and went away.

Without a word, with no explanation as to why, how would that be better for anyone?





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I agree with the OP. The waypoint system is based on the scale of the original map. Maybe it's coded into the game in a way that is difficult to change and the travel scrolls and books are their hotfix. It would be nice to hear if 10 silver is the plan or just a side effect of not planning for the map to get this big. I too, can easily afford it but still don't like it. I would love to see this cost reduced as it is a bit absurd even if it fits with the lore of waypoint travel.

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It strikes me as one of a number of things I've run into in this expansion that probably won't be a huge issue long-term, as more people get the hub scroll and such, but that is very noticeable in the short term.  I wonder if it's even more noticeable because of the lack of a lounge; I know I love the lounges and tend to use them as much as possible, especially since I'm not in a guild that has a hall.  Having to rely on WPs to move around means the cringe at the price happens a lot more often.


I have to agree that it's likely completely unintentional on Anet's part, and there are a lot of easy ways to fix it.  If they intend to expand the map even further in later expansions, it might make sense to add a "boat" to the map like they did with GW1, that moves you to a starting port area; LA for Tyria, Seitung for Cantha, etc.  Or just add a lounge... 😁

Edit: or, better yet, if they are going to dramatically expand the map, add a command to the Skiff, unlocked probably in a following mastery level, that allows you to automatically travel to a select number of ports, as above.  

Edited by Lyssia.4637
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58 minutes ago, jonathanjp.6974 said:

Confused about what, you get a portal scroll for aborstone, and you can explore the rest of the maps from there, it's really that simple.

No, it really isn't. Shared inventory space isn't free, and altoholics like myself don't want to do the story on all of our characters.

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23 minutes ago, Duke Blackrose.4981 said:

altoholics like myself don't want to do the story on all of our characters.

I think Jianyu.7065 summarized well this kind of problem. Wanting the game to cater to your everyone's personal needs.

Elona also had an increase in TP cost as well, only now that it can reach 10s+ there's kind of a psychological trigger about it.

The fact is, unlike previous expansions Anet actually gives you a way around it which is relatively inexpensive, just a few hours. But yes, it's an MMO. Spending time to save on cost is not uncommon for an MMO.


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5 hours ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

"It's because the distance is so big" - why is the distance made so big?

The distance between Cantha and Tyria was set in Guild Wars 1, where it didn't cost money to travel. I won't state that ANet weren't going to retcon the world smaller over waypoint costs, because I'm really not sure they even thought of this. But I do think it would be the wrong solution to the problem; either capping costs or adding some kind of logarithmic scale would be a better approach, and hopefully they address this in a future patch.

(For now, I'm just using scrolls; 10 silver a pop adds up, even if I'm not actually losing money in the long run)

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5 hours ago, Pezz.4758 said:


What is your point? You are right, obviously, no I am not entitled to dictate the vision of the game, I am but one individual in a system. But this isnt a staple, this isnt broccoli or clean drinking water, I dont NEED anything from Anet I cant find somewhere else, I just happened to enjoy Anets FLAVOUR of game, and if the recipe changes, and effects the flavour, I only have a few options, try Pepsi, or tell Coke the New Coke aint working out for me.


As much as I have no entitlement to dictate what Anet does with the game, Anet has no entitlement to dictate what I do with my time , and my money.


So an expansion releases, I make a few posts explaining my take on it, and I move on, Im not spamming, Ive got what? 10, 12 total posts? 


So again, what is your point? Are you saying the customer should not be able to express their dissatisfaction with a new direction? How would that ever possibly be a good thing.


Im a small business owner, critique is EVERYTHING to growing a business successfully, and at the end of the day I WANT things to go well for Anet, and for the hobby I was enjoying. 


Heres the thing, this is all very very familiar to me. Rumours about NCsoft coming down and dictating directional changes in content delivery, hardcore and casual players fighting constantly about who mommy and daddy love more, a big content release with a TON riding on it releasing to no real fanfare at all, an upcoming steam release, lower and lower engagement on social media presences, twitch streamers diversifying away from exclusive content. 


If there was a Chua with orange text this is the exact path Wildstar took minus the F2P switch Gw2 doesn't have a sub.


So when you sit there, thinking "these guys are all so entitled, Im going to tell them how entitled they are and if they dont listen they can GTFO,"


Ask yourself what if everyone posting these thoughts incongruous with yours simply did as you wished, and went away.

Without a word, with no explanation as to why, how would that be better for anyone?






As a small business owner - surely you understand that a reasonable effort can be made to please all of your customers, but in the end - ultimately pleasing all of your customers is impossible. 


ANet does have the right to dictate how their game is played and the limits and boundaries within it - They created the game. Period. Surely, YOU, decide the rules, policies, procedures of how your business is run...do you not?


My point is, since it isnt obvious, is WHAT are you complaining about here....9 silver. NINE SILVER. In a game. For the rest of us - surely you have some data to articulate how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to the waypoint money-sink. If not, please, for the love of something that is a much bigger deal, complain about something that does in fact substantially effect the direction of the game. 


If not - then complaining about the waypoint money-sink is just filing a complaint to file a complaint about...nothing. About your perception that there IS a problem somewhere where no problem exists just because you are personally in disagreement. 


My reply isnt meant to tell people to shut up and go away, its meant to hope players "maybe" take a genuine, and truthful look at what they're complaining about...because the only way any of you will ever truly get what YOU want from the games you play - is if you do it yourself and, god forbid, make your own game. If not, then I suggest a change of perspective so you can enjoy the amazing world these devs have created for us.

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5 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:


As a small business owner - surely you understand that a reasonable effort can be made to please all of your customers, but in the end - ultimately pleasing all of your customers is impossible. 


ANet does have the right to dictate how their game is played and the limits and boundaries within it - They created the game. Period. Surely, YOU, decide the rules, policies, procedures of how your business is run...do you not?


My point is, since it isnt obvious, is WHAT are you complaining about here....9 silver. NINE SILVER. In a game. For the rest of us - surely you have some data to articulate how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to the waypoint money-sink. If not, please, for the love of something that is a much bigger deal, complain about something that does in fact substantially effect the direction of the game. 


If not - then complaining about the waypoint money-sink is just filing a complaint to file a complaint about...nothing. About your perception that there IS a problem somewhere where no problem exists just because you are personally in disagreement. 


My reply isnt meant to tell people to shut up and go away, its meant to hope players "maybe" take a genuine, and truthful look at what they're complaining about...because the only way any of you will ever truly get what YOU want from the games you play - is if you do it yourself and, god forbid, make your own game. If not, then I suggest a change of perspective so you can enjoy the amazing world these devs have created for us.


I thought I summed it up pretty well earlier in this thread.


Its not about the doubling of normal WP costs, or torment runes, or fractal CMs, or locking a marketed cool new mount behind a difficult meta, or sustain changes, or the move towards 10 man content solely as the end game group content.


Its about ALL of these changes and no official word on a direction change leaving the players to speculate as to whether or not this game is still, or will continue to be the casual friendly game for RPers and flower pickers.


One lesson I learned in my career is exactly as you said, you can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people, some of the time, but you cant please all of the people all of the time. 


So know your market, and be HONEST with them. Let customers know what doing business with you is like before any contracts are signed, and the complaints drop markedly. 


If I was selling diesel engine oil filters I would not reach out to Greta Thunberg to do my add campaign. 


One obviously she wouldn't do it but past that it would make for a very confusing narrative, which would lead to complaints, even if no actual problems exist. I could make all my sales quotas 30 days early and I guarantee I would be swamped with complaints and negative press just on the basis of the campaign.


So when you have a game with over 10 years of people pressing 1 happily bumbling around doing there things, all hyped up about a new expansion ready to go and the way they find out about these changes is either hearing it in a stream while waiting to download or worse, seeing their gold stocks deplete unexpectedly and searching for an answer, or getting downed state repeatedly and going looking for the reasons why, its going to be a bad time for everyone involved, even if each individual change isnt a big deal to you.


I can promise you its a big deal to them, because if they are here, they aren't in the game. 


Im not trying to convince anyone of anything, but Im in sales, and there were a MILLION better ways to sell these changes to the customers. 


Hiding them in last minute patch notes to be discovered AT rollout was an absolute mess, and not clarifying the direction the game is going without appeasement speak in a straight forward respectful adult manner is compounding the issue.


I dont care about torment runes and life leech balance, I want to know if the devs plan to continue in the spirit of the game I wanted to play, and if not, awesome, its a free market. 





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2 hours ago, Pezz.4758 said:

Its about ALL of these changes and no official word on a direction change leaving the players to speculate as to whether or not this game is still, or will continue to be the casual friendly game for RPers and flower pickers.

I would bet that's because for a lot of players, and I do mean a lot of players, these inconvenience are so insignificant that it really didn't feel like a big deal to mention it.
In fact, beside the hard meta i haven't heard anyone complain about all the issues you're pointing out. I did see that people were happy over torment changes however, but again, can't make everyone happy.

Also, it's not entirely honest. WP cost didn't increase, it still costs the same to go to LA from Eye of the North. They did talk about what they envisioned for new end content (i don't necessarily agree either, but their strikes are -really- good this time). Balance patch are always a thing too. The meta is difficult, but it's also brand new and surely you can forgive them for not getting balancing right the first day.
What I'm saying is, in the grand scale of things there is a new extension, it's got a lot of things right, surely one could overlook the less... important things?

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9 hours ago, Wintermute.5408 said:

Amount of people missing the point is amazing.

It's not about me "not making enough". Genuine thanks to some random dude who tried to send me 5 gold for travel expenses, you can keep it. Spend it on something more useful than leg runes.

It's not about "there is a guildhall or portal scroll you can use". Those things are extra hoops to jump through, contrary to a persistent, established system that are waypoints.

And the guy who thinks there's "challenge" in paying 10s for waypoint travel - I want some of what you're having. That's some quality bloodstone dust.


Answer me a question - why? Why is it costing 2 times more than normal travels? What's so special about Cantha that it warrants such entry fee? "It's because the distance is so big" - why is the distance made so big?

I'll tell you why, actually. Because the waypoint system isn't made for those distances, and was made to operate on the scale of original map. Which now got 2 times bigger, without Anet actually thinking it through. This thread is made for them to change the waypoint calculation system.

Because let's be honest, 10s, while not particularly high, is already out of the pocket change zone, and not every player farms gold at efficient rate (or farms it at all). This is also an unmotivated increase to a game-wide goldsink, which now will take 2 times more gold out of the whole economy than it used to. If there is an actual reason to force gold deflation like that, I'm all ears. For now, I still consider this whole thing an oversight and a mistake.

Also, sorry about my yesterday's tone. I was in a really kitten mood.


"Answer me a question - why? Why is it costing 2 times more than normal travels? What's so special about Cantha that it warrants such entry fee? "It's because the distance is so big" - why is the distance made so big?"


I legit facepalmed at this statement. The distance is determined by the design of the game's map layout and location of all the islands/land mass. The reason it costs much more is due to the distance, which makes sense.


That's like complaining to Australia about being too far away because of the high cost to fly there by plane lol. They can't just pick up and move an entire continent, much the same with land design in Guild Wars 2.


It's 10 silver, you'll survive, as will all of us. It's not a big deal yet here we are, making a big deal out of it.

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9 minutes ago, Seera.5916 said:

Here's a good reason for the costs staying the same: it's a gold sink that helps keep inflation as low as possible.

Apparently the OP is doing more than his share by bouncing back and forth between eye of the north and cantha every 5 minutes. Which brings up another item that could help him, does the LA merchant still have the free teleport item to eye of the north that was in the game since launch?

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3 minutes ago, Justine.6351 said:

Apparently the OP is doing more than his share by bouncing back and forth between eye of the north and cantha every 5 minutes. Which brings up another item that could help him, does the LA merchant still have the free teleport item to eye of the north that was in the game since launch?

The Hall of Monuments Portal Stone?  Yes.  At least according to the wiki: Hall of Monuments Portal Stone - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

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Um, the OP's opinion isn't outrageous. They aren't complaining, they are discussing. I agree it isn't game breaking but it is annoying when you are low on gold.

For those of you trying to brush this off as an unecessary complaint, please log off the forums or refrain from interferring with the discussions. Argue one side or the other or offer new ideas but please stop invalidating other's opinions just cause you don't share them. The 10 silver price is something that will trigger discussions. I think there should be a hard cap at 5 silver, and I think someone already suggested that. And it should be capped even with the existance of travel scrolls.

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On 3/3/2022 at 12:31 AM, Super Hayes.6890 said:

or offer new ideas

 I admit it i didn't read whole thread, but about ideas. Maybe OP doesnt know, but:


If you can bare multiple loading screens, then you can go to all major cities/places pretty much for free or at least reduce cost to less than 2silver. At any point and time you can use Obsidian sanctum to get to lion's arch and from there you have access to core cities.


All? lws maps have perma free teleports that you can buy for karma. Something similar you get for free, for one cantha place (avoiding spoilers just in case) used as a hub. Using this reduces cost to standard minimum price to WP.


Even jahai bluffs or domain of vabbi, i forgot how that item was called but you can teleport to hideout or griffon sanctuary.


Im using even guild halls, especially hot one to get close to hot maps to reduce cost of WP.

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Looking at some of the replies... man, I really hope ANet devs don't take this kind of feedback to the heart and go back from innovative new fun designs that require the use of the brain to boring old concepts that are a mere shadow in comparison to what EoD has to offer. 😨

On 3/1/2022 at 9:44 PM, Wintermute.5408 said:

Jump from Black citadel to Seitung province waypoint is 9 silver and 28 copper. Look Anet, i really appreciate the vast amount of literally nothing you dumped between core lands and new expac for no reason whatsoever, but this is way, way, WAY overpriced.

As stated by others, once you have the portal scroll, you will have it very convenient. 🙂

P.S. Also, there are shorter routes to Cantha through the story. 😉

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 3/1/2022 at 11:20 PM, Vegeta.2563 said:

That or just have a cap.  5 silver max once you reach past a certain distance. 

I actually like this idea, and think it would be good for things overall as the game moves forward.


Every time a player, new or old, looks at something they want to do in the game and decides "It's not worth it" for some reason, you lose them just a bit. If it happens often enough, you lose them entirely.


This one issue may be small, but as my favorite saying goes: "No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood." It's a small thing, but a 5s cap SHOULD be pretty easy to implement, and prevents it from getting even worse with future maps.

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On 3/1/2022 at 11:17 PM, Justine.6351 said:

Yeah it could be worse like ESO where they have some kind of increasing cost way shrine penalty system if you use fast travel too often in a short period of time.

If the waypoint is the only way to get there, then the price should reflect that.  You cannot set it that high if there is no alternative route.

In ESO, there is pretty much always an alternative route, so the increase in waypoint price is to discourage people from abusing convenience, like way pointing from one town hub to the next when it only takes 3 minutes to mount up and run there.  It's an MMORPG, not Diablo III.  The convenience is always there, but abusing it comes at a cost.  Nothing "worse" about that. Actually pretty decent design as it keeps many people running between town hubs, instead of congregated within them.

Also, farming gold in ESO is easier than in GW2 (unless you're farming with your Credit Card, ofc).  The waypoint prices are largely ignorable once you've been playing for a week or so - or gotten to level 20 or so (whichever comes first).  They're also decreased by Champion Points in most build, for experienced players.

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29 minutes ago, Tren.5120 said:

If the waypoint is the only way to get there, then the price should reflect that.  You cannot set it that high if there is no alternative route.

To be fair, there are indeed alternate routes; it just takes a little longer to unlock them.  And there are alternatives numerous people have mentioned for basic services that reduce the cost to nothing.

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14 minutes ago, Lyssia.4637 said:

To be fair, there are indeed alternate routes; it just takes a little longer to unlock them.  And there are alternatives numerous people have mentioned for basic services that reduce the cost to nothing.

"Unlock" them?

In ESO, I can just get on my mount and run almost anywhere on foot, and those places where I can't run, I can usually run to an NPC and take a boat/carriage/etc. there.

We are talking about completely different things... ...

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