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What are your overall positive + negative thoughts regarding EOD?

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I only have ONE negative thought. And that is that Kaeining city is severely lacking in interesting content compared to the other 3 maps, which are brimming with it.


During the night you have the blackout meta which is great, but during the day, there is literally nothing in terms of events that is worth noting and its really sad, because It's the prettiest map they have ever made.


Since kaeining introduces the raptor and springer I don't understand why they didn't at least add racing events, you could even have a skiff racing event, and reward all players who join the winning boats. Hell, I bet you could even do a jade bot drone racing event, or how about a mass rock paper scissors game?

Kaeining seems like the perfect city to add fun casual events during daytime. And you could add Adventure version of these events too! Kinda disappointed that EoD doesn't have any adventures, I really enjoy getting gold on those.

And for pete's sake, add a Bank an trading post near "Ministry Headquarters" Point of Interest, there's a vault and npcs behind stands, clearly setup to serve that purpose but for some reason they decided not to add them.


So yeah my only complaint is that Kaeining city is the only of the 4 maps utterly devoid of content, and an extremely missed opportunity, considering that its such an amazing map, and being a city allows for more creative event ideas. Alas, I doubt it will ever be touched again ;(


As for Positives:

Seiting Province: The perfect starter map for an xpac, nice calm areas for fishing, excellent introduction for new players, awesome small scale events, a cool puzzle area, and a pretty good meta event.

Echovald: Amazing terrain, gives some TD vibes, tons of secrets and puzzles, awesome meta, the Aspenwood event for some reason not a meta event, and yet so amazingly big in quality. the explorer's dream.

Dragon's End: FINALLY a hard meta event, which is extremely fun, mechanical and satisfying!


Strikes are amazing and an insane increase in quality, if anyone had doubts about strikes, I think these cleared their mind. CMs coming is really hype

Beautiful legendaries

one of the best story modes yet, on par with Season4 stuff and most times even better

fishing, skiffs, jade bots, siege turtle are all incredibly fun and flavorful additions that will stand the test of time without a doubt.

the elite specs are amazingly fun, and have been tweaked really well!


incredibly nicely done new armor & weapon skins.


I probably forgot half the list of awesome stuff, this is without a doubt their best expansion yet, combining the HoT and PoF design perfectly.

Edited by BlackBullWings.2734
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Honestly my experience my has been mostly positive.  Love the maps and most of the metas (despite bugginess).  Lots of interesting collection achievements to work on, Fishing,, etc.  I enjoyed the story for what it was and thought it was an good ending for the dragons.

I will agree with a lot of peoples observation of Kaineng is a bit "empty."  If only for the fact its so vast and everything is spread out so much.

Only really sour spot I have is the turtle really.   Initially I thought it was the DE meta that was the bad part.  But I honestly do enjoy the DE actual boss fight.  But its not even that, its just the acquisition of the turtle is meh and seems to be pretty meh in comparison to all the other mounts we have.  But I was expecting that honestly since I don't duo with friends or anything often to make use of said mount (though I do want the mastery  for extra mount health).

Edited by Katreyn.4218
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To be honest... I decided to uninstall this game after ending a story.


New maps were the only positive aspect of EoD. I was really disappointed... I don't understand the deeper sense of skiffs and fishing. These provides nothing unusual to future gameplay. Both HoT and PoF  brought some significiant changes. EoD gave nothing special. Elites, strikes etc. - these are just cosmetics. To little to make this game better.


Some word about the storyline. Since Icebrood Saga I was really worried about the plot. IS showed that devs had completely no idea how to conduct the story. The ending was completely infantile and completely destroyed a majesty of HoT and PoF.  EoD continues these trends. I still don't understand the concept of the balance and all what happened in the final battle. The beginning gave me hope to great story of traveling through fractals to the past, to restore the cycle... No words how has it ended. I don't understand the whole dragon's magic. There is no good explanation for it...


Oh, and the last scene in Divinity's Reach... I was hope games were last shelter to avoid 'political correctness' and being politics-free. Forget it.


Never more this game. 




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Eod is pretty. 

The music is relaxing. 

The strike normal modes are well done in how those would naturally scale up from 10man, though im not sure what you would do with at least one for a CM)

Some of the new ESpecs have incredible build diversity and open up a lot of possibilities.





The meta events are un-good.   I think Dragons End is fun. I do not think Dragons end is well tuned. Or even close to well tuned.  Seitung can break completely at every step, AND can break but not completely break at every step.   Echowald is just kind of there. 


Some of the new especs are subjectively garbage and/or objectively garbage. 


There are not enough jade bot workstations until you unlock the right arborstone mastery.  There are not jade bot workstations in the pass-required hubs. 


NKC is probably the least fun map in the game to navigate via mount. 

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  • -The music is incredible. Really. I'm speechless.
  • -I had AMAZING TIME to complete the whole story, explore and stuff.
  • -Maps looks really different so it was refreshing to see such new environments
  • -Skiff and fishing is cool new stuff (but I'm burned out of completing fishing after finishing it in Another Eden. The people whom played it knows the 3 months daily pain.)
  • -Some NPC dialogue made me laugh. It was a while when a game made me laugh a few times.
  • -I loved the instances through story (not the story, but the instances how they managed to create it more lively and better than last instances)


-Warrior new elite - unusable atm. Hope there will be a big elite spec rebalance soon
-Navigating new maps is kinda frustating. It was ok when you first explore but when you go back and want to do something its frustating.
-Content length (I can do strikes or fish grind and that's it after I finished story?? I thought there would be ton of new weapon, armor and secret to discover, things to WORK FOR weeks. 😞 and no. i don't care about turtle. )
-Last meta (they should just change the beta tester players honestly. it shouldn't be released in that state)
-New strikes (they are too long for strikes, will skip them until it's really really necessary. not fun. "But its its easy and lol git gud" No. I raided FOR YEARS and I'm tired of this kind of content for a life.)
-Story (i thought it would been much better and mysterious. Somehow after the half or around 75% it just got too simple)
-Jade Bot (I don't understand why it exists and why I have to charge always everything up with batteries. It feels outdated.)
-Arborstone feels half finished




Edited by SpecterMAT.7306
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Where the hell is all of the new armor? 


What little is there, looks bland as hell, aside from the light monastery top, maybe. Where's the style? I'd love to know. 


Because now despite the dialogue being really well written – in between Virtuoso being a weak mess and there being next to no armor to collect, I'm just about ready to pull the plug on this one.

Edit: and now I'm hearing about there being a huge amount of RNG in some meta event, I'll read into it but ugh.

Edited by Obliviscaris.6937
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2 minutes ago, Obliviscaris.6937 said:

Where the hell is all of the new armor? 


What little is there, looks bland as hell, aside from the light monastery top, maybe. Where's the style? I'd love to know. 


Because now despite the dialogue being really well written – in between Virtuoso being a weak mess and there being next to no armor to collect, I'm just about ready to pull the plug on this one.

Monastery Armor is at the Coin Collector
Canthan Armor is unlocked through  the story or from the coin collector
The Ancient Canthan Armor which is the visual enchantment of the before is unlocked at the coin collector
The guard looking armor set is unlocked by returning the 4 jade statues to the relevant npc in the Empress Throne Room in Seitung
The Jade tech armor set is unlocked from the research page vendor.
The fishing pieces are unlocked by maxing out the fishing mastery
There are a handful of standalone pieces on various heart merchants
There is a blindfold on the strike mission vendor but you need to complete the first strike mission to unlock it

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17 minutes ago, Laken.9018 said:

Monastery Armor is at the Coin Collector
Canthan Armor is unlocked through  the story or from the coin collector
The Ancient Canthan Armor which is the visual enchantment of the before is unlocked at the coin collector
The guard looking armor set is unlocked by returning the 4 jade statues to the relevant npc in the Empress Throne Room in Seitung
The Jade tech armor set is unlocked from the research page vendor.
The fishing pieces are unlocked by maxing out the fishing mastery
There are a handful of standalone pieces on various heart merchants
There is a blindfold on the strike mission vendor but you need to complete the first strike mission to unlock it


That's great, but if I wanted to collect bland clothes, I could go to Goodwill. 

Edited by Obliviscaris.6937
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Okay, it's been a week.  I've completed all the maps and just now finished the story.  Some thoughts...


- Music.  Pure excellence.  Really, fantastic job!

- Aesthetic.  Despite some issues with textures and oversaturation, the maps are lovely.

- Story.  Loved it!  Best story yet!  It was fun to play through.  I liked the characters.  Even Marjory, who is normally one of my least favorite characters, really stepped up.  Loved Detective Rama.  The boss fights were easily the best story fights we've seen so far as well.  It did feel a little abrupt in places, but maybe that's just because I wanted it to last longer than it did.

- Fishing.  Better than expected.  I wouldn't call it groundbreaking, but as gameplay I'm generally not particularly interested in goes it's tolerable which is more than I can say for fishing in WoW.  Sadly, this is the best mastery of the expansion.  Yowch.


- Events.  I loved the way you guys did HoT and most of the story maps while I hated the core/PoF event structure (i.e. hearts, one-off events unrelated to my story, etc.).   Unfortunately, EoD has the core/PoF style with poor story integration.  This was a huge missed opportunity, given how good the story is.

- Masteries.  Rough.  Skiffs are just clunky fishing platforms, Arborstone is pure filler, but it's the jade bots that were the biggest disappointment.  Seriously, what is with all the clutter?  Were the jade batteries necessary?  Couldn't we have passive offensive/defense buffs tied to our bots rather than cluttering up the open world with all these useless objects?  Arguably the coolest feature is bot scouting, which you employed to decent effect in the story but which is mostly useless everywhere else.  Very disappointing.  You clearly put a lot of effort into this and it feels mostly wasted, in my opinion.  Not at all what I expect from the team that brought us the best mount system in the industry.

- Dragon's End.  Some maps were so bad they deserved their own section in the cons.  This one should have been modeled after Dragon's Stand.  You get to the map, fill up some squads, and off you go.  But no.  Instead we have to spend an inordinate amount of time completing copy/paste events in each area of the map after which a 30 minute "Let's get ready to get ready!" timer initiates and only then do we begin our DS-style march to the final epic battle.  And it is epic.  But nobody wants to spend 2 hours to complete a meta and especially not when the boss is designed with heavy RNG invuln phases that make the result feel like the roll of a dice. This seems like one of the best boss battles in the game, completely ruined by poor design choices.

- New Kaineng.  I guess you ran out of time on this one, huh?  Where are the events?  I see a lot of copy/pasted elites, a meta, and not a whole lot else going on.  It looks like a huge city and super cool, but so many of the buildings are just empty facades apparently designed to provide some verticality to facilitate the use of ziplines?  I still have yet to complete the meta here because the map never seems to have anyone playing on it (although I hear that may have been related to a megaserver issue).

Overall, I'm pretty disappointed with EoD.  I think you guys nailed it with the story, music, and aesthetic, but the open world gameplay just isn't up to previous standards.  I'm hoping once I dig into strikes and we start to see some follow-up polish and new post-EoD story/open world content I will change my mind.

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Just noticed all the controversy over the story ending.

I will say it felt really forced that literally the moment we finish the final battle ending the dragon cycle practically every single major character felt the need to express their love interests.  Like who spiked the punch, seriously?  Oddly, it was Logan of all people that had nothing to say on that score for once and instead wanted to go get drunk on the beach!

I get that we want to portray these characters as having more going on in their lives than just battling elder dragons and saving the world, and I guess what better time than at the end of the dragon cycle?  But again, this felt really forced, silly, and in some places pretty cringeworthy.

I am not anti-LGBT, but I think you do a disservice to that community when you contrive situations that put them up on a pedestal when it clearly isn't appropriate to do so.  Think about it.  Taimi and Gorrik played a significant role in the story every step of the way and their weird little gremlin love affair was prominent in the story arc involving Ankka.  But we'd all be scratching our heads if they did more than make mention of it during the story, right?  Let alone give it its own story instance as a surprise finale.  You might be trying too hard. Ease up a bit.

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21 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Just noticed all the controversy over the story ending.

I will say it felt really forced that literally the moment we finish the final battle ending the dragon cycle practically every single major character felt the need to express their love interests.  Like who spiked the punch, seriously?  Oddly, it was Logan of all people that had nothing to say on that score for once and instead wanted to go get drunk on the beach!

I get that we want to portray these characters as having more going on in their lives than just battling elder dragons and saving the world, and I guess what better time than at the end of the dragon cycle?  But again, this felt really forced, silly, and in some places pretty cringeworthy.

I am not anti-LGBT, but I think you do a disservice to that community when you contrive situations that put them up on a pedestal when it clearly isn't appropriate to do so.  Think about it.  Taimi and Gorrik played a significant role in the story every step of the way and their weird little gremlin love affair was prominent in the story arc involving Ankka.  But we'd all be scratching our heads if they did more than make mention of it during the story, right?  Let alone give it its own story instance as a surprise finale.  You might be trying too hard. Ease up a bit.


I am going to be blunt here. I don't see how the ending was cringy or a disservice at all. This has been a build up for years now, or have people been blind to them dating since LWS1. I kind of expected for this to happen eventually, so it makes sense for it too happen when things are finally settled with the dragons. I don't see the issue at all. And just from the observations from a lot here on the forums for who are against it. It seems a lot of it stems from their umm politic view on it which makes it super bias in my opinion. So, forgive me if I find it hard to believe when people say they are not anti+LGBT because it seems like a lot are and don't like the fact this is how the things are now.

Edited by Doctor Hide.6345
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Horrible, the mount is tied to hard meta clearly not for casuals that only have 1 or 2 hours to play, so if you only have a few hours to play per day and are interested in the new mount, i wouldnt bother. Save your money if you didnt buy it.

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1 minute ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


I am going to be blunt here. I don't see how the ending was cringy or a disservice at all. This has been a build up for years now, or have people been blind to them dating since LWS1. I kind of expected for this to happen eventually, so it makes for it too happen when things are finally settled with the dragons. I don't see the issue at all. And just from the observations from a lot here on the forums for who are against it. It seems a lot of it stems from their umm politic view on it which makes it super bias in my opinion. So, forgive me if I find it hard to believe when people say they are not anti+LGBT because it seems like a lot are and don't like the fact this is how the things are now.

You like to make a lot of assumptions about total strangers when you're triggered, don't you?  Well, allow me to be perfectly clear.  I don't have any issues with LGBT characters in stories.  If I have any issues with Kas and Jory it's that they've always been the most boring characters throughout almost the entire storyline.  But Kas stepped up a bit during PoF and it was refreshing to see Marjory finally step up in EoD and not be a total snoozefest for a change.

My issue was with the placement of this story instance, not with the content of it.  In fact, I thought it was rather well done as far as these things go.  It was sweet and sentimental, with the comic relief left to the other characters present.  It brought a tear to my eye.  But like I said, would it have been jarring if some other relationship that had been building up had been featured with its own surprise ending? 

For instance, Taimi and Gorrik?  What if we cut to the Dragon Lab instead of Divinity's Reach, where Gorrik got down on one knee and produced a lovely scarab engineered to cure Taimi's illness while he professed his undying love for her boundless intellect?

It wouldn't have been inappropriate. They've been hinting at this for awhile now in the story and it was prominent in the EoD storyline right from the start.  But would that have been the right time to do it?  I don't think so.  I think we'd be asking why this is the ending of the story of all things.

You're welcome to disagree with that outlook, but I think you know what you can do with your ignorant accusations.  Have a nice day.

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5 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

You like to make a lot of assumptions about total strangers when you're triggered, don't you?  Well, allow me to be perfectly clear.  I don't have any issues with LGBT characters in stories.  If I have any issues with Kas and Jory it's that they've always been the most boring characters throughout almost the entire storyline.  But Kas stepped up a bit during PoF and it was refreshing to see Marjory finally step up in EoD and not be a total snoozefest for a change.

My issue was with the placement of this story instance, not with the content of it.  In fact, I thought it was rather well done as far as these things go.  It was sweet and sentimental, with the comic relief left to the other characters present.  It brought a tear to my eye.  But like I said, would it have been jarring if some other relationship that had been building up had been featured with its own surprise ending? 

For instance, Taimi and Gorrik?  What if we cut to the Dragon Lab instead of Divinity's Reach, where Gorrik got down on one knee and produced a lovely scarab engineered to cure Taimi's illness while he professed his undying love for her boundless intellect?

It wouldn't have been inappropriate. They've been hinting at this for awhile now in the story and it was prominent in the EoD storyline right from the start.  But would that have been the right time to do it?  I don't think so.  I think we'd be asking why this is the ending of the story of all things.

You're welcome to disagree with that outlook, but I think you know what you can do with your ignorant accusations.  Have a nice day.


Most of mine are not baseless since the people I was talking about even said themselves their view on it in the posts they made. And that view was very political. So, I am not adding words there. Just conveying what they said. And yes, if they did the Taimi and Gorrik thing I would be fine with that too. And yes, I do know what to do with my accusations. Double down on them, so thank you for that reminder. 🙂

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Just now, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


Most of mine are not baseless since the people I was talking about even said themselves their view on it in the posts they made. And that view was very political. So, I am not adding words there. Just conveying what they said. And yes, if they did the Taimi and Gorrik thing I would be fine with that too. And yes, I do know what to do with my accusations. Double down on them, so thank you for that reminder. 🙂

Ahh, so you were replying to me but talking about others.  How clever.

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2 minutes ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


Well, first part of it was directed at you. I was curious on why you thought that way. The second part not so much.

Apologies for the misunderstanding.  Paragraphs might have helped to make it more clear.  I can see why you'd think that way about some of the comments here (and I agree).  I hope I explained pretty clearly what my issues are with it.  I don't think it helped that every character suddenly professes their love for somebody else preceding this scene.

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 Juggling games lately and just getting hero points for a few specs so far...  Two cents, or a few.

 I like the maps, with particular approval for Seitung, which is a joy to fly over...  And except for Dragon's End where I'm not sure if it's much outside the meta beyond a very open, rather empty battlefield waste yet.  For a "final" zone, DE didn't wow me at all compared to say Dragon's Stand or Drizzlewood...  Maybe LW will be more exciting.  But at least DE isn't locked behind an event like DS. I like being able to visit a zone and decide early if I want to commit time to it.  I also like that a full spec of hero points felt much more soloable than sometimes was the case in PoF.

Seitung and Echovald are really thick on greens -- and I do love green but -- I wouldn't mind if there were a few other colors a little more often to make it easier to differentiate stuff.   Not sure how I'll feel about all the darkness of Echovald after more hours there, might get old but even Tangled Depths has its fans. 

So generally feels new and has some very attractive spots at least.

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7 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


I am going to be blunt here. I don't see how the ending was cringy or a disservice at all. This has been a build up for years now, or have people been blind to them dating since LWS1. I kind of expected for this to happen eventually, so it makes sense for it too happen when things are finally settled with the dragons. I don't see the issue at all. And just from the observations from a lot here on the forums for who are against it. It seems a lot of it stems from their umm politic view on it which makes it super bias in my opinion. So, forgive me if I find it hard to believe when people say they are not anti+LGBT because it seems like a lot are and don't like the fact this is how the things are now.


You claim Bias, but your own opinion is Biased, you are calling people anti-LGBT because others including myself think there is a time and place for these things, not to be the bearer of bad news but my gay-butt and BF also thought this was pretty trite, and didn't fit the flow of the story, there is tonnes of ways they could of done this to have normalised the relationship and not make it so obviously "political" by having this divergent quest point. That should have been reserved for a LS teaser for what was planned to come.

There are a few ways this would of been done to be more, I hate using the word normal, but normal, and the game has a history of doing that. When Eir had her memorial, or when they addressed Caithe and Faolain's story, the conference of world leaders, or when doing these sort of event quests that have more substance than 2m of dialogue (you yourself said they were leading upto this and don't you think it all falls a lil short if it was supposed to be as important as you claim). Personally I would of done the proposal at the end credits scene where all the character introspection was going on. Historically in GW1 the end credits had all these sort of NPC interactions at the end. 

Nobody is saying that its bad, or they don't like the characters or any of that. Just that the pacing and placement was poor, simple as that. 

Edited by Sernius Alathar.6538
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5 minutes ago, Sernius Alathar.6538 said:



You claim Bias, but your own opinion is Biased, you are calling people anti-LGBT because others including myself think there is a time and place for these things, not to be the bearer of bad news but my gay-butt and BF also thought this was pretty trite, and didn't fit the flow of the story, there is tonnes of ways they could of done this to have normalised the relationship and not make it so obviously "political" by having this divergent quest point. That should have been reserved for a LS teaser for what was planned to come.

There are a few ways this would of been done to be more, I hate using the word normal, but normal, and the game has a history of doing that. When Eir had her memorial, or when they addressed Caithe and Faolain's story, the conference of world leaders, or when doing these sort of event quests that have more substance than 2m of dialogue (you yourself said they were leading upto this and don't you think it all falls a lil short if it was supposed to be as important as you claim). Personally I would of done the proposal at the end credits scene where all the character introspection was going on. Historically in GW1 the end credits had all these sort of NPC interactions at the end. 

Nobody is saying that its bad, or they don't like the characters or any of that. Just that the pacing and placement was poor, simple as that. 


You missed some details which I already shared with the person I was quoting. I get the timing thing which I disagree with on that bases because I think it was fine as is. My main attack on the anti-LGBT was aimed at certain people here who are opposed to it because of certain religious and political reasons which caused the thread to be shut down. My anger was directed at them.

Edited by Doctor Hide.6345
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1 minute ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:


You missed some details which I already shared with the person I was quoting. I get the timing thing which I disagree with on that bases because I think it was fine as is. My main attack on the anti-LGBT was aimed at certain people here who are opposed to it because of certain religious and political reasons which causes the thread to be shut down. My anger was directed at them.

Ah I must have missed the negative or it was removed, most of the comments have been relatively constructive criticism. I'll agree to disagree with the placement, but again my own view is biased because I felt the story was rushed and was expecting more, and then getting a blank wall of no future content or teasers is a bit jarring.

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3 minutes ago, Sernius Alathar.6538 said:

Ah I must have missed the negative or it was removed, most of the comments have been relatively constructive criticism. I'll agree to disagree with the placement, but again my own view is biased because I felt the story was rushed and was expecting more, and then getting a blank wall of no future content or teasers is a bit jarring.


All good. And I am fine with people not liking the pacing since that is more a personal thing. I guess I see it as a wedding event for when the LW of EOD comes out, so that tidbit was more a tease. I don't mind the wait I guess. /shrug

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