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Bug in the quest that happens in Joons mansion [Merged]

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I did the entire quest, took me ages! I hate puzzle solving but I forced myself through it all and in the final room where you have to destroy all the mechs to overload the system, I destroyed all the mechs and then nothing happened for 5 full minutes. Thats the bug.


I will need to take a vacation for one month and come back to force myself to sit through that mission again, and if it bugs out again, I am uninstalling the game.

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First time in the first level room with the arms..  used bot while inside that room and sucked out the battery to the entrance, then teleported back to me so I was stuck in there with all the doors closed. Restarted, this time I got stuck UNDER THE MAP when the cubes pop up fighting the golems .. then I used /stuck and got to the last checkpoint.. only to be met by the jade wall which you cannot go through. Thanks for wasting my time game, ill try again in a few months when the game isn't as infuriating. Puzzles are not fun, just tedious. If you make the floor pop up... can you please make sure we cant get stuck under them? 

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Same I had the last room of joon's mansion bug out there was a mech that I had no line of sight to standing next to it, I figured if I retried from checkpoint it migt reset let the thumper thingie kill me and respawned outside of the room with no way to get back in ..... had to teleport out now I have to restart the instance it is extremely annoying 


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Hi all,

as seen in this screen shot:


I am standing in Joon's lab, did the play with the power grid lines and the jade bot, but at some point I took a charge with my jade bot from the prior room, which locked the door again, while I was standing in the lab.

I don't see how I can open that door again from the inside, is there a way?

I don't really want to do this part again. Flying in the mansion with the Jade bot gave me serious motion sickness.

Edited by deatine.2498
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Yes, it's possible to lock yourself into rooms. I had this happen a few times during that instance (moving charges around with remote bot and then canceling out of the bot's travel mode), though at the time I played it the instanced bugged out and would jump you ahead a checkpoint if you relogged in this situation. I submitted a ticket at the time to let them know it was possible to trap yourself, but haven't played it again since to see if it's been resolved.

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11 minutes ago, aspirine.6852 said:

Stand in the middle of the green lines and use the bot?

Yeah that was the puzzle before I got into this situation. I can switch the power grid all I like, I'm not getting out of the room. Unless I missed something?


10 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I had this happen a few times during that instance (moving charges around with remote bot and then canceling out of the bot's travel mode)

That is exactly what I did a lot because I wanted to fly as little as possible. Shoot. But thanks for confirming.

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How'd you manage to take a charge from the previous room? Isn't there a green-holo-wall stopping the bot from exiting the room you're in? And if you did take one, then you'd get a "the bot is too far away, the energy was refunded" message or something when the door closed from the removing the outer charge, right?


It's likely a bug if not. In which case that sucks!

Edited by Obliviscaris.6937
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Wherever floors lower and replace is a place you can get stuck in with movement related abilities including dodging.


So much needs to be done to fix this problem. The easiest seems to finally let players use the raid/fractal command to be reset. If not then adding a ridiculous number of checkpoints through the whole instance. Tired of spending 15 minutes in a place only to have to go to the character select screen and sit through conversations. At least start adding interactive objects that force to skip ahead to gameplay.

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You can use /stuck command to free yourself in that instance. 

  • /stuck — teleports the player to a nearest walkable point (it gets canceled if the player moves, gets into combat, or does any other action within 30 seconds after using this command, and has a cool-down of 2 minutes. Once moved back to spawn, the /stuck command has a cool-down of 10 minutes). Only works while inside instances, it will tell players to use a nearest waypoint when used on maps. The location is also reported to the developers. Using /stuck also works in PvP maps; the character will be killed after 30 seconds to allow revival at the starting base.


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Just now had the same bug. This is my third time through this quest. The first time was fine - it was the third day EoD was out. The second time I got stuck in the green wall room. This time got stuck on the destroy all the mechs to overload the system just like you said. I can't believe this thing is still so buggy. Whassup Anet?!

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Grrr. first time through this and stuck on "Destroy mechs to overload the system". Destroyed the mechs except the courier - that one's health bar wouldn't go down, but it wasn't attacking me either. Then it disappeared leaving me in an empty room with no way out. 40+ mins later still nothing happened. Gave me time to submit a bug. This did occur around 00:00 UTC, so don't know if  that has any bearing on triggering bug.

ETA: Re-entering the instance put me in the corridor leading to the room, so only had to redo starting from appeal to Joon, so whilst annoying, wasn't so bad - I thought I might have had to restart right from beginning

Edited by Istondhri.1302
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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Bug in the quest that happens in Joons mansion [Merged]
  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/23/2022 at 4:56 AM, Rosen.9387 said:

You can use /stuck command to free yourself in that instance. 


Yes, but then this happens;

On 3/9/2022 at 12:08 PM, RazGerb.6173 said:

Restarted, this time I got stuck UNDER THE MAP when the cubes pop up fighting the golems .. then I used /stuck and got to the last checkpoint.. only to be met by the jade wall which you cannot go through

So that's not even a viable workaround in this instance. Happened to me as well.

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On 3/25/2022 at 1:40 AM, Istondhri.1302 said:

Grrr. first time through this and stuck on "Destroy mechs to overload the system". Destroyed the mechs except the courier - that one's health bar wouldn't go down, but it wasn't attacking me either. Then it disappeared leaving me in an empty room with no way out. 40+ mins later still nothing happened. Gave me time to submit a bug. This did occur around 00:00 UTC, so don't know if  that has any bearing on triggering bug.

ETA: Re-entering the instance put me in the corridor leading to the room, so only had to redo starting from appeal to Joon, so whilst annoying, wasn't so bad - I thought I might have had to restart right from beginning

Empty room here too. It is the second bug in a row with this character. First I had an unkillable mob, so I had to restart. Now I killed all the mobs and I am standing in an empty room and nothing happens.

It is baffling, that there is a bug in a story missionand  after more than a month after launch it is not fixed (had similar bug with this mission on other characters at launch, but now I am much less motivated to go through this punishment of a mission again).

This sucks.

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