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The amount of skill bar related bugs is unacceptable


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I'm dropping my revenant for EoD. It's not related to the sustain nerfs (although they do hurt), or the new alacrity limit, or anything else. 

I'm simply fed up with the number of bugs that the Revenant has had for years.

  • Skills and legends constantly disappearing after entering a new map/dismounting/entering water
  • Specializations/Build & Equipment Templates (which is a paid service after the freebies you get, by the way) resetting randomly


To my knowledge, there has been zero acknowledgement from Anet over these issues and the forums are full of posts like these. I still hang on to my rev despite the bugs because I simply loved my Charr Revenant.

However the breaking point for me was simply the new mount/dismount Alliance Tactics swap bug. This was reported as early as December 1st in one of the betas, but of course the expansion launched with this bug. For those that do not know, with the new elite spec's Legendary Alliance Stance you can swap between Luxon and Kurzick (red and blue; red being offensive and blue being defensive). When mount and dismount again, it swaps back to the the blue one, which means you have to swap the stances to start with the red, putting a 10 second cooldown on the stance swap from the get go.

If Anet's treatment of existing skill bar issues (or lack thereof) is an indicator, this will simply be yet another bug on top of the already-existing bugs that has been plaguing Revenant for literal years. Such a shame. Here's to hoping that someone sees this, but I don't have high hopes.

What a bad taste to have for the launch of an otherwise good expansion.

Edited by Angelissa.8409
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2 hours ago, Angelissa.8409 said:

I'm dropping my revenant for EoD. It's not related to the sustain nerfs (although they do hurt), or the new alacrity limit, or anything else. 

I'm simply fed up with the number of bugs that the Revenant has had for years.

  • Skills and legends constantly disappearing after entering a new map/dismounting/entering water
  • Specializations/Build & Equipment Templates (which is a paid service after the freebies you get, by the way) resetting randomly


To my knowledge, there has been zero acknowledgement from Anet over these issues and the forums are full of posts like these. I still hang on to my rev despite the bugs because I simply loved my Charr Revenant.

However the breaking point for me was simply the new mount/dismount Alliance Tactics swap bug. This was reported as early as December 1st in one of the betas, but of course the expansion launched with this bug. For those that do not know, with the new elite spec's Legendary Alliance Stance you can swap between Luxon and Kurzick (red and blue; red being offensive and blue being defensive). When mount and dismount again, it swaps back to the the blue one, which means you have to swap the stances to start with the red, putting a 10 second cooldown on the stance swap from the get go.

If Anet's treatment of existing skill bar issues (or lack thereof) is an indicator, this will simply be yet another bug on top of the already-existing bugs that has been plaguing Revenant for literal years. Such a shame. Here's to hoping that someone sees this, but I don't have high hopes.

What a bad taste to have for the launch of an otherwise good expansion.

Remove 7 y/o "bug." Abilities (and now the alliance legend) swapping when you dismount: class feature.

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2 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

I think it's more annoying the skills change order. Templates blanking and such I can deal with as long as the traits still work.

I love diving into battle from my griffon, then trying to hit the alliance charge, but instead, I leap backwards off of a building.

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Posts like this are here to remind you how and why Revenant was the last profession added in the game even though they already had concepts and designs ready from the very beginning of the game. Revenant mechanics are really hard to manage for the devs in the way they have made them and it shows with how careful they ever so change them or add new specs, notice how whenever they changed anything from when it was first release it became just slightly worst, there's just something about this profession that they don't seem to properly grasp when maintaining it.


Gaze of Darkness reveal is jank, Hammer is jank, IR is jank, FE is now jank. It's just weird work arounds once after another, even Searing Fissure is having it's own case of showing CoR skill effect when it's not supposed to.

Edited by Shao.7236
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On 3/11/2022 at 4:25 PM, Shao.7236 said:

Posts like this are here to remind you how and why Revenant was the last profession added in the game even though they already had concepts and designs ready from the very beginning of the game. Revenant mechanics are really hard to manage for the devs in the way they have made them and it shows with how careful they ever so change them or add new specs, notice how whenever they changed anything from when it was first release it became just slightly worst, there's just something about this profession that they don't seem to properly grasp when maintaining it.


Gaze of Darkness reveal is jank, Hammer is jank, IR is jank, FE is now jank. It's just weird work arounds once after another, even Searing Fissure is having it's own case of showing CoR skill effect when it's not supposed to.

It's simple really. The guy who created it is no longer there and none of the team play it OR care about their lore or the world we're in. As made apparent by every story decision they make; Quite literally you could've chosen any theme and just looked at their boss kits from guild wars 1 and built around it. Like I don't see the big deal here... it comes down to laziness and incompetence and since it's not their baby why do they care? As long as guardian is good who gives a dang. 

~It's really A-net should've never allowed it to exist in the first place if they knew only ONE guy would know how to develop for it.

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Nah see, this can't be true, because the skill bar bugs have been around since it's inception, which means that for the devs, it's completely acceptable. Because they've never given us any reason to assume otherwise, instead rather choosing to fix "bugs" that at this point are pretty much part of the kit after 7 years of use, and as such this is what I choose to believe. You know the kind of bugs, the ones that create fun synergies. You know, that "fun" stuff we play this game for. It's a bug you see.

The problem the devs seem to have been trying to ignore for years, and is now only just now coming to really bite them in the kitten, is that leaving things as a buggy mess because it's "good enough" for so long is that we literally are unable to tell at this point, and I am sure this goes for the devs too, what was a bug turned feature, and what as a feature turned bug. And since they took so long to get these "bugs" squished, they're removing them without a thought for the ideas and tactics that have since been built around them. And as a result they cause massive unwieldy nerfs that are far larger than they realize because of how ingrained in our classes some of these "Bug-features" become.

Simply put, if one makes balance changes over 7 years, with the bug-features in mind, it means that the second the related bug-features is gone, what it made up for in balance changes, could all be gone with it. It effectively could become an unintentional, massive kit nerf. Basically the time they take to finally fix these bug-features causes them to make so many "balance" changes for the bug itself, and as a result once it's gone, only those nerfs remain in it's place. Like great, you "fixed?" it A-net, I guess, what are you replacing what it did for us with tho?????? Because like, it's often nothing. So we just get kitten for all the changes A-net made to keep the Legend Swap triggering sigil swap abilities from being too strong. Did they adequately compensate for all the changes they made to keep the "bug" from being too strong? No, they just removed it, and let us deal with the previous nerfs in totality. Not only do we have to suffer through the bugs' issues, we also have to suffer through constant kit jank while we wait months for them to iron out the kit afterwards. Like, come on, this is getting really old.

A-net should stop using balance patches and nerfs to get around fixing bugs for years, and instead just fix them. They have it completely mixed up and I am tired of it. I paid for this game, is it too much to ask to be able to seamlessly play most of the classes I paid to play without timewasting bugs??? Personally, it's not the skill bar bugs that are unacceptable to me, it's the sheer volume of kit bugs that I am done with. I don't even care at this point that they fixed the OPs bug. It's just one among many. I feel this was primarily dealt with quickly due to it's obviously broken nature, and if it wasn't for whatever reason, we'd still have it.

Edited by Fan Didly Tastic.7169
Weird spacing bug, typos, poor wording
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13 hours ago, Fan Didly Tastic.7169 said:

Nah see, this can't be true, because the skill bar bugs have been around since it's inception, which means that for the devs, it's completely acceptable. Because they've never given us any reason to assume otherwise, instead rather choosing to fix "bugs" that at this point are pretty much part of the kit after 7 years of use, and as such this is what I choose to believe. You know the kind of bugs, the ones that create fun synergies. You know, that "fun" stuff we play this game for. It's a bug you see.

The problem the devs seem to have been trying to ignore for years, and is now only just now coming to really bite them in the kitten, is that leaving things as a buggy mess because it's "good enough" for so long is that we literally are unable to tell at this point, and I am sure this goes for the devs too, what was a bug turned feature, and what as a feature turned bug. And since they took so long to get these "bugs" squished, they're removing them without a thought for the ideas and tactics that have since been built around them. And as a result they cause massive unwieldy nerfs that are far larger than they realize because of how ingrained in our classes some of these "Bug-features" become.

Simply put, if one makes balance changes over 7 years, with the bug-features in mind, it means that the second the related bug-features is gone, what it made up for in balance changes, could all be gone with it. It effectively could become an unintentional, massive kit nerf. Basically the time they take to finally fix these bug-features causes them to make so many "balance" changes for the bug itself, and as a result once it's gone, only those nerfs remain in it's place. Like great, you "fixed?" it A-net, I guess, what are you replacing what it did for us with tho?????? Because like, it's often nothing. So we just get kitten for all the changes A-net made to keep the Legend Swap triggering sigil swap abilities from being too strong. Did they adequately compensate for all the changes they made to keep the "bug" from being too strong? No, they just removed it, and let us deal with the previous nerfs in totality. Not only do we have to suffer through the bugs' issues, we also have to suffer through constant kit jank while we wait months for them to iron out the kit afterwards. Like, come on, this is getting really old.

A-net should stop using balance patches and nerfs to get around fixing bugs for years, and instead just fix them. They have it completely mixed up and I am tired of it. I paid for this game, is it too much to ask to be able to seamlessly play most of the classes I paid to play without timewasting bugs??? Personally, it's not the skill bar bugs that are unacceptable to me, it's the sheer volume of kit bugs that I am done with. I don't even care at this point that they fixed the OPs bug. It's just one among many. I feel this was primarily dealt with quickly due to it's obviously broken nature, and if it wasn't for whatever reason, we'd still have it.

I agree with all of what you said, but honestly I feel it comes to the fact that none of them play rev. They were not the ones who designed and built rev; Those people are no longer with the company and as such they don't care about the class in any shape or form. Which is why we end up with janky additions or wacky removals; Like they removed empty vessel which was placed there and discussed with roy at one point (The rev daddy) and he said they had given cc removal on legend swap specifically to make it "Flow". They then removed it due to weapon sigils and the cc removal proccing on swap? Alright. Fair I guess. It's either damage or utility for class mechanics which seems fair to me. 

But then they remove the weapon sigil on legend swap too? So now legend swap is just a flashy sign off that your "using the other half" of a pre-determined kit. You pair this with bugs like unrelenting assault getting you stuck inside walls; Or not firing off despite being next to the person or target. Or the skills moving around on their own whenever they feel like or when you use a build template (Another paid feature) or hell even just the fact that some traits and trait lines have been nerfed into oblivion. Some weapons have been made to feel like you're purposefully subjecting yourself to the no safe-word equivalent of naked dark souls? 

In all honesty I feel like at this point the goal is to make it so diluted and watered down, while subsequently making it so unplayable that they then can safely remove it from the game as no one plays it. We're already a niche class as is let alone with all the jank the class now has to deal with... Im tired of it. Which is honestly why I haven't touched my rev much since I've been back; It just doesn't feel as good as it used to. Which is a shame because I love the class and I miss what it was; But Im tired of trying to beat a dead horse. 

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