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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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5 hours ago, Sarnai.8107 said:

And there is like 3-4 groups at best in lfg. Mostly I see 2 groups with 2 full maps, if there is any at all.


Considering today is patch day and the rewards issue at least is expected to be tackled I'd expect even less in LFG before the patch hits and an uptick after.


1 hour ago, StyxTBeuford.2071 said:

I don't care how much the game teaches them to CC, the balance is just way off because they tailored the meta to apparently everyone having EMP charges. 


The waystation is such horrible design. What it teaches is counter productive and balancing break bars around it being expected to be used ended up a huge mess. It's like you're given a crutch but it mainly just made you forget how to walk on your own.

That being said since this is well known and a waystation is there and the bar on Soo-Won doesn't break some people really do need to git gud. The atrocity that's the Whirlpools is an entirely different topic though, those bars are beyond absurd while being a ridiculously long CC which is always fun in games, right?

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Welp good job filling the Dragon's End map!  They just turned from "meta maps" into "event maps" and that works for me! Sucks we can't (well we can, but you wouldn't call a failure a hero) do the metas on the releases anymore but oh well, one more activity we won't be doing in the game. This keep up we won't have anything to do.


But for now we can at least farm the events in DE. Then we will see if our little group has what it takes to do the strikes to complete the collection. If not then that'll be it for us. They had their hearts set on the Turtle.


I just hope Colin sticks to his words because this is spelling the end for our Guild Wars 2 journey. We could go back and play Guild Wars but what would be the point? We won't have a part 2 to look forward to!


P.S. Vendor is in the South Central WP near the Strike Mission entrance.

Edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710
text styling + late note
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15 minutes ago, Heibi.4251 said:

It's just South of the arrival waypoint to the left 

Thank you. Here's a bit more detail for those who'd like it.


From the Jade Quarry wp on the DE map, it's to the south, two levels down, near the two fish vendors. It's a peddler with an imperial favor icon over her head.


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On 3/10/2022 at 2:44 AM, Josh Davis.7865 said:

We're investigating this. Ultimately, we want the End of Dragons metas to be a staple of the endgame open world experience, like the Heart of Thorns metas. We'll be taking the first step towards addressing this in the March 15 build.



Well a few more Memories of Battle for an event that currently takes about 2 hours of planning, preperation and meta itself . While only my first 2 leads failed, the 3 leads after were all successfully, dunno about the failure rate tho. but when this is still like 50% it would take about 3 hours average. So the todays patchnotes were kinda disappointing.

The event takes longer then daily t4+ cms fractals, which give about 20~30g? Also HoT metas are often only joind now for the final phase battle phase taking only 5~10mins.

I personally hoped 1g per each chest so the 1 hour of prepartion would be worth it, for 5 additional Antique Summoning Stones per Week tied to completing the meta event and maybe a chance on a new infusion from the large boss chest. And even then a speed up of all the event chains would be nice.

The main reason i currently lead the meta event three times, was because friends of me still were in need of it. The event is fun, but for that time investment compared to rewards i'd go fractals, raids, strikes or hot metas.

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On 3/9/2022 at 5:44 PM, Josh Davis.7865 said:

We're investigating this. Ultimately, we want the End of Dragons metas to be a staple of the endgame open world experience, like the Heart of Thorns metas. We'll be taking the first step towards addressing this in the March 15 build.



So "endgame open world experience" means raid level complexity? Because as you are most likely aware of now it is most assuredly not like any Heart of Thorns meta. I'm asking to 1 clarify the verbage of "endgame open world experience 2 understand where the company is coming from and going to.


Core, Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire meta's are what I think would make many happy. It would certainly restore joy and a desire to continue playing the game.

I will make an attempt each night this week and again on Saturday. If we have not had at least 2 wins by then, there is more work to be done. I plan to PUG, at common theme in meta's.

I hope the applied resolutions today works to more equally normalize this meta and hopefully the others also.

Edited by Seth Moonshadow.2710
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38 minutes ago, Worrbinpike.2957 said:

I cannot remember very long dialogue in this meta ?


It didn't say long dialogue. There are lulls where nothing can be done when the champions spawn, it's possibly that or when she's landing and not yet available for punching.

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As predicted the changes are nowhere near severe enough to remedy the situation, it's still pretty much unpugable if you don't want to gamble on something with a 2h time investment.

At least when Tarir fails you just know that it's because people are just garbage at doing the mechanics the meta wants you to do and it would have been salvageable if people would have started using their brains but with this dumpster fire of a meta you can have a group where people doing at least a decent job at going for the mechanics of the fight but are still likely to loose because the DPS of the group is not up to par (which spoilers: at her current HP will never be the case in your average OW pug).

Edited by Tails.9372
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1 hour ago, NeroBoron.7285 said:

Well a few more Memories of Battle for an event that currently takes about 2 hours of planning, preperation and meta itself . While only my first 2 leads failed, the 3 leads after were all successfully, dunno about the failure rate tho. but when this is still like 50% it would take about 3 hours average. So the todays patchnotes were kinda disappointing.

The event takes longer then daily t4+ cms fractals, which give about 20~30g? Also HoT metas are often only joind now for the final phase battle phase taking only 5~10mins.

I personally hoped 1g per each chest so the 1 hour of prepartion would be worth it, for 5 additional Antique Summoning Stones per Week tied to completing the meta event and maybe a chance on a new infusion from the large boss chest. And even then a speed up of all the event chains would be nice.

I don't see the majority of players taking the time to craft a precursor into a legendary. So outside of selling the Memories the rewards are pretty bad in this meta. I'm guessing that this expansion was more rushed than Anet would like to admit, which is why we didn't get any meta specific weapons or armor for completion. That and no Kurz/Lux armor sets makes it EoD feel really bare bones after the initial story completion and the wonder of new maps wear off. And it's not like the Siege Turtle in the vast majority of content either.

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On 3/10/2022 at 10:51 AM, Shadows Creed.3902 said:

Not being troll but honestly. Knew they had to put a new way to get Mount. Ya can't sell mount skin in gem store if virtually no one got it.


Won't be shocked when turtle mount skin avail shortly on or after the 15th

 Just wanted to say...



Can't sell if people don't got.



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Well just going to put some thoughts here:

1) The quality of groups appears to have gone down, I've only attempted twice since the first week where I did it like 4 times, but the first group was not even able to coordinate well enough to clear the pres on time, the second just couldn't beat the timer. Also players just start leaving mid-encounter if they feel it's not going well, so if the boss isn't rescaling it just gets more hopeless. I only tried after the tail fix, hoping for better luck, but no dice. I'm guessing the players capable of doing this encounter are one and done. That means it's not fun. That's the problem. 

2) I probably would not have come back to GW2 at all if I had come back during this period. I came back when Dragonfall was released, and I was blown away by seeing all these people work together and the dragon go down, contrast this with EoD where I feel I was put on a very clear path, do the story, then try to finish the last battle and all it's been was a slog. Even WP has said that the current difficulty of the meta isn't what it should be. I really feel the devs are not putting their best foot forward and I'm not sure a dialogue change is going to fix anything. In fact I'm not bothering with this meta again until I actually start hearing from other players that it's more doable/successful. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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I am so done with this. This meta is such a pain. I was hurrying to be on time before the pre-event, find a map with a commander, do all the preps...... annnnd the game disconnects me for whatever reason, and of course no way to get back into the full map again. THAT makes this such a bad event. You have to jump through so many hoops, hope everything goes right and have decent players on the map etc etc and then something like this happens and you wasted so much time for nothing. And that was my gaming time I had for the evening , thanks.

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I really can't believe the buff in rewards was some extra items that are crashing and already at 50s (with even more metas dropping them now, too). No one is going to do this meta for so little.

I've seen screenshots of a daily meta chest select reward that included an antique stone and that might be enough for another week or two but the prices for those are dropping quickly as supply starts meeting demand, too.

They also don't solve the problem that is the hour+ leading up to the meta is unrewarding and people don't want to stick around for 2 hours for a low chance at 20g when they could hit up several different metas in that time, do T4s, clear a raid wing or two, or do Silverwastes or Drizzlewood for guaranteed gold.

You can either have hard content that's rewarding or you can have easy content that's less rewarding, you can't have hard content that's unrewarding unless you want said content to be dead. This is PoF metas all over again.

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On 3/10/2022 at 2:44 AM, Josh Davis.7865 said:

We'll be taking the first step towards addressing this in the March 15 build.


A very small step though. Memories aren't the bottleneck and a Summoning Stone might've been more enticing as a filler until the rewards can be adjusted for the Meta to become a staple.

I'm not feeling like I'm being lured back to Soo-Won for now.


Reportedly a Summoning Stone was added but I didn't see that in the patch notes? There are also Hero's Choice chests? Depending on the price of the Stones this might make things more interesting.

I actually love the fight if you take aways the RNG nonesense (of the past?) and the 50 man raid tuning, I never have and never will want to 1v49.

Edited by Desh.7028
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1 hour ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

Well just going to put some thoughts here:

1) The quality of groups appears to have gone down

Yep! I was just running some events there. Maps have like 5-8 players. They obviously have skills but are upset at the meta. Checking lfg for SnG's I found 1 CMDR that will kick you if you don't have the condi build they are looking for. The other CMDr requires Discord or kick.

End of Dragons = RAID play! In Open World!? What is it they say? "Dafak"? So I guess I don't get to play what I want!


It's okay though when I have time I'm running event maps in DE so all will be welcome!

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1 hour ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

Well just going to put some thoughts here:

1) The quality of groups appears to have gone down, I've only attempted twice since the first week where I did it like 4 times, but the first group was not even able to coordinate well enough to clear the pres on time, the second just couldn't beat the timer. Also players just start leaving mid-encounter if they feel it's not going well, so if the boss isn't rescaling it just gets more hopeless. I only tried after the tail fix, hoping for better luck, but no dice. I'm guessing the players capable of doing this encounter are one and done. That means it's not fun. That's the problem. 

2) I probably would not have come back to GW2 at all if I had come back during this period. I came back when Dragonfall was released, and I was blown away by seeing all these people work together and the dragon go down, contrast this with EoD where I feel I was put on a very clear path, do the story, then try to finish the last battle and all it's been was a slog. Even WP has said that the current difficulty of the meta isn't what it should be. I really feel the devs are not putting their best foot forward and I'm not sure a dialogue change is going to fix anything. In fact I'm not bothering with this meta again until I actually start hearing from other players that it's more doable/successful. 

This was the thing I always found funny, people saying "Oh its day one it'll get better" meanwhile, if you were in the final zone in day one you were most likely among the better player groups. As the days go by, worse players who do less dps reach the end. If anything, Day one should have been the best example as to why this meta is the worst meta Anet has ever produced. 


Anet, what are you doing? You letting us buy the Turtle because you wanted to sell a skin? But then still require a Strike?
Worst of all, we said, MANY TIMES, that the reward to match the effort would need to be huge, like 10 summoning stones huge. It would need to be like the Dragon dumps 60 gold on you if you beat it to make it worth the time investment for this terrible meta that sucks. 


So many suggestions to make this meta better then your studio apparently could produce and yet still you cling onto terrible design that is costing you players. Please just outright tell us you don't want 99% of people playing your game anymore so GW2 can die, just please tell us. GW2 is a great game, awesome alt friendly great fun open world experience, as long as you never buy EoD? 

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8 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Worst of all, we said, MANY TIMES, that the reward to match the effort would need to be huge, like 10 summoning stones huge. It would need to be like the Dragon dumps 60 gold on you if you beat it to make it worth the time investment for this terrible meta that sucks. 

5g for the escorts finishing, 5g for the crystals finishing, and 40-50g for the meta finishing. Make it a weekly thing if needed and it can be a high risk/high reward situation, but no one's going to do this for a small chance at 20g (which is quickly dropping lower as the bulk of that is the ancient summoning stone).

The rewards are a side issue, anyway. The main problem is with the encounter itself, not shinies (or lack thereof) at the end. Temporarily increasing loot slightly is a bandaid and it won't fix the issue of player retention or population on maps both interested in doing the meta and skilled/organized enough to have a chance at beating it.

Anet seems to have decided jingling keys in front of players will be enough of a distraction from everything else so they don't have to change the meta more than they already have (or worse, admit they were wrong if it's an ego thing).

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1 hour ago, Shadows Creed.3902 said:

 Just wanted to say...



Can't sell if people don't got.



And they won't get a single dime from me on them until they make the META more what open world content should be. They've actively stated they they only want "most players" to succeed. Guess thy want some people to fail. Great marketing to your customers. If you're in the fail percentage that's where ANET wants you. Enjoy it. You want my money you must make it so EVERYONE can succeed without having to be super organized.

Edited by Heibi.4251
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Did a run with HS comm, we had 8 minutes left. Not even 1 tail, maybe 2 side swaps total. Flashback to my other runs with non-stop tail and swaps... Is RNG still running wild? Or were mechanics removed?
Also rewards are poor as hell still, best I got (besides memories and summoning stone) was a random exotic.

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