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2 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

2nd, you use a build that someone took the time to build, that I can reecognize the effort, now how little you have contributed.



What so just because someone else came up with what the best would be best with the trait/armor/runes etc means that the person plays it puts in no effort ? Right.


Id like you to lead a squad full of people on a meta build with a class they can’t play, should be easy, right ?


3 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

And lastly, figured you would be a "Git Guud" elitist type of person shenanigans *shrugs*

After trying to help people ingame with tips and tricks, absolutley I will turn jaded when all I get back is ”Toxic elitst” and ”dont tell me how to play the game” almost every time, despite me just giving them TIPS not saying ”You have to play this.”


4 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

Wonders why he gets rude replies when he tells others to git gud. Funny guy

See above, I tried to help, only got it thrown right back in my face, I have 0% emapthy with people who can’t complet the meta anymore.

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8 hours ago, NorthernRedStar.3054 said:

Very entertaining boss fight, one of the best you've made and a proof that some raid mechanics can work in open world content.

While I certainly understand this point of view, the issue with it is there is a precedent that has been set over the years of not having that type of mechanics in open world and there has been no gradual stet up to this fight in that way.  So in fact it's not really working that well.  The failure rate is proof of that.  If this was the culmination they were wanting they should have had bosses be a hill to climb slowly each time.  The boss fight in itself is entertaining...the first time...the first five times maybe....but when you are failing after endless hours without beating it frustration sets in.  There are just too many factors beyond people's control.  Most games that I have played that actually had 50 man raids ended up either removing them or failing all together because you cannot organize that many people.  It's nearly impossible.

Edited by Minjin.8259
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4 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

See above, I tried to help, only got it thrown right back in my face, I have 0% emapthy with people who can’t complet the meta anymore.

You never had any sense of Empathy... this is just an illusionnary facet, and that's Clear as Day.
I have been monitoring the forums and the LFG for a week and I never seen your name pop once until now.

A Non-Toxic Elitist would allow anyone, no matter which build or gear they run to participate.

Your type of person just tries to purge the more relax, YET still trying part of the community. The great Searing that has split the Community between those who are so anal-retentive about winning that they pritch on litterally all those who fails; and those who takes failures as a method to grow AT THEIR OWN PACE.

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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8 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

The current strategy of those LFG groups is to gather in arborstone, kick anyone not fulfilling their requirements, make the squad private, TP to DE, try to find an empty map. Get rid of as many players who are inside that map. And then play the meta 2h later. 

Strategies for getting rid of people are waiting, being annoying and following them or paying gold. 

So their strategy to ensure (maybe) one single clear is to do the meta in 4 hours instead of 2, of which at least 1.30h is AFKing in the clean map to avoid losing the good instance? If it works for them I guess...

My only suggestion for this meta is moving the turtle to some story related quest. The vast majority of people complaining about this meta are people who only want the turtle, and who will never do the meta ever again after they get the turtle, regardless of it getting nerfed or not. If it weren't for the turtle there would have been maybe a couple of threads of complaints, but then "casual" players wouldn't even care for too long.

Moving the turtle and giving monetary rewards on par with dragonfall/drizzlewood would keep casuals at bay and ensure that people who really want to run this meta can get adequate rewards for their 2h effort and possibly organize regular runs managed by guilds such as RENA and similars.

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Just now, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

You never had any sense of Empathy... this is just an illusionnary facet, and that's Clear as Day.
I have been monitoring the forums and the LFG for a week and I never seen your name pop once until now.

Glad you know how I feel better than myself, please, tell me more about how I am as a person.


1. Do you think the forums is everything or something ? Read what I wrote, I tried to help people INGAME, I don't make groups either, I join them because I don't like leading, so again, how is this even a point ?


I tried to help people, believe me, I do, but all I was met with was people who just threw back everything I tried to help them with right into my face, that won't make me want to help anymore, that makes me want to say tough luck to people who can't complete the meta.

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8 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

You know, I don't want to generalize too unfairly, but I think this is a problem GW2 has with a lot of its content. For example, I can't count the number of times I've been unable to do anything for extremely costly seconds because I'm spammed with CC by mobs, some of it either unavoidable or requiring perfectly timed dodge to avoid. It's a real pet peeve I have with mob design in more than one game, where NPC's spamming CC is supposed to be some kind of challenge. Do Dark Souls enemies CC you at all? I'm curious, I've never been enough of a hardcore experience chaser to want to try those games.

The best way to say it is that it is different. There are grab attacks enemies do that CC you for a prolonged time where you can‘t act, but those are deadly and shouldn‘t hit you in the first place.

Also, every hit from enemies can potentially stagger you (mini stuns, can interrupt your attacks) depending on a value called poise and superarmour (during attacks your poise may be higher depending on your weapon so that actions may go through).

BUT unlike GW2 and most MMORPGs attacks are not target locked, so you can potentially evade/side step everything and never get hit.

That said, too many grouped up enemies and they can „stunlock“ you with their staggers if you‘re unlucky.

I‘d say they‘re more fairly designed in general than the CC ping pong that sometimes happens in GW2, but there are always exceptions

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1 hour ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

Players need to calm down, they've already nerfed the meta, and its now doable by the majority of coordinated groups. If they remove the RNG entirely, then even pug squads will be able to do it.


Its only ever needed small tweaks to bring it into mainstream completion.


Alot of the negativity of the expansion is people not following the age-old rule of "don't play at release", which seems unfair but that's just how it is. Things take time to stabilise, and the best experience is always that sweet spot between initial release and inevitably becoming legacy content where its both stable and has a significant number of players doing it on a regular basis.


This rule is up there with others like "don't prepurchase' and "don't buy special editions". If you take a risk you're looking to be disappointed, so don't do it unless you're strong-willed.


The devs aren't responsible for you throwing all your eggs into one basket.

So if I say here, have this really awesome Christmas present you were so excited about...but oh you shouldn't use it until February, you would be ok with that?  You would just sit back and wait?  People paid money for this expansion and you don't think they wanted to go see what they paid for?  And they already waited, most people paid for it months ago.  

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16 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

I tried to help people, believe me, I do, but all I was met with was people who just threw back everything I tried to help them with right into my face, that won't make me want to help anymore, that makes me want to say tough luck to people who can't complete the meta.

If you tried to help with and are thrown things back, you probably should reconsider how you are bringing the explanations and the facts on the table.

Because People won't listen to what they don't want to listen and that is the hard truth.

That you tried to help is fine AND appreciated.
However here you are, also throwing the towel.

Perhaps explaining is not your strong suit, but if you say that you don't like to lead, perhaps you shouldn't try to be a Leading Example either.

I am in a position to speak, because while you were doing your raids and hard end-core stuff, I was spending most of my time continuously helping newcomers for the last 5 years into theories and informations that not even the game are relaying properly. I have been constantly monitoring every META events that I participated in, and continuously asked for Reports and Updates on the sub-groups. Also calling all the mechanics (CC, Tail, Dodge, Avoid, Burn, etc).

So I know and understand when people don't listen; but I still have the skills to know when to take action to ATTEMPT to help, even if it fails down the line.

What I don't support though is how distinguisly Elite Players are trying to just win and makes everything possible to cast aside people that are unfortunate to not have the skills, nor the time to be perfect like they are asked to.
I know when someone is an empath or not, because unlike you I feel and take the time to consider everyone side, those who are trying and yet being reprimanded for not being "tryhard" enough; and even though who spend time creating those META builds that everyone like so much.

I'm being super blunt with my statements and I'm aware, I know it hits hard.
But I take the time to remember that others are not as fortunate as others, and that shouldn't be a reason to delest all the stuff on them for failing.

I value the EFFORTS over the RESULTS.

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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2 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

I am in a position to speak, because while you were doing your raids and hard end-core stuff, I was spending most of my time continuously helping newcomers for the last 5 years into theories and informations that not even the game are relaying properly.

And you know what I was doing in those raids, along with my raid lead ? Helping newbies get into raiding, training them so they got better, and that helps not only us, but also the game in the long run, because the better players become, the easier the open world also becomes, and the less problems like this will arise.


3 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Because People won't listen to what they don't want to listen and that is the hard truth.

And that is exactly why this happened, people refuse to listen to advice, and when the "Hardcore" players try to give them said advice, all they get is hate back, it's not so strange it turns many people jaded, Teapot put up a good guide, what happened ? He recieved a LOT of hate, this meta is not an easy one and you have to have good classes and builds to complete it, that's the reality of the situation as it looks currently, and we can't change it, and so when you give tips on HOW to complete it CURRENTLY, you don't get thanks, but get told off instead.


6 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

However here you are, also throwing the towel.

Yeah, absolutley, I have grown tired of trying to help, I will still do it to people who are open to getting better, don't get me wrong, but to the open world and "casual" crowd ? Absolutley not, I only have gotten bad replies back, so why would I even attempt to help further ?




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Everyone who had ever say "git git" is a moron, sorry to say but it's true. Not an opion, but a fact.


So let's say MrGudPlayer went to Dragon's End to do the meta. This guy is uber good, the best GW2 player in existence. So he goes there expecting to get his egg of the tutle. Because the map is dead and there is nothnig on LFG, he waited, and waited, tried and tried to no avail. Basically, being  gud is no good! This uber player can't get his achieve! LOL.


But here is MrNoGud, worst player you can find, just happens to spawn at a map at the right time at the right instance. He follows the tag not knowning what the hell they are doing, finds himself at final fight, and lo and behold they won the meta! He does not even know that meta was a requirement for tutle LOL.


FYI, this is a true story.

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20 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

See above, I tried to help, only got it thrown right back in my face, I have 0% emapthy with people who can’t complet the meta anymore.

So you got some backlash for „trying to help“ (just using your words here, as i don‘t have any proof) and your response to that is to generalize everyone that hasn‘t completed the meta yet, instead of the few individuals that insulted you in the first place.

I‘m not going to tell you to grow a thicker skin, as insults from either side are wrong, but maybe a bit of introspection would help. But from your behaviour i‘ve seen in this thread, i can‘t really say i empathise with you.

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Just now, GoldenPants.1870 said:

And that is exactly why this happened, people refuse to listen to advice, and when the "Hardcore" players try to give them said advice, all they get is hate back, it's not so strange it turns many people jaded, Teapot put up a good guide, what happened ? He recieved a LOT of hate, this meta is not an easy one and you have to have good classes and builds to complete it, that's the reality of the situation as it looks currently, and we can't change it, and so when you give tips on HOW to complete it CURRENTLY, you don't get thanks, but get told off instead.

Maybe try to speak as a Casual instead of force feeding like an Hardcore Player, that might push you to lengths that are no so limited...

Teapot should have seen it coming, with how he acts with some people in his community (because his job is more important than having good relationships). Personally I only know Teapot for one things "End-Game Content (PvP/WvW/Raids)" and nothing more.

There is people to talk to some people, and others to talk to others, and frankly for Casual talking Teapot is unfortunately not the best at it.
And yes, the current META is not easy... but a good majority of us have not asked for it being that way.
Just having the Turtle "Accessible" as stated.

Right now, ANet by listening to only those who want to progress beyond their limitations in an desperate mean, ANet has created this event that actually people hates because they didn't synergize nor adequatly communicated with us.
You have read the forums, you should know that the informations we were given were incorrect, in more than one side.

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1 minute ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Maybe try to speak as a Casual instead of force feeding like an Hardcore Player, that might push you to lengths that are no so limited...

I mean, I will speak from the point on how I view the game, and the content I play, same as you will, and have, we all are biased, so I will naturally want people to get better and improve, instead of being stuck in the same loop over and over again.


4 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

ANet has created this event that actually people hates because they didn't synergize nor adequatly communicated with us.

The fact of the matter is EoD is not old at all, remember the launch of HoT ? Dragon's Stand.. Chak Gerent, failed all the time, but people learned, and improved, and now its a mindless walk in the park for even the most casual of open world players. 


They have not had the time to balance it correctly, so we have to make do with what we have currently, you can't change that, neither can I, only ANet can eventually change it.


10 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

So you got some backlash for „trying to help“ (just using your words here, as i don‘t have any proof) and your response to that is to generalize everyone that hasn‘t completed the meta yet, instead of the few individuals that insulted you in the first place.

Yeah, sure, I had some positive experiences, but those sure as kitten do not feel like they outweigh the negative ones, so why should I keep trying, in all honesty, I got the sense that the majority just does not want to improve, so why should I then try to help them improve ?


11 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

But from your behaviour i‘ve seen in this thread, i can‘t really say i empathise with you.

Don't need to, either, just explaining why I think the way I do, with how mapchat/lfg/forums is behaving currently, as I again, feel like people do not want to improve, but just want things to be made easier, so why should I help those that do not want to improve ?


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Golden, (I don't want to quote that text wall so I am just going to respond) I don't think it's that people don't want to improve.  It's that they don't want to be told that the way they have been playing and enjoying the game up til now MUST be changed for ONE meta or even worse to get one mount with little rewards.  If you want people to step up their game literally, when they have been satisfied and happy all this time you have to give them some incentive.  Getting garbage rewards isn't that incentive.

Edited by Minjin.8259
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10 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Teapot should have seen it coming, with how he acts with some people in his community (because his job is more important than having good relationships). Personally I only know Teapot for one things "End-Game Content (PvP/WvW/Raids)" and nothing more.

There is people to talk to some people, and others to talk to others, and frankly for Casual talking Teapot is unfortunately not the best at it.

Yeah, someone that pushed the „furnace taken“ and „only 1 spam“ memes so far that his followers started to believe in them and it spread quickly amongst the playerbase shouldn‘t wonder why he gets backlash.

He did a lot for GW2, but he also is partly responsible for creating the current climate and divide between „casuals“ and „hardcores“ (even though both sides are neither casual nor hardcore).

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1 minute ago, Minjin.8259 said:

It's that they don't want to be told that the way they have been playing and enjoying the game now MUST be changed for ONE meta or even worse to get one mount with little rewards. 

Absolutley, and I am again, not trying to force anyone to playing anything, I am just looking at this from a perspective on how things stand currently, and that is that this meta can't be completed with just.. Whatever at the current moment, but it requires a lot of setup to complete. And, I give my tips from that point of view.


3 minutes ago, Minjin.8259 said:

If you want people to step up their game literally, when they have been satisfied and happy all this time you have to give them some incentive.  Getting garbage rewards isn't that incentive.

The rewards on the meta have to be improved 100%, you won't have me disagreeing there, they're bad, very bad for the time invested into the meta.


3 minutes ago, Minjin.8259 said:

I don't think it's that people don't want to improve.

Honestly, here I do have to disagree, from what I have seen, is people do not want to do any research into how their class can be used to its fullest extent, even if they just.. change the traits around, it could be a 100% improvement, but people seem to refuse to do even that.

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1 hour ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

People don’t want to carry others, and even if they boot you from squad you can’t be booted from the map, so it’s really a moot point.


This is quite funny statement. 


First of all, the turtle is not a mandatory reward, you dont need it for anything, its just another mount that honeslty doesn’t have a use, seeing as the Skyscale/Beetle/Gryphon/Raptor already exists, and are way better.


Second, playing a meta build is not being a mindless sheep, it’s called using the best your class has to offer in order to not only kill the boss, but also not to be a burden upon others trying their hardest.


And as I have tried to help before, but only got rude replies back for my efforts, if you can’t handle the meta event, you need to get good, or else tough luck. you won’t get the turtle.

Except that you cant' coordinate and you can't get buffs from people in the squad which lowers your DPS and your ability to survive.

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1 hour ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

this locks some mendatory rewards away from those people who stand their ground about not being a mindless sheep

I refuse to apologise for wanting to actually be efficient in my gameplay, and to carry my own weight. Whether it be dps or support.

If you want to play non-meta that's entirely within your right, and unlike yourself I don't feel the need to put your gameplay style down due to an internalised inadequacy. It is incredibly rude to call those who want to push themselves to be better a "mindless sheep". You clearly don't know why people play meta builds.

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8 minutes ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

I refuse to apologise for wanting to actually be efficient in my gameplay, and to carry my own weight. Whether it be dps or support.

If you want to play non-meta that's entirely within your right, and unlike yourself I don't feel the need to put your gameplay style down due to an internalised inadequacy. It is incredibly rude to call those who want to push themselves to be better a "mindless sheep". You clearly don't know why people play meta builds.

Quick and Efficient means to move on?

I'm not going to minsce my words here but...

I will say that I will value people who can think of their own builds without looking references.
(NOT everyone has the time for this, and I am also aware of that fact).
IF you happen to land on the same state of a build as a META build, I'll still give you efforts credits because you made it happen on your own, and not by utilizing someone thinking.

The mention of Mindless sheep is because you follow a trend to lead and are not questioning why you do it that way, just that you inconsciously believe this is the right and only way to do it. (E.G is the Human Female Fashion META (Human Female doesn't have to be "always the top #1 optimal the best of the best in fashion" yet so many people follow that supposely "fundamental")

You would understand that this is where it comes from, it IS unvoluntary behavior and I'll admit to this.
But those META builds ain't absolute because of what they are built upon, they are absolute because someone has thought them out (and that I credit).

If you just lazily copy paste something else has made, without understanding the fine details, YOU ARE A SHEEP who is just simply following the herd. If you understand and Master Absolutely the build you are working with, then sure all the credits to you!

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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8 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

The mention of Mindless sheep is because you follow a trend to lead and are not questioning why you do it that way, just that you inconsciously believe this is the right and only way to do it.

For someone who digresses as much as yourself you'd think that you'd learn to actually read what you're responding to 🙄

I like being effective. That's MY decision, and MY right to play it that way. I'm not "questioning" it because I ALREADY KNOW why I play that way. I DECIDED to. I never said it's "the right and only way to do it". You're projecting onto me what you think my mindset is - which you absolutely have no idea of, especially considering you didn't even read the single comment I posted where I said what my mindset was!

You claiming to know why I play what I play is absolutely hilarious. No one can know the mindset of another lest they ask. You're acting like you have knowledge that you clearly don't.

You're clearly not interested in having an actual conversation, but instead keen on projecting and gaslighting. But on the tiny chance that you actually want a conversation I'm all ears. Just leave your projection at the door.

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2 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

This is what i mean with introspection. I‘m not telling you to help others improve. I‘m telling you to not make ridiculous generalizations and insulting everyone just because they haven‘t completed the meta. Your hostile reactions are the reason why I‘m not empathizing with you. You‘re coming off as a huge douchebag, and one befitting of the title „toxic elitist“ here.

Perhaps I am, but that is because I have grown tired of others that do not want to improve, the ability to clear the meta is there, people have cleared it, but some people are absolutley refusing any chance possible to actually beat it by just changing some traits/gear. If every player did this, if everyone brought a good build, this meta would have a MUCH higher success chance, and then, when the meta is over, they go back to their prefered build and gear.


But instead of doing that, they want the meta nerfed, because they do not want to put in the effort to get the new shiny thing, that is what has been starting to irk me, people just want nerfs nerfs nerfs, instead of trying to improve themselves.


6 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

Nonetheless from all your responses it doesn‘t actually seem as if the „help“ came from you directly towards the casual playerbase. It was through guides, Tpot, your raidleader. The only thing you helped according to you was new raiders, but those are the ones who were already seeking guidance, and that doesn‘t help the game at large, just the dwindling raid playerbase.

Absolutley, and then I pass that knowledge on to others seeking to improve, they know the game far better than I did at the point when I started raiding, when I got into the game, reading guides is not dangerous, they won't bite, but people refuse to for some reason, I don't get it, at all.


And yeah, the new raiders wanted to improve, to get better at the game, and guess what they're not doing right now, complaining.

9 minutes ago, Raknar.4735 said:

If, like you yourself said, people don‘t want to improve, then why try to give them unsolicited advice? And telling them to unironically „git gud“ does not help either. Most Souls veterans don‘t do that to new Souls players, unless in a memey way.

Oh they do, they very much do, infact a large portion of Dark Souls playerbase is a "Git gud" player, because they know the only way to beat it is to get better, and if not, you just summon a player. That knows what to do, because he took the time to get better at the game.


So to sum it up, people can EASILY improve, but they refuse to, even when it would benefit not only themselves, but the wide GW2 community. 

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1 minute ago, Miss Lana.5276 said:

For someone who digresses as much as yourself you'd think that you'd learn to actually read what you're responding to 🙄

I like being effective. That's MY decision, and MY right to play it that way. I'm not "questioning" it because I ALREADY KNOW why I play that way. I DECIDED to. I never said it's "the right and only way to do it". You're projecting onto me what you think my mindset is - which you absolutely have no idea of, especially considering you didn't even read the single comment I posted where I said what my mindset was!

You claiming to know why I play what I play is absolutely hilarious. No one can know the mindset of another lest they ask. You're acting like you have knowledge that you clearly don't.

You're clearly not interested in having an actual conversation, but instead keen on projecting and gaslighting. But on the tiny chance that you actually want a conversation I'm all ears. Just leave your projection at the door.

Why you are doing though is projecting your own image on everyone else who might not have the same mindset as you do, the current LFG Listings are proof that not everyone think that playing what you want is fine and probably are even harsher than I am.
For records, I have never said I'm "all-Benevolant", I'm actually rather quite chaotic in that sense and I admit to it.

All that post was just white knighting something you don't have a full grasp yourself, which shouldn't be left untouched. You obviously took me saying "Mindless Sheep" in the opposite way that you would have comprehended if you were in my mindset (although I bet that you just don't care by now) and that's fine.
I know what I said and meant though, and some others might too (even if we are a minority of people).

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10 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Perhaps I am, but that is because I have grown tired of others that do not want to improve, the ability to clear the meta is there, people have cleared it, but some people are absolutley refusing any chance possible to actually beat it by just changing some traits/gear. If every player did this, if everyone brought a good build, this meta would have a MUCH higher success chance, and then, when the meta is over, they go back to their prefered build and gear.

And this is what we really refuse to, "being forced into improving in a way only dictated by "Numbers"".
Increasing our skill level with our own builds and mannerism is not a problem of ours.

Having people expect us to wallet out a full new build just for a META though... how about you send everyone in your squad the gold to craft that new set you want so much?

Honestly, I wouldn't nave minded sending the gold to anyone in my squad, if I was that picky about having the ultimate setups.

Let me ask, would you be willing to pay with no returns for a build, just so you are satisfied with the people in your squad/party?

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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1 minute ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Having people expect us to wallet out a full new build just for a META though... how about you send everyone in your squad the gold to craft that new set you want so much?

Because it's my gold, and why should I have to pay for others just because people want the meta to succed ? Plus, you can buy berserker items from the trading post for like no gold at all.

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