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I wanted to come back...


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I honestly really wanted to come back.  I've been craving some go PvP and then I come back to this crap fest.  Easily the most broken complete garbage excuse of PvP I've ever seen for this game.  I'm curious if the devs have addressed this and will be fixing it soon or if they are being a bunch of chicken kittens and not saying a word.  I've been looking for info and haven't seen any.  That leads me to believe they haven't owned up to this screw up. To even release the xpac in the state it is in was really pathetic.  Let alone if they are silent and not even admitting they screwed up badly makes it even worse.

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On 3/9/2022 at 11:24 PM, Avatar.3568 said:

What is your problem sir, maybe there is something the comminty can help you


Balance isn't always the issue

Can't speak for OP, but the reason I don't play PvP very much is 100% balance.

Specifically: The playstyles/weapons/skills/traits I have fun using are just not good enough to compete. I can see very clearly that if I play the things I enjoy, I am letting down my team, because they are ineffective.

Example: I want to play P/P engi.

  • Its main damage skill is a 15s cooldown long duration burn: Blowtorch
  • Its main defensive skills are non-repeating Blind and Immob
  • But cleanse is plentiful. Single immobs are shrugged off like they're nothing. Many skills hit so many times that blind maybe negates ~10% of them. It doesn't matter how much damage a long burn could potentially do because it never actually lasts more than 1 or 2 ticks.

Every time I play and I dodge all my opponents' ~8-10k power swings and I attack them back and land my long-cd (potentially) ~14k burn, and it ticks once before being cleansed, it's just so kittening demoralizing. It doesn't matter how many cover condi I frantically try and put on. It's just always cleansed.

So I'm sitting here with my ineffective squirt-gun of a weapon, facing opponents with *real* guns knowing that if I swapped to a specific Holo build or specific Scrapper build, I could go toe to toe with them .. but at the cost of not being able to play what I want to play.

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1 hour ago, coro.3176 said:

Can't speak for OP, but the reason I don't play PvP very much is 100% balance.

Specifically: The playstyles/weapons/skills/traits I have fun using are just not good enough to compete. I can see very clearly that if I play the things I enjoy, I am letting down my team, because they are ineffective.

Example: I want to play P/P engi.

  • Its main damage skill is a 15s cooldown long duration burn: Blowtorch
  • Its main defensive skills are non-repeating Blind and Immob
  • But cleanse is plentiful. Single immobs are shrugged off like they're nothing. Many skills hit so many times that blind maybe negates ~10% of them. It doesn't matter how much damage a long burn could potentially do because it never actually lasts more than 1 or 2 ticks.

Every time I play and I dodge all my opponents' ~8-10k power swings and I attack them back and land my long-cd (potentially) ~14k burn, and it ticks once before being cleansed, it's just so kittening demoralizing. It doesn't matter how many cover condi I frantically try and put on. It's just always cleansed.

So I'm sitting here with my ineffective squirt-gun of a weapon, facing opponents with *real* guns knowing that if I swapped to a specific Holo build or specific Scrapper build, I could go toe to toe with them .. but at the cost of not being able to play what I want to play.

I saw good players beating bad players without using any traitline 

Thats why I say balance is not always an issue, but it's easy to blame the balance 

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Poor balance and still no way to turn the tide of a game. You can be positive, call targets and ping locations but nine times out of ten, in ranked solo q, a game is decided by the first team wipe. I can bail out of a lost teamfight and try for far, but I am still 1v2+ once the enemy cleans up. Chances are after that, my team gets farmed on respawn into a snowball match. There is no "gamechanger" or "comeback mechanic" at all.


Furthermore, bots, wintrading, matchmaking, afkers and toxicity. At this point, I feel like the only option is to shut down spvp. At least then the wintraders won't be making money.

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8 minutes ago, Avatar.3568 said:

I saw good players beating bad players without using any traitline 

Thats why I say balance is not always an issue, but it's easy to blame the balance 

It is easy to blame balance, but if bad players are beating good players, and the thing that good players need to do in that situation is swap to the busted build the bad players are using, then it's a balance problem.

It has only been a few weeks into the expansion, but if this sort of thing happened in a serious pvp game, it would have been patched within days. Sadly, with this game, balance problems are left to just .. exist for months or years. It is reasonable to be worried.

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2 hours ago, coro.3176 said:

It is easy to blame balance, but if bad players are beating good players, and the thing that good players need to do in that situation is swap to the busted build the bad players are using, then it's a balance problem.

It has only been a few weeks into the expansion, but if this sort of thing happened in a serious pvp game, it would have been patched within days. Sadly, with this game, balance problems are left to just .. exist for months or years. It is reasonable to be worried.

No, good players will always win against bad players. There are just some builds that offers no effort and are killing easily other bad players, their are 2 different kinds of builds, dps orientated that are mostly glascanons or unkillable bunkers (MENDERS SCOUUUURGE). 

One of them can get countered by focusing, the other promotes stupid afking. If you are good in kiting you will survive an eternity, no one will ever die in a match. 

Some very good players abuse that meta, while very many players completely aboneded the game and some just play because of addiction. 

The best players that are left, gonna play what they need to play, there is actually no balance blamd anymore. It's more of a build wars since Feb 2020. 

Edited by Avatar.3568
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@Avatar.3568 also the february Patch wasnt Bad at all. As mutch as i miss that high energy high numbers gameplay. But the turn down of damage (condi and power) where needed but get never followed. How ever i wouldnt say the Balance is that mutch out of controll (even while im crying sometimes hard). There are actually only some mechanics that are left with no nerfs or some too harsh buffs. (See ya granade engi traitline) How ever that things could see ezy fixes but yea anet somehow manage to nerf them only about time........ large time.

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5 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Avatar.3568 also the february Patch wasnt Bad at all. As mutch as i miss that high energy high numbers gameplay. But the turn down of damage (condi and power) where needed but get never followed. How ever i wouldnt say the Balance is that mutch out of controll (even while im crying sometimes hard). There are actually only some mechanics that are left with no nerfs or some too harsh buffs. (See ya granade engi traitline) How ever that things could see ezy fixes but yea anet somehow manage to nerf them only about time........ large time.

Worst balance patch and series of balance patches ever done to SPvP by far.

It ruined so many builds that used to be fun ways to play in favor of a strict bunker-favored  trash heap that isn't fun to play in at all. At times its actually mind numbing and has been known to cause arrhythmia in certain individuals, and it has lead to entire professions dropping out of the meta completely. After the Healbreaker nerfs, I had teammates afk stating that I was 'throwing' by playing Warrior.

And what are these 'buffs' of which you speak? There hasn't been a single buff to any class besides 1 small buff to ele in the span of 2 years since that update and that was literally on the day of the xpac release.

No, the 2/25/2020 patch was a mistake in every sense of the word. There is no future with this style of balance. It feels like a beta test for a combat system that we already had years to familiarize ourselves with, and a huge step backwards in making SPvP fun to play. 

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On 3/9/2022 at 2:14 AM, Rufo.3716 said:

I honestly really wanted to come back.  I've been craving some go PvP and then I come back to this crap fest.  Easily the most broken complete garbage excuse of PvP I've ever seen for this game.  I'm curious if the devs have addressed this and will be fixing it soon or if they are being a bunch of chicken kittens and not saying a word.  I've been looking for info and haven't seen any.  That leads me to believe they haven't owned up to this screw up. To even release the xpac in the state it is in was really pathetic.  Let alone if they are silent and not even admitting they screwed up badly makes it even worse.


It won't because the community is full of biased players who don't want to admit that their builds are broken and instead complain about ELIXIR GUN, of all skills as being broken XD.  Yeah, so um, 5 guaranteed hits doing 11K of damage from vindicator isn't broken.... float pulsing from harbinger isn't broken.... thieves constantly having no CD between stealthing and cluster bombing or heartseeking you and not being able to be struck isn't broken.... warrior's incredible resistance to immobilization, CCs + high endurance regeneration isn't broken.... Jade Bot's instant revive from 0 HP isn't broken.... Willbender's high burn spikes aren't broken.... Shortbow ranger's CCs and 10+ second of posion PLUS pulsing immobilization that is unblockable isn't broken.... the fact that you can one shot out of stealth on mesmer isn't broken.... elementalist's non-stop barrier generation isn't broken.... 


Not to mention the fact that rangers can switch pets when down to keep healing


Literally every problem with balance right now, when pointed out, is denied by influential members of the GW2 PvP playerbase and that's why fixes aren't implemented.  Because the balance team thinks the state of the game is okay.  It's not.

Edited by memausz.7264
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@memausz.7264 i dont see how the perma resistance of warrior to immob is a problem cause that class is litterly meele only, its allready hard enough to get some classes punished as warr. Made it able to get perma imobed and youll see warrior never get played again. Also the "Regeneration" or better said "if you hit something critical youll get might and heal" System is the simple answer from warrior to classes that perma blind or aegis their f1 skills so they cant stack up Adrenalin heal by defensive traitlines,  actually fair enough. How ever the only "problem" would be the cc skills CD Part compared to stunbrakes but well thats anets Faul not warriors one. (Since they decided to over nerf ccs (cc=0 damage) so they needed to increase the over all stun Brake CDs that warrior Actually get somehow reward for hit them).

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 Well the reason I said the february Patch wasnt Bad at all was cause i could see where they want to go and why they drop that. How ever they never followed that patch back (buff things or bring damage back to specific builds etc). They said that comes cause they wana bring up the next Expansion and left it mostly behind (they do some buffs/nerfs (mostly nerfs) to some meta builds but well most of them wherent enough to shift the meta at all). I gues we should wait Till summer since then they will bring a big Balance Patch also new mechanics (hopefully not only that Banner rework thing) and see what we get.

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Just now, Pati.2438 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 Well the reason I said the february Patch wasnt Bad at all was cause i could see where they want to go and why they drop that. How ever they never followed that patch back (buff things or bring damage back to specific builds etc). They said that comes cause they wana bring up the next Expansion and left it mostly behind (they do some buffs/nerfs (mostly nerfs) to some meta builds but well most of them wherent enough to shift the meta at all). I gues we should wait Till summer since then they will bring a big Balance Patch also new mechanics (hopefully not only that Banner rework thing) and see what we get.

Personally, i'm half-glad they never followed it up given how miserable PvP has been for the past 2 years and the lack of buffs to any profession in that time. No doubt, it would just be another load of power coefficient nerfs and CD increases since that's all CmC can do by their own admission.

There is no hype. There is no long-term plan. There is no sustainability. There is no choice other than to nerf you as well. And there is no doubt in my mind that unless they start backpedaling with that Summer Balance Patch, nothing about this will really change.


A shame.

There was once a time where I would be excited to see a new balance patch; especially a BIG balance patch, but now its only terror and dread. I start sweating and convulsing as I slowly scroll down the patch preview page, praying silently in the back of my mind that the amulet, runes, and sigils I use are still there when I wake up tomorrow and that my skill CD's haven't been increased to take 10% of the average length of a conquest match to recharge once.

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@Shaogin.2679 made sence since the gamemode used to be 5v5 but casuals said "me dont want friends so me get ranked against full Team so its unfair i want solo que" and anet response "okay but we will only test it anyways" and we never get response when that test time actually ends (it hold for idk 6 years now xD)

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